The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, January 30, 1909, Image 7

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the bane op
Very, Very Seldom Wili H Conde.
cend to Talk to Newspaper Men
Will Not Tolerate Anything
Like Familiarity.
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a great
sufferer from female troubles which
I caused a weasness
and broken down
condition of the
system. I read so
much of whatLydia
E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound
had done for other
suffering women I
felt sure it would
help me, and I must
say it did help me
wonderfully. My
nains all left me. I
rew stronger, and within three months
was a perfectly well woman.
"I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. John G. Moldan,
2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above prove
the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who Buffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to restore their
to Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mass.
confidential. For 20 years she
has been helping1 sick women in
this way, free of charge. Don't
hesitate write at once.
Prophecy Fulfilled.
That baby, madam," said the doc
tor to the proud and happy mother,
Uwill make his mark In the world
some day."
,Note the fulfillment of the predic
tion. In less than 16 years that boy was
the scoreboard artist In a great base
ball park. Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Luther Burbank, the plant Wiz
ard of California, has originated a
wonderful new plant which grows any
where, in any soil or climate, and bears
great quantities of luscious berries all
the season. Plants are grown from
seed, and It takes only three months
to get them in bearing, and they may
be grown and fruited all summer in
the garden, or In pots during the win-
.AM I, I a unAiiABtlAnnlil. 4ViO Cf.ia 1'Aer
Fruit ' Novelty ever known, and Mr.
Burbank has made Mr. John Lewis
Childs, of Floral Park, N. Y., the in
troducer. He says that Mr. Childs is
one of the largest, best-known, fair
est and. most reliable Seedsman in
America. Mr. Childs is advertising
seed of the Wonderberry all over the
world, and offering great inducements
to Agents for taking orders for it.
This berry is so fine and valuable, and
so easily grown anywhere, that every
body should get it at once.
Washington. Formerly It was the
practice among city editors in Wash
ington, when there was a new or
"cub" reporter to be "broken in," to
assign to him the task of interview
ing Prof. Langley of the Smithsonian
institution, on the subject of aviation.
If be survived If he came back still
imbued with the idea that he was cut
cut to do newspaper work he was
considered a "find" by the city editor
and usually was given regular employ
ment. Langley has been dead for sev
eral years. Now city editors send
their news men to Interview Senator
Eugene Hale of Maine. If Langley
was impossible. Hale Is Inexpressible.
Langley was like a roaring lion when
confronted by a person seeking in
formation about his hobby. Hale is
haughty and scornful In his treatment
of representatives of the press when
approached by one of them on any
subject. Langley sometimes gave to
the public, through the press, some
benefit of his great store of informa
tion on scientific matters. Hale ab
hors interviewers, even to the point
of being rude to them, and it Is sel
dom, very seldom, that he talks to
any of them for publication.
Writers, probably, viewing their
subject from the galleries of the sen
ate or from afar, have said that Hale
Is of the "old school" of statesmen
Rather, Hale is of the aristocratic
type of statesmen.
Statesmen of the "old school," to
which Morgan, Vest, Edmunds, Cock-
Women Struggle Hopelessly - Alono,
Suffering Backache, Dizzy Spells,
Languor, Etc.
Women have so much to. go through
In life that it's a pity there is so much
suffering from back-
ache and other com
mon curable kidney
ills. If you suffer so,
profit by this wom
an's example: Mrs.
Martin Douglass, 52
Cedar St., Kingston,
N. Y., says: "I had a
lame, aching back,
dizzy spells, head
aches, and a feeling of languor. Part
of the time I could not attend to my
work and, irregularity of the kidney
secretions was annoying. Doan's Kid
ney Pills brought me prompt relief."
Sold by all dealers. 50c a box. Fob-ter-Milburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
"Have you noticed that the baroness
never talks about other women?
"How could she? She is all the
time talking about herself."
. The increased use of "Toris" for.
rheumatism is causing considerable
discussion among the -medical frater
nity. It is an almost infallible cure
when mixed with certain other ingre
dients and taken propenly. The fol-.
lowing formula is effective: "To one
half pint of good whiskey add one
ounce of Toris Compound and one
ounce of Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound.
