The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 03, 1909, Image 2

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How can a spineless winter have Us
McfcboDe broken? '
Castro smys he's going back to Yene
tuela. We sympathize with the coun
ty. "Street car are loaded witt
microbe," says a college professor
Mean thins to call us.
Athlete, crazed by' drinK. puts 2t
men out of business. This suggests
a new style of training.
About 4.000.000 sugar maple trees"
In the western reserve promise to do
their full duty this spring.
The world Is getting better all the
time. The tobacco trust Is going to
- raise the price of cigarettes.
The price of 'possum is going up
presumably on the theory that any
thing that is fashionable must not be
Tennessee has passed a law to li
cense boxing. Fine! Now It's up to
Nevada to offer a premium on the
The price of cigarettes is going np.
but this won't bother the man who
rets his cigarettes out of the other
man's box.
Burglars in Youngstown stole the
burglar alarm. The blamed things
are expensive, too ought to have a
watchman to protect them.
The latest New York tad Is fighting
duels with wax bullets. Now watch
for the arrival of the man who didn't
know his bullets were made of lead.
The Missouri penitentiary does
not furnish baths to the prisoners.
Punishments are getting milder and
milder, remarks the Cleveland Leader.
One ot our newest mental healers
says that tired feeling is a delusion.
It Is certainly a mighty pleasant delu
sion when one Is able to humor it by
giving it full swing.
Wilbur Wright only charges $600
per for giving lessons in aeronautics.
At the price he must give instructions
as to how to fall gracefully and land
with the least damage.
"How to Be a Cheerful Taxpayer,"
Is the title ot a series of articles be
ing written by a Chicago editor. Send
it to the kaiser. He is in need ot that
sort ot cheerful literature.
Chinese in the Flowery kingdom.
having been forbidden to smoke opi
um, are said to be turning to cheap
whisky. A local-option movement in
China, seems to be about due.
Alaska last year exported products
worth $34.!00.0O0 and imported arti
cles worth $1S,000.000. That left a very
handsome balance of trade in Alaska's
favor and showed that the territory is
getting into line commercially.
King Alfonso seems to be a good
monarch, anxious to deliver Spain
from all traces ot medievalism, and
give her an up-to-date administration,
but it is doubtful it he owes half as
much ot his popularity to the fact that
he Is a good king as to that othei
fact that he is a good fellow. -
Jails as financial centers are some
thing new under the sun. says the
Baltimore American, but Mr. Morse.
the financier during the day, attending
to his usual business and making mon
ey In the ordinary ways, and Morse.
the convict during the night, locked
up in Jail, is decidedly a picturesque
feature ot our complex and curious
modern life.
A Syracuse woman refused a legacy
of $5,000 oa the ground that she be
lieved it was Justly due the nearest
relative ot the decedent. It is omin
ous It the world Is growing this hon
est, for Hamlet long ago declared it a
condition in which doomsday would
be near. But comfort is to be found
in the fact that such startling honesty
is just a very rare exception to prove
a very common rule.
Prof. Arthur Korn of Berlin has per
fected an invention which proves the
theories ot gravitation. He fills
metal globe with water and Imparts vi
bration to the contents with an elec
tric motor. He has thus found it pos
sible to construct an exact working
model of the solar system in water, in
which the planets all move in their ap
pointed paths without any visible sup
port or externally applied power.
"It Is said that the explosion was
caused by one ot the workmen enter
ing aa abandoned portion of the mine
with a lamp, thus igniting a body of
gas.' This is the explanation of
the recent tragedy la the colliery ot
the Erie Coal Company at Port Plan
chard. Pennsylvania. The occupation
ot coal mining is beset with dangers,
aad one ot the greatest of these dan
gers is the recklessness ot ignorant or
thoughtless miners.
The crown prince of Germany thinks
he ran not come to this country In
cognito. True for him. The reporters
would get all he Imvs and then
some before he could cross the gang
The eaar was so angry at the open
ing speech in the Finnish diet that he
dissolved that body and there must
be a new election. The unfortunate
parliament thus cut oft in its infancy
may well echo the historic lament. "It
I was so soon done tor, I wonder what
I was begun tor."
o-riTfr no i iF- '
Legislative Facts and tossip News :
of the State Capital. j
The Appropriations.
The senate Saturday added $S6.000
to the general maintenance bill, or!
current expense bill, over and above ;
me aaou.uvu wuicu me mduve oj ,
and means committee recommended.
