ALE Overcoats and Sirits M OUT $45.00 Values 30.00 Values 25.00 Values 20.00 Values 15.00 Values 12.50 Values .00 Values 8.50 Values 6.00 Values 5.00 Values Oust Oust Oust Oust Oust Oust Oust Oust Oust Oust 'Em Out 'Em Out 'Em Out rEm Out 'Em Out 'Em Out 'Em Out 'Em Out 'Em Out 'Em Out for Men, Young Men and Boys at $29.50 at 24.50 at 18.50 at 14.50 at 11.50 at 9.50 at 7.50 at 4.50 at 14 00 at 3.50 and O'iate Every Garment is Under priced $10.00 Values - Oust 'Em Out at $7.50 8.50 Values Oust 'Em Out - at 6.50 6.50 Values - Oust 'Em Out - at 4.50 5.00 Values Oust 'Em Out - at 3.50 4.00 Values Oust 'Em Out at 2.50 3.00 Values Oust 'Em Out - at 1.95 2.50 Values - Oust 'Em Out ';. - at 1. 45 2.00 Values Oust 'Em Out - at 1.19 McKee and Sweet Orr Overalls Union Made at a pair 7 Cents Men's FurnishingsOust 'Em! Out Oust 'Em Out All broken lines of Wool Underweaiy Shirts and Drawers that sold up to $3.00, Oust 'Em Out, at... .95 One large assortment of Men's Gray ' Wool Mixed Shirts and Drawers, exceptional values, Oust 'Em Out, at. . . ' 45c Men's Fleeced Lined and Cotton Ribbed ' Shirts and Drawers ; in ecru, brown and blue, the 50c kind, Oust 'Em 'Out, at.. . .......35c One big lot of Fancy Vests .that sold up to $4.00, Oust 'Em Out, at...,. 79c Men's 25c Silk Lisle Brighton Garters, Oust 'Em Out, at 13c Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Wool Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves, Oust 'Em Out, at -78c Men's 75c Wool Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves and Mittens, Oust , 'Em Out, at .....49c Knit Jersey Wool Lined Gloves, Oust 'Em Out, at ..15c Men's 50c Way Mufflers, Oust 'Em Out, at.... ......29c A big lot of Fancy Shield Bows, 20e values, Oust 'Em Out, at 10c 200 dozen Men's Fancy Four-in-Hand, Batswing and Made-Up Ties, 25c and 35c values, Oust 'Em Out , : at......... . .....17c Ear Muffs that have sold for 20c, . Oust 'Era Out, for.. ... . . .....10c Ear Muffs that have sold for 10c, Oust 'Era Out, ". ; v at ." . . . . . . .". .'. . . . .5c Rubber Collars, all 25c qualities; Oust 'Em Out, : ' at... ...15c A big lot of broken lines and styles of 20c Rubber Collars, Oust -'Em Out, for. . . ... ....... .'. ..... 5c Men's 35c Lisle Suspenders, Oust 'Em .Out, each . .. .19c Men's 25c Lisle Suspenders, ' Oust 'Em Out, at. ... . .. ..... . . .15c 10c Rockford Sox, Oust 'Em Out, at . . . .'4c 15c Plain Black and Tan Sox, Oust 'Em Out, at. .9e Men's Turkey Red Handker chiefs, Oust 'Em Out, at. 3c Men's 10c White Handkerchiefs, Oust 'Em Out, at. .............. .3c Shoes Remember Our Clearance Sale of Women's Men's and Children's Shoes and Slippers. Woolens AH Woolens and Fancy Vest patterns in our Tailoring Dept. are of feted at 20 per cent discount. COME IN AND SEE dQ CA WILL WHAT py.OU DO! MAY ER BROS. SEE WHAT COME IN AND $9.50 WILL DO! It