The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 14, 1908, Image 6

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    lo ou Mm in Merigloro lsf ytietf
( l I ' " i I - , .. " 1 1 i
Is $25 Too Much for a Suit?
If you think so, why
not make a change?
Suit Made to Order
By a Union Tailor
Paper, Stationery
and Fireworks
109 North Ninth St. LINCOLN, NEB.
Phones Auto 1514, Bell 606
mmViII ! .
Liberty Flour
(Made in "Lincoln)
H. 0. Barber $ Son
Wholesale Llqucr Dealer
Distributor of Dick fc Bros. , Quincy
Brewing Co's Celebrated Lager Beer.
427-29-31-33-35 So. 8th St., Lincoln, Nob.
Phones: Auto 1817. Bell 817
When "Walk-Overs" go
on, shoe troubles go off.
Have You
Tried a Pair?
Rogers & Perkins Co.
Wilbur and DeWift Hills
The Celebrated ,
Little Hatchet Flour
Telephone U: " 145 SO. 9th, LINCOLN
yj Tailor
143 South Tnolfth Stroot
Owned By Stockholders of The First National Bank
AUTO PHONE 2547 ' c s BELL PHONE 2548
O. A. FULK, Gents' Furnishings, Hats;
1325 O Street
Nebraska Unionists Stood Up and
Want to Hear from the East.
The carrying of the whole state
"ticket by the democrats, including
the legislature and five congressmen,
was a staggering jolt for Injunction
Hill's boosters and notice to the
whole (1 n country that the peo-
Vle of Nebraska are behind Bryan
and will stay behind him as long as
he lives and is able to fight for what
he and we all believe to be right.
We are prepared to handle
all kinds of Printing Cards
to Newspapers.
Have you tried us? No!
Very likely we can do you
Auto 1556
130 North 14th
Bell 333
The election of four congressmen
from this state is notice by publicar
tion that Cannon and Cannontsm is
a rotten limb of our system of gov
ernment that Nebraska protests
against. The election of Shallenber
ger as governor is notice to .Govern
or Sheldon that , the people of .Nebras
ka did. not like his knocking on Bryan
by paying him high compliments and
then jabbing him with a hypocritical
"unfit for the office of president" talk.
The election of Shallenberger and
the legislature will give to the people
of Nebraska Bryan's guarantee of
bank . deposits ' law in spite of the
quitters of -i.e east who think with
their bellies and God hates a quitter.
Here in Bryan's state we have no
ppologies to offer for the result of the
election. The union men are proud
of the showing made in this state and
await impatiently for explanations
from the eastern industrial centers.
Omaha Western Laborer.
World-Herald Printers Get Back
Man Who Struck a Pose.
During the recent campaign Frank
Kennedy of the Western . Laborer,
Omaha, quoted scores of republican
trades unionists who declared their
intention of voting for Bryan, and
said that no republican unionists had
declared in public statement or print
ed iiterv'ear that he would vote for
'.'aft. He further offered a box of ci
gars to any republican trades union
ist who would declare his preference
for Taft. T. W. McCullough, manag
ing editor of the Bee, and recently
e'peted delegate to the American fed
ration of Labor, seeing a chance to
break into print, 'wrote to the World
Herald the following letter: .
"Omaha, Neb., Nov. 2. To the Edi
tor of the World-Herald: In re
sponse to the challenge of Frank A.
Kennedy of the Omaha Western La
borer I hereby declare my intention to
vote for Taft, anfl not only to vote for
Taft, but to vote the entire republi
can ticket, national, state and local.
"If Mr. Kennedy desires he may
send the box of union label cigars to
the World-Herald composing .. room,
where they will be smoked with gusto
by my friends. Very truly yours,
, "Managing "Editor of the Bee."
When McCullough saw his letter in
the World-Herald he sat back and
chuckled until the " World-Herald
printed the following letter the next
' Omaha, Nov. 2. To the Editor of
the World-Herald: "Owing to the
fact that the members of the World
Herald chapel have had a voluntary
raise recently we decline with thanks
Mr. McCullough's proffer. We think
his charity should begin at home, and
he should give those cigars to the
members of the Bee composing room
as a substitute for the raise in wages
which the World-Herald enjoys."
This letter was' signed by every
member of the World-Herald chapel,
and then the scene of the chuckling
was transferred from the Bee office
to the World-Herald office: '
The Wageworker Wants to Help Boost
Annual Balls of Lincoln Unions.
( The season is at hand when the
unions of Lincoln will begin holding
annual balls, and The Wageworker
would be pleased to "boost" them to
the extent of its ability. But the
managers of these social affairs should
bear in mind that the editor of The
Wageworker is not a mind reader,
and is therefore unable to guess just
when a union ball is to be held. The
chairman of the committees are re
quested to send iu the facts and The
Wageworker will "boost" for fair.
In this connection it might be well
for the unions holding annual balls
to consider the matter of arranging to
have all profits from the balls invest
ed in Labor Temple stock.
James H. Barry, Who Knows, Says the
Old Man Is Still a Power.
On the first page of Thursday's
Chronicle was a special dispatch from
New York saying that the election of
Taft "marks the end of Samuel Gom
pers as a labor leader" in the opinion
of many labor leaders in New York
City, and an unnamed union man is
quoted as saying: '
"Gompers stands a discredited labor
leader as the. result of yesterday's
vote. He cast his lot with Bryan and
attempted to deliver the labor vote
to the Democratic party. The vote
shows that he failed ignominiously,
and his defeat means his downfall in
the American Federation of Labor,; I
believe." v '.-
Nothing would be more pleaying. t6
the enemies of union labor than' the
elimination of Gompers and his friends
from leadership in the American Fed
eration of Labor. But even if he were
defeated for re-election as president of
the American Federation of Labor,
that would not mark the end of Gom
pers as a useful and. forceful man....--.