It was wiih little or no difficulty that ; l"?s that will conservatively protect
Miller of Lancaster, chairman of the the traveling public and public house
finance committee, had his committee j keepers alike. Mr. Garoutte had with
recommendations adopted. Only in him a section of one of the comforters
one instance did the committee rec- j tj,at the general public sometimes stib
ommend a reduction, a cutting of the ; mits to being quartered under, to-
normal training m high schools from
o.mrn to .du.uui.. ana me enaie
'" lu " ' "c
To the bill outside of the commit
tee recommendations. the senate
added $20,000 for a site for a medical
college of the university, to be pur
chased in Omaha. $5,000 for . hog
cholera experiments, an additional
$3,000 for the attorney general, to be
used in prosecutions, making a total
or sio.uvu. an aaaitionai iu.uuu lor .
the state veterinarian and his assist- j
ants, was added at the request of the
committee on nuance wuica naa over-
looked the work necessary to inspect j
under government quarantine reguia-;
tions. A building for nurses and at-:
tendants at the Norfolk hospital for .
the Insane, which was provided for in
a separate bill, was transferred to the
general appropriations bill at the re- '
quest of Myers of Rock. An item of ;
$15,000 to continue work on the stafe
historical building, which is carried :
in a separate bill, was also trans-
ferred to this bill, and in addition it
reappropriates $15,000 of the total of
$25,000 appropriated two years ago to
start a historical building which has
not been used, but which has lapsed.
The bill as it was introduced in
the house carried a total of $1,958.-
961. As it passed the house it car- ;
ried $1,750,390. The senate added :
$350,000 by its recommendations aud ! state for the retailer must also be in
the senate added $$6,000 more, mak- spected. For this work a fee of one
ing a total of $2,186,390. However, at cent a gallon is to be paid into the
least $47,000 of this amount will be :
deducted from other appropriation :-
bills when they reach the senate. ,
House Sifters Lift Senate Bills.
The house sifting committee held :
short session at 1 o'clock Saturday
ii u niispo me lonowing senate nies:
S. r. 164, Bodinson Remove min- :
erals from school land. !
S. F. 51 To take Dlace of 257. now
cn file. . '
S. F. 10 To take place of 110, now ,
on file. '
S. F. 345. Ban os Defining Iiabili-!
ties of hotel keepers. I
S. F. 28, Fuller Procedure of i
boards of equalization. ;
S. F. 140. Randall For sanitary '
factories. Hacking houses, etc. :
Note S. F. 10 relates to license by
corporation. S. F. ol relates to
change of county attornevs" salaries.
Deficit of $60,000 Item for Wolf
ine senate was too Dusy with
other matters to devote much time to
k;.. v. !
k,. . ... . , , .
at 6 o'clock, but during that time
only one appropriation bill was dis-1
posed of. This was the deficiencv
bill, carrying $30,393. without the
iAnna ir i . .....v- i
by th : house The Iae7 t
M - ... .
- .
chairman of the finance ways and '
means committee. Myers of Rock
and Cammill of Frontier opposed the
striking out of the $60,000 for scalps. !
x, 'T:"?" B"' C!?ea.ted- . I
u," r- -1 . " prtMtfUli
w..t. S . ; .
"'" utpames ironi pay-
r Ti J, . , ' 7' niitted to investigate the rates on the
1 " 14,TOte.rtPmiums paid by surety and fidelity
of the house rilwl tn ,
" -r-CT -i-ki KaiUM Il A trail
vote owing to . the absence of sena- i
tnra fr-r., ,k
i t d i , . .
... ... .. , . present vaca-
tion of roads used ten years exceut
by petition of a majority of the users.
was passed and so was H. R. 512,
creating a board of state officers to
fix maximum rates for fidelity insur
ance companies.
More Power for Commission.
Donohoe's bill. S. F. No. 354. lilac-
Id K all nublic- ;r-l-ii- HimnrsrinH,
- , .
rectty under the control of the state
railway commission, was passed by
the senate by a vote of 32 to 10. It
gives the commission power to value
au puouc service corporations of
whatsoever character, to fix rates and
rules for operation. Appeals from the ! m turn into the state treasury al
orders or rulings of the commission j most $230,000 net each year. Tern
are to be direct to the supreme ' perance votes changed to the side of
Salary of Supreme Clerk.
