5 Take the ChUl Off Too early to start the expensive furnace or the coal-eating base burner. All you want is a little heat in the mornings and evenings to take the chill off. A Gas Radiator That will do the business and the cost will be less than one-fourth of what the same amount of heat would cost from furnace or base burner. And you'll get all the heat you need. We have the radiators ranging in price from $2.75 to $10. GAS WATER HEATER Heats the bath water in five minutes at a cost of less than two cents. n The Use of Gas is a Prac tical Economy This is the verdict of all consumers of gas. We will demonstrate its truth if given an opportunity.. Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Co. FR0T.1 THE CENTER OF THINGS If Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 28. (Special Correspondence.) A feeling of abso lute confidence in the election of Bry an pervades the breasts of the men who have been intimately connected with the management of his campaign. This confidence is born of the thor ough unification of the democratic party, the dissensions in the republi can party, .he magnificent campaign of Bryan, the "me too" echo of a cam paign made by Taft, the rallying of the workingmen to Bryan, the popu lar demand for a revision downward of the tariff, the explosion of the old theory of panics coming pnly under democratic rule and a thousand and one other things the presage the tri umph of the principles espoused by Bryan. . Personal letters and public state ments from leading democrats who are in a position to know every phase of the situation all go to show that Bryan's election is assured. wards of $750,000,000, and at the same time wiped out the steel trust's only competitor. Of course the whole gang is for Taft and is contributing liberally to the g. o. p. campaign fund. . SPECIALS (In many respects this has been the most unique campaign in the history of American politics. On the one hand is a candidate who was not the choice of the rank and file of his party, but a selection foisted upon them by a president who seeks to en force the law of entail and, and im pressed federal office holders to help enforce his will. On the other hand is a candidate who was unanimously nominated by the rank and file of his party; a man who had nothing to of fer save his own unstained record, his ability, his honesty, his sincerity, his patriotism and his love of popular rights. On the one hand a candidate backed by the rusts and syndicates and supported by 'a. president who has loudly boasted of his opposition to those same trusts and syndicates. On the other hand a candidate who has fought special privilege, who of fers an adequate remedy for present injustice. On the one hand a man who says an appeal for the right of trial by jury is "the most insidious at tack ever made upon the integrity of the courts." On the other hand a man who says that an honest workingman should not be denied a right guaran teed the most confirmed criminal. J. C. Harpham, one of the largest manufacturers of harness and saddles in the west and the employer of many men, has always been a republican. He is today a member of the excise board of Lincoln, having been nominated and elected as a republican. He Is active ly supporting Bryan and has contribut ed liberally to the democratic cam paign fund. "1 am for Bryan for many reasons one of them being that he is my neigh bor. Another is that he Is an ideal citizen, an able and patriotic man and a lover of humanity. I have no pa tience with this threat of .panic. If the election of this high-minded, God fearing, able, patriotic and sincere man will bring on a panic, then in God's name let us have the panic and by so doing forever break the power of a few men to make or unmake good business conditions. I have no use for the man who is always boasting of his willingness to die for his country, but who can be scared into perpetuating gross wrongs by the threat of . being forced to miss an occasional meal." Specials in Men's Shirts A lot of Men's Shirts, slightly soiled, but worth 00c and 75c each; while they 1tr last JwC Specials in Union Suits Men's SI-85 fine cotton Pi A A Union Suits $I.UV Men's $1.50 fine cotton -Iff Union Suits JH.AU Mob's Grey or Ecru Shirts and Drawers, light, soft fleeced, made from combed CO ytvn, each 3Ut Specials in Flannel Shirts $2. SO Men's dark-blue (fl A A Flannel ShirtM L . U U $2.00 Men's dark-blue (f CA Flannel Shirts .. : O I J Specials in Sweater Coats Boys' and Men's Sweater Coats; Oxfords and Grey; trimmed in Red, Brown, Navy and Green; each, $4.50, 4.00, g A A $3.00 and JJ.UU THE DAYLIGHT STORE There has been little of the spectac ular in this campaign unless the tremendous ovations tendered Bryan everywhere may be called spectacular. The people are not making much noise, which may be taken as an indi cation that they are - "keeping up a de'il o' thinkin'." L. C. Burr, one of Nebraska's most prominent attorneys, has always been a