WOK ADM We Have Just Received a Lot of LOSS the the CENTRAL LABOR UNION. Adopts Ringing Resolutions of Confi dence in President Samuel Gompers.. Lincoln Central Labor Union met in vegular session lust Tuesday evening and transacted the usual amount of routine business. After this business was out of the road Delegate Walker offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: "Lincoln, Neb., November 10, 190S. To the American Federation of Ijibor in national convention assem bled at Denver, Colo. "The Lincoln Central Labor Union. A SUIT or OVERCOAT No More From Shceps Back to Your Back ISSUED DY AUTHORITY OF mm SMS REGISTERED World's Greatest Tailors "4S 8 8 8 We carry also COME IN Northeast Corner Tenth and O Sts. lids, babs and tfoib These should have been here three weeks ago. The manufacturer claims delay unavoidable on account of the scanty of the quality of cloth we ordered in most desirable shades. As the selling time is short now, we are marking these Lower Than Usual for Quick Selling representing a body of organized workingmen numbering upwards of 2,000, organized into eighteen distinct and separate trades crafts, extends to the officers and delegates of the American Federation fraternal greet ings. "The Lincoln Central Labor Union, chartered under the auspices of the American Federation of Labor, re news at this time its fidelity to the principles upon which the federation is founded, and at the same time ex presses its entire confidence in and support of Samuel Gompers, Secre tary Morrison and the other officials who framed the non-partisan political Undo to Order For No Less 145 South 13th Street LINCOLN NEBRASKA Union High Grade $2.50, a full line of men's Union Made Clothing: including everything in men's working clothes. BOYSWE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT PEDES &.DR9(Q)N policy adhered to in the recent elec tion, and hereby thanks these" offi cials for their manly fight for the recognition of labor's rights. We have no regrets to express for the part the federation officials took, our rogret being confined to the outcome of -that masterly fight for the recognition of the unionist's right to co-operate with his fellows in the securing of rights which have been alienated by judicial action and in defiance of common .jus tice. . , "The Lincoln Central Labor Union would have it distinctly understood that as a body it favors the retention in the president's office of Samuel Gompers, whose fidelity to unionism, whose earnestness of purpose, whose indefatigable industry and whose un swerving honesty has made the gret organization of great force and ef fect in the industrial world, and who is better fitted by training and expe rience for the office than any other man within the organization's juris diction. "The Lincoln Central Labor Union pledges to the parent organization its loyalty in every effort to advance the cause of unionism, and its willingness to go to the limit in backjng up. the federation's .officials In. their fight against judicial usurpation and indus trial tyranny. , '. ' ; , "Without recrimination or without charges of disloyalty against any man, the'Lincoln Central Labor Union desires to call attention to the fact that it was among the first of ; the delegate bodies chartered by : the American Federation of Labor to en dorse the political program outlined by the American Federation of Labor, and points -with pride to the vote in Lincoln as the best and most conclu sive proof that the rank and file of organized labor in this local jurisdic tion stood solidly by the Federation program. As we marched on Labor Day, so we voted on. election day not as partisans but as thoughtful w7age-earnei-s who are seeking to se cure the blessings, of industrial and civil liberty for ourselves and our children. "May the sessions of the 1908 con Made Shoes Dress Shoes, AH 3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 MEN'S WORK SHOES Union made, very best calf skin, heavy. . or light soles, seamless or Blucher. Prices, $2:50, 3:00 and 3:50 Also Union Made Shoes for Boys. ICiieDs vention of the American Federation of Labor be marked by wisdom and moderation. May Its actions redown to Hie credit of the bone and sinew of America and shed confusion , upon its enemies. May there be an entire absence cf internal strife. And may the convention show its wisdom by re-electing to the position of presi dent and the position of secretary the two men who have done so much to make the 'great , organization stand for something tangible Samuel Gom pers and Frank Morrison. "Adopted this tenth day of No vember, 190S, by unanimous vote, and given under the seal of the union." The following resolution was also introduced and unanimously adopted: "The Lincoln Central Labor Union recommends that the American Fed eration of Labor adopt a resolution urging the various crafts which have no label, stamp or mark to distin guish the product of the fair from the unfair employer to proceed to adopt and copyright some such design to be used in this connection,; it being con sidered by us labor's most potent weapon. . "Further, we approve of the move ment towards the ultimate adoption of a universal label." Lincoln's mica factory is such "a suc cess that already its managers are casting about for larger quarters. v