The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 26, 1908, Image 5

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    Under Which Flag, Mr. Union Man?
J. W. Van Cleave Says:
"The injunction's purpose is to head off injury for which, if
allowed to be committed, the victim can secure no adequate rem
edy by the courts. It is the promptness, the certaintly, and the justice
of the punishment in contempt cases which renders the injunction so
effective in preventing attacks on property and life. Jury trial would
bring delay and uncertainty. Thus it would give a license to vio
lence, voould make industry and property insecure, xoould increase
the number and the desiructiveness of tabor contests, and would assail
legitimate trade of all sorts.
"It is the duty of American business men, regardless of their
party, to bury Bryan and Bryanism under such an avalanche of
votes in 1908 that the work will not have to be done over again in
1912, or ever." Statement by J. W. Van Cleave, President National
Association of Manufacturers, and President of the Buck Stove Co.,
St. Louis.
What Samuel Gompers Says:
"I am very well satisfied with the democratic platform as promul
gated at the Denver convention, and I will do everything to support
these declarations, and of course that means we will work for the elec
tion of the men who stand for our principles.
"I have never expected defeat in any undertaking, never hoped for
defeat, and never have given up fighting for an idea or principle that I
firmly believed to be right and just. I will always be found fighting
for what I believe is right, no matter what the temporary results may
be. I believe that in this fight we now have on hand, that we will win;
and I shall work for Mr. Bryan's election and for the ratification of the
principles that -we have advocated as officers and as an organization.
Statement by Samuel Gompers, President American Federation of
Labor, and now charged with contempt of court at the instigation of
J. W. Van Cleave.
Monthly Report of th Iowa-Nebraska
.District Very Encouraging.
Following Is the monthly report of
Secretary Perrin of the Iowa-Nebraska
district of the Electrical Workers:
No. 22 of Omaha has sent in the
duplicate credentials for their dele
gate to the S. 1. C. and show that
they are still out after the non-union
men. as they hare five new names in
this month, and front the report in
this month's Worker they are in good
No. S3 of Des Moines is in with a
good report as usual. They have
plenty of work.
No. 163 of Omaha carried off the
honors this month as tar as new mem
bers go, as they hare twenty-two new
ones and a large per capita sheet.
No. 253 of Cedar Rapids is in line
with a good report and they have also
filled duplicate credentials for a dele
gate to St. Louis.
No. 2i of Lincoln has a good re
port. Brother Mayar reports that work
has been good and that the boys are
busy, and that they pulled off the
biggest Labor Day there this year that
ljncoln ever had. They have also fiktl
duplicate credentials for the St. Ix:is
No. 273 of Clinton, has six n w
ones, and with the increased membc-r-ship
and th e new wage scale thcr
should have no difficulty in keepitig
that part of the state in good shapt
The Bell couiany has started their
underground for the new exchange an-.l
will soon be making things hum. The
Indeiiendent company will also sta.-t
on an automatic exchange in the n-r
No. 372 of Booue has three no-v
ones on their list and a large reimrt
that will make up for the time they
lost. They filed credentials for a dele
gate to the S. I. C. at St. Louis.
No. 599 of Iowa City has been out
after the new members and has tw
on their list, and a nice per capt-i.
sheet for a new local. -
I did not mean ' to forget No. 5S
of Fremont, as they are still doing
good work and hare a new name or.
their list this month.
There has been forty-three new oaes
added to the list in tnis district this
month, and 899 months per capia
remitted, giving a total receipt of
A. Small Local Difficulty Speedily Set
tled With Satisfaction.
Organizer Dermody of the "Interna
tional Cigarmakers" Cnion was in Lin
coln last week, being called here to
settle a' little difficulty that has
cropped out in a local factory. The
matter was sjieedily arranged to the
satisfac-tiou of all. and then Mr. Der
mody spent a couple of days in boost
ing the blue label cigars among the
retailers of the city. He expects to
spend a couple of weeks in Nebraska
in the furtherance of an advertising
campaign outlined by the international
executive council, and will visit Has
tings. Grand Island, Beatrice. Fremont
and other places. One of his chief
concerns is the adjustment of a diffi
culty in Fremont, which has caused
considerable trouble.
The number of cigarmakers em
ployed in Uncoln is steadily increas
ing. The Pepperbnrg factory expects
to be running a full force of twenty
five men inside of a few weeks, and
the Cinberg factory is adding to
its forces right along. The cigarmak
ers are ready to lend their assistance
in making the proosed Home Indus
try exposition a success, and will
doubtless arrange to make an exhibit
of Lincoln made cigars. The cigar-
makers are always active in advertis
ing the blue label.
Right here it may be stated that
if a lot of men who are forever prat
ing about their desire to bnild np
Lincoln indnstries will only demand
Lincoln made cigars and accept no
other, it wouldn't be long ere there
would be triple the number of Lin
coln cigarmakers at work.
Probability of An Attempt Being Made
at Organizing Lincoln Workers.
