The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, March 06, 1909, Image 7

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Justice George E. Law Has Broken All
George E. Law, Justice of the Peace,
13 Franklin St., Brazil, Ind., is
The census branch of tho Depart
ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada,
has completed Its returns of the show
ing of Western Canada's grain yield
for 1908, and the reports make very
interesting reading. In the three prov
inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, which comprise what may be
known as Central Canada, there was a
total wheat yield of about 107,000,000
bushels, worth to the farmer about
$85,000,000; in addition to this the oat,
barley and flax crops were worth an
other $35,000,000. Letters have been
received from many of the settlers
from the United States. From these,
that of Rev. Oscar L. King has been
elected, lie lives in the vicinity of
Edmonton, Alberta, and what he says
will be of interest to those who con
template moving to. Central Canada.
Every line of the letter is Interesting.
Those who wish for the particulars as
to how to secure homesteads and pre
emptions should write any Canadian
Government agent. Mr. King says:
"Mr. M. V. Mclnnnes, Detroit, Mich
igan: I am well "satisfied with Al
berta. This country offers excellent
opportunities for anyone to. make a
Eood home for himself and family
if he is willing to put up with a few
hard knocks for the first two or three
years. But It is worth a few hard
knocks to get a 160-acre farm of rich,
productive land with no mortgage on
it. This province is well fitted for
grains, stock raising and dairying. We
have found the climate generally
healthful, more healthful than Mich
igan, and although the thermometer
sometimes drops to 40 degrees below
sero in winter, yet we do not seem to
feel that temperature any more than
we did 5 or 10 degrees below zero in
Michigan. We like the winters.
"The Government takes great inteK
est in the education of the people and
quickly aids the settlers in establish
ing schools where they are called for.
The schools, though graded differently
than those in the States, are efficient
and advancing. Our great drawback
has been the limited and inadequate
railway facilities, but new roads are
being rapidly built and many more
are projected through various parts
of the province. The new policy of
the Alberta government to construct
a great many branch lines throughout
the province will greatly help all parts
of tho country. If those new settlers
who have to go back a considerable
distance from existing railroads and
towns to find free homesteads will
but locate along the line of a project
ed railroad they will in two or three
years be near both town and railroad.
When I first came to this country
three and a half years ago the home
stead I took was 75 miles from a rail
road town; now there is a railroad 25
miles north, another 25 miles south,
and a third Is being built through my
"I think the prairie country or coun.
try that is partly prairie offers much
better opportunities than the hilly
portions." "
Wise Men.
Once 'pon a time a man dumb a
tree ter git rid of a mad bull, a hur
ricane come 'long an' blowed him an'
de tree down; den he crawled inter
a hole In de groun', ter hide frum de
hurricane, an' please God, here come
a yearthquake an' swallowed 'im
shoes an' all. I tell you, folks, It's
a wise man what know how ter dodge
trouble! F. L. S., in Atlanta Consti
tution. Seems But Yesterday.
"I heard a girl say to-day that th
Trilby craze was before her time. Sh
was grown, too."
"What's the answer?"
"We are growing old, my boy. W
are growing old."
That la I.AXAT1V B 11KOMO QU1NINK. Lonk fol
tbs slgumlur. of K. W. (IKUVK. l.'sed tba World
r tu CuruaCula In One Day. 25o.
Silence isn't always golden. Some
times It is an admission of guilt.
Pittsburg is beginning to get the
smoke out of its eyes.
Life does net make us, we make
life. Kavanagh.
Keep It on Hand!
vanM aad cold, nay arse mar
nmnbei cf the (amilr anjr maoe.
KlaDyabad cold hat been averted
and much eSckneal aad luff erica
baa been saved by the prompt use
clruoaCure. There ta nolhir-j
Me it loDteakupoottahaaadcolcit.
There t no bronchial or lung
trouble that h will not relieve.
Free from opiate or harmful jo
readmit Fine ice duldren,
At all dniniata', 25 ell.
Entree That May Be New to Some
of Our Readers.
To two-thirds of a cold chicken add
fane-third cold boiled ham, mince and
simmer in melted butter Just an in
stant, then add milk and thicken with
(flour and melted butter to the con
sistency of patty filling and season as
follows: One small bay leaf, paprika,
pepper, salt and a dash of white wine.
jPrepare crust as follows: One quart
iof flour, salt, two teaspoonfuls of yeast
powder, three-quarters of a cup of lard
and work in perfectly until you cai
not detect particles of lard in flour,
add milk, (buttermilk preferred) until
you can whip the dough with your
hands; dust with flour and roll moist
tas possible; cut into biscuit forms,
then roll each one out thinner; Inclose
jabout two tablespoonfuls of chicken
as prepared above; pick out the chlck
en with as little of the cream or gravy,
as possible, roll and close with a seam
Ion top and bake in a moderate oven.
