fel TOLD DC DC DC DOC DC DC DC Y We've been telling you for weeks that the cold days would soon be here and urging you to rush your shopping. If you haven't taken our advice yet you should do so IMMEDIATELY, because the real cold days are almost here and you will find yourself wishing you had anticipated them. Here are some bargains that will interest you. w VII SI!! SO 1 CLOAKROOM Excellent Bargains Waists and La dies' Skirts Beginning Monday wo will ploe on special sale about 130 high class Si Ik and Net Waists that are stylish and extremely desirable; seldom you see such a splendid collection. All are cut on full liberal patterns with the new long sleeve and elaborately trimmed. Take a look at them, you will admit that they could not he prettier at such a low price. $4.05 values Taffeta, all colors, special" $3.95 $6.75 and $5.95 values Taffeta, all colors, special.. .?4.9& $7.50 values Taffetas, all colors, special $5.95 1 lot of broken sises Taffetas and Lace Waists, values up to $6.95, choice. . -$2.95 $4.95 values, Lace, white, gray, ecru, special, $3.95 $7.50 to $5.95 values, white and ecru '. $4.95 If You Are in Need of a Separate Skirt We give you a chance to secure a "GOOD ONE" at a small price. Panama, Serge aud Woolen check materials, $7.50 to $6.75, regu- ' lar, choice .. t ........ . $4.95 $8.50-$7,95 regular, choice at. . . . .$5.95 $11.50, $9.95, $9.50, regular, choice at . . .$7.95 $14.50 Taffeta Silk; choice at. . ... .$7.95 4 One lot of assorted materials and styles were sold up to $9.95, choice at $3J5, $2.95 and $1.95. Our entire line of French Voiles in the new flare and side pleated styles, trimmed with Taffeta and but tons. Divided in three divisions. $17.50-$15.50, reg., sale price. . .$9.95 $14.50, $13.50, $11.50, sale price. . .$7.95 $8.50,$7,50, sale priee .$4.95 V Stdtu sneciallv oriced at $24.50. $19.50, $14.50 and $10.00, regular $15.00 to $29.50. Coats 52 and 54 inches long in all leading styles. Kersey and Broadcloths, full or half-satin lined, special prices $18.95, $16.75, $14.95 $11.50, and $9.95, worth from $14.50 up to $22.50. At Half Price handsome and durable Ladies' Bearskin and Silk Plush Jackets. Taffeta Silk Coats, Now Half Off. Sale Wide Sheetings Muslins and wide sheetings arc going to advance without any question, but those that take advantage of our prices this week will save money. 9-4 Dan liivcr unbleached sheeting as good as any standard cloth worth 26e, special this -week 21c 9-4 Dau River bleached sheeting, quality as unbleached, Avovth to 28e, special this week. ... .23c One Bale of Mount City LL unbleached muslin, special this week. . .......... . '. N."..Y., .. 6o CO pieces of L CM, extra quality unbleached muslin, worth 71oc, this week special. '. 6c A good quality of yard wide bleached urtdiu, &$. cent ' value ;!!-.';7V. - 6c .. JMami lift oi .i;w-i i I'M mux 0 oc Sale of Table Linens To those who want to anticipate their wants in table linens, we have but one thing to ask: let us show you our stock and for your benefit we give a special discount sain in all Table Linens, Lunch Cloths, Scarfs and Napkins. SOME SPECIAL VALUES 5 pieces 58-ineh bleached Table Damask, a special good value, at '. '. ...19c 15 pieces of Table Linen in assorted patterns, 64 to 70 inches wide, bleached or unbleached, 60c value. Special ..48o 12 pieces of 66 to 72-inch, all linen Table Damask, assorted patterns, a 75c value. Special, now .67c 20 pieces of 72-inch, pure linen Damask, bleached or un bleached, either in German or Irish makes ; worth to $1.25. Special this week. . ..J. ....... . v : . . . . .98c A lot of Lunch Cloths in assorted sizes and qualities, in plain or hemstitched. - At special prices . . . ;.45c, 68c, 90c, $1.12 and $1.35 Dresser and Sideboard Scarfs, assorted Qualities. At........... 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 20 Per Cent Discount on all Napkins. 917-921 OtSt. OPPOSITE CITY HALL Q Dress Flannelettes 50 pieces of dark dress flannelettes in assorted colors and styles, all, new, worth up to YlV'jt, to close. ................ 10c 30 pieces of Arnold's Superfine Flannelettes, 36 inches wide, ' ' suitable for " dresses, waists, kimonos and children's dresses. Come in a wide range of styles and colors, worth to 18c, to close, now. .12C Wool Blankets 14 Off A lot of wool blankets in assorted sizes and colors; many good bargains in this lot, but they are slightly soiled. While they last. .y4off Cotton Blankets 100 pairs of ,11-4 cotton blankets, in colors gray or tan as sorted, colored borders, S9c values ...................... .75c 200 pairs of full size 11-4 cotton blankets, good weight, in assorted colors, $1.00 values, special. . .87c See our regular line of wool blankets, , at. . . .... . . v . -. .$4.00, $5.50, $6.00 and up Good values in comforters, " ; . 1 at . . . . . . . . .... . . $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 and up to $5.00 Infants' Hoods and Sacques Our assortment of children's headwear is complete in every respect. Bearskin hoods in assorted styles and colors. - At. . .... : .... ............ .25c, 50c, 75c, 1.00 and up Embroidered silk hoods at. ,v .50c, 75c, $1.00 and $125 Angora wool hoods in white or gray, at each .....-...