The senate judiciary committee
Thursday reported for the general tile
H. R, SS, a bill designed to make the
office of the clerk of the supreme
court a salaried office instead of a tee
othce. The bill as it tame from the
... -..
salary, as the case mav be. to $4,000
. . " , .
a year and g.ves the deputy --
-.w m jrci. iw secaie cuniiuiitee
recommended that the bill be amended
by making the deputy reporter's salary
$2,500 a year and by striking out the
emergency clause,
Traveling Men Appear. .
A committee of traveling men com-i
! posed of L. W. Garoutte. H. C. Wyricb?
nd C. D. Edlehian of the board of,
directors of Post C Travelers' Prc-tecV
t,ve association of Lincoln, appeared;
before the general appropriations com-i
j mittee of the legislature Monday night:
for the purpose, of asking for an ap
propriation to be recommended for
. the labor commissioner, m whose
hands the enforcement of the "hotel;
bill"' is placed. It contains an item
sugcjent at ieast for the employment
of one inspector and his expenses
while enforcing the instructions of the
chief. According )o Mr. Garoutte there
need not be a great amount spent by
. ,.- in searching out infrac-
The traveline men.
who are the originators of the bill,
J"se -
getner with a flimsy, frazzled towel
nd a pU,ow slip ,hp EO,e fl,r.
nishinrc of theSxSxGs; ceiline. besides
a three-quarter irca bedstead and a
bowl and pitcher. This wholly unven
tilated and unsanitary "stall" of a
sleeping rocni. the committee stated,
is all too common over the state, and
while the traveling men themselves
are experienced enough to dodge them,
or "kick" the foul furnishings or them-
pe,ves QUt of submittmg to being im
d up3n bv lheir use the geaeTol
bHc are the ones who ratbor t,,.,n
.. k a SCene.- submit for the time
,,; t th hreedine condi-
Want Gcod Beer or None.
The only other bill of any impor
tance that was considered in com
mittee of the whole by the house
was the creation of a beer inspection
department that is intended to secure
pure beer for the thirsty consumer and
at the same time be a source of
revenue for the state. The governor
is to apioint as many deputies as are
needed at salaries of $1 200 a year
each and a chief at a salary of ?2.00C
a Tear- oeer manutacuirea m tue
state to he lr.spectea ana uranueu
to purity. AH beer shipped into the
state treasurv. It is claimed that 800.
fKiO barrels of booze will be affected
bv this bill, or 23,600.000 gallons. Thia
means at one cent a gallon a revenue;
for the state of $256,000. Although:
Sink nointed out that the money will-
have to be jaid bv the retailer oij
liquor wno aireaoy pays a license, ice
house recommended the measure for
passage after amending it thst all
Honor shinned out of the state needi
not be inspected. -Shoemaker tried,
to amend the bill to make the fee one-t
fourth cent of a gallon. . He said mat.
w as enough to pay the expense and
leave a neat sum for the state. He
also hinted darkly that the bill as it
is recommended is unconstitutional
and that he was but trying to save it
in some degree. He did not state cis
constitutional objections.
Killing the Bartcs Bills.
The slaughter which was begun
some weeks ago on the numerous in-
surance Djis 0f Senator Bartcs nas
.,., ,j iviH.i 9it,ihpr of his
', ., - , " mmiIM
measures failed to pass the committee
oi tue ooie. i
202- d thf 6 dTL vet
re at
s h ,ea, i!
upper 1"e "T, 7ot .
treated like molten metal and not a
S 1 " l
enough to it to cast an opposing vote.
Th. C tutr nonr Vill Tpf is 111 the Dal-
ance. and already it has been pruned
to raise the possible dividends for in
surance firms on non-participating pol-
I icies to the stockholders to 8 per
The measure that was killed Friday
.k ...j;.nr ha mvprnnr
I IUtU IUl l"T UUUVIl . .-
- c, . tr1:nr should be IHT-
- .v,w.ami nto
companies aou w
for these concerns upon bonds, con-
; tracts ana supu.-i.-o
t srantea.
- cedigh bill fixing the salary
; . 7 . . ,
ua vuc .--- - v
$2,500 a year with an additional sum
r si sort for his duties as head -t-
hrarian was passed unanimously by
the senate Friday. The salary ot the
reporters was fixed at $2,500 a yeir.
