f Id Mademoiselle Jolie's Hirrh C By John Louis (Copyright, by Dally "Ah-b-h-h-h-h!" The note was long, loud, clear, full and smooth. With Its sudden, bril liant attack and soft, gradual cadence it disturbed fantastically the silence of the night. "As God lives." cried Angelo, "the Hish C of my dreams!" He rushed into the hall and knocked staccato agitato on the landlady's door. She knew that knock of An gelo's. . "I'm going to bed, aignor," she called, cruelly. "Good night." "One word, most merciful of land Indies!" begged Angelo. "See, so as not to wake your blessed and respect able roomers, I fall on my knees and whisper through the keyhole. That High C-r-that heavenly HighC! Whose was it?" The landlady laughed most irrele vantly and irreverently, thought An gelo. "Mile. Jolie's," she answered. "Mademoiselle caie here only to-day. She's contralto soloist at the ten-cent vaudeville." '"Contralto!"' groaned Angelo. "But that High C! Coloratura or nothing!" "She's trying to raise her voice to a soprano," explained the landlady, "Walt, Signor Angelo-" and she opened the door ever so little and handed him a photograph. "Made- moiselle's, in costume " with another little laugh. "Good night. Feast on her beauty In your dreams." "Most charming of landladies," cried Angelo, "I kiss your you withdraw your hand? Then I kiss this blessed keyhole and this thrice blessed pic ture! Signora, good night." And An gelo hurried back to his room. For a long lime he sat in darkness trembling with eagerness, with hope, with despair. Then he dared light the lamp. But even then he dared not "When I Heard Your Heavenly High C, Little One." look at the picture. What if that dl- (vine High C came from a throat not shapely and swan-like? What if mademoiselle had a bad nose, frizzy hair, a Bet and implacable mouth? Surely the gods "Jolle," murmured Angelo, tenderly. "With such a name she must be beau tlful!" So he turned up the light and looked at the photograph. "Thou art beautiful, little one almost as beau tiful aa thy supernal High C. Thy hair it must be Titian. Thy skin it must be as white as the moon. Thy little nose no, It is not too retrousse. Thy little mouth no, it Is not too big." He rose tremulously and drew -the frayed tapestry across the one window, "No one must see us, little one and no one must hear what we say." He went to the door and stuffed his hand kerchief into the keyhole, then re turned to the picture, which he clasped with eager fingers. "Little one, I in troduce myself to you. I am only An gelo but 1 had the bliss of being born in Milan the musical, the di vine. I have been in this terrifying America long years trying to teach the art of singing, trying to build voices where there are none, trying to create High C's halt as round and full as yours. Alas, the unkind horror of it all!" He hurried to the door, took his handkerchief from the keyhole, wiped the tears from his eyes, then stuffed it into the keyhole again. "Most exquisite of mademoiselles!" he exclaimed, returning and pressing the picture to his breast, "I am poor frightfully. I am old dreadfully. I am ugly unspeakably. But I cherish a superb ambition! Listen, little one. Almost one year ago I gave up teach ing forever. I saved 'a little money on which I planned to live one year J one year to the day, the hour, the minute. In this year I was to write the great opera. The theme had haunt ed me for a quarter of a century. It had dogged, deafened, blinded, choked, stifled me, demanding my life, my soul, until I had to surrender myself to it unreservedly. The great opera had to be written. It had to write it self through me. But alas where should I find the voice? I began the awful search. I went to operas, musical comedies, churches and con certs. The days, the weeks, the months slipped by and I found it not. 1 hunted for it everywhere in the street, in poverty's holes. In vain. So to-night with but one week of my year left I had given up hope when I heard your heav enly High C,. little one and oh, the jburden it lifted from my soul. In this one little week I shall write the great j 1 1 Berry Story Pub. Co.) opera but you must not fail me! For at the year's beginning I -vowed that if at its end I had not written the opera and found the voice, I should die. See, here is the pistol, loaded here, beside you on the table Hush! your High C again?" He listened. "No, only my imagination. Well, I kiss your lily hand anyway ah, you have no hand? Your cherry lips, you say? No, no, I am not worthy. Just the hem of your garment ah, but I see you haven't any cn! See, as a com promise, I kiss the name of the pho tographer. Thrice happy man to have posed you!" Angelo placed