GAVE HER DADDY AWAY. Little One's Innocent Remark That Left the Deacon Gasping. Every Sunday some one threw a button Into the contribution box of the little church. The annoyed pastor confided to h!s wife that he suspected the button thrower to be stingy old Deacon G., who had so strongly op posed his "call" to the pastorate, but that he dare not accuse him of it for lack of evidence. At a church "sociable" that week some one suggested the playing of (tames. Deacon G. had just partaken of oyster soup at some one else's ex pense and felt warmed and expansive. "Why i:ot play 'Hut ton. bntton who's got the button?' he inquired of waiting children. "Oh, yes!" exclaimed his youngest daughter with enthusiasm. "And you lend us the button, papa!" Then she drew back, timorously. "Unless you want to save It for next Sunday's con tribution," she added, considerately. LIVE AND LEARN. Farmer Meddergrass Waal, by clover! I knew them Chinese lived on t'other side o' th' nirth but hang me if I knew they had a "through route! HAD AWFUL WEEPING ECZEMA. Face and Neck Were Raw Terribie Itching, Inflammation and Soreness All Treatments Failed. Cuticura Proved a Great Success. "Eczema began over the top of my ear. It cracked and then began to spread. I had three different doctors and tried several things, but they did me no good. At last one side of my face and my neck were raw. The water ran out of It so that I had to wear medicated cotton, and it was bo inflamed and sore that I had to put a piece of cloth over my pillow to keep the water from It, and It would stain the cloth a sort of yellow. The ec remaltched so that it seemed as though I could tear i.iy face all to pieces. Then I began to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and It was not more than three months before It was all healed up. Miss Ann Pearsons, North field, Vt., Dec. 19, 1907." Potter Drug & C be in. Corp., Bolo Props., Boston. Added a Saving Clause. A good old deacon in Connecticut was very pious and very fond of clams. When once upon a time he at tended a Rhode Island clam-bake he overtaxed his capacity and was sore ly distressed. Hut his faith in prayer ii unnhnted. Leaving the party and going down on his knees behind a trot- h was heard to supplicate: "Forgive me, O Lord, this great sin of gluttony. Restore my health, and i win tinvi'r eat anv -more clams." Then after a judicious pause: "Very few, If any. Amen. OLDEST UAN IN AMERICA Escaped Terrors of Many Winters by Using Pe-ru-na. Isaac Brock, 120 Years of Age. ' Mr. Isaac Brock, of McLennan countv, Tex., is an ardent friend to l'eruna and EpeuUs of it in the following' terms: "Dr. Hurtmiin's remedy, l'eruna. have found to le the best . i f not the only rename remedy for LOljUlls, COLDS CATAKKIl and diarrhea. Peruna has been my stand-by for many years, and I attribute my good health and my extreme age to this remedy, it exactly meets all my re quirements. 'I have come to rely upon it almost entirely for the many little thinps for which I need medicine. 1 believe it to be especially valuable to old people." Isunc lirock. A 25c. Bottle of Keraps Balsam I Contains 40 DOSES, And each dose is more effective than four times the same quan tity of any other cough remedy, however well advertised ami how ever strongly recommended that remedy may be Remember always that Kemp's Balsam is the Best Cough Cure, It has saved thousands from con sumption. It has saved thousands of lives. ' At all druggists', 25c, 50c. and $1. it accept anytnlna ME WAGEWORKER By W. M. MAUPIN LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Why Not Be Independent? It seems to me that many peaple miss the true savor of outdoors by de pending too much on the assistance of others. One finds on all sides tales of how men go into the wilds and give themselves over to the enjoyment of nature, but somewhow many of these, stories show plainly that it was not the sportsman who did things. Too 'often the sophisticated reader and out- 'door man detects the fact, that it was ;the guide's skill which brought the 'game in range of the rifle. The guide did the tracking, or he -called the raoose, or he pointed out the game for ithe hunter to see. Somehow most trips into the wilds are not declara tions of independence. They are, in act, plain statements of dependence wpon another's skill, another's knowl edge and another's strength. After the guide has driven the deer to one's stand "To make a long story short, half an hour passed before George, the guide, who had come up, finally found the deer dead." Then when wet leaves gave good still-hunting "The guide and I still-hunted," and It was the guide who got the shots. I do not de cry the value of guides, though I never hired but one, writes Raymond S. Spears in Recreation. If one is really incapable of getting through the woods alone, then stick to the guide like a burr. If one wants packers, cooks and other servants, well and good. It does save time to nave one's meals prepared and dishes -washed by another. But when it comes to the ac tual hunting, why not strike out alone and shoot