If the American Federation elimin
ates Gompers from its leadership 'it
will thereby endorse the very things
to which the Federation is opposed.
By defeating Gompers, the Federation
will approve what is opposed by prac
tically every organ of organized labor
in this country, and the Federation
will very likely go the way of the
Knights of Labor and the A, R. U.
Gompers, with the same stout heart
that has made him a force for good,
says he is "temporarily defeated, but
not conquered."- He is not made of
the stuff that raises the white flag.
Nevertheless, we see no reason for
agreeing with Gompers that "the or
ganized workers stood true to " the
cause of justice and human, freedom."
The election returns don't indicate
anything of the kind. On the contrary,
the returns indicate that " the organized'-
w-orkers voted ' for what they
said they didn't- want. -V . i , :
Nor can we agree' with Gompers
that "the moral influence of the cam
paign is with the workers," when . we
remember that Joe Cannon was re-electedfor
the voters in Cannon's district
endorsed Cannonism and all, that it
implies. We do not agree with Gom
pers when he says:
"Action consistent, insistent and
persistent '. ;H achieve for t e - toilora
the triumph of the cause of labor and
the cause of labor and the cause of
human justice."
That is true, provided the action be
consistent for the right, insistent for
the right, persistent for the right. It
is true, procided the organized work
ers get away from the class idea. Not
only that, but the organized workers
must get down to bedrock principles.
The fight for humanity and for justice
must be made along the line of least
resistance. The line of least resist
ance is the road to direct legislation.
Justice will not triumph until The
People rule. The People will not rule
until they control . their legislative
bodies. San Francisco Star. ,
Organ of the Financial and Trust
Kings Says He Is "Repudiated."
The Wall Street Journal is the ac
knowledged organ of all the financial
and industrial pirates whose habitat is
Wall street and whose hunting ground
is-' wherever, there is something" to ex
ploit or a special interest to serve.
For this reason its views concerning
Samuel Gompers and the whole body
of organized labor will be interesting,
especially to those union men who
were considerably more partisan than
they were union, and therefore op
posed the political program of the
American Federation of Labor. After
leading what the Wall Street Journal
says of Gompers it would be well for
union men to "flock apart" and do a
little thinking. They might ask them
selves if it is profitable for them to
accept the views of the Wall Street
Journal rather than ' the views of a
man who has devoted a lifetime to
the service of his fellow workers.
The Wall Street Journal, under the
heading, "Gompers ."Repudiated,"
"And as Bryan's defeat is the na
tion's gain, so it may be said that
Gomper's beating-is labor's gain. '.
"Mr. Gompers first played with the
republican party, which was the party
in power. President ' Roosevelt - ad
mitted him to his confidence, and went
so far in support of the legislative de
mands of organized labor as to incur
the censure of the larger element in
the business Community, who ,fe!t
that he was going1 altogether, too far.
- "Whether !th.e president -rwerit too
tar' or riot in his policy' favorable to
organized labor, there can be ho doubt
that ;, Mr,; Gompers .went ' too " far. . . He
made -demands that the president
could hot accede to." Roosevelt would
not stand " for legalized boycott and
violence. ' .
"Inasmuch as he7 could not get all
he wanted from Roosevelt and the re
publican party-Mr. Gompers went
boldly over to Mr. Bryan "-and tried
to take his organization with , him.
Openly he endeavored to drag ; the
partisan politics. ,
"The result is a' well merited, em
phatic rebuke at the polls The great
pluralities for Taft could not- have
been rolled up if multiudes of work
men, members of labor organizations,
had not voted for him. a,-
'In doing so 'they repudiated , Mr.
Gompers. He is now as much, a dis
credited leader as Mr. Bryan. Gom
l;ers ought to resign. : -(
"This result ought not, however, to
;iave any weight with President Taft.
and it, will not have in the determination-
of 'his own policy toward la
bor. ; Because Mr. Gompers . " went
wrong that is no reason for taking
any revenge on organized labor. . On
the contrary everything in. reason
ought to be done to improve the con
dition of labor,- and there should. be
progressive legislation to that end.
"Only there will be no legislation
for the boycott, no denial to capital
of court protection for business."
For manv vears Harrison Gray Otis,
editor of the Los Angeles Times, has
iispr! pvpn- nnnortunitv within his
power to insult, abuse, malign and in
jure the workingmen of his state.
This is so notorious that its truth is
not questioned, but those upon whom
his malice has been shown have here
tofore been powerless to protect them
selves. General Otis' lifelong ambi
tion is to be secretary of war. This is
the reward to be given him for his
services by the republicans. Now that
Taft is elected we suppose- his wish
will be gratified, and it is not a very
pleasant prospect for those .who have
felt the lash of his displeasure when
ever they, dared to differ with him or
his interests ; were opposed to theirs,
to see General Otis secretary of war,
and we hope he will not get the job.
Memphis (Tenn.) Co-Operative Com
monwealth. - . . - '
Well, The Wageworker hopes that
Otis will land the job. He has earned
it by valiant service in the warfare
against unionism and the unionists
have just that dose coming to them for
their failure to 'take advantage of their
political opportunity.