When nicely browned remove and
gently force each one open at seam in
:crust with dull edge of knife filling
'through the seam and covering with
sauce prepared as follows: Melt slice
of butter and add pint of fresh mush
rooms" or chapignons when simmered
through, add to chicken gravy remain
ing. Serve in individual plates and
very hot.
1 A tablespoonful of caramel added to
,the pot of black coffee served after
dinner will add much to Its flavor.
Mix pastry several hours before It is
to be rolled out, and much lrCior is
saved and a better result obtained.
Parmesan cheese sprinkled thickly
over stewed tomatoes that are later
'browned in a baking dish gives them
an added zest.
i When brushing a room sweep)
toward the fireplace, otherwise the
draft from the chimney draws the
Idust In that direction.
' Always neat salt crackers before
'bringing them, to the table with the
soup. It makes them more crisp andi
Save your bacon fat and use It to'
fry fish In. It will give the fish a good
flavor, and will also keep the fish from'
.falling apart.
' Break the eggs into a small-sized
funnel. The whites will all pass:
Ithrough Into the bowl below and the
yolks will be left in the funnel.
How to Boil Meat.
A recent French writer on the
science of cookery advises that in
'boiling meat the piece be first plunged
into boiling water, and that after boS
ing for a few minutes enough cold,
water be added to lower the tempera
ture to about 160 degres Fahrenheit,
at which point the meat should be al
lowed to cook for several hours. This
(odd method, which the author acknowl
edges is ditaittri sally opposed to com
mon practice, will result, he says, in
making the boiled meat as juicy as a
srnnri roast. Th reason for adoDtine
lit is that the albumen of the meat will
coagulate at once on contact with the
boiling water, and will protect the
'fibrin from solution without opposing
'the passage of heat. The meat will
thus cook slowly, after the addition of
the cold water, without becoming
tasteless, retlning all its natural juices
as when roasted.
Custard for Ices.
Make a custard with four eggs, a
quart of milk, half a pound of sugar,
and one teaspoonful of corn flour.
Mix the well-beaten eggs, the corn
flour, and the sugar to a smooth paste,
and then pour over It, stirring well all
,the time, a quart of boiling milk. Re
turn the mixture to the fire for two or
jthree minutes till it thickens, but do
not let It boil. Pour into a basin, add
any kind of flavoring desired, and
freeze In the usual way. Bear In
mind that the custard for ices must
be flavored very highly, as a great
deal of flavor is absorbed by the freez
ing process.
Tapioca Jelly.
Soak one-half a cupful of tapioca in
one cup of orange juice over night and
cook in one cup of sweet milk until
soft and transparent. Add one-half
,cup of sugar, a pinch of salt,, the
grated rind of one orange, the beaten
yolks of four eggs, one-half pint of
sweet cream, and lastly the beaten.
whites of the eggs. Pour Into a but
tered baking dish and bake in a mod-i
:erate oven for 20 minutes. Let get
cold, then run a knife around edge of1
pudding and carefully remove from
dish on to a plate. Serve with either
plain or whipped cream.
Bread Pancakes.
Break up half loaf of dry bread
enough hot water to mash well (potato
masher is best), one egg, two tea-
Ispoonfuls of sugar, .pinch of salt, one
fourth teaspoonful of soda mixed in a
Jittle sour milk, enough sour milk as
you need; batter and flour enough to
.niajse a thick batter.
Victoria Salad.
Arrange together two peeled " to-
.matoes, cut into quarters, two or
.three boiled- potatoes,' according to
.size, and thinly sliced,, a head of let
tuce and a few slices of truffles. Sea
son as for ordinary salad.
To Prevent Dishes Cracking.
Before using place them in a kettle
,of cold- water, with straw between
each layer. Put them on stove and
'let them boil several hours. Do not
.remove until water is cold. The Chi
nese always do this.
The Tiger It was bad enough to be
cut off in my prime, but to be stuffed
by an amateur taxidermist Is really
too hard to bear! ' '
A Cure For Colds and Grip.
There is inconvenience, suffering anil
danger in a cold, and the wonder iw that
people will take so few precautions against
colds. One or two Dane's Pleasant Tablets
be sure of the name) taken when the first
emifiiy feeling appears, will stop the prog
ress of a cold and save a great deal of un
necessary suffering. Druggists and dealers
fenerally sell there tablets, price 25 cents,
f you cannot get them send to Orator F.
W oouwara, ie rioy, - . l . sample iree.
Noted Woman Press Agent.
Mrs. Charles Neave is the latest
English woman of birth and education
to go into business. She has become a
press agent, and it is . said by her
friends that some of the best singers
at Covent Garden, London, are large
ly indebted to her for their success
this season. Mrs. Neave is the daugh
ter of a man of title and the widow of
an army officer.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for ana
eaae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'.