Take in tablespoonful doses before
each meal and before retiring."
Toris compound is a product of the
laboratories of the Globe Pharma
ceutical Co., Chicago, but it as well as
the other ingredients can be had from
any good druggist.
Wouldn't Take Him Seriously.
He But I need you in order to be
She I couldn't think of marrying a
needy person.
cure anv possible case of DISTEMPER,
PINK EYE, and the like among horses
of all ages, and prevents all others in the
same stable from having the disease. Also
cures chicken cholera, and dog distemper.
Any good druggist can supply you, or send
to infra. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Agents
wanted. Free book. Spohn Medical Co.,
Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. '
The man of intellect is the noble
hearted man withal, the true, just hu-'
mane and valiant man. Carlyle.
' Strone drue cathartics simply aggravate
the condition the true remedy for consti
pation and liver trouble is found in Gar
field Tea, the mild Herb laxative.
Was So Sore, Irritating and Painful
That Little Sufferer Could Not Sleep
Scratched Constantly.
Many a man lives a regular cat-and-
dog life. He purrs in the panor and
barks in the kitchen.
Cuticura's Efficacy Clearly Proven.
"When about two and a half years
old my daughter broke out on her hips
and the upper parts of her legs with a
very irritating and painful eruption. It
began in October; the first I noticed
was a little red surface and a constant
desire on her part to scratch her limbs.
She could not sleep and the eruptions
got sore, and yellow water eame out
of them. I had two doctors treat her,
but she grew worse under their treat
ment.. Then I bought the Cuticura
Remedies and only used Nthem two
weeks when she was entirely well.
This was In February. She has never,
had another rough place on her skin,
and she is now fourteen years old.
Mrs. R. R. Whitaker, Winchester,
Tenn., Sept 22, 1908." '
Patter Drag & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston.
the signature of K. W. GROVE. Usod the World
over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 26o.
Arms and laws do not flourish to
gether. Caesar.
Same Effect.
"Cyril," said his mother, as they sat
down to the breakfast table, "did you
wash your face this morning?"
"Well, no mamma," said he, slowly,
evidently casting in his mind for an
excuse, "but," ho added, reassuringly,
"I cried a little before I came down
stairs!" Delineator. ,
Professor Munyon has Just Issued a
most beautiful, useful and complete Al
manac; it contains not only all the scien
tific information concerning the moon's
phases, in all the latitudes, but has il
lustrated articles on how to read char
acter by phrenology, palmistry and
birth month. It also tells all about
card reading, birth stones and their
meaning, and gives the interpretation
of dreams. It teaches beauty culture,
manicuring, gives weights and meas
ures, and antidotes for poison. In fact,
it is a Magazine Almanac, that not
only gives valuable information, but
will afford much amusement for every
member of the family, especially for
parties and evening entertainments.
Farmers and people in the rural dis
tricts will find this Almanac almost
It will be sent to anyone absolutely
free on application to the MUNYON
PHIA. A cane la an old man's strength and
ft young man's weakness.
Tic, e AVirtiVA rtrrtrSi
eousn svruD. 1 sales
In time. Sold by drui
eTaiLs V -r
Good. II
& cfgxS'j- -'ga
rell and others of their contemporaries
belonged, were dignified always, but
they also were affable. They had a
cheerful "good morning" and "good
night" for every senate employe, from
the man who scrubs the polished
marble floors of the private corridors
up to the vice-president.
Senator Hale rarely notices any per
son at the capltol who occupies a
lower place in the scale of officialdom
than a representative. He addresses
those under him when he needs them
to perform a service for him, but
never can it be truthfully said that he
hobnobbed with one of them.
Old senate employes have learned,
some of them "painfully, that the sen
ator from Maine will not tolerate f amil-
iarity, nor anything that approaches
familiarity. It was a new member of
the capitol police force that met Mr.
Hale coming into the big gray build
lng not long ago.
"Good morning, senator," breezily
exclaimed the copper.