Notice of Adoption. adnntinn Xo. 256 of James Vernon in the County Court of Lan caster County, ielrasKa. The State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested take notice that Ed win Hall and Lulu Hall, husband and wife, have filed their petition and re linquishment of the State of Nebraska, by the superintendent of the Home of the Friendless, its custodian, for the adoption of James Vernon, a 1p fhild with bestowal of property rights and change of name to Edwin Carter Hall, wnicn nas ueen set fos hearing before this court on nsitiif 2Stli 1908. at 9 o'clock a. m.. when you may appear, object to and contest the same. Dated October 8, 1908. P. JAS. COSGRAVE, (Seal) County Judge. By. Walter A. Leese, Clerk. S2, X3 X t 3C f 1 XO Union Made X3 XO 8 WE SAVE YOU M "ON E Y WORLD Boston. The supreme . court ot ( Massachusetts, in making permanent an injunction against several labor unions, ruled that labor unions cannot impose fines on their members in or der to force them to go out on a strike. The decision was rendered on a peti tion brought by L. D. Willcutt Sons & Co. of this city, asking for an injunc tion against the Bricklayers' and Stonemasons' Benevolent unions, re straining them from imposing" a tine of $100 each on two members of the union who had refused to go out on strike. The unions in the spring of 1906 issued ai new set of rules for members employed by contractors, and sent the new rules 1o a large number of firms in this city. The Willcut com- 'pany, fearing, it is claimed, that loss of money would follow its failure to. .complete . certain work under these rules, closed up part of its work and discharged a number of men. The unions then declared a strike on other work in which the company was en gaged. Later on two labor leaders visited the work in which the company, was engaged and found two union men still working. The labor leaders or dered them to cease under penalty of being fined $100 apiece. The Willcut company obtained a temporary injunc tion against the unions to prevent the fines being imposed, and the decree makes that injunction permanent. Indianapolis. Depositions were ta ken here to be used in the contempt proceedings against Samuel Gompers, Prank Morrison and John Mitchell in the supreme court of the District of Columbia in the case of the Buck Stove and Range Company. Among those who deposed were W. D. Ryan, national secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers. His testimony was in relation to resolutions oppos ing the company adopted by the Nor folk convention of the American Fed eration of Labor in November, 1907, and the convention of the United Mine Workers of America in this city last January. Ryan said the miners had 'not been in . a position to buy stoves since the financial depression. London.- The management commit tee of the General Federation of Trades Unions has, issued r. manifes to on unemployment, in which it is as serted that something . like 7,500,000 human beings in this country are suf fering because the breadwinners are workless. It bases its total on the fol lowing calculation: There are 5,000,000 skilled workers in Great Britain, of whom ten per cent, are totally or par- tially unemployed For every skilled! .workman out of employment two un skilled men are workless. Each work er represents u family of five. Washington. "I am heartily in fa vor," declares Inspector General Gar- lington in his annual report to the secretary of war, "of the proposition to grant to employes in the classified service a general increase of 20 per cent, in their present salaries, and al so of such legislation as will provide a system for the retirement, on moder ate annuities, of the faithful employes who become superannuated in the pub lie service." New York. Under the new law, which went into effect on October 1 the authority to enforce the child la bor law in mercantile establishments in cities of the first class in New York was transferred from the local health authorities to the state depart ment of labor, acting through its bu reau of mercantile inspection. Shelton, Conn. President Russ of the Robert N. Bassett Manufacturing Company, employing between 600 and 700 hands, announced that in the fu ture the company would pay all the doctor bills of its employes. This, ' it explained, will include not only bills jfor treatment growing out of acci dents, but also for illness. Most of the bands employed are girls and women. London. Swansea carpenters and joiners have made a demand for an ad vance In wages of a penny an hour. As conciliation boards now rule the rates of wages in the British building trades, the matter will doubtless be settled by conciliation or arbitration without the extremity of a strike. San Francisco. Chinese butchers and meat market men of San Fran cisco, -who some time ago made appli cation to become affiliated with the In ternational body of meat cutters and (butchers, are disappointed with the action of the international body, which turned their petition down. Logansport, Ind. The Panhandle shops are to work five hours a day, Instead of ten hours. A notice of the reduction in hours was posted in the shops. ' i Sacramento, Cal. Sacramento wishes . to have a labor temple, and has sent to each union a copy of the plan to raise funds for the erection of the