Among the Live Workers Here, There and Elsewhere The Barbers' Union of Lincoln la among the liveliest of the live organ izations of the city. Ever since The Wageworker started this bunch o good fellows has tubscribed, and they have been Wageworker boosters all the time. Perhaps this fact has some thing to do with the success of the prganization. What? And it has had a lot to do with the success of The Wageworker. Yes! Now the Tonsorial Artists have de termined to get into the social game. The union has been in existence for a number of yetrs, but it has never yet given a boll. It is going to break this record this year by giving a ball, and it will be a success. The barbers have a habit of achieving success. The first annual ball of the Union Barbers of Lincoln will be held at Williams' hall on March 4, with liruse's union orchestra furnishing the music. This hall Is in the build ing formerly occupied by Rudge & Guenzel. The committees have been appointed and are now hard at worii on plans that are bound to make the affair a great success. On February 3 the Lincoln local closed Its fiscal year, and it has every reason to be proud of the record ot the year closed on that date. The ear ended with a handsome cash bal tnce in the strong box, and during the year every sick member drew the constitutional benefit, and every legitimate appeal for help from other unions of all crafts met with generous response. During the . year better rhop conditions were secured, and at the same time i better feeling be tween employer and employe was created. Everything h harmonious. The following officers have been elected for the ensuing year: " President, Roy McConnaugney. Vice-President, Charles Keith. Recorder. N. A. Otis. Financial Secretary, Robert Robert-ton. There is a "Business Men's Asso ciation" in Omaha. - It has a big law yer for legal advice and another lawyer for its secretary. Its member ship is made up of business men, many of whom are wealthy. A few days ago a bunch of union womei garment workers struck for decent pay, shorter hours and a weekly pay day. And these big business men hastened to the "sweater" employer and tendered him the assistance of the organization. Now' don't that bunch of business men look bully tak ing tip a fight against a lot of girls? And don't, Chief of Police Donahue cut a fine figure using his police force to help that bunch of business men browbeat and bullyrag the two score girls who are asking for simple jus tice? Every now and then we see some thing that makes us ashamed of our sex. the "chieftanesses" of the Auxiliary, and . will mean r. lot to the cause of unionism in this neighborhood. At the same time the meeting will mean much to the business interests of Lin coln and the engineers should receive the hearty co-operation of Lincoln business men in the effort to make the meeting a grand success. It is said Raymond Robins is to organize a new political labor party similar to the one in existence in Eng land. Raymond must be looking for trouble. Omaha Western Laborer. Here Is the "Union Social Calendar" as far as The Wageworker has been advised: Typographical Union ball. Fratern ity hall, Wednesday, Feburary 17. Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers' ball. Auditorium, Monday, February 22. Journeyman Barbers' Union ball, Williams' hall, Thursday, March 4. The Wageworker will be glad to announce social events in union cir cles If notified thereof. But The Wageworker's "society editor" is not a mind reader. Tuesday, February 23, is the date of the semi-annual election of officers for the Central Labor Union. Every delegate shov. ?ar this fact In mind and be on hanu to assist in selecting the very best possible men for the offices. The central body ,has ac complished more in the last six months than in any previous six months in its history and all because it woke up and got into the gams. It has aroused an interest in civic af fairs, and as a result the general public knows that there is such a 'thing as a Central Labor Union in Lincoln. Let the central body keep right on In this line and also take up some new lines. Be on hand at the election and do your part You have no just cause of complaint? the officers are incompetent if you fail tc be on hand to select competent officers. ;, After eleven years of struggling the Waiters' Union of Omaha has sur rendered its chnner. Six years ago the union went through a disastrous strike. One of the chief agencies in beating the union was one H. S lialduCT, the confectioner and restau rant man. He fought the union to a finish. Now tomes an interesting .coincidence. On the very day that Omaha Waiters' Union No. 23 sur rendered its charter. H. S. Balduft filed a petition in bankruptcy. Is it possible that there is any con nection iictween these two events? Here is something vastly creditable to the union waiters of Omaha. When they surrendered the charter the membership consisted of six men and two women. When these eight loyal unionists sent the charter back to headquarters they sent with it $175, which was the full amount in the local treasury. The Wageworker doffs its bonnet to union men and women of that stamp. The Brotherhood of Ixcomotivj Engineers ' is making every prepara tion for n splendid social time on the occasion of their grand ball, Febru ary 22, at the Auditorium. The bail is given for the purpose of raising money to help