The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 31, 1908, Image 5

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Some Brief Bits of News Picked Up
, Here and There.
. About $4,000,000 per day is earned
by the trades unionists of this coun
try. The fifty-second anniversary of the
eight-hour demonstration was held In
Melbourne, Australia, recently.
The Alaskan fisheries give employ
ment 4o over 5,000 fishermen, the ma
jority of whom are now organized.
; False-Taft's remedy for the unem
ployed hungry is "God knows." Ice
Trust Sherman's is "I don't want to
be disturbed."
In San Francisco there is a move
ment to organize all the laborers of
the several departments of the mu
nicipality into a new union,
Mrs. Oak Armstead has returned to
her home In North Bend after a visit
with her daughter, Miss Gertrude, and
her sister, Mrs. W. M. Maupin.
A complication of trade union sta
tistics in the principal countries of
the world places the number of mem
bers In good standing at 9,000,000.
The cost of living has advanced dur
ing the last ten years 40 per cent,
while wages have increased not more
than 15 or 20 per cent at the outside.
A petition is pending before Judge
De Arcy in the juvenile court as to
whether the child labor law of the
District of Columbia applies to news
boys. "Billy" McQuiston, formerly a mem
ber of the Lincoln Barbers' union, but
now a traveling salesman, was one of
the lucky ones In the recently land
The nomination of officers by the
Boot and Shoe Workers' union is com
pleted. President Tobln received the
nomination of 86 unions out of 10"
The wages of the women employed
In sewing uniforms at the Brooklyn.
N. V., navy yard have been reduced
recently, and the wonym have decided
to petition the navy department.
The Montana State Federation of
Labor is Initiating a petition for sub
mission at the next general election
for the employers' liability act, and an
act exempting labor unions from in
junctions. The coal miners of Great Britain
are at last united in one organized
body. The Durham miners, who in
the past have refused to affiliate with
,the Miners' federation, have decided
' to affiliate.
The United Hatters of America lo
cal of Newark, N. J., has induced the
police commissioners of that city to
hereafter refuse to accept, any hel
mets for the police force which were
tot made in Essex county union hat
Frederick Schmidt, a carpenter of
Splndehof, Upper Palatinate, has been
notified through the German legation
at St. Petersburg that he is heir to
$7,500,000 in cash and to several
estates in Russia, the property of a
German soldier of fortune.
Some Alleged Labor Paper 'Have Al
ready Sold Out to Labor Crushers.
We were surprised to receive a most
flattering offer from representatives of
the national republican committee for
the publication of an editorial de
nouncing Mr. Bryan and flaying Sam
uel Gompers. for his present stand.
The offer was turned down as coldly
and contemptuously as the editor
knew how to do the job.
The space to be used and the sug
gestions made meant that this paper
could draw a check in payment for
the dirty work amounting to about
$50. To the editor this looked like a
lot of money for the publication of a
few lines, but the thought of accept
ing the bribe never once was consid
ered.. Twelve other papers in the
United States were to receive the
same offer of silver to do the Judas
act, and we are watching to see if
they sell. Joplin, Mo.,, Trades Union
Shall Individual Liberty Be Preserved
or Shall It Be Throttled?
That is the question of the hour.
It is one that not only applies to the
workman who carries a card of mem
bership in a labor union, but is one
that applies and must appeal to the
unorganized, for those conditions that
affect the liberty of the union work
men must assuredly affect the rights
and privileges of the unorganized
wage earners. In the campaign that
is before us corporate interests are
again attempting to deceive, coerce
and frighten the workingmen of our
country into . voting for those candi
dates whose election .will mean a still
greater interference with their indi
vidual liberty, which can only be
maintained by collective action, and
which they are constantly seeking to
destroy. One of the strongest weap
ons is the appeal to the workingmen',3
stomachs, which is resounding the
country over. The workingman is
told, "Elect this man and elect that
man to office and you will surely carry
a full dinner pail."
Is it not about time, brothers, that
the intelligence of the workmen was
pression, but speaking for the brick
layers, masons and plasterers of the
country, their intelligence is going to
decide as to who they shall vote for
when they go to the ballot box on the
third day of November next, and not
their stomachs.
Organized workmen have suffered
the pangs of hunger time and time
again. Yes, they have stood by and
seen their loved ones cry for bread
while they were fighting for better
conditions, for better living wages, for
reasonable hours of toil, and for the
right as individuals to associate them
selves with their brothers to obtain
and maintain these better conditions,
and which they are. still fighting for
Is it to be expected, then, after hav
ing struggled so bravely amid misery
and want to secure and maintain free
dom on the economic field, that they
are going to surrender their freedom
and individual liberty on the political
field to those who would destroy
every vestige of unionism? We say a
thousand times NO! Their intelli
gence will guide them and. their con
victions arrived at they will march to
the ballot box like true patriots and
cast their ballot as their conscience
His "Union" Membership is One of
the Campaign's Big Jokes.