"Man," angrily returned Mr. Hale,
"If you presume to address me again
your , position will be worth nothing
absolutely nothing."
Then he strode down the corridor
Into his committee room, leaving out
side a large man, mouth open and
trembling, unable to figure out just
what sort of a breach he had com
mltted, but at the same time certain
that he had done something dreadful
A certain elevator in the senate
wing of the capitol has on it a sign
that reads: "For members of the
congress and the supreme court." Al
though not mentioned on the placard
newspaper correspondents, by cour
tesy, are allowed to use the "lift
Senator Hale rang for the elevator re
cently. He wished to go from the first
to the second, or senate floor. When
the car stopped he stepped aboard,
and was followed by a stranger. Be
fore the conductor could close , the
door, Hale stepped out of the car, say
ing to the conductor:
"When you have taken this person
to his destination, you may return for
Incidents such as these in which
Senator Hale has figured are numer
ous at the capitol. From the galleries
the senator appears to be a fatherly
person. Those who know him in
timately say he is agreeable and
kindly he has few intimate frlende.
His record shows that he is an effec
tive legislator, and he Is recognized
as one of the biggest men in the sen
ate. Yet to the casual person jfcith
whom he comes in contact, he sug
gests t human iceberg.
Experienced reporters would Just as
soon jump into the Potomac on a
winter's day as to try to get a talk
from Hale for publication.
Mrs. Russell Sage" is the latest suf-
i...cHi v,r that onlv maaes one
Silver is of less value than gold;
gold, than virtue. Horace.
It Cnres While You Walk
Allen'sPoot-la.s iorcornsund bunions, hot, sweaty
callous ac'Ding feet. Jc all Druggists.
A light
heart lives long. Shakes-
I 0
l'7 i I
AVegetable Preparation for As -similating
ihe Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes f)igestion,Cheerful
ncss and Rest. Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not .arc otic.
Reap, crOld DrSAMVElmJiEt
fltoyrJtri'it Seed '
tothitUSaflM -.
Amst Sttd
Appermini -
Worm Seed
Ciatified Sugar-
mnkiyreem. rrttvor. , -1
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness arid Loss OF SLEEP-
Facsimile Signature of
" The Centaur Company.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Dought
the Z-fA.
kjT Use
PGuaranteed under the Food ana
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
aun oMiMNT, nnr tom othr.
LIVE STOCK AND CI CPTRflTVDEC WAWlCiLI ?? apprentu-o U learu . rowels
MISCELLANEOUS CLCU I nil I I W Ed - KneravlnBalRoJoWRlrjBnfcfiMA
mai.cLLAnr.uua k in tow Chicago jeweLki UNUKAvixu co.
In if ruat variety for salo at the lowest prices by 2oyce ISulidinir, Claivitso.
A. H. kKLl.OUflKWSPAfKUCO.. ?B W.AdBMiSt.. Chicago - ?
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 5, 1909. DEFlAMGESTII.Cn finest linens.
A flavoring that is used the sanrie as lemon or
vauitla. By dissolving grauuiated susar m wa
ter and adding Mapleine. a delicious syrup is
made and a syrnp better than maple. Mapleine
is sold by grocers. Send 2c stamp for sampls
and recipe book. Crescent Mtg. Co., Seattle.
Too Much for His Mind.
My first impulses," wailed the Sad-
Eyed Individual, "are invariably good.
In fact, I think that I may venture,
with'- at fear of undue exaggeration, to
Bay that they are very good. But I
never act on them! I always act on
second thoughts. This trait In my char
acter has ruined my career, because
my second thoughts are always bad!
In fact, I think I may say, without fear
of misrepresentation, that they're
punk." '
'Well," suggested he who was lis
tening, "why don't you wait until
third thoughts, and act on them?"
Mournfully, despondently, the Sad-
Eyed Individual shook his head.
"My dear sir," he groaned, I never
had three successive thoughts about
anything in my life"
Occasional Flash of Humor Enliven
Chase After Dollar.