defray the expensas of the big Brotherhood meeting iu Lincoln some time next summer. The meeting will bring the "big chiefs" of the Brotherhood to Lincoln, also The motormen and conductors of Lincoln are the poorest paid members of their class between Pittsburg and San Francisco. They receive les3 than the motortr en and conductors of Sioux City, Des Moines, St. Joseph, Dubuque, Davenport, Rock Island and other cities of that class. Their wages aro less than in many towns half the size of Lincoln. There is not a -city In the United States where the motormen and conductors are organized that the men do not receive better wages arid better hours than the motormen and conductors of Lin coln. And the Lincoln men will never get anything better until they organize. By the way, it is none too soon for the union men oi Lincoln to be cen tering their strength for the purpose of electing a couple of good union men on the board of city commissioners. The . early bird captures the worm. Don't be the worm. at odd times during the past couple of years. , The Wageworker has no particular comment to make on this incident other than to refer to the fact that Mr. Bramwood has been in a large measure responsible for the central ization of power in the hands of the executive council, and he may now be in a better position than before to realize what that means. The Wageworker hopes that "Johnnie" Bramwood will speedily recover his health. i No. 209 threshed over a lot of busi ness at the meeting last Sunday. The one big committee now at work made a report that met with the approval of the members, even if the report took less than a minute. It looks good. The committee on annual ball re ported practically every arrangement made and the outlook for a success ful social affair is as bright as a new silver dollar. The label has been ' re-granted to the Gillespie-Phillips shop. Word comes from Wellington, Colo., that John E. Marshall has suffered from what appears to be incipient paralysis, and that he is coming back to Lincoln to receive , treatment in a local sanitarium. Mr. Marshall was one of the most popular members of No. 209, and every member of the local is hoping that he will soon be back on the active list. The twenty-sixth annual ball next Wednesday night looks like a sure social and financial success. A large number of tickets have been disposed of and the interest among the mem bers is ! unusually good. Governor and Mrs. Shallenberger will be among the guests of honor, and the other state officers have been invited to be the guests of the union also. The membership is hoping that every offi cial will accept and partake of the union's hospitality. Mark Perkins publisher of the Fre mont. Daily Herald, was in Lincoln one day last week. The Herald is the only union print shop in Fremont. At Sunday's meeting F. M. Coffey was made chairman of a committee of three to draft a bill providing for a modification of the injunction writ and providing for a trial by jury in cases of Indirect contempt. shall, who is editor and proprietor cf the , Wellington Sun,, has been in a very critical condition and was able to walk down town without the use of his cane for the first time Sunday. He expects to leave in a few days for Lincoln, Neb., to receive treatment at the Sulpho-Saline sanitarium. Loveland (Colo.) Reporter. CAPITAL AUXILIARY. Some Recorded Facts About Better Halves of Printermen. Capital Auxiliary met last Wednes day at the home of Mrs. B. C. Gilbert, 1245 South Twenty-first street. On account of illness among the members the attendance was not as large as usual. The president, Mrs. F.' H. Hebbard, is under quarantine or was and the vice president, Mrs. G. N. Wathan, presided. A letter from Mrs. F. A. Kennedy of Omaha was read, asking the Auxil iary to give an entertainment on March 17 for the benefit of the Print ers' Home monument fund. A com mittee was appointed to make tho necessary arrangements. An interest ing letter from Mrs. Charley Barn grover, of Loveland, Colo., was read. It conveyed the news that John Mar shall was very ill and about to return to Lincoln for treatment. The flower committee reported send ing flowers to Mrs. Hebbard and fam ily, who have been under quarantine for two weeks. Charley and Dorothy Righter have been sufferers during the past week, Charley from rhemartisru and Dorothy fiom a burn which brought about blood poisoning. The Auxiliary is about; to lose an other of, its valued members, Mrs. Bert Pentzer. Mr. and Mrs. Pentzer will leave about March 1 for their Kin kaid ranch in northwestern Nebras ka. They will rent their pretty home to Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Wednesday's meeting was the first since the departure of Mrs. Will Nor ton, and she was sadly missed. UNION BARBER SHOPS. OUR OLD FRIEND JOHN. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barngrover visited with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Marshall at Wellington over Sunday, returning this morning. Mr. Mar- DO NOT PATRONIZE BUCK STOVES AND RANGES! PROSPERITY, NIT! Since the votes were cast in the national election last November, Pres ident Eldridge of the National Sewing Machine company at Bevidere, 111., has made two reductions in wages of the employes, each amounting to 15 per cent. . Information as to Where You Can Get Your Work Done Fairly. Following is a list of the union bar ber shops of Lincoln, the name and location being given: Gus Petro, 1010 O street, W. A. Jackson, 1001 O street. W. E. Myers, Capital Hotel. C. A. Green, 120 North Eleventh. Geo. Shaffer, Lincoln Hotel. J. B. Ramer, 1501 O Street. TR A SnvAa-r tone r Qtmi p J - , V A. L. Stern, 116 South Thirteenth. v A. L. Kemmerer, Lindell Hotel. Chapman & Ryan, 127 North Twelfth." Knight and Parmenter, 122 South Twelfth. H. C. Leopold, Fraternity Building. Frank Malone, Havelock. E. A. Wood, Havelock. C. B. Ellis, Havelock. Windsor hotel, C. B. Lewis, Prop. Apex Barber Shop, J. J. Simpson, Prop., 1001 O Street. J. V. Masully barber shop, 1014 N St. POPULAR MR. SINK. Nebraska has in her legislature n man by the name of John Sink, who has made himself quite popular. He first introduced a bill in the house requiring hotels to furnish beds with sheets nine feet long. Now he has just introduced a bill limiting freight trains to fifty cars. The Railroa J Brotherhoods are back of the last bill. Council Bluffs Times. UNION PRINT SHOPS. Printeries That Are Entitled to Us -the Allied Trades Label. Following is a list of the printing offices in Lincoln that ' are entitled to the use of the Allied Printing Trades label, together with the num ber of the label used by each shop: C. S. Simmons, No. 2. Freie Presse, No. 3. Jacob North & Co., No. 1. Woodruff-Collins, No. 4. Gravts & Mulligan, No. 5. State Printing Co., No. 6. Star Publishing Co., No. 7. Western Newspaper Union, Nt t Wood Printing Co., No 9. George Bros., No. 11. McVey Printing Co., No. 12. Ford Printing Co., No76. VanTine & Young, No. 24. Dairyman Pub. Co., 130 No. 14th. Graves Printery, No. 5. New Century, 213 South Thirteenth. ORGGANIZED LABOR ON TRIAL. If Justice Wright is Right Organized Labor Dare Not Fight When Enemies Attack. i Another, and perhaps a greater menace to the liberty of speech and of the press has arisen. This is the decision of Justice Wright against the American Federation of Labor, and the sentencing of its officers, Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison to jail for disobedi ence of the court's order in the boycott of the Buck Stove & Range company. . The American Federation, of Labor is the chief association of organized labor in this country. It has been of inestimable value in improving the condition of the working men both within and with out labor unions. As the strike has always proved an expensive and wasteful process and one to be resorted to only in emergencies, the boycott has proved a most efficient weapon in enforcing labor's demands, and organized labor has always exercised its prerogative of saying as publicity as it thought necessary that it does not pat ronize those whose acts have been hostile to its cause. '" If Justice Wright's decision is sustained by the higher courts it will mean that the workingmen of this country have no right through their organization to retaliate when they j have been , at-. tacked. It will mean to that extent an abrogation of the right of freedom of speech and of the press. If Justice Wright's opinion is found to be justified by the law, it is high time that such an ab surd, autocratic and un-American law should be stricken from the statutes. We predict that if Gompers and his associates ever go to jail ,any political party which adequately represents a protest against this proceeding, will be triumphant in 1912. Success Magazine. The union men of Lincoln ought to be boosting the "Made in Lincoln" exposition to the utmost limit. Of course there will be some exhibitors who are on the unfair list, but wo don't have to boost them. We can center our strength on the firms that are fair. And above all we ought to be boosting for a bigger ands better Lincoln. Let's get all the manufac turing plants possible. If we can't unionize 'em after they get here it will be onr own fault. WITH THE PRINTERMEN. Some News About the Men Who Put the Facts In Print. On Monday, February 1, John W. Bramwood, secretary-treasurer of the International Typographical Union, tendered his resignation to President Lynch, and the resignation was im mediately accepted. On February 3 came the announcement that John W. Hays, first vice-president, had been appointed to succeed Mr. Bramwood. Ill-health is given as the cause of Mr. Bramwood's resignation. He has been secretary-treasurer and editor of the Journal for fifteen years. Mr. Hays has acted as secretary-treasurer f"7 O II HARDWARE, STOVES, SPOBT- Id nll ING GOODS, RAZORS, RAZOR W U OUII STROPS AND CUTLEBY At Low Prices Hoppc's Hardware, 100 North 10th Just Two Days Left Dollar-a; Day Reductions on Young Men's Suits and Overcoats. 50c a day reduction on Boys Knee-Pant Suits and Overcoats, and 10c a day reduction on Boys' Knee Pants. r Young Men's Suits and Overcoats started at $12 and have been reduced to $5.00. Today $5.00 Satdy. $4.00 Boys' Knee-Pant Suits and Overcoats started at $6.00 and have been reduced to $2.50. Today $2.50 Satdy. $2.00 Boys' Knee Pants started at $1.15 and have been reduced to 45c. Today 45c, Satdy. 35c Superior Clothing, Big Price Reductions Makes a Combination Worth the Attention of Every Man May entire winter stock of Mens Suits and Overcoats now it thp Si lit nr 0rtr- coat you like and we guarantee it will be the best bargain you can find. Men's Suits and Overcoats now priced at $5, $8.50, $13.50 and Ql 7.50 Head -to -Foot CLOTHIERS MAYER. BRO t i . Bfc-