game without the, assistance of another's eyes, another's ears, and another's rifle, which happens fre quently when, a guide with a gun is alongside at every stride. An Amusing Controversy. An amusing controversy is going on in Berlin between Miss Olga Desmond and the Prussian diet regarding the pult of beauty. As may be remem bered, the lady is an "altogether" dan cer who favors the unclothed truth as a sartorial principle. Dr. Roeren, who led the onslaught on her, has been called down by her solicitor, who draws attention to the fact that he made use of certain very harsh terms n his references to her. But Herr Roeren declines to enter into corre spondence with the alluring Miss Des mond wise man! either directly or indirectly, as to his "parliamentary ac tivity in calling her by vigorous ad jectives. The affair has attracted an enormous amount of attention in Ber lin circles, and the dancer is not likely to suffer any immediate pecuniary loss through the debate in the diet. It is declares the Boston Herald, a good deal as if the beauteous Miss Garden should be haled up for her posturings in Strauss' music drama by an insen sate member of congress; therefore Dr. Roeren's interpellation on the cult of the nude falls fiat, while Berlin smiles. Paris streets must be in a queer way when the prefect of police, M. Lepine, has to issue a mandate that it is a pun ishable offense to throw orange or ba nana skins into the streets, and that anyone eating an orange in them will be watched by eagle-eyed policemen. It Is embarrassing enough to eat an orange without the police inspecting Ithe operation, and to conceal evi dences of the crime must be worse yet. But M. Lepine's order is absolute. He says it is a detestable habit, that it en dangers life, for the fruit eater is self ish, and casts away the slippery skins, regardless of who may slip on them and break a bone! No, not even Into the gutter can any such refuse go! Persons who have slipped on the pave ments frequently sprained or fractured their limbs, and with the rapid traffic of motor cars and 'buses there is every chance of accidents that will prove fatal. The home dust bin is best. Now a tuberculosis expert declares that if he has five years and sixteen millions he can exterminate the dis ease from the face of the earth. The time he can have for the taking; the millions might be handed over to him by some of the billionaires who are in daily dread of dying rich. As yet, how ever, there has been no wild rush to hand over to him the curse of wealth A New York chauffeur sent to jail for a year on a charge of manslaugh ter represents what is called an "un usual punishment." Possibly it is, but when the penalty is more usual the of fense will probably be less so. The answer to the question: "Are we a beef-eating nation?" is given in the fact that Swift & Co. sold $250, 000,000 worth of beef in a year; Ar mour, $270,000,000, and others $250, 000,000, bringing the total to $770,000, 000 for beef alone. President Wheeler of the University of California denies that the young ruffians who mobbed a Japanese stu dent were connected with the college, Th whole country wil". hope he knows and tells the truth. CAPITAL CITY NEWS TEMS OF INTEREST AROUND THE STATE HOUSE. THE WORK OF THE LAW MAKERS Legislative Facts and Cossip News of the State Capital. Finance Bill. The house finance committee has completed its budget bills for all but. the special appropriations for build ings and kindred subjects, and for those things which are specially ap propriated for in the bills which cre ated the need. By this bill the governor's office is to have incidental expenses together with the executive mansion of $7,900 for the biennium, the commissioner of public lands and buildings $4,600, the attorney general $10,000 to enforce the rules of the railway commission and the Junkin act. the" expenses of the state banking board are to be $11,000, the 1 state historical society gets the customary $13,000, the pure food commission $15,800 exclusive of ,the commissioner's salary, the nation al guard $51,800, Peru normal exclud ing salaries and new buildings $39. 000, the state university $145,000 di vided into permanent improvements $100,000, expenses of farmers' insti tutes $20,000 and the North Platte sub-station $25,000, the Kearney nor mal gets $24,700, the institute for the blind at Omaha $49,060.09, the boys' industrial school at Kearney $85,500, the girls' industrial school at Geneva $32,750, the home for the feeble mind-- ed at Beatrice $90,500, the Lincoln hospital for the insane $171,300, the penitentiary draws $130,200, and the soldiers' home at Grand Island $123. 