lira in fostering tto I itif You one? is $25 Too Much for a Suit? If yoa think so, why s not make a change? Suit Made to Order By a Union Tailor SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS M. C RANDALL 185 SOUTH THIRTEENTr NEBRASKA Paapgera Wholesale Paper, Stationery and Fireworks 109 North Ninth St. LINCOLN, NEB. Phones Auto 1514, Bell 606 Liberty Flour (Made in Lincoln) H. 0. Barber & Son JOHN BAUER Wholesale Llquc r ' Plater Distributor of Dick fc Bros., Quincy Brewing Co's Celebrated Lager Beer. OFFICE & WAREHOUSE J27-29-3I-33-36SO. 8th St., Lincoln, Ktb. Phones: Ante 1817. Bell 817 ) When 'Walk-OverM go on, shoe troubles go off. Have You Tried a Pair? Rogers & Perkins Co. 1125 O STREET NEBRASKA'S SELECT HARD-WHEAT FLOUR Wilbur and DoVitt Hills The Celebrated Little Hatchet Flour RYE FLOUR A SPECIALTY Telephone XT.: 800 145 SO. 9th, LINCOLN rTTlDRESHER yj Tailor 143 South Twelfth Strdot , LINCOLN NEB. , FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK Owned By Stockholders of The First National Bank THE BINK FOR THE AAGE EARNER INTEREST PAID AT A PER CENT " Tenth and O Streets AUTO PHONE 2547 . BELL PHONE 254ft O. A. FULK, Gents' Furnishings, Hats 1325 O Street : ;v;;.$-:.; 1 KELLY'S PLUMBERS 1 CENTRAL LABOR UNION. The delegates to the Central Labor I'nion are exporting to have a delegate at the convention of the American Federation of Labor which meets next .month in Denver. The bentimeiu seemed unanimous against -ippro print ing the expense money lor this i.ur pose and a committee was given charge of the matter or raising the fund from the bodies represented. This has met with a large response, and a JOB PEEINlTM(g AT THE OFFICE OF The Wage worker We are prepared to handle all kinds of Printing Cards to Newspapers. Have you tried us? No I r Very likely we can do you good. Wageworker Auto 1556 130 North 14th Bell 333 large part of the necessary amoum is piready in hand or pledged. President Kelsey has been absent from the city for about a month, and Vice President Quick has occupied the chair. It is not known whether , Mr. Kelsey has been apprised of his new duty as delegate to Denver, but it is hoped he will be on the job when the time comes. A communication from the United Garment Workers of America enclosed a number of packets of court plaster in celluloid ' cases whereon is adver tised the Garment Workers' label. The delegates are wise to the prac tice of politicians of springing canard just on the eve of election when the time is too short for it to be refuted before balloting time. To be to some extent prepared for such roorback, the central body, at its meeting Tuesday renewed Its purpose of standing by the political movement now on foot to elect the friends and defeat the en emies of those who toll. To that end and to renew confidence in those chosen to carry on the battle, the fol lowing was adopted: WHEREAS, we, the Central Labor Union of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, In meeting assembled, have considered the situation in which the toilers of , our country find themselves by deci : sions of courts, and the failure of con ' gress to afford the necessary relief; and I WHF.REAS we have appealed to the republican congress in vain to afford the necessary relief for the protection, restoration and defense of the natural and inherent rights of the working peo ple ard all our people; and WHEREAS we appealed in vain to the republican party convention to de clare for the necessary restoration of the rights to which the toilers are en titled, rights which have been shorn from our people by reason of the de cision of the Supreme Court, which de cided that the voluntary organizations of the workers are illegal combinations in restraint of trade, and come under tho Sherman anti-trust law, and that the republican party rejected and re pudiated labor's urgent needs and in sulted the great rank and file of the toilers of our country; and WHEREAS the same demands were presented to the democratic party at its convention and that that party em- bod'ed in its platform' the demands which labor presented and made la labor's contention its own; and i WHEREAS the republican party's ' candidate. Mr. Taft, has, in