Mile. Jolie upon his little old wobbly piano, draped a wreath of withered autumn leaves around her, blew out the light, drew back the window curtain, then in a moonbeam sat down to compose. The Muses mukt have been aiting round about, for in a moment he was playing softly. The inspiration fairly flowed. Angelo was in heaven. That greatest of joys, the, joy of artistic creation, was his. He played a long time un til the moon went down. Then by the yellow lamplight he wrote down what he had played. For two days and a night he slept but little and ate nothing; the divine fire needs no replenishing! The hap piness that the years had denied him was his at last to measureless extent. Like Israfel's, his heart-strings were a lute, and the Cosmos itself was busy playing upon him! The second night he felt a quite earthly faintness within him. "I am not hungry, little one," he said to Mademoiselle Jolie, "it is simply my stomach." ' Early next morning there was a knock on Angelo s door. He knew the landlady's peremptory tap, so, shiver ing with terror, did not answer. But the landlady knew Angelo, too. She threw a little card through the tran som and then laugned mat jarring laugh of hers. A ticket to the vaudeville to-night, signor," she called. "Mademoiselle Jo lie, who is much interested in you, wants you to hear her new song." Angelo sat motionless. With horror- struck eyes he gazed at the ticket on the floor. It was red. It seemed tc burn. It seemed .to burn into him. Vaudeville! A ten-cent show! In stinctively he put on his goggles and stuffed his ears with cotton. Go? Never! He awoke late the next morning. The most golden of sunbeams lay across him, but alas! the landlady's strident voice was calling him through the transom. "Signor Angelo!" "Yes." "Mademoiselle Jolie was terribly cut up because you weren't at the vaude ville last night. She leaves for a swing around the circuit the end of the week and wants to see you before she goes." All that day he worked feverishly unremittingly. mat nignt tne. com passionate gods pressed down his eye-j lids and made him sleep. In the morn-j ing he dared write a little note tot Mademoiselle Jolie stating that hel should do himself the honor of calling on her that night after the theater. More singular still, he dared tiptoe, down the hall and slip it under her. door. ' That evening with the ending of An- gelo's year came the finishing of An- gelo's opera. The wretched little piano was glad. So was Angelo's scratchy pen. So must have been the overworked muses. In the remains of his ancient dress suit Angelo, primped, pruned and primed, waxed, polished and perfumed. sat waiting. He was dreadfully ex cited. He was hot and cold by turns But he was resolute. As the -clock struck 11 he heard) footsteps on the stairs. They were rather heavy, but whose could they be but Mademoiselle's? He waited awhile so she might . have time to change her frock, then with a glacier around his heart and a mountain in his throat he went out into the hall. Yes, there was the light under her door. In a daze, a maze somehow he moved toward it, knocked, esQered and found himself face to face with a vision of loveliness beyond the wild est dreams of amorous sultans. "Say, old man, this is too good,' laughed Mademoiselle Jolie, in her deepest contralto. "You're daffy on me, ain't you? Well, look here. And she took off her golden hair, her bosom and her hips. "Say, grandpa, I'm just a nice, clever little half-way decent man, that's all WiUie Wil- kins, the greatest female impersona tor on earth!" No "Peaceful" Boycott There. This significant news item relative to the ending of the Chinese boycott against Japanese goods was printed in a Shanghai newspaper: "Although or der has been restored in Hongkong, the fear struck into the hearts of own ers and employes of shops in Can ton and Macao selling Japanese goods has been such, owing to the conduct of the secret Bociety men In Hongkong, that in both cities the shops in question have taken down their sign boards. The 'Do or Die' men have, however,, given out that they are ready to cut off the ears of all offenders the moment they are dis covered trafficking in the forbidden goods." MEMBER OF GERMAN EMBASSY nifyj., ; i ... II 'holograph copyright by CHnedlnst, Washington, D. C. Count von Wedel, newly appointed at Washington, who recently arrived in this country. He succeeds Count Hatzfeldt, who has been promoted to the post of minister to Cairo, Egypt. KEEPS RIVAL IN JAIL BUT IT COSTS BELLEVILLE, ILL., MERCHANT $1.50 A DAY. Competitor Happy in Cell Takes Plenty of Tobacco Along and Is Willing to See Other Man Pay Costs. Belleville, 111. The board and lodg ing of