EfflCAl Centenary Darwin J; ........-....JZjIE . I When White Turned Black I . . By Frank A. Hays : . jTHE HOME BRADFORD Born February 13, 1SUU I 1 - Mr. William A. Radford will answer ciiH'HtioiiM ami B'.vc tulvlttc FUSE OK 'OST on all JbJocts pertaining to the mibjwt of building for the readera of thin paper, tin nwount of his wide expe rience H8 Kiiitor, Author and Manufac turer, lie In. without doubt, tho highest authority on nil these subjects. Address II Inquiries to AVIlllum A. Radford. No. m Fifth Ave.. ClitniKo, 111., and only am-ioae IWO-evm liunip iw rein. The Illustrations show a five-room bungalow that is very neat in design, tnd very attractive in appearance, five rooms seem to be about right for hnngalow. It is difficult to crowd in another room without interfering Uh the interior arrangement. . The slr.e on the ground is 41 feet t inches by 29 feet 6 Inches, a plain, straight-Kided house without a projec tion except the extension window built out from the large living room. A triple or quadruple window built in this 8tyli adds a great deal to the appearance of the room. When it is carefully built to keep out the cold and wind a sent of this kind opposite an open fire is one of the most artis tic as well hi; one of the most comfort able lounging places ever invented. A great deal of work may be put on this - ' ' -r' t PT . ? - " 1 jjXjn O eat; in fact, it is necessary to do bo in order to make it right. The width, height of seat and the fitting of the windows must be looked to carefully. After the preliminaries are laid out and worked up, the finishing touches come in for attention cushions, up holstery and pillows for these all count In the final make-up. You know you see such things in some houses that look just right, and feel comfortable. In other houses where perhaps more expense has been lavished on decorations, the rooms and the furnishings lack that atmosphere of comfort that you like to feel. A Beat of this kind should be upholstered high up at the ends, and upholstered at the back as high as the window stools, and the colors, of course, should match the prevailing coolrs of the room. The living room in a bungalow' is the main part of a house. In this case it opens onto the porch and the Floor Plan. porch Is intended to be part of the room. The porch is inclosed with wire screens and furnished with com fortable easy chairs with possibly a hanging lounge. This article of furni ture is a matter of preference, how ever. Some people like them, while others think they are a Teat nuisance; but there is one thing about porch fur niture that should -be remembered ' It must be solid and comfortable, and It must have colors that a little sun or dampness will not ruin. Of course this porch is pretty well protected. It is Just a hole in the corner of the house to start with, having only two sides exposed to the weather, and these are walled up at the bottom and overhung by the roof. Hut there are damp days, especially in spring and fail, and there are driving torms which send the rain and moist ure Into almost any kind of an open room. Tou feel more comfortable if you have good solid porch furniture that cannot be easily damaged, and. In addition to the extra comfort, it looks better. Delicate spindle-leg chairs have no business here. The cushions should be canvas covered, and the color should be chosen for wear, rather than looks. At the same iitne utility need not mar the appear ance of porch furniture even in colors. There is one thing to be remem bered in building a bungalow, and that Is to put the bedrooms and bath room together, shut away from the the living-room and dining-room. A great many bungalows are built with out paying any attention to this fea ture, and it is a mistake, an unneces sary mistake, because it. may be so ar ranged by selecting a plan of this kind. Another great convenience in I EDITOR this bungalow plan is the cupboards in the kitchen, which take the place of a pantry. They reach from the floor to the ceiling with drawers and shelves all the way np, and the front of the cupboard is closed over with doors. Bungalows are intended, as a usual thing, more for summer use, and the housekeeping is not supposed to be of a very heavy nature. Sup plies are bought daily at most summer resorts, the same as in the city, so the large storage rooms are not absolute ly necessary. But cupboard con veniences are appreciated in a bunga low the same as in a large house, and should be provided at the time of building. The water pipes for the kitchen and for the bathrooms are close together, so they may be very short. If the hotuie is to be occupied only in the summer, especial attention must be given to placing the pipes in such a I way as to facilitate drainage, and they should be so connected as to be easily taken apart, otherwise the frost will split them and cause con siderable annoyance and expense. But they may be fitted with drain cocks and put together wilh unions without adding to the first, cost. A pump is another essential that needs especial attention, almost any cheap pump will work for a short time, but if you expect to winter it over to use again next year, get a good one. Then see to it that it is so put together that it may be eas ily taken apart when a new valve is needed or when the cottage is aban doned for the winter. DOG A TRAIN BEARER. Lifts His Mistress's Skirt When She Walks-Over Wet Pavement. Clipped and blanketed dogs. French poodles, pugs and such excite the contempt of the average person who likes dogs of a more . vigorous sort. These folks also have a dislike for the small dog that is trained to carry pack ages on what not. Those who do not like this use of a really very fine