The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 21, 1908, Image 2

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The Woman and the Collar.
Society may assume that the sign oi
,woman'a emancipation from the seclu
(fUon of the harem or the slavery of the
teavege tribe is her education, or her
domestic rcspouslbility. Not at all. The
(symbol of her freedom to do as she
pleases and to be what she pleases is
Bier possession of the right to wear the
knascullne linen collar. Comfort, trim
pees, respectability, dignity are all en
drenched behind the spotless white of
the carefully laundered band. Safe in
pts firm grasp, a woman may be active
lor Idle, warm or cool, calm or excited.
jThe history of the collar is interesting
In its present form it is, of course, a
modern device. Those who would
It race it to tho necklace of teeth col
lected by the savage mistake its real
significance It began its existence in
civilization, not in barbarism. The ruff
invented to hido a royal scar evolved
Into the lace ruche and the linen band.
The Byronic collar proclaimed laxity
of morals, as tho white stock declared
for the stern virtue of the Puritan.
But the conventional modern collar
has encircled the neck of the modern
freeman for many years, and has ap
parently established its claim as a
kind of insignia of liberty. Let the
woman beware how the charms of
lingerie or laco beguile her from her
right in tho plain linen collar, urges
the Youth's Companion. When her
role i that of princess or queen, she
nay don the necklace or the ruffle.
IWhen she claims her right to a fair
partnership, a good day's work and a
ishare of the profits be they gold or
truth ot love let her wear happily the
"white linen yoke, at ouce buckler and
Constitution island, which the gen
erosity of Mrs. Russell Sage has pre
sented to the United States govern
ment as an addition to the West Point
reservation, was once a strategic
place. During the revolution a gigan
tic chain was stretched from it to tho
mainland to prevent British warships
from making their way up and down
the river. At first, so say the records,
the chain sank so that boats could
float over it; this difficulty Was at last
obviated by the use of a log boom.
Several of the links have been pre
served as curiosities, notably at the
Washington headquarters at Newburg,
ano at Trophy Point on the West
Point plateau. Constitution island
was the home of Susan Warner, who
wrote under tho pseudonym. Elizabeth
Wetherell.. Here "The Wide, Wide
;World," "Queechy" and a score of
books of religion and romance were
composed. Miss Warner is buried near
the Cadets' monument in the West
Point cemetery. Her sister, Miss
Anna Warner, who also wrote many
novels, still lives on tho Island. In
presenting the island to the nation,
Mrs. Sago announced that Miss War
ner is a Joint donor, inasmuch as she
has "steadily refused, from patriotic
motives, to accept offers to sell from
private parties, who were willing to
give more than the government could
afford. She is to have the nse ot her
old home while she lives.
Convention requires that the writer
of a letter shall at the beginning and
end of his epistle express, if ho does
.not feel, respect for the person whom
;he addresses. Sarcasm, vituperation
'and virulent hostility may be intro
duced by "Dear sir," and followed by
"Very respectfully, your obedient serv
ant." The writers ot "baboo" English
in India some ot them, at least are
more consistent. A sympathizer with
the sedition now iu progress in India
lately wrote a letter to an English of
ficial, which is printed in a London
paper, which begins, it is true, with
"Dear sir," but concludes with this
sentence: "Hoping you are not in good
health, I am your enemy, Gemajl Tim.
ere and iD foreign Qiroes
i. Edward Punroy-Kccd
Prof. Dolbeare of Tuft's college has
found that at 60 degrees Fahr. the
rate of the chirp of crickets is 80 per
minute; at 70 degrees Pahr. the rate
Us 120 per minute, a change of four
chirps per minute for each change of
one degree. Prof. Dolbeare also notes
that tho individual crickets chirping
by themselves observe no great regu
larity, but in chorus they keep in time
as if led by the wand of a conductor,
Again, the professor asserts that crick
ets in adjoining fields, preserving the
same rate per minute, will follow dif
ferent beats as of their respective con
ductors, "as one may easily perceive
by listening."
if' St I x x y:wi
L. ii i ii ' mZjiu JiiiiniJmi
Mir 1
Hope Abandoned After Physician
Mrs. Enos Shearer. Tew and Wash.
tngton Sts., Centralla, Wash., says:
"iDr years I ,-was ;
weak and run dowE,
could not sleep, my
limbs swelled and
the secretions were
troublesome; pains
were intense. I was
fast in bed for four
months. Three doc
tors said there wsk
cure for me and I was given up to
. Beinsr ureed. I used Dorm's Kid
ney Pills. Soon I was better and in a
few weeks was about the house, well
and strong again."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cento a. hoi.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
At a recent special session the Geor
gia legislature passed a law which vir
tually ends the convict-lease system.