Harry Joseph, a prisoner for debt in the Belleville jail, is being paid for at the rate of $1.50 a day by Harry Rosenberg, whj had put him liiere. They are rival clothing merchants at Lebanon, 111. Rosenberg sued Jo seph for $2,000, alleging that Joseph slandered him and said things about him which injured his credit as a mer chant. Before the case went to trial there was an agreement by which Rosenberg accepted a judgment of $50 against Joseph. But he didn't get the money. Joseph refused to i,ay, alleging that he did not have any property above the valua of $400, which was exempt from judgment under, the law. To make matters worse for Rosen berg the court decided that as Joseph had no seizable assets the costs in the case, amounting to $28.30, would have to be paid by the plaintiff. So, instead of being $50 ahead as a result of the litigation, Rosenberg was aut money. "Isn't there any wa? I can get even with him?" he asked his lawyer. "Yes, you might use a capias ad satisfaciendum on him." "Is that a single-barreled or a double-barreled weapon?" j "Single, I think. I'll look it up," said the lawyer. Rosenberg told him to go ahead. Too pate he learned that the weapon was :double-barreled. ' Under the authority of an old statute the capias was served on Joseph. This iprovides that in a case where a debt is contracted through a violation of jthe law the person to whom the money is owed can have the debtor impris oned for a term not to exceed one year. But be must pay the debtor's board to the state. Joseph was taken to the Belleville jail and locked up. He kissed his wife and baby toy good-by and took with Ihim a plentiful supply of smoking to bacco, books and magazines. . As he was being taken into the jail he said: ' "All right. I'll stay here as long as Rosenberg pays the bill. Business 'is bad anyway, ojid 1 might as well Joaf in jail." " . Joseph'? imprisonment has pre sented a utrange legaj tangle to mem- jbers of the Belleville bar. It is the first time tbe statute has ever been jenforced in St. Claire county and law yers are talking of nothing else, j Joseph himself is not asking for egal advice. "I'll stick and make Ro senberg spend his money on me," he rays. " ' "What could I do?" said Rosenberg to a reporter. "He wouldn't pay me. i "Yes, I've got to spend money for liis board. But when I get mad I don't care for money. "He talks bad about me. I sue him. :We compromise. He owes me $50 and he hangs the costs on me, too. Vouldn't that make anybody mad. "I can't get my money, i put him in jail. Yes, I pay his board. That's the only way I can keep him in jail." "Well, he's got me, all right," said Joseph smiling. "Jail isn't such a nice place, but I can stand it. I wasn't in business for myself. I opened a store 'in Lebanon for Harry Shapiro of St. Louis. That made Rosenberg . maVl. He didn't want competition in the clothing business. "I got mad, too, and I Laid some 1 counselor of the German embassy thing about him and he had me ar rested. Maybe it was slander. I don't know. "We settled for a $50 judgment. When I told him I could not make good he offered to take $20. But I wouldn't give him one cent. "I don't know how long I'll have to stay in jail maybe six months. AH right. I'll stick till Rosenberg gets tired of paying my board. I've got it fixed so my wife and children will be cared for." ' PUBLIC PRINTING COST GREAT. Bill fer Year 1905 Over $7,000,000, According to Report. Washington. Constant growth of cost of public printing has increased this item of public expense from $200, 000 in 1840 to more thann $7,000,000 in 1905, according to the report of the printing investigation commission, created four years ago, which recently submitted to congress a report cover ing its extensive inquiry. The com mission consists of the two commit tees on printing of the two houses of congress, and Senator Piatt is its chairman. The report states that under recent legislation 279,598,837 printed pages, including such expensive publications as the Congressional Record, the pub lications of the geological survey and the year book of the department of agriculture, were eliminated from the surplus printing which had formerly been piling up in warehouses to be finally condemned and sold as waste. This printing was an undistributed surplus, these copies being equivalent to 559,197 volumes of 500 pages each for the year 1907. These publication;: had been piling up until there were more than 9,500 tons in storage, enough to fill an ordinary railroad train more than three miles long. Rent for that portion of these publi cations stored outside of government buildings was more 1 than $13,500 a year. Is Oldest Funeral Goer Pennsylvania