ani mal should have seen an exhibition on a West Side street one wet afternoon recently. A woman was about to cross the street followed by a small and mean looking 'pet dog. The pavement was wet. She called to the dog and the dog trotted obediently up and took the hem of her skirt in his teeth. Then staying just far enough behind to keep all the skirt clear of the street the dog followed her across. Some other woman . going along said, "Isn't that cute?" A man who saw the performance remarked, "Poor beast." New York Sun. Can't Be Done. "And now," added the judge, after having sentenced a burglar to seven years in state's prison, "let me indulge in the hope that this will prove a great moral lesson to you, and that when you find yourself among us again you will have decided to make your future way by habits of industry." "It can't be done not in my case," replied the prisoner. "Do you mean that you are so steeped in crime that it is impossible for you to reform?',' "No, sir. I mean that I am such a poor business mat: that there is no show for me in the walks of industry." "I don't quite understand." "Why, judge, this will make 21 years in the coop for me, and, all I've had out of the burglary business is $20 in cash, an old watch and a second-hand suit of clothes. It's easy to see that I wasn t born for either business or in dustry." Mountains No Bar to Wireless. That the electric waves in wireless telegraphy readily pass over moun tains has been demonstrated by the army wireless station in Alaska, which easily transmit messages 1,200 miles over two ranges of snow-capped moun tains. Claim to Save Much Gas. Two English inventors claim to save from 50 to 75 per cent, on gas bills by the use of their machine, which car burets the air with a small portion of petrol vapor, producing a highly il luminating non-explosive gas. -J I - N the list, of great men whose one-hundredth an niversary of birth - occurs this year, the name of Dar wfn stands out with full prominence. An English bi ographer closes his record of the famous scientist's life with these words: "A marvellously patient and successful revolutionizer of thought; a noble and beloved man." Simplicity, kindliness, geniality, modesty, courage, were distinguishing traits of Darwin.- Arrogance and pre tense had no place in his make-up. He loved truth for truth's sake, and was willing to search for it tirelessly. Although he held at the time high rank as geologist and biologist, it was not until the publication of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Fa vored Races in the Struggle for Life," his theories began to make great stir in the world. In the retirement and quiet of his country home in the vil lage of Down, Kent, he had for years been making patient; laborious study of the mystery of species, and in the work put forth at the age of 50 he propounded a theory of biological evo lution, what is known as the "Darwin ian theory." In evidence of his gen erosity and modesty, attention should be called to the attitude taken by him regarding an essay written by the nat uralist, Mr. Alfred Russell Wallace, in February, 1858, in which Mr. Wallace put forth the same theory as that he himself had arrived at; "the two men having, independently and unknown to each other, conceived the same very ingenious theory." Darwin was strong ly inclined to withhold from publication the memoir he had ready on the sub: Ject, yield priority and all honors to Wallace; but the matter was settled by laying before the Linuean society selections from the papers of both men. Darwin's paper was read in July, 1858, his great work appeared in the fall of the following year. As is well known, Darwin's evolu tionary theories were regarded as very revolutionary, and violent attacks were made on views and author, espe cially by the orthodox and religious journals. Denunciation, satire and ridicule were employed 'to express the judgment of reviewers, but the one who had caused' all the agitation se renely kept to his way, not answering attacks, but making corrections and additions to his work. A second edi tion of the "Origin of Species" ap peared six weeks after the first, a third came out a little more than a year after the second. By the time of the sixth edition, 1872, Darwin was able to declare that almost every naturalist of the day admitted the great principle of evolution. In "The Descent of Man" he came out openly with what had been im plied in the "Origin of Species," be lief in the evolution of man from ani mal ancestors; - "after discussing the steps in the genealogy of man, he comes to the conclusion that from the old-world monkeys, at a remote period, proceeded man, 'the wonder and glory of the universe.' " His first botanical book, "On the Various Contrivances by Which Or chids Are Fertilized by Insects," was brought out in 1862, and pronounced "the most masterly treatise on any branch of vegetable physiology that had ever appeared." This was followed by "The Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants," later by a work on "The-Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication." "The Expres sion of the Emotions in Man and Ani mals" appeared in 1872. The work on "Insectivorous Plants" was published in 1875, this followed by "The Effects of Cross and Sel Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom," "The Different Forms of Flowers in Plants of the Same Species," and "The- Power of Movement in Plants" works of in finite value to the science of biology. As illustration of 'his wonderful pa tience in research mention should be made of his study of earthworms, car ried on for a period of 30 years, the result of this study presented to the public in his last