republican, and is today. But he is energetically supporting Bryan. W. A. Woodward, a republican . councilman of Lincoln, is openly and energetically supporting Bryan. More than 90 per cent of the republican trades unionists of Lincoln and Omaha are supporting Bryan. In one family in a town near Lincoln are eight votes a father and seven sons. Not one rof them ever voted for a democrat for any office Only the father is for' Taft the seven boys are for Bryan. ; MADE IN LINCOLN ADE BY FRIENDS LINCOLN MONEY EFT IN LINCOLN mbebw iw fj No better flour sold on the Lincoln market. Every sack warranted. We want the trade of Union men and women, and we aim to deserve it. If your grocer does not handle Liberty Flouri 'phone us and we will attend to it. Ask your neighbor how ' she likes Liberty Flour. We rely on the recommendation of those who use it It 0 BARBER & SON But there is something doing the last week of the campaign. The rail roads are threatening to reduce wages if Bryan is elected. Manufacturers who employ the profits of an iniquit ous tariff threaten to close their fac tories if Taft is defeated. "Calamity wails" loud and long descend from the lips of tariff b"rcns, political bankers and trust ber.eueiaries who see the signs of Bryan's triumph. Everything that will coerce, browbeat and club workingmen into voting for Taft is being brought into use. Millions have been poured into the republican slush fund during the last ten days. Every cabinet officer is on the stump in an effort to stem the Bryan tide. Roose velt is working like a ward politician, and working hand in glove with the interests that he has . claimed along to be fighting to the finish." But despite it all the tide is still .funning Bryan ward, and a victory for the people is in sight. ' Last week in Lincoln a literary .club composed of men and women met in regular session. Among other topics discussed was "bank guaranty." Two i republican bankers present opposed it as "revolutionary," "socialistic" and "unfair.". After they had spoken a woman nearly 70 years of age arose and spoke. For seventeen years she has been caring for an invalid hus band who for two years was in the asy lum. She and her husband worked and saved and invested until they had accumulated $37,000. They had it in a couple of Lincoln banks and were winding up their business affairs in the expectation of retiring and living in ease and comfort. One night -they retired to rest well to do and happy. They awoke in the morning to find themselves paupers. The two banks in which they had deposited the savings of a lifetime had gone broke. This man and woman got less than $4,000 back. The husband became mentally deranged through brooding over the loss. The woman had to fight the bat tle alone. She told her story to that literary club. "Friends,, that is my story," con cluded this brave woman. "I leave it to you to decide whether a law that will prevent future injustice of this kind is 'revolutionary,' 'socialistic' or 'unfair.' " Low Ono - Way Rotes TO MANY POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON TICKETS ON SALE EVERY DAY Stptombtr I to October 31, 1908 to Pendleton and Walla Walla. to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego . ' and many other California points. to Everett. Bel'ingham, Vancouver, Vic toria and Astoria. to Weed, Calif., Ashland, Roseburg, Eu gene, Albany and Salem via Portland. to Portland, Tacoma or Seattle. VIA UNION PACIFIC ENQUIRE OF E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent The other day, George L. Sheldon, republican candidate for re-election as governor of Nebraska, spoke in Adams, Neb. While walking down the street he saw a beautiful parrot in a cage. "What a magnificent bird," , ex claimed the governor. "I never saw such a beauty. Hello, Polly.." ; "Hello," replied. Polly. . "Polly - want a cracker?" inquired the governor. , "Hurrah for Bryan!" shrieked the parrot. ( Now the last days of Governor Sheldon's ' campaign are made miser able for him by joking friends and political opponents who greet him with the query: "Polly want a cracker?" In 1891 the Capital National Bank of Lincoln failed, owing private deposit ors upwards of $400,000 and the state about f 300,000. Of this $700,000 prac tically nothing was recovered. The loss was caused by a dishonest .banker. "He was tried and convicted and sen tenced to FIVE YEARS IN. THE PEN ITENTIARY. The judge who sen tenced him a short time afterwards sentenced for life a highwayman who held up a star route mail carrier in western Nebraska and robbed the mail of two copper pennies. In the closing days of last year President Roosevelt hailed Morgan, Perkins, Schwab and their coterie as "public benefactors" and "saviors of the national credit" because they came forward and put up $35,000,000 in cash to help ' tide over the "Roosevelt panic." It now develops that in so doing Morgan, Schwab, Perkins,, et al only made a little profit of about 1,500 percent on their