Woman, Now 81, Has Attended 4,007 Obsequies. Pottstown, Pa. A peculiar fascina tion to attend funerals, that seemed to have . charmed her when yet a lfttle girl, and which she has been unable to resist in her long life of more than 81 years, has given Mrs. Rebecca Went zel a reputation far and wide as a mourner for everybody's dead. "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone," does not apply to her, as her record -of attending 4,007 funerals attests. In her-carefully kept diary she has noted that of these funerals there were 17 double ones of children, 11 where husband and wife were buried togeth er, and seven where three persons of one family were interred at the same time. In one of the latter cases a mother and two of her children were laid in one grave. In talking of one of the triple fu nerals, Mrs. Wentzel recalled a cloud burst many years ago that resulted in the drowning of three members of one family at Mauger's Mill, near this town. Mrs. Joseph Went'zel, daughter of Jacob Mauger, the proprietor of the mill, had gone from her home here with her fi e children to help pull flax at the old homestead. A cloudburst about eventide had swollen the mill race, but Mrs. Wentzel's brother, Henry Mauger, felt confident he could drive her and her children across in safety, so they could reach home; but the waters engulfed the rig, and three of the children and the horse were UNEARTH AN OLD LEDGER. Order for Sword from Gen. WinflelfJ Scott Found in Records. Chicopee, Mass. An ld ledger 'dat ing back to 1836 has been unearthed in the attic of the Ames Sword Company, and is a striking commentary of early times. - From a glance' through the pages of the ledger one would think the whole country was being armed for war. The early struggles of Texas as an independent state can be traced bit by bit by orders recorded in the book. One of the most famous swords turned out by the firm was one de signed for Gen. Winfteld Scott; The order was sent by the Mexican war hero December 11, 1843. The sword was of the very finest steel and was heavily finished with gold mountings. The famous old Washington Light infantry of Charleston, S. C, presented on of Its captains, Henry Ravenel, with one of the Ames swords Febru ary 22, 1837. Capt. James Armstrong, one of the family of famous American sea fighters, purchased a navy sword September 1, 1837, while two years later the citizens of St. Augustine pre sented Lieut. W. R. Hanson, U. S. A., with a sword costing $150. Orders for swords from foreign countries are noted in the ledger and large quantities of ordinary swords were sent to Texas and Mexico. Sev eral noted bells are also included in the list of orders. . The ledger covers a period of eight years. HIS STOMACH A JUNK SHOP. Human Ostrich Swallows Many Indl gestible Things. Ottawa, Ont. As showing the extent to which the human stomach can be made the receptacle of articles not of the ordinary food list, Dr. Burgess, medical superintendent of the Protes tant Hospital for the Insane, Montreal, reports a remarkable case that recent ly came under his care. The patient, who had been an inmate for nine years, was so secretive about his ab normal taste that it was entirely un suspected by his attendants. The ar ticles taken from his stomach were: Three bundles of broom fiber, one piece of whalebone, eight inches long; one piece of insulating tape, seven inches long; one bundle of hair, one four-inch nail and a piece of wire, bound with string; one three-inch nail with a piece of cloth attached, one piece of wire, four inches long; one button hook, six pieces of tobacco pipe stem, 21 tobacco tags, 39 small pieces of wire, four screws, one paper fasten er, one boot-eye, two pium stones, one piece of twisted picture wire, nine pieces of glass, nine pieces of iron, one steel spring, one iron nut, one piece of stone half an inch square, an other piece an inch long, half an inch wide and half an inch thick; 27 pins, five one-inch nails, 52 two-inch nails, seven 2-inch nails, 32 three-inch nails, one five-inch nail, one horse shoe nail, four tacks and four hairpins, "COFFEE HABIT" GRIPS AMERICA, United States Leads World in Im portation of That Commodity. Washington. In the consumption of coffee and cacao the United States leads the world, while it holds third rank among the nations in her im ports of tea. The imports amount to more than one-third of the coffee, near ly one-fourth of the cacao and about one-seventh of the tea entering the world's markets. The "coffee habit" has evidently grown upon the people of the United States, the per capita consumption of this article in 1878 being 6.24 pounds, while in 1888 it was 6.81 pounds. In 1898 it had increased to 11.68 pounds, and in 1908 it was 10.04 pounds, ac cording to figures of the bureau of sta tistics of the department of commerce and labor.