Although he has nowhere in his
speaking campaign exhibited any
strength as a popular leader, Mr. Taft
did not descend to demagogy until,
upon making his tour of Ohio last
week, he delivered a succession of
piteous appeals to organized working
men. This begging for labor votes,
not upon any broad principles, but as
a matter of personal consideration to
himself, was a spectacle. Nothing bet
ter describes it than the old negro's
characterization of his spine as being
"powerful weak." And when Mr. Taft
supplemented his appeals with a sym
bolic exhibition to those Ohio labor
unionists of his "union card" as a
member of organized labor, he inten
sified the demagogy of his perform
ance. Everyone must judge for him
self whether Mr. Taft's demagogy was
elevated or lowered by the farcical
fact upon which he seriously enlarged
that his trade union membershin
had" been conferred upon him by an
Isthmian canal shovelers' union as a
reward of merit for his amiable qual
ities as a boss. But there can be no
that he holds a union card in an
Isthmian shovelers' labor union! Isn't
it to laugh? Chicago Public.
Isn't Their Sudden Interest in the
Toiler Rather Suspicious.
Mr. Taft and President Roosevelt
are displaying at this late hour in -the
presidential campaign a lively inter
est in organized labor. It Is some
what in the nature of "death bed re
pentance," as religious revivalists
would say. Very different is the pres
ent solicitude of these anxious gentle
men for organized labor very, very,
different; oh, so different from their
coldness and unconcern when the re-1
publican national convention at Chi
cago, which President Roosevelt con
trolled and Mr. Taft therefore carried,
backed up Mr. Van Cleave in telling
the representatives of organized labor
to "go to Denver where they be
longed." Chicago Public.
Capital Auxiliary will meet Wednes
day, November 14, with Mrs. Orval T.
Young3226 W St
Teamsters' Union Official Says Chi
cago Unionists Are Solidly
in Line.
George W. Brlggs, auditor of the In
ternational Teamsters' union, is in De
troit. Speaking of the political situation
he said: "Why, Chicago is solidly for
Bryan, and all along the line of travel
there is nothing but Bryan sentiment
among the unionists and the working
people. Bryan will sweep the coun
try, and poor old Taft will be burled
so far that Roosevelt will not be able
to dig him out with the big stick in
ten years."
Brlggs has always been a republi
can, but this year he says that Bryau
is the only salvation of the workers.
Detroit Union Advocate.
N During the past twelve years of Republican government the average cost
of living has increased 48 per cent.
Bryan and Kern's Election Means Real
Tariff Revision and Lower Cost of Living
SHOES that cost $3.00 a pair in 1 896 now cost $4.00 and $5.00 be
cause materials have gone up 52 per cent. Trust controlled, tariff pro
tected sole leather has gone up over 1 70 per cent.
BEEFSTEAK that cost 16c per pound in 1 896 now costs 24 cents.
Why? Increase in population outstripped increase in supply. Tariff
protects the Beef Trust. American cattlemen get less, American con
sumer pays more.
SUITS OF CLOTHES that cost $25.00 in 1 896, cost , $35.00
to-day. Tariff bars foreign woolens.
SUNLIGHT is free but the glass in your window, that cost 75 cents in
1 896, costs $ 1 .88 to-day, thanks to protection.
Your house costs you 40 per cent more to build to-day than it did twelve
years ago, because tariff allows this extortion.
You pay 48 per - cent more to live under Republican Gov-
ernment, because of the tariff that enriches the few.
WliTS ;FDS arid KOSN
Democratic Candidate for Congress
First Nebraska District.
John A. Maguire Is a resident of
Lincoln, having lived there for thir
teen years. He was reared on a farm
near Mitchell, South Dakota, and
graduated at Iowa Agricultural Col
lege and at the University of Ne
braska. He was deputy county treas
urer of Lancaster county in 1S0Q. and
appealed to, and not their stomach,
to decide the questions that so vitally
affect our welfare? God forbid that
there shall ever come a time in the af
fairs of our beloved country when the
right of the workmen to earn a live
lihood will depend upon their casting
their ballot for any particular man or
party. Such shackles of slavery must
be forever removed.