benefaction.' Before putting up the money they made it a condition that they should have in re turn a controlling interest in the Ten nessee Coal and Iron Co.. the steel trust's only competitor. President Roosevelt admits that he agreed to prevent the consolidators from being prosecuted under the anti-trust law. Now it transpires that for this $35, 000,000 the steel trust gang secured possession of a property worth up- n ' . In conclusion, and as a final word in this series of letters: For President, a man who won his nomination by virtue of his ability, his battle for the plain people and his un swerving allegiance to the doctrine of equal rights, or For a president, a man who has held appointive office for a quarter of a century, the beneficiary of inherited and matrimonial wealth and an effort to entail the office of president, whose experience as an administrator is con fined to two year's service as the ab solute despot over 7,000,000 subjugated people and who is supported by every robber trust and predatory corpora tion. A statesman who has studied and worked and ' wrought, or a man who has held appointive office and had everything he has today given to him by others who are selfishly inter ested in his success. ' If it is possible that the election of an honest, able, God-fearing and hu manity loving man to the presidency of this republic will result in a panic, is it not time we suffered a little bit in order that we may be strong? Country or corporations? God or Mammon? WILL M. MAUPIN. The Lincoln Wallpaper & Paint Co, : A Strictly Union Stop KS Modem Decorators, Wall Paper, Mouldings, Etc. TuSt Ante Pfcwie 1975 talk liipPDl Jtr eal i ESTATE I3G Souih 15th St. LI NCO L N ooeoeoeoeoooeooooeoeo9 Your Cigars Should Bear This Label. TTninn.mnriA fSfimra. mmmtimmMAiSaiujMmuittmumVMittt. urinal 1 mm Cunt w mnm nufiiim im mM- I iiiii in m in mfFfnli It is insurance against sweat shop and tenement goods, and against disease. . . . oeoaoQaoeo$o08090OQ We Trust You for Anything Used in the Home Whatever you want for use in your borne will be sold to yon on credit. Your choice of ?,000 articles will be shipped on approval. Use our goods 30 days before you decide to keep them. Then, if satisiactory , pay a little each month. We mean that exactly. When a person wants to make his home more attractive, his credit is good with us. , s. Save 15 to 50 Per Cent We are the largest concern of our kind in the world. Our combined capital is J7 ,000.000. On our books are more than 450,000 customers. . We own 25 mammoth retail stores, located in the principal cities, and we control the output of a score of great factories. Thus we buy and sell at prices which no other concern can compete with. We invite any sort of com parison. You can return any goads, sent on approval. If 'yon don't find saving of IS to JO per cent, under the lowest prices, cash or credit, anywhere. 30 Days' Free Trial , As yon can't come to our store, we send the goods to you on approval. Use them a month, and decide how you like them. Compare our prices with others. If not satisfactory, return the goods at our expense. The month s ass will not cost yon a penny. Small Monthly Payment If you are satisfied, you can pay a little each month what you can afford. Take from 10 to 24 months to pay, while yon use and enjoy the articles. We charge no interest and ask no security. Yon simply buy as we buy on credit and oar dealings sue all confidential. Four Free Catalogs 3,000 Articles r We issue four handsome catalog.showlng pictures, prices and descriptions of 3,000 things for the home. Many of the pictures show the actual colors. Simply write us a postal and say which catalog you want. They are free, and we pay postage. Furniture and Carpets ; Catalog No. 10 shows a new and wonderful line of Furniture, Housefurnishings, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths and Portieres, illustrated in actual colors. Also Lace Curtains, Clocks. Silverware. Crockery. Sewing M achines. Wash ing Machines. Refrigerators, Baby Carriages and Go-Carts. of stoves and ranges the stoves that save fuel enough to pay for themselves in sue months. Columbia Graphophones Catalog No. 30 Is devoted to the greatest of all talking machines. We send a complete Grapbophone outfit, freight prepaid. You don t pay a penny until you have tried it ten days. Then send us small monthly payments. - Pianos on Free Trial " No Money Down r . .. ' Catalog No. 40 shows the celebrated Meyer off and Beckmana Pianos, from $144-50 up. We send a piano on 30 days' trial, with no payment down. Pay ns nothing at all until we convince yon that we save you at least J100. Then pay a little each month. Stoves and Ranges Catalog No. 20 shows the whole Empire line m Send us a postal today, saying which catalog you want Spiegel, MayTstern Co. - - 2323 3Sth Street, Chicago We carry a complete line of Union-Made Razors and all union-made goods GREEN MEDICAL CO., Darbor Supplies 120 North 11th St.