$1.25 f Infants' Wool. Sacques in flannel or yarn knit, at... 35c, 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 DC Women's and Children's , ' Underwear .Read these bargains over carefully as you might need some of this number. . One large table of Women's and Children's Underwear, an odd lot, now, to close at . .1-5 Off Children's Union Suits in medium light fleeced, all sizes, worth up to 35c, now to close. . . , ... . ......... ... .... .19c Women's Vests and Pants, special values, , at, each ... . . . .25c, 50c and $1.00 Women's Union Suits, exceptional values, ! ; at, each . .", 50c, 69c, $1.00 and $1.60 n MUSICIAN'S PROTEST. The Union Objects to Competition From Public Institution Bands. - The delegates from tbe American Musicians,, to the American Federa tion of Labor convention at Denver, asked tbe Federation to help in wip ing out a source of unfair competition. The following resolution " introduced by the Musician delegates explains the matter: , , "Whereas, It has become a custom (or institutions, founded and conduct ed for the purpose of caring for, rear ing and educating children, to orga nize In such Institutions bands of 'music composed of some of the In mates, whose ages range from six to fourteen years, ostensibly for educa tional purposes, which is to be com mended highly and altogether unob jectionable; .but the, almost universal rule is that as soon as these"-ChiIdren are taught to be sufficiently proficient to play a few tunes, the melody of which may "be recognized, they are at once placed in competition with bands within these institutions to purely educational purposes." The committee on resolutions re ported concurrence and on motion the resolutions were unanimously adopted by the convention. CENTRAL LABOR UNION. Hear Meeting Next Tuesday Will About Denver Convention. The Central Labor Union will meet in regular session at Bruce's hall next Tuesday evening, and the session will be made doubly Interesting by the fact that Delegate Kelsey, who at tended the American Federation of La bor convention at Denver, will make a report. Delegate Kelsey is the tlrst delegate from the Lincoln body to at tend a convention of the organization for any length of time.- Three years ago a delegate was sent to the Minne apolis convention for the purpose of inviting the convention of the follow ing year to Lincoln, but he attended only the one session necessary to sub mit the Invitation. The session will also be enlivened, adults under conditions and tor retnun-j doubtless, by a little matter pertain- Through them the representatives of organized labor have been enabled to express their views on all questions of interest to the membership. Notwith standing the efforts that have been made to divert their attention from questions of the gravest importance to the general movement, they have re mained faithful and have hewed to the line, allowing the chips to fall where they may. ' "With such a record it is not sur prising that the efforts of labor editors are becoming more and more appre ciated by the great membership of or ganized labor, and the desire to as sist, in every way possible, the suc cess of the bona fide labor papers has materially increased during the past few years." eratlon that makes competition on the part of the professional musicians im possible, and on account of the novelty of children endeavoring to play on instruments- which are considered diffi cult for adults , and demand the strength and mature experience of older persons, but more on account of the much smaller remuneration re quired to -employ- such' children,- they are -often given the' preference while - fathers of families are deprived of such employment; and. Whereas, The American Federation of Labor recognizes the evils ot child labor, however applied; therefore be it "Resolved, That the American Fed ration of Labor, in Convention as sembled, declare this form of child labor most unfair, and all state and central bodies are requested to assist the American Federation of Musicians in every' legitimate' manner in their endeavor to eliminate this growing evil, and thus confine such juvenile ing to a political appointment or two, In addition to these things there is some routine business of importance to attend to, and one or two special matters of importance that demand in mediate attention. Every accredited delegate should make it a point to be in attendance upon the meeting, THE LABOR PRESS. What President Gompers Says About Its Usefulness in the Movement. In his annual report to the Ameri can Federation of Labor, President Samuel Gompers had the following good words for the labor papers of the country: "Too much can not be said in favor of the labor press of this country. Just before concluding my report I desire to pay a tribute to tho yeoman serv ice performed for the labor movement by the labor papers of this country, particularly the weekly papers en dorsed by the central and state bodies as an ice cream cone would In the in fernal regions, and as for his knowl edge of economics and labor conditions generally, well, the least said the bet ter. The conditions existing in the longshoremen's organization are the best evidence of Keefe's ability, or rather lack of ability, as a labor leader Detroit Union Advocate. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. Bryan's defeat does not mean the overthrow of the , principles for. which he stood. The principles survive and his name as the great exponent of those principles will endure in his tory as one of the foremost Americans of his time. Neither Clay nor Webster could be elected to the presidency, but their names will live forever, and so shall Bryan's. Most of the presidents of Clay and Webster's time are prac tically forgotten. Duluth Labor World. THAT'S DIFFERENT. The New York courts hold that it is unlawful confiscation for the state to reduce the price a chartered company may charge for- gas. But no judge will make a similar ruling against the increase of rents and prices or the reduction of wages by corporations and trusts. Duluth Labor World. A PRE83 JOKE. A press dispatch says, "D. J. Keefe will lead the fight against President Gompers." This is quite sufficient to excite the risibilities of even a wood en Indian. Keefe could not lead any thing, unless it was a retreat, and he has shown that he possesses unusual abilities in that direction. Keefe cuts about as much ice In the labor world "SipE LIGHTS." Sme Bright Flashes From Organ of Chicago Building Trades. , Cheap goods like cheap labor, are never the best When vested rights became more sacred than human life, liberty died. Did you vote for government by the courts, or government by the people? The injunction has not been used to drive independent merchants out of business, but it may be so used. Now that the political checker board is laid aside for some time. let's get together and organize the unorganized. The old saw, "man wants but little here below," has been revised to read. The workman gets but little and stays below." The political handshake, the politi cal cigar,- and the- different brands of political salve are laid on the shelf for a time. A happy people is a prosperous peo ple, and no people can prosper when the wage- scale is below the cost of decent living. Don't forget the sixth annual ball of the Associated Building Trades, Saturday evening, December 5, at the Coliseum Annex. Government experts believe that pa per can be successfully manufactured from corn stalks. Iowa will then be come tbe mother of editors. We do not want charity, but justice. We do not want to have" power to "give" work, but we want freedom to work for ourselves, as we will. The water in tbe stocks of the great trusts was squeezed as tears from the eyes of the women and children, and as sweat from the backs of the work ers. , 1 "The laws must be obeyed," pro claims the president-elect. Of course, just as they have been under the present incumbent. They must be obeyed by worklngmen and other poor people, or the' iron hand of the law will be felt. " As for great capitalists, if they violate the laws they will be gently but noisily slapped on the wrist The union is not a pile of bricks or dead timber; it's a living, breathSig mass of human beings, and its exist ence, foundation and all, Is the good will of its members. ' It is the duty of every member to do his utmost to increase that good will among his comrades. Therein lies the real strength of the union. BROKE A RIB. , Rev. H. H. Harmon, pastor of the First Christian church, is walking around with one of his ribs in a sling, so to speak.., As a result of the, ac cident Rev. Mr. Harmon is not just now engaging in . strenuous exercise at the Y. M. C: A. "gym." A few days ago he engaged in a game of basket ball at the "gym," and wnila so en gaged .collided with the elbow of an opponent, with the result that one of the clerical 'slats' was caved in. The accident was a painful otte, but barring a day or two's confinement at home the popular minister's regular work ws not much interfered with. LOTS OF MONEY. ! . In his annual report to I'-e Ameri can Federation of Labor convention at Denver, Treasurer John B. Lennon stated that during the fiscal year just closed the total income of the Fed eration was $207,655.23, and the total expenditures $196,937.36. The fiscal year began with a balance of $125,- 910.02 in the treasury. The fiscal year just begun found the Federation with $137,627.89 on hand. Mr. Lennon has been treasurer of the Federation for eighteen years, and during that time has handled funds of the organization to the amount of $1,782,943.19. REASON TO BE PROUD. Labor has no reason to be ashamed of its part in the election, for all or ganized centers voted strongly for Bryan with the possible exception of New York City, and Tammany fixed that. No doubt, the scandalous "sell out" of that organization will be charged to the laboring men, as a mat ter of fact, however, the labor- vote was about all that Bryan got In that "provincial" burg. Denver Indepen dent. 1 , SOUNDS SARCASTIC. V President Roosevelt, besides having been on the public payroll almost with out interuption since 1884, has had an income from his father's fortune of from $10,000 to $40,000 per year. This undoubtedly fits him to be in complete sympathy with the working class, whose income averages $437.50 per year. Schenectady, N. Y., Leader. HONORED BY TEDDY. . , "I am honored by the president when he excluded me from the guest list. If the president cares to say I do not represent the membership of the American Federation of Labor, so be it. It is the first affair of the kind I have not been invited to at the White House." Samuel Gompers. Notice of Adoption. In re adoption No. 256 of James Vernon in the County Court of Lan caster County, Nebraska, The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested take notice that Ed win Hall and Lulu Hall, husband and wife, have filed their petition and re linquishment of the State of Nebraska, by the superintendent of the Home of the Friendless, its custodian, for the adoption of James Vernon, a minor male child, with bestowal of property rights and change of name to Edwin Garter Hall, which has been et for hearing before this court on December 28th, 1908, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear, object to and contest the same. Dated October 8, 1998. P. JAS. COSGRAVB, (Seal) County Judge. By Walter A.. Leese, Clerk.