contribution, "The Formation of ' Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms." In this work he says: "The plow is one of the most ancjent and most val liable of man's inventions; but long before he existed the land was in fact regularly plowed, and still continues to be thus plowed, by earthworms. It may be . doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world as ' have these lowly or ganized creatures." Darwin suffered most of his life from stomach trouble, and was not able to work continuously through the day had to conserve his energies with great care. Charles Robert Darwin was born at Shrewsbury, England, February 12 1809, the same day that Abraham Lincoln was born. He was son of Dr. Robert Darwin and grandson of Eras mus Darwin, naturalist and poet. His maternal grandfather was Josiah Wedgewood, the celebrated potter. The family was in affluent circumstances, the naturalist all his life in a position to pursue his studies uninterrupted by financial worries. He early showed perhaps more than a boy's usual taste for collecting, and amid the flowers shrubs and pets of his father's home The Mount began the study of Na ture. During a period of work at Edin burgh university he evinced much in terest in zoology, later at "Cambridge was strongly attracted to natural his tory. Cambridge associations brought him Invitation to join as naturalist the scientific expedition of H. M. S. Bea gle, and in 1831 Darwin set forth on that long and fruitful voyage which was to color and mold all his future work. The voyage lasted five years, and though persistently troubled by chronic seasickness, Darwin was in defatigable in- work. His book, "A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World,' is very widely known. His contribu tions on the structure and distribution of coral reefs and geological observa tions, on volcanic islands and on South America were of highest value. Three years after the close of the voyage, -in 1839, he married his cousin Emma Wedgewood, a union that proved very happy. There were nine children, two of whom died in child- hood. In 1842, being in ill health in London, he took up residence at Down House, a delightful country place, and amid ideal surroundings pursued his Scientific investigations. Of the do mestic life there are many pleasant records, the genial home, the generous hospitality, the children and dogs, the devoted servants, the flowers and vines and pets. It was at Down House the end came, April 19, 1882; quietly, vith no violence of pain, no actual flckness, ju;.t a gradual loss of strength, able to work a little the day before his death. He was buried in Westminster Ab bey, near Si)- John Herschell and Sir Isaac Newton. On the Sunday follow ing the burial, the bishop of Carlisle preaching at Westminster, admitted Darwin had produced a greater change in the current of thought than any other man. In Germany the Allge meine Zeitung declared "Our century is Darwin's century." KATHERINE POPE. (Copyright, by Shortstory Pub. Co.) Ever since a small boy I have been a great admirer of a railroad locomo tive. A short time ago, while waiting for a train in Pittsburg, I noticed a new and unusually large passenger en gine standing on a siding, and I wan dered over to it. It proved to be one of the latest machines a "ten-wheeler, compound cylinder" engine. I walked from one side to the other and scruti nized every part, from the electric head-light to the vestibule attachment at the rear of the tank. I was just turning to leave, to look at another, when the engineer pleasantly said: "Better come up in the cab and see- how nice it is." Being only too glad of an opportu nity, I lost no time in climbing up and inspecting the nerve-center of the 80 ton monster. Many times I had been in engine cabs, but in this one I no ticed something I never had seen in any other. It was a small, oblong box or case fastened on top of the steam-gauge. It was made of bevel-plate glass, with gold mountings. In the box, standing on end, was a single, snow-white feath er, three inches long by three-quarters of an inch wide. Turning to the engineer and point ing to the glass case, I said: 'That's rather an unusual, yet a very pretty ornament." "Yes," he said, "not only all that, but very much more. Its significance is far greater and more important, and Sf you are interested, I'll tell you why that white feather is there." Being interested, I sat down by him, and said: . - "I am ready to listen." ' "Well," he said, "it was while I was running the 525 that what I'll tell you happened. My, but 525 is an engine for you! She's as swift as the wind. and as easy to handle as a toy. How "For God's Sake Stop!" I did dislike to have her taken away from me! But she was transferred to the western division, as the grades there are lighter and this engine was built heavier, for mountain climbing. "East of here, about 90 miles, is our longest tunnel, No. 4, and one-quarter of a mile from the east end of the tun nel is a small river, over which is a bridge of two spans. This bridge has always been considered dangerous, owing to the fact that the river is very swift and rises very suddenly, on ac count of rains and snows In the moun tains. ' ; "About two years ago a young wom an was killed just as we ran out of the east end of tunnel Nq. 4. She was hit by the 525 at the dead hour of mid night. When we picked her up we discovered that she was attired in pure white her night clothes. We afterward heard that she was a som nambulist, and that she had wandered from her home, only a few yards dis tant, and was certainly crossing the track in her sleep. "On my first run east, after the death of the girl, all went right, yet I could not