230. All these are exclusive of sal aries and buildings that may be ord ered by special bills. Senator tlas. A. Donohoe, of O'Neill. Quick Action on Insanity Bill. Upon motion of Ransom the senate rules were suspended and H. R. No. 118 was advanced to a third reading and passed. This measure was intro duced in the house by Wilson, but Ransom pxnlainpd that it had been prepared by Attorney General Thomp - son and his deputy, Grant Martin, who were anxious that it pass at once. It carries the emergency clause and will become a law as soon as it re ceives executive approval. This measure provides that when a person has been condemned to death and the question of sanity is raised, the matter shall be referred to the dis trict judge from the district in which the condemned person was convicted. Should the judge, upon making inves tigation, find that the prisoner might be mentally deranged, he shall sum mon the superintendents of the three state insane hospitals, who shall pass upon the case. Should they report that the convict is insane, sentence will be suspended, otherwise it will be carried out. Changes Banking Bill. The joint committee on banking In the legislature has been at work for the past two or three days, and has made several changes in the bill as originally drawn. One of the most important is that relating to assessments to build up a guaranty fund. Instead of making the first two assessments i-2 of 1 per cent, it is proposed to make one assess ment of 1-2 of 1 per cent in July of this year, 1-4 of 1 per cent in January of next year and 1-4 of 1 per cent in July, 1910. After that there shall be an annual assessment of l-10th of 1 per cent. Instead of a maximum of 2 per cent that may be levied in any one year the maximum is placed at 1 per cent a year. The provision prohibiting loans to stockholders in excess of 50 per cent, once taken out, was restored. To Elect the Local Assessors. After a discussion ranging from Fri day morning until Friday afternoon the two Skeen bills providing for the election of precinct assessors were passed. The two bills, H. R. 214 and 215, contain one of the chief "home rule" pledges of the democrats. The chief point of discussion was the retention of county assessors. The counties 6t small population want to do away with the county assessor as a useless luxury. The richer counties want him retained, believing he is worthy of his hire. The bills finally passed without amendment. ' Governor Signs Bills. Following are the bills passed and signed by the governor to date. H. R. No. 41, by Clark of Richard son The lesrisative expense bill, carrying an appropriation of $20,000. With the emergency clause. H. R. No. 42, by Clark of Richard son The legislative salary b:'Jl. carrying an appropriation of $80,000. With the emergency clause. H. R.No. 29, by Begole of Gage Appropriating $3,600 for the purchase by the state of 400 copies of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1909. . With the emergency clause. H. R. No. 79, by Ske'en of Nemaha Memornlizing congress to place a clock in the tower of the federal build i ing at Lincoln H. R. No. 103. by Clark of Richard son Appropriating $600 for the ex penses of the governor for the first quarter of 1909, Governor Sheldon having (exhausted the fund for the biennium before retiring from office. The appropriation is divided as fol lows Books, stationery, etc., for the governor's office, $275; contingent fund. $100; mansion expense and ser vant hire, $225. The bill carries the emergency clause. H. R. No. 118, by Wilson of Polk Providing that where the sanity of 1 convict under sentence to death Is questioned, application may be made to a judge of the judicial district In which he was tried for an examination of the convict's, mental condition. The judge may then, if he deems the showing of sufficient strength, have the convict examined by a commis sion to consist of the' superintendents of the Lincoln, Hastings and Norfolk insane asylums. Their decision in the cast may not be appealed from but is final. The bill carries the emer gency clause. H. R. No. 181, by Clark of Richard son Appropriating $16,000 for th maintenance of the state penitentiary for the first quarter of 1909, the funds for this purpose appropriated by the last session being exhausted. The bill carries the emergency clause. S. P. No. 15. by Tanner of Douglas Providing that the governor shall designate the . newspapers ' in which constitutional amendments are, to be published, by the secretary of state With the emergency clause. S. F. No. 44, by Ransom of Dougla; Permitting the city of Omaha to ir crease its present bonded indebtedness valuation of all property of the city S. P. No. 50. by Ransom of Douglas Repealing the law enacted m 190 I to consolidate the offices of county comptroller of Douglas county and of i cMy comptroller of Omaha on expire- lion of the term of the present comp- I troller. With the emergency clause S. P. No. 136, by Howell of Douglas Memorizing congress to appropriate ! $500,000,000 for the improvement of harbors and internal waterways and river. With the emergency clause. Some Bills Recommended. The house railroads committee m session Monday night recommended ! for passage Bartos' bill, which requires railroads to furnish adequate connec tion wSth public exchanges through out the state, but it amended the hill giving the railway commission the right to judge what was adequate service. It also recommended house rolf No. 421. by Chase of Frontier. which