Want Pure Beer.
i Th. hr insnection bill passed the
! . . : vf ltnunr I
ncuse uy a . m ii-- ,n ---
: and temperance votes. Some of the
nHsi radical sunuorters of the brew-
' ers voted for it. Some of the strong-
j temperance and prohibition advo-
s in ih hnnse voted for it- It
received onlv 53 votes, although it
, ,k hii nassed it
Net Weight Bill Endorsed.
. The house Friday afternoon recom-
3 mended for passage the Smith bill. H-
R 4S6. as amended by the committee
: on miscellaneous subjects. The
amendments provide for the incorpora-
! t,on ol lar i .su.u
; branding as to weight.
The Bationl Pre f.xMl at leaves
the matter of branding weights op-
Uo,la, wilh the food manufacturer and
provides that when net weight is stat
,i ina, it must be correct.
The clause relating to bleached flour
' allows the sale of bleached flour in
j x0braska.
What Is Going On Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Ne
braska. Killed His Wife's Parents.
News . reached Alliance Tuesday
forenoon of a - brutal double murder
which occurred Monday night near a
small town named Provo, just across
the line in South Dakota.
The man who did the killing was
Dick Barton, and the victims were the
parents of his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
The murder was a fiendish one. the
brains of the victims having been
beaten out with an ax.
After the commission of the crime
Barton beat his wife, and threatened
to kill her, until she promised not
to tell who had killed the old people
until he had ample opportunity to
make his escape from the country. In
order to save her life the woman
promised, but no sooner had her hus
band departed before she gave the
alarm to a near neighbor, and from
there it spread unal a posse was or
ganized for pursuit.
canon upon leaving tooK some
baggage and a team. The baggage he
checked to Crawford, but he himself
drove to Edgemont, where, while at
tempting to dispose of his outfit, he
was captured.
Prior to Barton's arrest at Edge
mont a neighbor ranchman of his, a
member of the posse pursuing him
made an attempt to kill Barton on
sight, but was prevented from doin
so by the sheriff and his assistants.
Feeling at Edgemont, and through
out the locality where the tragedy
occurred, is said to run high and
threats of lynching Barton are numer
ous and pronounced.
The crime is supposed to be the
result of domestic troubles.
Cuming County Centenarian.
Mrs. Dora Harstick, of St. Charle:
township. Cuming connty, reached her
one hundredth year Friday and is,
without doubt the oidest woman in
north Nebraska. She has been a resi
dent of Cuming county nearly fifty
years, arriving here with her husband
in the year 1S60. She is the grand
mother of twenty-three children and
the great-grandmother of . thirty.
Among her grandchildren is W. H
Harstick, the present county clerk of
that county. A celebration of her
birthday was held at her home. To
all appearances she will live for some
years, her health not having appreci
ably declined.
Wounded With Shotgun.
Edward Larson, a young man living
about one-half miie southeast of t'eh-
lmg. is suffering from a gunshot
wound that came near proving fatal
He lives with his parents, but on last
Thursday he went to the home of
his brother Harvey, nearby. He asked
to borrow a shotgun. When it was
given to him he left the house and
no sooner had he gone outside than
a report of the gun was heard. The
load was discharged into his left
breast, but at such an angle as to
barely miss the heart. The force of
it was somewhat averted by the angie
dim giiut;iug 1 1 tint t lit: iius.
one of
which was shattered.
Friend Had Costly Fire.
The grocery store of C. W. San-
burn, and the barber shop of Fred
Schmidt, located on Maple street, at
Friend, were burned at an early hour
Saturday morning.- The firemen suc
ceeded in quenching the blaze before
the buildings were totally consumed.
but everything in the barber shop is
burned, but little salvage remaining
in the building occupied by Mr. San
burn. The buildings were owned by
Norman Warren. It is difficult to esti
mate the loss but insurance to the
amount of $1,800 was carried. $700
on buildings and $1,100 on stock and
New Alfalfa Mill.
The York Alfalfa Milling company
is the name of a new corporation Just
organized for operation in York. The
management has bought the building
in North York formerly occupied by
the Fairmont Creamery company, and
work will commence at once install
ing about $15,000 worth of new ma
1 ! i .
chinery, with a capacity of twenty-
i concern.
I v Injured by Being Thrown.
J Mrs. John Siler. of Humboldt, was
j thrown from buggy Saturday after-
noon and sustained a severe fracture
of the left arm. The accident re
sulted from the team taking fright
at a passing automobile. The victim
is middle-aged, the wife of one of the
well-known farmers of that section.
Heddendorf and Criser Held.