keep from thinking of what happened the last time I had made the trip. It had made a strong impres sion on my mind, and I was just a little bit nervous as we entered No. 4. As we neared the east endmy heart beat louder and faster. " 'What was that?' I asked myself, as I saw, or imagined I "saw, for just one second,, something snow-white flash ahead of my engine. By the time I had pushed in the throttle and reached for the air lever it had disap peared. -' " 'Was I dreaming?' No, not that; for engineers don't dream in their cabs. .'Was I becoming superstitious or nervous?' I concluded' to let it go as imagination. . "The next half dozen trips the same thing appeared. I was not supersti tious, and I became more and more determined to learn what it was. . "Night after night, as I neared the end of the tunnel, I would see the same thing. It would, appear before me like a flash and flit along ahead, for an instant, : and then as suddenly disap pear. It was very strange, to say the least, and while I . became more or less accustomed to it, yet I was al ways, on the lookout for it, as it seemed to have a fascination, or an influence, about it. I had spoken of it to no one, even to my fireman, but I concluded to say something to him, so I asked: ' " 'John, have you ever seen anything unusual, as we go east, in No. 4?' " 'Yes,' he replied, 'I confess I have seen, or imagined I have 'Been, that fig ure in white that we struck.' "There was little Consolation, or ex planation, in that for me, so I dropped the subject. I said no more to any one, but during the next month I did a lot of thinking, for not a single trip did we go east, but what this 'figure in white' would glide out of No. 4 ahead of us. ' "Then one night I had the pleasure of sitting behind the first electric head light ever placed on one of our en gines. My fireman and I were very proud of it, and were anxious to see how it would work. After we had made 60 miles and noted how much stronger the light was, and how much plainer and farther we could see by this light than by the old lamp, I said: " 'John, to-night we can get a better view of what, flags ns in No. 4.' "The night was dark, and as we climbed up the mountains evidence of heavy rains was apparent, and a mist hung over everything. All went well till we were signaled down to a dead stop, and lost 30 minutes, while a land-' slide was removed from the track. "Fifty miles an hour was our regu lar schedule and anything that had heretofore got out of pur . way would not have as much time to-night for, in making up lost time, I was pushing the 525 at 70 miles when we stuck her nose into No. 4. , " 'Now for our figure in white!' " 'Will she get out of out way get in the clear?' . "As we dashed through every nerve was at its highest tension, my eyes were riveted along the beam of elec tric light. "We neared the exit! "We reached it! "I looked over at John, as much as to ask: '.'.' f " 'What has become of the "figure In white?"' "When in answer to my mental question he jumped from his seat clutched my arm and shouted: " 'For God's sake stop! 1 " 'Yonder she stands in the bridge, but now now she's in black.' "Looking ahead I saw what made my. heart leap, for, sure enough, there stood a quivering black object in the center of the bridge, only one-quarter of a mile away. Quick as thought I knocked the throttle in, turned on air and reversed her coming to a ' stop less than 200 yards from the bridge. By this time our conductor, lantern in hand, was out by the side of the train and I called for him to come forward, and showed, him what had caused me to stop. ' " 'What's - that crazy woman doing out i there to-night? Do you. suppose there's anything wrong with the bridge? Let's go ahead and see?' " 'Come on, John, and go with us.' - ' "On the way I had all kinds of thoughts. The past and the -present were enough to make a fellow think. "As we neared the river we- could 1. .. t- -.!.., . 1. Tl mAn near i L. luauiig,. niucu uuiiii, -vvuu as ahead, suddenly, i stopped with the startling information: . '"The bridge is gone.' "Sure enough it was, but not so with the black, quivering signal. It still stood there, a silent and ominous warn ing stood there above tke roaring wa ter with no more support than the air itself. . "So we left it. 1 , "As we walked back to the train we all tried to explain who, what, or which it was, but evidently. to no one's satisfaction. Several times we stopped and looked back to see if it had gone. Each time we saw the same black, quivering specter the specter, or whatever it was that had saved all our lives. .' "As we neared the engine we saw a white object lying on the pilot. John rushed forward, picked it up, and held it out at arm's length : "A snow-white pigeon! "Naturally, 1 glanced upward, and as I did so my eyes fell upon an ob ject sticking on the very center of the glass of the head-light. 4 " 'John,' I said, 'climb up there and see what that is.' "He hurriedly did so, and holding It up, said: " 'It's a white feather out of that pigeon we've struck and killed.' " 'Put that feather back there,' ex citedly called the conductor. . ; "Sticking it back on the glass, which was wet from heavy mist, John said: '"There you are; what about it?' - " 'Look toward the bridge,' from the conductor. "There stood the warning figure in black. , "('Now take the feather away.' ,"It was removed. .... "'Now look toward the bridge.' ."The figure in black had disap peared. ' . ' "For months we had frightened that white pigeon from her roosting place in the tunnel. She had flown out ahead of . us till struck, and killed, by our electric head-light , when one white feather cast a black shadow when white turned black." . . ' '