allows any precinct, township city of the second class, or village, or ganized according to law. to issue bonds in aid of the construction of steam railroads ot railroads using elec 1 or gasoline as motive power to an extent not exceeumg iu per rem of the assessed valuation of the taxa ble property. Snyder's bill for the adjustment of claims against railroad companies for losses was sent to the general file without recommendation It provides that railroads shall settle their claims within forty days if the shipments are wholly within the state or within ninety days if they, originate without the state, or shalf be subjec to a fine of $50 for each and every fail ure to be Di-omnt in settlement. The bill is extracted from a South Carolina law. and the author says that law was tested to the supreme court of the United States and found to be good To Look Up Wayne Normal. The report of the finance commit tee on the purchase of the Wayne normal school which placed it on gen eral file recommended that a commit tee of five be sent to Wayne to inves tivate the situation. Wilson of Polk moved to reconsider the adoption of the report. He said $35,000 had al ready been appropriated for a normal school a)t Ainsworth and he did not believe in spending any more money iust now on normal schools. Kuhl warned him that if his bill was turned down the other sections of the state would be remembered by the north when their appropriations came up. He thought the purchase a good propo sition and the price of $100,000 only about fifty cents on the dollar. Graff, a member from the .northeast, was opposed to buying the school and in favor of a reconsideration. Speaker Pool appointed a committee consisting of Leidigh, Holmes, Bowman, Fogarty, McColl, Nettleton and Bushee to in vestigate the merits of the purchase. insurance Bills Were Considered. The senate committee of insurance Thursday night held its last "hearing" for the insurance men of the state who cared to discuss the merits of the various bills that are now before the upper house. Room 49 at the Lindell hotel that night was crowded with local insurance agents and with lobby ists from nearly all of the large com panies, hut the meeting was a peace ful one. The members of the com mittee heard the arguments of the attorneys and the agents of the com panies and noted what they deemed worthy of consideration. BURBANKED. Cecilia City What are you doing? Cyrus Cornswoggle I'm pruning this apple tree. Cecilia City What will science do next? Going to grow prunes on an apple tree! Argument That Wen. Susie had been promised a pair of ew slippers for Sunday. Anxious to have them at once she had tried in every way to persuade her mother to buy them for her and let her wear them to a children's party that was to be given on Wednesday, but' without success. Finally when both she and her mother had become tired of the teasing the little girl said: "Well, mamma, you needn't get them now; but maybe I'll be dead by Sunday and if I am you'll be sorry for disappoint ing me." Susie wore the slippers Wednesday. ' - - Up to Him. "Do vou think vou can manage with my salary of $12 a week, darling?" he asked, after she had said yes. 1 "I'll try, Jack,' replied she. "But what will you do?" Universalist Leader. OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W. Va. "I feel that I owe the last ten year 3 of my life to Lydia. m. finKtiams v ege table Compound. Eleven years ago I was a walking shadow. I had been under the doctor's carebutgotnorelief., My husband per suaded me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and it worked like a charm. It re lieved all mv pains" and misery. I advise all suffering, women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Emma Wheatojt, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia E. I-'inkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and; herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration.displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it $0 herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and alwaysjielpf ul. If yon Buffer from Fits, Falling Sickness, Spasms or 'have children, or friends that do so, my New Dis covery will relieve them, and all you are asked to do is to send for a Free Bttle ot : Dr May's Epilepticide Cure 1 It has cured tr-onnnnds where everything els failed. Sent free with directions. Express Prepaid. Guaranteed by May Medical laboratory, under the National Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, lf06. Guar, anty No. 16971. Please give AGE and full address IR. W. H. MAY, 548 Pearl Street. New York City SILVER RIMS BARLEY Wisconsin Is famed as the best bar ley Btate In the Union. Certain It 1 tltt It produces the heaviest yielding barleys on earth. Ol 00 VARIETIES tested by the Wisconsin Agricul tural Statlon.Salzer'a Silver Kins; Barley heads the list as the blsEeat ylelderl That's a record we are proud oft But It's what Salsex's eeods do everywhere. All AW I aWBatsssasS"' WTKiiT M ?.ntaatiSWsSBsWaBBBBBBSBSBJa SALZER'S BILLION DOLLAR GRASS AND TE0SINTE Billion