The preliminary hearing of George
Criser and Benjamin Heddendorf. who
were charged with killing W. C. Dil
lon near Stamford last week Wed
nesday, was held and the boys were
bound over to the district court with
out bail by County Judge Shelhurn.
The attorneys for the defense were
Perry & Lamb of Beaver City, and
John Everson and J. G. Thompson of
Alma. The defense made an effort
I ot get the boys out on bail, but the
j judge refused it. Criser was taken
to the Holdrege jail and Heddendorf
to the Red Cloud Jail
State News and Notes in Condensed
There are probably twenty cases of
smallpox in the vicinity of Hampton,
all in a mild form, however.
The Midwest Life lo!d Iine wants
good local agents all over Nebraska
Write to Home Office at Lincoln for
Auburn people anl papers are talk
ing about $20,000 depot that the Mis
souri Pacific railroad threatens to
build in that town.
William Erbart died at his home
seven miles southwest of l-ouisville
Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock from
pneumonia, at the ago of fcrty-nine
The annual conference of the Sev
enth Day Adventists is in scss-on in
Hastings. A good attendance is bad
and an elaborate program has been
It is the carefully formed opinion
of the Humboldt Leader man that
the woman who can wear this sea
son's brand of headgear and stiil re
main attractive, is a 'lalapa'oosa and
no mistake."
A government expert will this wwl:
begin the building of one mile of good
road at Fairbury, in Jefferson county.
just to "show" the people. The com
missioners have given $500 for the
purpose, and the sample highway will
connect the city with the cemetery.
The Cass county teachers" associa
tion held its annua meeting at Loui.
ville in the high school bunding.
About two hundred teachers were
present together with a Jarge number
of the patrons of the Louisville
Ernest Hess was seriously injured
at Albion by being run over by
lumber wagon. Hs was riding into
town in a wagon with a number of
other boys and in attempting to get
out at the side, slipped and fell nnder
the wheels. It is not known jnst
what the extent of his injuries is.
Major D. E. McCarthy, cbief quar
termaster of the department of the
Missouri has just received authority
from the quartermaster general of the
United States army to enter into ne
gotiations for the lease of the Ash
land target range for the nse of the
regular army for the three months
beginning April 1.
A volunteer fire department has
been organized by the citizens of Yu-
tan. A full quota cf officers were
elected and that town 13 now assured
cf organized fire fighting. Yutan's
new water plant is now completed
and is an excellent system. The
citizens are justly proud of their new
The largest single consignment of
sheep that has been received in Fre
mont this year was fed at the stock
yards Tuesday night. The shipment
consisted of eighty carloads, made op
in three trains. It came in over the
Union Pacific from Greeley. Colo., and
was sent out over the Northwestern
for the Chicago market yesterday
The case of the state of Nebraska
vs. Nocola Galoro and Joseph Cos-
mano, the Greeks who did the shoot
ing at Uettting recently, has been
carried to the district court, tran
script of the proceedings in Dodge
county court having been filed. They
are charged with shooting with intent
to kill and shooting with intent to dc
great bodily injnry.
The preliminary hearing of young
Critser and Heddendorf. the two boy
charged with murdering William Dil
lon, a recluse who was found dead at
his home near Oxford last week, wa
held Thursday. After the boys were
run to cover by the Beatrice blood
hounds they confessed to murdering
Mr. Dillon, but since being lodged -in
jail they tell different stories.
The suit of $7,000 damages, begui.
almost a year ago by Mrs. Annie
Galtry against James P. McCarthy.
Wymore ex-saloon keepers, and his
two bending companies, was disposed
of Wednesday in district court.
settlement having been reached he-
tween the plaintiff and the defendant
bondsmen, a special session of court
was called to dispose of the case. The
court rendered judgment in favor ol
Mrs. Galtry and allowed her damages
in the sum of $250.
A life insurance company is a finan
cial institution which furnishes money
tc the family of the man who dies
holding a policy in the company. ' It
stands in precisely the same relation
to the individual that the fire insur
ance company does to the house in
which he lives. If your home is fully
insured in a fire company and it barns,
yoii are paid its value. If it is not in
sured the fire company pays you
itotbing. Yon carried your own risk,
and not the company. But you can
not carry the risk on your own life,
although you may on your property.
This risk must be carried either by
5 cur family or some life insurance
company. Which of the two is the
better able to assume it. the family or
the company T Upon which of the two
will the toss be less severe? And upon
whom do you prefer to leave the risk,
upon the family or the company?
