I S & o o I s o i V $ I i i I I i o i 1 9 8 9 8 o i 0 V o 8 o 1 o o o o 8 o I. 00000000000000000000000 LffiEtTY ftOU MADE IN LINCOLN 77e Flout that Makes Qood Bread The Flour that Makes Home Happy HONESTLY MADE IN LINCOLN Liberty Flour made by the Lincoln Mills is as honestly made as the character of the man whose name Nebraska's Capital City bears. Liberty Flour is made from the finest selected wheat by the latest and most improved process. It is the acme of flour perfection. The merits of Liberty Flour have been tested and demonstrated in every way, and in every way Liberty Flour has .stood the test. It measures up to the name and character of the Great Em ancipator. We only ask that you give it a trial. We will gladly abide by the result. Use Liberty Flour The Flour that oMade Lincoln Famous The Flour that Labors Jriends cMake Wives of Union Workingmen have heartily endorsed Liberty Flour.. We can show you their letters over their own signatures. The wife of the workingman knows what good Flour is. That is a part of her share of the work in making the home. She knows by actual test that LIBERTY FLOUR IS THE BEST FLOUR ON THE MARKET. Liberty Flour has the Highest Endorsements It is the Flour of Quality. It has stood every test of the "Experts of Experts" the wives of the workingmen. It has made Lincoln a recognized milling center. It has always measured up to our guarantee. We only ask a fair trial in com petition with any flour made anywhere in the world. We put our personal guarantee behind every sack of Liberty Flour. Our Position on the Union Labor Proposition The Lincoln Mills Co. does not employ union millers for the simple reason that there are not enough cereal workers in Lincoln to hold a charter. But we have said, and we repeat, that as soon as our business is big enough to employ a force large enough to hold a charter of Flour and Cereal Mill Workers we will encourage and aid the organization of a local. As far as possible we employ Union Labor. We believe in Trades Unions and trade union principles. We ask only reciprocal relations. We'll make good with the Flour you make good in your oft repeated declaration to "STAND BY LABOR'S FRIENDS." If Your Grocer Refuses to Handle Liberty Flour, Change Grocers But it is handled by all wise grocers. Telephone the mill if your grocer does not give you Liberty Flour when you ask for It. We will send you the flour and see the grocer. TAKE NO OTHER BRAND. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. 0OIXIO:0t-000000 O O ? 000000Q000Q00KX (d Barter m Sum Lincoln TVlills LIINCOLIN - - - - . . IN. O000000000000000000000000000 ..... O000000000000000000000000 O00000000000000000000000900 P o o o o o o : o o o o o o