Heretofore men convicted of penal of
fenses have been leased to contractors
for work of certain kinds. They were
forced to toil in chains, were poorly
fed and ill clothed, and in many cases
subjected to hideous cruelty. The sys
tem also tended toward corruption in
the administration of the laws, and
was altogether evil. Georgia Is to be
congratulated upon having rid itself of
the system.
T7" -1 . ..1. I
I Pnd our chests and don
yy I our "came over on the
luaynower express ion
when some one mentions
the origin of Thanksgiv
ing. Unhesitatingly we lay
claim to the honor of having the "only
original" Thanksgiving day on the
globe. Then along comes a long-haired
historian with his array of facts and
our pride receives a shock.
There is hardly a country In the
world which does not give thanks for
one reason or another. Some have bet
ter reasons ' than others, but they all
claim to have sufficient excuse for being
grateful to Bet aside one day each year.
Thanksgiving day was held long be
fore the timber for the Mayflower or the Anne was -planted.
It had its origin in antiquity when the
Romans and Greeks held a fast day in October
which they dedicated to the goddess of agriculture
and followed the day of fasting by one of feasting
and royal frolicking, a day on which the chase and
all sorts of rustic sports held sway.
Going even further back into the remote ages of
not our country, alas but of the world, we find
the early Egyptians Betting aside a day for general
thanksgiving and burning of incense and offering
sacrifices to their divinity of the crops, the Goddess
For seven or eight days the Jewish "Feast of
Tabernacles" was, centuries ago, held during the
seventh month, which is November, and after the
completion of Solomon's temple the people that
year held a 14-day festival which was a time of
thanksgiving, and during which time they gave
thanks for the abundance of their land. Living in
booths tbey decorated their entire homes with
branches of the palm and of citron trees and then
showed that It was for the yield of the season as
well as for the completion of the temple that they
were giving thanks.
Coming forward a century or two we find Thanks
giving day being held in England under the name
of "Harvest Home." This day was usually early in
November and it opened by a church service, which
was followed by a day of gayety and feasting.
Thanks were given in the churches for the benefits
of the season and then the "masses" flocked to the
grounds of the "classes," to which they were all
invited. Here squire and gentry entertained the
peasantry with free and easy dances, in the barns,
wrestling matches and feats of archery, for which
prizes were given.
In the evening harvest songs were sung by the
light of the moon, over the beer and ale, which -flowed
freely. A dinner, such as only the early Eng
lish knew how to prepare, was served to these great
crowds of thanksgivers, and the Harvest Home day
ended in repletion both of appetite and merrymak
ing. Before the Reformation a special day was set
apart in England for giving thanks, and after the
reformation the custom was continued with added
fervor, but after all, it is not from our English an
cestors, as we might suppose, that we received the
Inspiration for our first Thanksgiving day.
Neither did the idea originate with the Pilgrims
themselves. They, merely continued a custom with
which they had become familiar and of which their
natures approved, when they were living with their
Dutch cousins.
To digress just a little: It fas been claimed by
some investigators who stopped just a little short
of the beginning in tracing backward that the first
real Thanksgiving day of true American meaning
was held by the Popham colonists of Monhegan,
but as they were Episcopalians and gave thanks
every week in their regular church ritual this must
be blackballed and cast out of our calculation.
And now to return to the Pilgrims and the cus
toms they absorbed while protected in Holland. The
pious Dutch, before the Pilgrims flocked fo their
peaceful land, had set apart October 3 on which to
give thanks for their harvest, but more especially
for their deliverance from Spanish authority. The
day opened in this Vutev-loeked laud with a great
ringing of bells and over every shining doorsill
there stepped into the crisp morning air the house-,
hold's full number. Each Hans or Gretchen, clasp
ing a silverbound prayer book, walked sedately to
the various places of worship and there, lifting up
their sweet Holland voices, harsh, perhaps, in
speech, but full and round in song, sent up musical
praise for the freedom of their land and the good
things of the earth.