structura It is proposed that each member of a union shall buy $15 worth ot jtock, and pay for it in GO monthly installments of 25 cents. Boston. Boston Cigar Makers' union has levied an assessment of five dollars on each member to advertise the blue label. Ottawa, Can. Delegates from the Bricklayers' and Stonemasons' unions met at Guelph to form a provincial association. Washington. P. H. MorHssey, head of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men, has been chosen head of the re cently " organized : American Railroad Employes' and Investors' association, with a reputed salary of $15,000 a year. This association has been fos tered by several "' of the' big railway presidents, and nearly all of tie rail ways of the United States haive ex pressed their intention of joining. The brotherhoods of conductors, firemen and engineers are part of the combine. The movement was launched in Chica go several -weeks ago by the presi dents of 16 western railroads.-Its ob jects are set forth to be the' "cultiva tion of a spirit of mutual interest by publicity providing means and meth ods of obtaining consideration from all legislatures and- commissions, an powered to enact laws and. rules and to do whatever things may be neces-' sary to secure "a fair return alike to capital and to labor interested in American railroads, with due respect at all times-; to efficient .service, fair treatment and safety to the public." - London. The loss in wages to the operatives during the first week of the cotton lockout in Lancashire is now stated' to have amounted to $750,000. They received $300,000 in lockout pay so tli at the net decrease in the income of the operatives affected is 450,000. The effects-of the dispute are already spreading. It is estimated that in a day or two the weaving industry will find itself at a standstill in conse quence of the shortage of yarn, and 90,000 looms will be stopped, affecting at least 50,000 people. The Lan cashire & Yorkshire Railway Com pany, the prosperity of which largely depends on the cotton trade, has al ready been hard hit. New York. President Carey of the Paper Makers' union in an effort, to support the strike of the paper makers employed by the International Paper Company, or : trusty has 'ordered a gen eral strike of all the paper makers of the country where the workers are or ganized. Acting on his orders, the men in five independent concerns went' out and the mills ' wete closed. ' The continued shut-down of the independ ent mills would soon menace the sup- ply of paper just at the' time when extra large quantities are required for election purposes.'". This situation has been intensified by the drought; which has cut off the water power of' some , mills for several months. ' "' Turner's Falls, Mass. The strike at the mills of the International Paper Company here was broken when about. 100 '' -panel-makers' applied to. Supt. Campbell for their old positions. It was announced that the men' would be taken back as fast as work could be found for them, although low, water in the Connecticut river will prevent the mills from running to full capacity for a time. The men resumed work un der a five per cent, reduction in wages against which they struck August 1. Terre Haute. Ari injunction ; was utilized by the district officers of the United Mine Owners in their -fight against the national, officers. The trouble grows out of the Hudson mine dispute. A . temporary Injunction granted by Judge Cox, returnable November-9, restrains Thomas . Lewis, president, and the other national offi cers from deposing the district offi cers. London. Yorkshire Miners' Feder ation is continuing its crusade against nonunion workers in the collieries. London. The British government in India is taking care that the native workers are sharing the benefits of British factory law. The condition of factory labor in textile factories la India has recently been Investigated by a committee of the Indian govern- . ment, and their recommendations are being considered by a representative commission, whose report is now due. New York. As the result of a vigor ous organizing campaign conducted in New York and nearby-cities, mors than 5,000 new' members have joined the International Laborers' and Hod carriers' union. It is predicted that within a short time practically all the men employed in the building trades in anu muuuu i -w xui& win w uiciu bers of some labor union. Boston. Boston . sheet metal work ers' union 17 has begun the discussion of next year's wage request. : Some of the members suggest a demand for four dollars a day. The rate is now $3.60 a day. New York. The American section of the boot and shoe workers' interna tional body now has more than $100, 000 in its emergency fund, according to report. ;- - . Boston. Boston bricklayers' union, 3, has established a new jrule that every member when starting in a new job must immediately report the fact and location of the job to the union's business agent. , Augusta, Ga. Nine of the eleven cotton mills located here started oper ations for the first time since the freshet of August 26. The weekly par roll of these manufactories is $25, 500. Walla Walla, Wash. Union ' men will ask the board of education to sub mit to the people at the next election ths proposition of free text-hooka. V