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHEN KY dc CO.. TOieOO, J.
We. the undersiened. have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 vears. and believe him uerffeetly hon
orable In all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale DruKftists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally.' acting
directly "upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
ystem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Drueaists.
lake nail s f aniuy l'llia lor constipation.
Scrry He Spoke.
"My dear," said a thin little man to
his wife, "this paper says that there is
a woman who goes out and chops
wood with her husband-li.
"Well, what of it? I think she could
easily do it if he is as thin as you are.
I have often thought of using you to
peel potatoes with." Stray Stones.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children,- and see that it
Bears the
Signature of.
In Use For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Down the Old Road. ' t
The big autumn moon rolled up
above the frosty pines.
"You like to go out driving?" he
said after a long silence.
"Yes," she answered, nestling clos
er to him..
"And you always like to go with a
young man who knows how to handle
the ribbons?"
"Well, er sometimes I like to go
with a young man who knows how to
drop them."
And after that the old horse jogged
along unguided.
Was a Lucky Day for England.
Admiral Nelson was the recipient of
favoritism in the matter of his ap
pointment to the British naval serv
ice. Nelson's father could not have af
forded to send his son to Osborne.
"But if he had been Nelson would
have been rejected as physically un
fit," says a ' writer. "Nelson was
shoveled into the navy under a bit of
jobbery and pushed on by backdoor
Freddie's Impression.
This little boy attending Sunday
school for the first time was greatly
impressed by the teacher and the
larger boys of the class. On returning
home his mother questioned him in re
gard to what was said and what he
must learn for his next lesson. The
child in a frank way, replied: "Oh,
mamma, it was all about God and love
and a lady named Eye, and how' she
gave an apple to a man called Adam,
who never gave her a bite."- The
mother, to lead-him on, snid:' "Who
was Eve?" "Why, mamma, she was
Mrs. Eve Adam, a friend of God's, who
kept house in a garden!"
Beef and Potato Pie.
Required: One pound of gravy beef,
two onions, two pounds of parboiled
potatoes, salt and pepper, half a
pound of pastry.
. Cut the meat into pieces about half
an inch thick and two inches square
Slice the onions and potatoes. Put a
layer of potatoes at the bottom of a
pie dish, then onion, pepper and salt,
then meat and so on till the dish is,
full. The top layer .must be of po
tatoes. Put in some gravy or water,
but not too much, or the pie will be
sodden. Put on a thick pie crust, make
a hole in the middle. Bake about one
ho.'jr vand a half, and serve hot.
Custard for Ices.
Make a custard with four eggs, a
quart of milk, half a pound of sugar,
and one teaspoonful of corn flour.
Mix the well-beaten eggs, the corn
flour, and the sugar to a smooth paste,
and then pour over it, stirring well all
the time, a quart of boiling milk. Re
turn the mixture to the fire for two or
three minutes till it thickens, but do
not let it boil. Pour into a basin, add
any kind of flavoring desired, and
freeze in the usual way, Bear in
mind that the custard for ices must
be flavored very highly, as a great
deal of flavor is absorbed by the freez
ing process.
To Prevent Dishes Cracking.
Before using place them in a kettle
of cold water, with straw between
each layer. Put them on stove and
let them boil several hours. Do not
remove until water is cold. The Chi
nese always do this.
known far and wide
as the "Marrying
Squire," from the
fact that he has mar
ried more couples
than any other offi
cialin Indiana. Judge
Law wrote a letter
(lafflff" Tr in 1906. recommend
ing Doan's Kidney
Pills, which he said had made a bad
back well, enabled him to sleep bet
ter nights and feel more fit for work.
The treatment also cleared up the
urine. On January, 1909, Judge Law
confirmed his previous testimony. "I
have recommended this remedy to
many people since I first used it,"
said he.
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
i Fat Man Did you polish 'em. rip
I Boy Yep, look for yerself.
i Fat Man I'll take your word for It.
; . . .Town Run by One Family. .
' A curious fact is reported from a
small township situated in the south of
France, called '"'Saint Martin. The
whole municipal council ,is composed
of one family, and has now been re
elected. The mayor is Louis Guigo,
and ,the councillors are Joseph, Alexandre,-Pierre,-Louis,
Vincent, Jean
Andre and Gabriel, all with the sur
name, Guigo.
Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com
pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu
rine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,
for illustrated Eye Book. At Druggist
Deserves Censure.
A Boston woman is charged with
throwing a pie in her husband's face.
That's a fine way to waste pie!