The Midwest Life of Lincoln issnes
all the standard forms of policies.
The village of Diller. in Jefferson
county, will vote on the proposition of
a bond issue to install a water worti
system at the coming election. An
agitation for fire protection was start
ed in Diller some time ago by per
sistently keeping at it the boosters
of the proposition have at last gotu-n
the matter before the peop in a
tangible form. It is said that w;t
of the people of the village Tavor a
water works system and that the bond
proposition will probably carry. The
village of Western, over in Saline
county, will also voe on a bond isue
for the same purpose at the coming
election. .
-HI. yon. Willie! War 4-- mar?
"Nntbin". I'm trainia" Zir a Mara
Eczema on Hand. Arms. Legs andk
FaceIt Was 8omethr 3 Terrible.
Complete Core by Ciit:cura.
'About fifteen or ei-i"n years
ago eczema developed oa too of my
hand. It burned aad t'ec'-f ro snob
that I was compelled to how it to at
doctor. He pronounced it riaxworaa.
After trying his differeat rSBMies the
disease increased and wea. nj my
arms and to my legs aaJ, ltf-3.Zj oa my
face. The burning waa oilliiog
terrible. I went to another doctor who
had the repotaifem of ain; the best
in town. He told me i". eczema.
His medicine checked the ai?aae of
the disease, but no further. I finally
concluded to try the Co"krara. Reme
dies and found relief in ti? tint trtaL
I continued until I was completely
cored from the disease, aad I have'
not been troubled since. C. jirrrkharT.
236 W. Market St, ChaaiberaVrrg. Pa,
Sept. 19, 1903.-
Taking No Charges.
Yon always speak kia.Ity to year
wife?- said the prying friend.
"Always." aaswered Mr. Mekto.
"I never think of giving H-anetta
harsh word."
"Because you believe ia raHng by
No. Because self-?rervatk is
the first law of aatnre.-
How'$ This?
W er Om W ml ill I i Deb.- Bnrr mrr
M nam ttu .ami hm c-jrrS fry Wmi'm
Wf. tb ! I mm . krcr Uk- F. t.
Tafce Had Fwt rot tar rnnom
The Next War Pfay.
"What properties will we need tor
the battle scene?"
-None whatever. The -ix wCI be
bare. The men are suppose! to he
wearing invisible uniform aad lr1sC
smokeless powder fronx aoiseiess
Safe and Sore.
Among the aaediene tktt are 'm
mended and enoonwd by pbyocsns awi
nones is Kemp's Balaam, til-? best enwis
cure. For many years K !w bees rrsard-
ed by doctors as the caedieise nnt Msety
to cure coogha, and it k a aCroo- hoid
on the eteen of ail weH-Htsnrani yimim.
When Kemp's Batass onoc cere a mdi
we shall be at a loss te knmr what wiL
At druggists' aad dealers", '2Jc.
The Writer's Child Pa. what as
The Writer Penary, my son. Is the)
wages of the pen.
feast. vrav tttmr Em
Reneved bv Murine Eye ImbI;. Cc
pounded bjr Experienced PtiTJienajk. Mi
rine Doeim't ftmart: SnM,w E7 P.
Write Murine !Eye RtndT "Ou. Tn.
for illustrated Eye Book. At Pna-gtma.
A woman is always score erwnomt
cal than a man. Where a man will
manufacture a lie out of the whote
cloth a woman will sse the reiaaaata.
Your working power depend yeor
health! arneid Tea eorrerti. Aonter
bver. kidnerw. stomach at bowei: orr
cones constipation, pwnnes tie Mood
brings eood healto.
A good singer can always make
women cry by singing -Homxv Sweet
Home.- So many neopie long for s
home, and so few nave one. ,
Pettit's Eye Salve First Sold in 1SC7
I0 years ago. sales increase ytuh. wawder
fal remedy ; cored miDioas weak rr. A
druggists or Howard Kro. Boii. X. Y -
A man ought to know a great deal
to acquire a knowledge ot the im
mensity of his igsoranee.-
WTfjgt t HW.U T! m TO) IS DIT.
PATU OtSTM BTTT io rtnmi t to rsnr rwmm
It's easy for a man's wife to dress
wen if his creditors can aSord if.
A man talks shoot tove as thewen
he felt ashamed of tae caaversaxJeaw
How can a spineless winter have Its
backbone broken?
Love is not feUnd. box. t&ose whsss
It affects are.