Church over, the entire population-for the nonce
broke through their usual stolidness and there was
a general scampering of young feet in game or
dance and a clattering of older tongues in friendly
gossip as neighbor visited neighbor or a father wel
comed his large flock of grandchildren.
The great event of this Dutch Thanksgiving day
was dinner, at which was served as central dish
a queer stew of meat and vegetables which they
called Spanish hodge-podge. For once in their prac
tical lives the Hollanders 'became facetious, and
over this hodge-podge they made merry and cracked
jokes at their old-frme enemy Spain. The general
"hash-like" appearance of the hodge-podge was sup
posed to represent tho condition of the Spanish
army when the Dutch had vanquished it. Even
the children entered into the fun and kept their
history fresh by gleefully slashing into a potato or
a turnip and chuckling as they swallowed the mor
sels, "This Is General So-and-So ah! "Me eat him -so!"
Well, the Puritans heartily approved of the early
religious services of the morning and their healthy
appetites could not fail to appreciate the Spanish
hodge-podge, however much they may have dis
approved of the sentiment which flavored it, so they
entered most heartily into tho Dutch Thanksgiv
ing of October 3. In 1623 these Pilgrims held Oc
tober 3 as a day of Thanksgiving in the New World,
and here we have our first true American Thanks
giving day.
This day has passed through many vicissitudes
since that date. There is not a festival on the al
manac, fixed or movable, which has had the strug
gle for existence that, our November holiday has
From 1623 until 1030 Thanksgiving day was held
in America in various months, some of the Pilgrims
keeping to October S and other colonists holding
a different day by order of the governor.
In 1630 the people of Massachusetts were suffer
ing for food and clothing and Gov. Winthrop hired
tho good ship Lyou to return to England for sup
plies. For many days the vessel lay stranded off
the Isle of Shoals, but finally put out. Winter came
on apace, and nothing was heard Of the ship. The
colonists were nearly disheartened when, on Feb
ruary 22, 1631, the Lyon was sighted, arad the gov
ernor ordered that the day be given over to feast
ing and thanksgiving. This is the first written
record of a Thanksgiving day in Boston; it can
still be found in the Colonial Records of Massachu
setts. It is an interesting fact that this first Bos
ton Thanksgiving was held on what is now one of
our most patriotic holidays, Washington's birthday.-
The first record of a joint celebration of Thanks
giving day is given in the Colonial Records of 1632,
when Gov. Winthrop of Massachusetts bay, asked
th governor of Plymouth ccloriy to join him in is
suing a proclamation of a public
Thanksgiving' day. The invitation
was accepted, and in November,
1632, Plymouth colony and
Massachusetts Bay colony cele
brated Thanksgiving day to
gether In a manner pretty
much the same as their de
scendants of to-day, in re
ligious service and feasting and
funmaking. The one noticeable
omission was the great football
game which marks the day in our
From 1632 until 1677 the- New
England records show that 22 dif
ferent dates were set apart by the
various governors as days for pub
lic thanksgiving, and that with the
exception of the two colonies men
tioned no two held the day on the
same date. The celebrations, how
ever, were held in October or No
vember. .
In 1677, as other denominations
had crept into Plymouth colony.
over which the Puritan church had
no ruling, the governor decided
that it would be well to have the
power of fixing public holidays,
"whether for feasting, praying or
funmaking," vested in civic au
thority. Accordingly in that year
the first printed Thanksgiving day
proclamation was printed. Thanks
eivine dav nroclamation Was print
ed, setting November 25 as the
The law reads: "That it be in
the power of the governor and as
sistants to command solemn dates
of humiliation by fasting, etc., and
also, thanksgiving as occasion shall
be offered."
This shows that the law called
for only "occasional" Thanksgiving
days and so the holiday was but
feted about hither and yon, from
October to November, according to
'the pleasure of the rulers-of the
colonies and there never was any
feeling of certainty as to the holi
day. -
That it was held annually with
out break in Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay
colonv from its inception until 1689, with the ex
ception of the year when King Philip's war inter
rupted, there are records to show. In this colony
the church and government alternated In arrang
ing the date of celebration.
Thanksgivin' day comes once a year because tho
Pilgrim band
Was thankful that they had the sense to leave
their native land
And come across the sea to find a stern and rock-
bound shore
Where they would never haft to bow to bosses
enny more,
Where thieves would not break in and steal and
trusts would never try
To gobble everything and let the little dealer die.