It is supposed that business letters
are deficient in humor. Still there
have been exceptions, and the latest,
Bent by a member of the well-known
wholesale soap-making firm of (let us
say) Cake & Son, is one of the most
brilliant. A retail dealer in a small
way had .sent for a consignment of
their goods: "Gentlemen (he writes)
"wherefor you have not sent me the
sope? Is it bekawse you think my
money is not so good os nobody elses?
Dam you. Cake & Son! wherfor have
you not sent the sope? Please send
eope at once, and oblige yours respect
fully, Richard Jones. P. S. Since
writir.3 the above my wife has found
tne sope unaer tne counter.
H a k e r Ps (Cocoa
bearing this trade
in ark. D on ' t b e
misled by imitations
The genuine sold everywhere
U. 6. Pat. Offlca
Popular Beverage That Had Its Origin
in New Orleans.
In this country coffee brulo seems
to have had its origin in New Or
leans. On the other side it has been
popular for years, especially in France
and Hungary. A tray is brought the
hostess, bearing the coffee urn, a, sil
ver bowl with a wide mouth, a small
ladle, bowl of loaf sugar, a little dish
of whole spices, cloves, cinnamon and
cassia buds, and another with the peel
of a mandarin orange minced fine.
There is also a little flask of brandy.
The hostess, counting noses, puts into
the wide-mouthed bowl a lump of
sugar for each person, then the
cloves, cinnamon and orange peel.
Over this a little brandy is poured.
which is then lighted and allowed to
burn until the alcohol has all disap
peared. During this burning It must
be occasionally stirred. As soon as
the flame has disappeared the coffee,
black and strong is poured in until the
bowl is full. A final stir and this is
ladled out into after dinner coffee
SEED. V of rW'r '
l he American girl is not worried
over the fact that leap year is now a
matter of the past. She isn't inter
ested in leap year;, she doesn't have
to be.
Andrew Carnegie got lost in Wash
ington, but they never could lose him
Wonderberry plant
' wmtm
Luther Burbank's Greatest Creation. A ""e,RBi
Mnnths from Seed. Seed 20 Cts. Per Pkt., 3 Pkts. for 50 Cts.f Postpaid
Fruit Wne-black like an enormoue rleh blueberry in looks and AN1TH E 80LE I NT HO D "C E " A D GEN U I N E SEED
taste. Unsurpassed lor eating; raw, cooxea, cannea or pic wnn be ni r n - .
in any form. The greatest garaen iruis ever ujhiw FoRQOCTS (Silver or Stamps) I will sena l pKt. wonaemwry
An..nv nin.hl in hot. drv. cold or wet climates. Easiest plant in Tt5!iT Bn nrli v fiRKAT CATALOGUE which tells aU
the world to grow, succeeding anywhere and yielding great masses JYnj my BIQ CASH PHIZES to agents. AGENTS WANTED,
of rich fruit all summer and fall and all winter in pots (As a pot OH EAT CATALOGUE or Flower and Vegetable
plant it is both ornamental anu nfeiuw- ,lfr, wiT Seed. Bulbs, Plant, and Rare and New Fruit. FREE to all who
family garden ever known. Every body .canj nd will grow J 60o ,iu.tration. and colored plates. I have boon
Lntner Burbank, ot California-, the wor.d famous htridize T' "Pg1,;,.. iJeir. and have half a million customer all over the
originated this new fruit and turned it over to me to introduce, tie satisfaction guaranteed to everyone. Do not
tCfilCn IU UliHIVB yavxuowM a-- v
,o john LEWIS CHILDS. Floral Park. N. Y.
P 8 -Thin offer Will not appear again. Write for Wonderberry seed, and Catalogue at once, wnoi neglect or
iniB OTTer will rai OKt'w' "V " i. w,,h berries and seed. I raised 560 nnarls -from a few plants.
can be the first to grow
h. . n ether de. One 10c rackaae color, all tlbef. The? dr In cola wafer better ttae.nt ether 6V. Yea oen ja
MOM ROE DRUQ OO.. Quhmoy, lllhmlm.
in the steel business.