LINCOLN LABOR PROTEST. (Continued from Page One.) derstrappers, when a labor dispute is under way, to arrest work ingmen without warrant or accusation, imprison them without any process of law, to refuse them opportunity to consult counsel or ben efit of the writ of habeas corpus, to deport them from the state under threat of death if they return to their homes, or to hold them in prison for an indefinite time without trial; and it declares that, even though the workingmen so oppressed be guilty of no crime or misdemeanor, and no matter what injury theyx may suffer through such invasion of their fundamental civil rights, they have no ground or legal action against their oppressors, that the law offers them no redress for the restraint, loss, insult, and hardship inflicted upon them. In a word, the Supreme Court says "Amen!" to Sherman Bell's historic exclamation "To Hell with the Constitution." And this is the court whose dictates the workingmen of the country are expected to listen to with respect, as utterances of the highest wis dom and the loftiest morality. New York Daily Call. ROBERT HUNTER HAS SOME FUN. Proceeds to Play Horse .With Jim Van Cleave and the Buck Stove and Range Company. ' We may get amusement sometimes even out of tragedy. The recent decision against the officials of the Federation of Labor furnishes at least one amusing sidelight. It appears the Buck Stove and Range company claims it has greatly suffered by the so-called "boy-cott' 'against its goods. A few labor journals have published from time to time a state ment that "we don't patronize" the Buck Stove company. In order to get a few dollars damages, and to satisfy a personal spite, the Buck Stove company had the officials of the Federation enjoined and punished. Incidentally it has managed to advertise the fact that the Buck Stove company is 'Sin unfair concern," so that at the present mo ment there is no excuse whatever for any workingman in this coun try being ignorant of that fact. Only a million or so persons might have heard of the Buck Stove company through the ordinary labor publications. Now many millions know something useful about that company. The Buck Stove company, in other words, has advertised its antilabor union record before the entire civilized world. That's where the fun comes in. Now, I suppose it is very dangerous for me to mention this fact. Apparently, even to speak the, name of this company is now a criminal offense. To say that they have been unfair to their workmen is also a criminal offense. To say that they have produced non-union goods is to make of yourself a conspirator in restraint of trade, and therefore I will not say these things. I wouldn't think of advising any workman not to buy a Buck stove range. That would be encouraging' a boycott. To encourage a boycott is "to commit a criminal offense. In fact, the only reason I mention the matter at all is because it will furnish my readers with a bit of recreation and laughter. There may be some men who prefer to to to jail rather than to lost their freedom of speech. I am not such a person. I have no intention of offending the august court. I would not think of advising workingmen against buying of this "scab" concern. On the contrary, I think they ought to buy a stove of this com pany if otherwise their children would freeze and there is no chance on earth to get a stove anywhere else. Robert Hunter in New York Daily Call. New Spring: Suits are arriving; every day. Come and see them. GET FIRST CHOICE. , , . Ke$10-00 to $35 .00 NEW SKIRTS Rae $2-97 tO $20 00 All Winter Suits 1L DmVa All Winter Coats 2 rntC NEW WAISTS All with New Long Sleeves White, 75c to $5 t Taffeta Silk, $3.50 to $12.00 Net, $2.97 to $18 Satin, $5 to $8.50 Our Ready Made Department is determined this coming season to excel in Variety, Styles and prices. G Re R e a; t OF . S AL .V Shor JL A clearing away of all the small lines and broken lots of desirable merchandise left from our regular lines by the enormous sale we enjoyed during January. Reductions of 30, 40, and in Many Cases, 50 Per Gent Dress Goods White Goods Table Linens Toweiings Ginghams Chambrays FHt-st Madras Silkolines Percales Tickings Shirtings Cretonnes Curtain Swisses Belts Corsets Muslins Blankets Embroideries Hosiery Ribbons DressTrimmings Laces Gloves Etc. Mittens Sheetings Flannelettes Outings Underwear Selections ene Always the Best Cloakroom A final Clean-Up Sale of short lines 100 GARMENTS IN FIVE DIVISIONS. $13.95, $14.50 and $14.95 values, choice at . $6.75 $17.50, $19.50 and $19.95 values, choice at. . . $8.75 $22.50 and $25.00 values, choice at $10.75 $27.50 and $29.50 values, choice at. .$12.75 All Black Coats at One-Half Off 1 rack broken size, assorted colors, $9.95 to $25.00 values,-choi$e .$4.95 Suits at ; Half Price Children's Coats at Half Price Skirts (about 150 garments) at Half Price WAISTS. $1.50 values Madras and Flanelette, choice at .79c 40 Black and Colored Taffeta Silk at Half Price White Lingerie with long tucked sleeves and fine lace insertion, $1.50 values only . . .98c $.50 values Striped Poplin, only $1.48 ' :' FURS. $1.95 to $2.50 values, choice. 98c , $3:95 and $4.95. values, choice $1.98 $5.95 and $6.95 values, choice $2.98 All other Scarfs, Muffs and Jackets at Half Price Men's Furnishings BOYS '-FLANNEL SHIRTS. 1 Lot of Boys' Flannel Shirts and Waists, regular 50 and 60c values, at. ............ . ........... .39c MEN'S SUSPENDERS. 1 Lot of Men's Suspenders, regular 35c value, to close at. .19c MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 1 Lot of Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, V a good 50c value, at 37c MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS. 1 Lot of Men's Wool Flannel Shirts in fancy striped and plain colors, regular price $2.00, $1.75 and" - . $1.50, special price ............. ; ....... . . . ........ $1.19 AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT All Men's and Boys' Winter Caps, Duck and Sheepskin Coats, Corduroy and Dress Pants, Sweater Coats-and Cardi gan Jackets, all Men's Wool Underwear, at 20 per cent dis count. , 917-921 O St. OPPOSITE CITY HALL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL APPEALS FOR FUNDS. Asks All Members of Organized Labor to Help Bear Expenses of Appeal to Supreme Court. Under date of January 18 the following appeal has been sent out by the Executive CQuncil of the American Federation of Labor : To Organized Labor, Its Friends and Sympathizers Greeting: The American Federation of Labor, as its name signifies, is a voluntary body composed of national, international and local unions, each of which attends to its own trade business, financial and other wise, and retains its complete and individual authority and auton omy, while the relationship and purpose of the Federation to the affiliated .bodies is to assist them in carrying out trade betterment, to take the initiative in introducing and urging the passage of de sirable legislation, and to promote the general welfare. It is thus seen that the American Federation of Labor cannot be considered as holding or having funds in the ordinary routine of its business for unusual purposes. A most unusual and important event has oc curred in which extra funds are essential, and an earnest appeal for financial aid is herewith made to you, which will no doubt meet with your prompt and liberal response. You know that Samuel Gompers,, John Mitchell and Frank Mor rison have been declared guilty of violating an injunction by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and that Justice Wright of that court has sentenced them to terms of imprisonment of twelve, nine and six months respectively. Pending an appeal they are out on bail. The original injunction, issued on the application of the Buck Stove & Range Co., has been appealed to the court of appeals of the District of Columbia, and we have authorized our attorneys also to take an appeal against Justice Wright's decision. We hold that Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison have not violated the terms of the injunction, but instead have exercised their right of free press and free speech. These are cardinal principles guaranteed by the constitution of our country and by. our states, and to the maintenance and perpetuity of which we pledge and will exert our every effort. . r As stated, there are now two appeals pending. One upon the original injunction and the other from Justice Wright's decision. Should an adverse decision be reached in either or both appeals, it will be essential to make further appeals to the Supreme Court of the United States. Surely no member of organized labor or other fair-minded man can rest content unless the principles involved in these cases are determined by the highest tribunal in our land. We have already expended large sums in these cases, and the plaintiff attorneys have not only boasted of causing such large ex penditures on our part, but have asserted "there are more to come." We have exceptionally able attorneys in Hon. Alton B. Parker, and Messrs. Ralston and Siddons, who will carry the cases to their logical and final conclusions, but ample funds must be provided to permit this to be done. From the expressions of our fellow-workers and friends in all walks of life we find that they are in absolute accord with us in the determined stand taken by Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell and Mor rison in the assertion of their and our inalienable rights of free press and free speech and the determination that these' cases be pressed to final conclusion. Of course, we will fight for our rights through every legitimate and constitutional channel which our sys tem of legislation and law procedure permits, to rectify the injus tice of which we complain, and in the meantime, in having these cases appealed and determined, we are confident that we : are pur suing the course which commends itself to the men of labor and other friends of human justice. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. In order to permit of proper defense of liberty and freedom as guaranteed to all citizens, we appeal to all labor and to all friends to make financial contri butions for legal defense in these cases before the courts. ! President Gompers and his colleagues are on trial for your rights co-equally-with their own, and, every , liberty-loving citizen in or out of the ranks of labor should consider this situation and appeal as their own personal concern, and response should be made accordingly. Upon the injunction abuse the Denver convention of Labor de clared "That we will exercise all the rights and privileges guaran teed to us by the Constitution and laws of our country, and insist that it is our duty to defend ourselves at all hazards." This appeal for funds is issued in accordance with that declaration. Send all contributions to Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Labor, 423 G street N.-.W., Washington, D. C, who will acknowledge and receipt for the same and make due accounting thereof. Sincerely and fraternally yours, SAMUEL GOMPERS, President. Attest : FRANK MORRISON, Secretarv. JAMES DUNCAN, First Vice-Pres. JOHN MITCHELL, Second Vice-Pres. MAX MORRIS, Fourth Vice-Pres. D. A. HAYES, Fifth Vice-Pres. WM. D. HUBER, Sixth Vice-Pres. ' JOS. F. VALENTINE, Seventh Vice-Pres. JOHN R. ALPINE, Eighth Vice-Pres. ' ' JOHN B. LENNON, Treasurer. Executive Council American Federation of Labor., CHILD LABOR A MENACE. . That child labor Is a menace to the national health and the public wel fare and that America, taking the lead among progressive nations, should dis courage It, were arguments made be fore the fifth annual national child labor conference at. Chicago last week. The conference is seeking to induce congress to establish , a bureau to investigate and guard the rights of children. Among the speakers . se lected were Dr. Woods Hutchinson of New York, Dr. Albert H. Freiberg o,f Cincinnati, Dr. Thomas M. Roth of Boston, Dr. Andrew S. Draper, state commissioner of education. Albany, N Y.; Howell Cheney, South Manchester, Conn., and Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, of Denver. Ioiii3 'pups uUUX UMipna ttnfto " tta 'ftnnivji raommd poof) iwuno xaqio oa foaij Plvja4tn B3oof -amjoj Mosaq d!iirtivmad 'ilmdaaanooq oiqnop noanjwn duMo I -A3N0W 918 NUVi' .A! I3W0H IV MHiTl no