There is grave danger in the cry of
"full stomachs" If this man is electe-1
and empty ones if the other man 's
given power." Those who would
coerce, intimidate and enslave the
workman by such a process should be
silenced, once and forever, on such
damnable propositions; In this twen
tieth century intelligence must settle
all affairs of state. Nothing else. It
is certainly true that there have been
thousands of empty stomachs among
the men of our craft and of all other
crafts during the past year of de-
dictates, regardless of the unworthy
and contemptible threats of any em
ployer or soulless corporation. If the
right to vote according to one's own
conscience means a further punish
ment at the hands of capitalistic in
terests, then we are willing to euffe
still -further in order that individual
liberty shall live. Bricklayer and
two opinions about the pitiful weak
ness of the whole , thing. Think of
William H. Taft, the judicial father of
"government by injunction," the advo
cate of abolition of jury trial in labor
cases, and the chosen candidate' of
Van Cleave's labor union "busters"
think of this man campaigning the or
ganized centers of Ohio to beg work
ingmen's votes for him on the ground
lea, a h. pmis I
are truely wonderful stones nothing at all like the
ordinary immitation diamonds as brilliant as the real
diamonds. See them, you'll be surprised and delighted.
Henderson & Maid,
lOth Street. Opposite Post Office
Sam Proves He Is a Dismal Failure
as a Calamity Howler.
In 1906 when labor made an effort
to secure the defeat of Congressman
Littlefield in the Second congressional
district of Maine, President Roosevelt
wrote a letter saying that the sever
ance of Mr. Littlefield's services from
congress would prove a calamity to
the country. Now that Mr. Little
field will no longer be in congress, is
it unfair to infer that the calamity is
impending, since the country will be
deprived of his valuable (?) services
to that body?
Wonder how many "calamities" our
people will have to endure because
some congressmen hostile to the
rights and interests of the masses will
be told by their constituents to "stay
at home?" Samuel Gompers in Amer:
ican Federati ;nist.
1901, and since then he has -practiced
law in Lincoln. Mr: Maguire was sent
as a delegate from his district to the
democratic national convention : at St.
Louis, and has always been a loyal
supporter of Mr. Bryan.
John A. Maguire's Platform:
As a candidate for conefess. in the-
First Nebraska district. I ask for the
support of men of all parties; prom
ise that if elected my official conduct
will be governed with an eye single to
the best interests of my country in
general anu 01 me first iNeDraska dis
trict in particular.
I shall not assume that the larsre
majority generally cast for the re
publican candidate in this district
justifies Congressman Pollard in cast
ing his vote for the ship subsidy and
in surrendering his power and author
ity, even his opinions to the machine
manipulated by Joseph G. Cannon
and operated to the advantages of the
special interests which Speaker Can
non has so long and so faithfully
served. . -
I Shall Favor:
1. Guaranteed bank deposits.
2. Tariff revision downward at, once
and in favor of all the people. -
3. Election of United States sena
tors' by direct vote.
4. Physical valuation of railroads.
5. Publicity of campaign funds be
fore election.
6. Rigid regulation - of all corpora
7. Eight-hour day on government
work. ' . t ',"
8. Income tax.
9. Improvement of inland water
Shall Oppose:
1. Mr. Cannon's election as speaker.
2. "Cannonism" in our House of
3 Ship subsidy in any form.
4. All bounties, burdens, and special
privileges in which only a favored few
are benefited at the expense of, the'
many. , '
5. All -"trust-breeding" legislation.
6. All private monopolies.
I will not be bound by the action
of any caucus when such action is det
rimental to the people of this district.
Mr. Pollard's Record:
1. Ignored the resolution adopted
by the Nebraska legislature January
29, 1907, asking him to vote against
the ship subsidy bill.
2. Delivered a speech in the House
February 26, 1907, supporting the' ship
subsidy bill.
3. Voted for the ship subsidy bill,
March 1, 1907.
4. Belongs to the Cannon "Stand
Pat Organization" in the House.
5. Refused to joinxdemocrats In an
effort to adopt reform policies urged
by the president.
6. Supported the Aldrich-Vreeland
currency bill.
7. Refuses to commit himself in this
campaign against Joseph G. Cannon
for speaker.
1 .
Notice of Adoption.
In re adoption No. 256 of James
Vernon in the County Court of Lan
caster County, Nebraska. . '
The State of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested take notice that Ed
win Hall and Lulu Hall, husband and
wife, have filed their petition, and re
linquishment of the State of Nebraska,
by the superintendent of the Home
of the Friendless, its custodian,: for
the adoption of James Vernon, a
minor male child, with bestowal of
property rights and change of name
to Edwin Carter- Hall, which has been
et for hearing before this court on
December 28th, 1908, at 9 o'clock a. m.,
when you may appear, object to and
contest the same.
Dated October 8, 1908.
(Seal) County Judge.
By Walter A. Leese, Clerk.
Notice of Final Report.
Estate No. 2309 of Andrew Sundean,
deceased, In County Court of Lancas-'
ter County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested In said estate, take
notice, that the administrator has filed
i final account and report of his ad
ministration, and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such,
which have been set for hearing be
fore said court on November 10, 1908,
at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may ap-
kpear an contest the same.
Dated October 8, 1908.
(Seal) County Judge
By Walter A. Lease, Cierk