We celebrate Thanksgivin' day because the Pit
grims came
In search of freedom where they knew that they
would find the same,
Where men would be as brothers, where the
strong would aid the weak,
Where libburty would raise her flag on every
crag and peak,
Where billionaires would never dare- to cheat
for profits' sake
Or break the laws that other men were not al
lowed to break.
We celebrate because the hopes hoped by that
Pilgrim band
Have all come true, because there's not an evil
in our land, .
Because we have no wealthy rogues to plan and
' plot and scheme
To make the libburty we claim a vain and empty
Because our magnates go to church and teach
in Sunday schools,
And everywhere from sea to sea the Christian
spirit rules.
We keep Thanksgivin' day because the man who
does his best
To be an honest citizen is honored by the rest
He may not have a share of stock or own a foot
of land,
But all our wealthy senators are glad to shake
his hand
And hear his plea and guard his rights with all
the jellus care
They ever give the interests of any millionaire,
We keep the good old day because no Idle rich
The pressing needs of those where Want is
scratching at the door,
' Because we have such freedom as the Pilgrims
wished to claim,
Because we never are oppressed and never
splotched with shame.
Because we've frightened Greed away and raised
our standard high
And kept the faith for which our sires were not
afraid to die.
The Visitor What on earth does-
that chap carry that phonograph round
for. Is he dotty?
The Member No!"'-. 'But he's dumb.
So tie has that talking machine to
give instructions to his caddie or to
make a few well chosen remarks in
case ho fozzles his drive or does any
thing else annoying.
Sores, and Itching Eczema Doctor
Thought an Operation Necessary -
Cuticura's Efficacy Proven.
"1 am now 80 years old, and three
years ago I was taken with an at
tack of piles (hemorrhoids), bleeding
and protruding. The doctor said the
only help for .. me was to go to a
hospital and be operated on. I tried
several remedies for months but did
not get much help. During this time-
sores appeared which changed to a
terrible itching eczema.. Then I began ,
to use Cuticura Soap, Ointments and -
Pills, injecting a quantity of Cuticura-
Ointment with a Cuticura, Suppository .
Syringe. It took a month of this
treatment to get me in a fairly healthy
state and then' I treated myself once
a day for three months and. after that,
once or twice a week.' The treatments '
I ried took a lot of money, and it is
fortunate that I used Cuticura. J. H.
Henderson, Hopkinton, N. Y., Apr.
26, 1907." . , .- , , , ;,
A Riddle.
An English paper recently asked it
readers for an answer to the follow
ing riaaie: .. . -. : .
What does a man love more than me.
Hate more than . death, or mortal
strife; -j
That which contented' men desire,
The poor have, and the rich require;
A miser spends, the spendthrift saves.
And all men carry to their graves?
All sorts of answers were sent in,
but the correct one was declared to
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bv local anDlfcatlons. as thev cannot reach the dis
eased portion of the ear. Tbere Is only one way tt
cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused oy an. in nam pa condition ot int
mucous lining o.the Eustachian Tube. When thfr
tube is In named you have a rumbling sound or'rai
oerfect bearing, and when ft is entirely dosed. Deaf
ness Is tbe result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine case
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which ts nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
we will give one uunarea xiouars lor any caw oi
Deafness fcaused bv eatarrbl that cannot be cured
by nail's Cetarrb Cure. Bend for etroulars. free.
Sold by Drueelsta. 75c. . .,
Take Hall s Family pills for constipation- '
- Bumped.
"I don't believe Titewad has any
bump of benevolence."
"If he has it's in his wife's name;
she is the only member of the family
who ever gives anything away."
Houston ost. . '
& buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 10E-:
N. W. Hide &, Fux Co., Minneapolis, M""1
In point of area, New Orleans Is tbe
second largest city In this country.
Coughing Spells
are -promptly relieved by a sin
gle aose o Piso's Cure. Tbe
regular Q&e of this famous re
medy will relieve the worst
form of, couphs, colds, hoarse
11 ess, bronchitis, asthma and dis
eases of the throat end lungs.
Absolutely free from harmiul
drugs and opiates. For half a,
century the household remedy
In millions of homes.
At all druggists'. 28 cts.