Dollar Grass covered Itself with glory In 190. It's hay crop to the TJnlted btatos alone Is estimated at 610.00O.O00.t3O. It will be much more for 1909. Everybody Is talking about It. Everybody will sow It for 1909, as It costs but 0o to 90o per acre. Is ready with Its first crop within six weeks after aeedlng and seldom yields less than 6 to 12 tons per acre of magnificent hay. TKOS1NTE, well, the catalog tells of this 100 ton green food freak, PURE CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED Salzer's SOth Century strains of clover and timothy seed stand all alone In their absolute purity. Of course tbey cost more than any other eeedsmana. but they are tree from weeds. That's worth the difference We have by all odds the largest M Potato trade to the WorM m of our cellars holds 60,000 Bushels I BIG CATALOG FREE"t& OrforlOe In stamps we mall free of all costs samples of Silver KlnfBafw ley. yielding 173 bu. per acre;. Macaroni Wheat, yielding 4 bu. per acres Billion Dollar Grass; Spelts, the cereal and bay food prodigy, together with timothy, clover, grasses, etc, easily worth 10.00) of any man's money to get a start therewith. And if yon send l4o we add to above a package ot Farm Seed Novelty never seen by yon before. BE Western Canada the Pennant Winner "Th e Last Best 7e st" The government of Canada now gives to every actual set tler 160 acres of wheat- growing land free and an additional 160 acres at $3.00 an acre. ' The 300,000 contented American settlers making their homes in Western Canada is the best evidence of the superiority of that country. They are becoming rich, growing from 25 to 50 bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to 1 10 bush els oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley, be tides having splendid herds of cattle raised on the prairie grass. Dairying is an im portant industry. - ' The crop of 1908 still keeps Western Canada in the lead. The world will soon look to it as its food-producer. 'The thing which most Impressed tis was the magnitude of the country that is available for agricultural purposes." N'xtioual Editorial Correspondence. Moli. Low railway rates, good schools and churches. markets convenient, prices the highest, climate perfect. I.ands are for sale by Railway- and T.and Com panies. Inscriptive pamphlets and maps sent free. For railway rates and other information applv to Superintendent of Immigration. Ottawa, Canada, or the authorized Canadian Government Agent: W. V. BENNETT. 801 Hew York Lib Building. Omaha. Nebrtata, I POSITIVELY CURE X cave a treatment for lfae care of Ktipture which to safe and Is convenient to take, ae no time is lost. 1 am the Inventor of this system and the only phyrldan who holds United States Patent trade-mark for a Rupture cure which has restored thousands to health In the past 20 years. All others are lmltat ions. I have nothing for sale, as my specialty is the Curlnff Of R U ptu re, and if a person has doubts, just put the money in a bank and pay when satisfied. No other doctor will do this.- When taking my treatment pat, ients must come to my office. References: U. 8. Katl Bank, Omaha. Write or call. FRANTZ H. WRAY, M. D. 306 Bee Building, OMAHA Cabbage Sesdp SfliB Per Salter's catalog page 129. gSgBET 1 he biggest money making crop in vegetables I !is cabbage. 1 hen comes onions, radisnes. 1 peas, cucumbers. Bie catalog free : or, send I I 16c in stamps and receive catalog and 1000 1 I kernels each of onions, carrots, celery, rad ishes. 1100 each lettuce, rutabagas, turnips. 1 100 parsley, 10? tomatoes, 100 melons, i2col I charming flower seeds, in ail 10,000 kernels, easily worth SI.OO of anv man's money. Or, I send 200 and we add one pkg. ot Earliest I I Peep O'Day Sweet Corn. I SALZER SEED CO., Box W, La Crosse, Wis. I WISCONSI "SEEDS Thev never fail. Let us send vou ourcatalos. It in free and tells you all about vegetable, farm and field seeds, that never disappoint you vr hen harvest time comes. Wisconsin Seed Growers' Ass'n, La Crosse. Wis. ill MPTU-RE ' 'i FEW DAYS I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rZtj Cleanses and beautifies the hsiz. .J"r f Promotes a luxuriant growth. fttgplg J ITever Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. iiThi Cures scalp dlfesees hair fsiung. JaSLJ gQcnndai-OOat Druggirta DEFIANCE STARCH-io.T other Btarctaes only 12 ouDcesame price and "DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. "Slwu ; Thompson's Eye Water Beatrice Creamery Company Fays the highest price for CREAM aBHaaiaHBaaBB Please call on our Receiving Agent HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton Main Office. 204-205 Fraternity Bids'. Lincoln. Nebraska. Bell Phone 613 Anto Phone 2659 Largest House iu State. a. EmperorWilEiaoi fft BEARDLESS BARLEY The barley of your dreams; no beards; easy to harvest, yielding 1 n New York state 121 bushels per acre. Out now EmperorWll l lam oat Is the Great est oat of thecentury Almostasgreatasthe Emperor himself. You will want it. It's m marvel. Bis trial package, em "to f. r ) i n I. J M r-1 -1 -1 V-r-Aa-aJaa J