his letter of acceptance and his speeches, accen tuated his injunction record, and the democratic candidate, Mr. Bryan, has pbsi-irtely and unfaltering pledged hlirself. if elected, to secure the rights of the toilers to which they are so just ly entitled i WE, THEREFORE, in regular meet ire cf the CeDtral Labor Union of the city of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, re iterate our declaration that though as organized workers, we are neither democratic nor republican, nor owe al legiance to any political party whatso ever, we yet reiterate and re-affirm it to be our duty and the duty of all workers and friends of human liberty to stand faithfully by our friends and elect them, oppose our enemies and de feat them, whether they be candidates for president, for congress, or other of fices, whether executive, legislative, or judicial, and we' pledge ourselves and call upon the people of our city and state to help carry into effect the laudable and ennobling purposes for which the toilers struggle and aspire. Attest: F. A. KATES, . Secretary. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. November Meeting Due for Sunday ' and Important-Committees to Be Named. Lincoln Typographical union will meet Sunday, November 1 (tomorrow), and there will be something doing. A matter of vital Importance is to be given consideration. . The committee on revision and codification of the constitution and bylaws will probably have a report to make. Workj has been "bully" ' for 'the month of October, and not all of it has been due to politics, either. Will M. Maupln left for Hennessey, Okla., Tuesday evening in response to a telegram announcing the serious ill ness of his aged father. ( Governor Hoke Smith of Georgia, who was in Lincoln last week, is edi tor of the Atlanta Journal. It was a non-union office when he bought it. His first act after becoming proprie tor was to senef'f or an organizer and say: "I want this shop unionized so I can deal with the men on an equitable basis." The Journal has been union ever since. "And I've nevr had a sign of trouble," Bald the gov ernor. S. A. Hoon passed through Lincoln Tuesday on his way home from a visit in Iowa. Sam is still located in Colo rado Springs, and his appearance in dicates that he is on very good terms with the climate and people. FEDERAL COURTS SUPREME. In this modern craze for settling la bor disputes by injunction the inter ests of property are declared to be rights; the laboring men having no property are thereby presumed to have no rights. Where there is no law the judges will "make" a law; where there is no precedent they make a precedent. No congress, par liament or diet, no king, emperor or czar in the civilized world today would dare make such laws as the rulings in labor injunction cases hand ed out by the federal courts of tho United States. Indianapolis Union. We ars expert cleaners, dyers Ml tilaheri of Ladles' and tlemen's Clothing of all kinds. The finest dresses specialty. THUD NEW ITOJU. J. C. WOOD & CO. A-jC FOR PRICELI8T. PHONES: Bell, 147. Auto, Utt. ISM N St - - Lincoln, Neb. DR. CHAS.YUN6BLUT DENTIST ROOM 202, BURR BLK. bell shi LINCQLH, NEB. MYDEN'S ART STUDIO New. Location, 1127 O Flaa wrrk a Specialty. Auto 1336 CORN FLAIIES The Improved Toasted Corn Flakes "THE Egg-O-See Cereal Company's A famous E-C Process makes E-C Corn Flakes positively saperior to the ordinary kind. E-C quality the high est quality ever attained in a flaked corn food makes E-C Corn Flakes the - most popular cereal food, in millions of ' American homes, i All Grocers, IO cents EGG-O-SEE CEREAL COMPANY, Chicago Largest Manafctnres of Flaked Cereal Foods is the Wodd EARN BIG MONEY'- t C n .00 UstncttM for $ i n .00 311 I LEARN AT HOME I IU Complete InetrucUpa double entry poolrk plrnr. I pennutUBOip, dujmuot m wih, nawi iilj. i free; ao other outlay. 0004 positions waiting. Diet. I. CMmss B ml new Training fcheoi, Chlcatt i A SUIT or OVERCOAT Hado to Ordor For el No More gj Mo Less From Sheops Back to Your Back ISSUED DY AUTHORITY OP ID TTMITE p.. REGISTERED iiCsAPMCMnn v. .eii mm-, su 2Jr "-SiriV 41I I World's Greatest Tailors 145 Scsth I3th Street LINCOLN NEBRASKA