If It's Your Eye Use Pettit's Eye Salve,
for inflammation, stys, itching lids, eye
aches, defects of vision and sensitivity to
strong lights. All druggists or Howard
...Bros., Buffalo,- ,N. Y. r
If vone-half the world doesn't know
how the other half lives, it ought to
be informed that the process is the
simple one of not paying its bills.
Try the Natural laxative, Garfield Tea! It
overcomes constipation and regulates liver
and kidneys. Samples sent upon request.
Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
A woman wouldn't mind being poor
so much If all her acquaintances were
jusi a little poorer. -
For relieving Coughs, Asthma and Bron
chitis "Brown'sBroneliial Troches" are
effective. 25 cents a box. Samples free.
John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass.
Even in fishing for husbands It is
generally the big ones that get away.
PAZO OINTMKNT is guaranteed to enre any case
of lutblntr. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilau in
6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60o.
Tell a married man he doesn't look
it and he will be terribly flattered.
Daily health hint: Do not attempt to
dispute the right of way with a deter
mined woman armed with a hat pin.
About the easiest thing In the world
tor some people to make is a break. -
Mm. HTlnolow's Sootblne Syrup.
For cblldreo teething, softens the gutus, reduces In
naminatlou, allays pain, cares wind collu. 25c a bottle.
Our powers owe much of their en
ergy to our hopes. Johnson.
If Your Feet Ache or Bnra
get a 25c package of Allen's Foot-Ease. It gives
luick relief. Two million packages sold yearly.
Faith is obedience, not confidence.
V. S. Pat. Office
The genuine sold everywhere
An aching back is instantly relieved by an
application of Sloan's Liniment.
This liniment takes the place of massage and
is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates
without rubbing through the skin and muscu
lar tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood,
relieves congestion, and gives . permanent as
well as temporary relief. ;
has no equal as. a remedy for
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or any
ain or stiffness in the muscles
' or joints. - ; , '
' Price 25c, 50c, and $1.00. ; 4
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U- S. A.
Sloan's book on hones, cattle, sheep and poultry sent free.
There's Danger
if you've been neglecting a cold.
Dqn' texperiment with your health.
Get a remedy that you know will
cure that remedy is t.
It's safe. In the severest cases of
coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, in
flammation of chest and lungs it is the
most effective remedy known. It does
its work quickly, removes the cause of
the disease
Sol J everywhere in three size
boHln, SI. 00, 50c, 25c.
Positively cared by
these Little Fills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Bating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Bad
Taste in the Mouth, Coat
ed Tongue, Fain in the
They regulate the Bowels. -Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
Ask for the
Baker's Cocoa
bearing this trade
in a r k . D on ' t be
misled by imitations
Cures the sick and actB as a preventive for others. Liquid given et ,
the tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy ; 60
cents and 81-00 a bottle ; 85.00 and 810.00 the dozen. Sold by alt druggist
and horse goods houses, or sent express paid, by the manufacturers.
The Season I Hake and Bell More Hen'i $3.00
& $8.60 Shoes Than Any Other Kanuf actunr
t tecoM I give tht wearer tba bmflt of ttw most
complete oraMilxfctiaii of tnlml experts and rt nirt
shoemaker la the country.
The selection of tbe leathere for meh part of the shoe,
ad every detail of the irtiff ta every department, to
loosea aroer ny hh uen aneemuen in ih hum tm
If I could snow you how carefully W. L. Booalai
axe made, you would then underrtand why the nol
shape, at better, andwaar longer than any other a
tty Method of Tannin&tfie Sole makes them Harm
rimxuHC una Longer mrvuring vhui tuiaunrm.
Shoes for EverV Memlir or the Fneallw,
BAeut Boy a, Women, Al laoeo aul lhlUmi,
For sale by shoe dealers everywhere.
PAIITinM I None genuine without V. 1 DonglM
VnU I lUll I name and price stamped on bottom.
Vast Color Eyelets Used Exdusrrely. Catalog mailed frea
W. L. D0UQLAS, 147 Spark St. Brscktoo. Mot.
. . - . , .
DR. McINTOSH celebrated
gives Immediate relief. Sold by all surgical Instra
tuent dealers lirrd leading dmggifitn in Imlted Htatea
I & Canada. Catalog & price Mst arnt on application.
; 912 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., manufacturers of
trasses ana sole matters i n9 Menuiuo sianipea
MCINTOSH ' So pnorter-
Millions of flvrea of school land to be sold by the
State. 91.00 to 16.00 per acre; only one-fortieth cash
and 40 years time on balance; three per tnt inter
est r"o nly S12.00 cash for 1C0 acres at K1.00 per acre.
Greatest opportunity; good agricultural land; send
50 cents for Book of Instructionsand New atate Jaw,
3. J. Snyder, School haul Locator, )UI b St.,
Austin. Tex. Reference. Austin National tank.
uu m i tvi i"f 1 1 iu iui in lunu