- During the same period the annual per capita consumption of tea decreased from 1.33 to 1.07 pounds. In cacao the importations in 1908 were more than three times as large as in 1898. drowned. After a thrilling struggle the lives of the other two children, their mother and the driver were saved. , Despite her advanced years and increasing decrepitude, Mrs. Wentzel is still a familiar figure at funerals hereabouts and says that as long as she is able she expects to hear the preacher's solemn "Earth to earth.1 STORK BEATS GRIM REAPER, French Race Suicide Scare Is Finally Ended. Paris. Has the French birth rate taken a turn upward at last? For the first time for very many years the last statistics show a considerable in crease. These cover the first six months of 1908, as half-yearly returns are now made. Compared with ,the first half of 1907 the corresponding period of last year denotes a remarkable im provement. In the first six months of 1907 the death rate showed an ex cess of 55,007 over the birth rate. If that proportion continued the French people must necessarily die out. But the corresponding period of 1908 has turned the tables. In those six months births exceeded deaths by 11,066. The difference is due not only to the fact that the death rate was lowered from 457,000 to 390,000, but also to a net increase of births, which rose from 402,000 to 411,000. , Sociolo gists who have long raised the alarm of depopulation rejoice, and cry that the tids has turned at last. - HER PHYSICIAN ADVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound . Columbus. Ohio. "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'n Vegetable Com- pounu uuriug change of life. My doctor told me it was good, and since taking it I feel so much better that 1 can do all my work again. I think Lycua is. iinKcam s Vegetable Com pound a fine remedy for all woman's troubles, and 1 never f orjret to tell my friends what it has done for me." Mrs. E. Hanson, 304 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio. Another woman Helped. Graniteville. "Vt. "I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's vege- tame uompouna restored my neaunana strength, and proved worth mountains of gold to me. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter." Mrs. Charles Barclay, B.F.D., Granite ville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, in almost every commu nity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Bad Breath. A well-known physician, who undoubtedly knows, declares that bad breath has broken off more matches than bad temper. There are ardent lovers who must sometimes wish their sweethearts presented sweeter mouths to be kissed. Good teeth cannot prevent bad breath when the stomach is disordered. The best cure for bad breath is a, cleansing' out of the body by use of Lane's Family . Medicine .' (called also Lane's Tea) the tonic laxative. N This is a herb medicine, sold in 25c. and 50c packages by drug gists. It saves doctor bills. It cures headache, backache, in--digestion, constipation and skin diseases. 25c. at druggists. RHEUMATISM I want every chronic rheumatic to throw away all medicines, all liniments, all plasters, and give MCNYON'S RHEUMA TISM REMEDY a trial. No matter what your doctor may say, no matter what your friends may say, no matter how prejudiced JOU may be against all adver tised remedies, go at once to your drng- flat and get aTottle of tne RHEDMA ISM REMEDY. If It f alia to give satis faction,! will refund yoar money. Manyon Remember this remedy contains no sal icylic acid, no opium cocaine, morphine or otuer barmrui drags, it is put up unaer the guarantee of the Pore F9?4 SbA.?? For sale by an druggists. ' trice. 25c.'"" SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. CARTERS They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. , A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. ITTLE IVER PILLS. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simi'e Signature CARTERS tjittle If IVER 1 1 PILLS. aCaaLaaBiml REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. nrriAlirr CTARPII easiest to work with and ULMftnbt 9 1 HIH.I1 .tarcbea clothe. nlcut- Stop Coughing! Nothing break, down tba healduo quickly and positively aaapersistent cough, if yon have a coush aire It attention now. Yon on leliem it quickly with PISO'S CURE. Famous for half a century a. the reliable remedy for caught, cold, hoarseness, brachial, asthma and kindred ailments. Fine for children. At all druggists', 2S cts. - iJl ) 3f f