While S. J. Stearns of the United
Garment Workers' International Cnion
was in Lincoln last week he investi
gated local conditions and .- informed
The Wageworker that be thought the
time ripe for undertaking the organi
zation of a local union of the craft in
this city. Mr. Stearns will return to
headquarters in Chicago in a few
weeks and will then take up the mat
ter with the general executive boars
and recommend that a local orgaavnwr
be sent here at once.
There are is the neighborhood mi
20 garment workers in Lincoln. aa4
a comparison with other cities ttmm
that they are underpaid. An effective
organization woo Id not only imprnt
conditions among the workers, hat.
coald be made beneficial to the em
ployers. It is to be' hoped that the nut
ter win be poshed to a sareessfol ea-a-clusion.
A labor movement without a fair la
bor paper is a mighty poor aowtst
And the great trouble with most bfcor
paper men is that they are expected:
to give to the unions every m
their waking time, and for the nioo
to contribute nothing exrept a kirk
when some fool thinks be knows v
a labor paper should be conducted.
Fort Worth Banner.
BKTf-wm-arTlitt WW ill
hoppers5 Opportunity
We are offering some advance bargains in nearly every department of the store this week. They are well worth your consideration. hile the weather
has been very warm, the cool days must soon come, and it is well to be up with your shopping and sewing. Come in this week and supply yourself with
the things you will need.
Mark Down All the Good Points
QJv That you would like to find in the Wo-
r ... J men's Garments. Then come and see our
y! V Hue. You will be more than satisfied that
H. ...,clv. ltnat Koo All tkA miotiflon.
m s vas c .w a uoa -sr asu? usa.3 - ",r au ifuaasu.
tions of lh tictwckttl diwifiis n nl hast tnitnr-
sj il Suits at Special
1 k
is -1 a-
jt-v.i I u xxk Knees
rS l
I'ti" Strom Serge in brown and navy, neatly
Fell, . , ii n a.
i r . i .... .
a .1 I ) 'I I ne very nest striea . nitron fan a ma In
7 AV.Ii medium brown and navv: handsomelv
IlA A1 satin band trimmed; Coats 32 inches long;
, . - - a ail
W 25.00; special price iy.7J
Close Fitting I overt Jackets, full satin
,zr?, lined, our .00 01 np
aJ" values, special price $1yd
Semi-Fitting Black Broadcloth Jackets, full back 7S
Satin lined, our $9.95 grade, special price O0.l3
Assortment of Children's Woolen Novelty Cloth Winter Coats, sizes 8 to
14 Your choice at HALF PRICE.
Ladles' Silk Plush and Bearskin Jackets, full satin lined, 28 inches long
Have your choice at HALF PRICE.
u.96-H-S value, choice at ; $3.95
M.T5 values, choice at 94-95
$!.$ values, choice at $5.95
Grey and brown plaid and solid blue Panama Cloth Skirts, t broken
aisea). regular $9. 93-49.50 values, reduced to $4.95
S 13.50- 11.50 values, best Aultman Voile, now $8.95
Petticoat Special
The beat 8c grade black MercerUed Petticoat
Special for a days at l"C
The best grade black Mercerized Satine Petticoats no
Special for i days at VoC
They are worth $5.95.
1AI Ikl
m 11
1 1
Get a Rug at $1.95
While they last, 160 Rugs in assorted designs. Persian, Roman or
Floral, in a good quality of Axminster Velvet, size 27x60. extra
quality, now -.$1.95
School Plaids
20 pieces of Wora;ed Plaids, suitable for school dresses and waists, in all
the new combinations of colors, 34 inches wide, j
' specie!, now ; ZIC
Other Plaids, suitable fcr school dresses, waists and skirts, at 15c.
50c and ; : 75c
We carry the largest line of popular priced Dress Goods in the city at
50c, 75c and $1.00 yard. See them.
New Percales at Cut Prices
28-inch Dress Percale, in colors red, blue, gray and black, in assorted
patterns, worth 8 l-3e, now, ro close 6c
A lot of Dress Percales in side band effects or plain patterns. s"ie
cial values, now- 124c
Time for Fall Underwear
We have now our complete lines of Women's and Children's Underwear
for Fall and Winter wear, but we want to impress upon you now that
there are some special good numbers for Fall.
A lot of Children's Vests and Pants in cream", ribbed, but in broken
sizes, worth to 25c, now, to close 10c
Other Ribbed Underwear for Children at from l'c in size IS with a rise
of 2VjC for each siae larger.
Special lot of Women's Long Sleeve Vests and Pants, ribbed, white,
now, at 19c
Sale of Table Linens
and Napkins
This sale lasts for one week only, and the saving you will receive during
this sale will be worthy of your consideration.
56-inch Bleached Table Damask, a special good number now at 19c
Choice of our best quality Colored Damask in red, blue or buff, our
50c value, this week 35c
A lot of Unbleached Damasks. 68 and 70 inches wide, values up to 65c,
now, to close 4gc
A lot of pure Linen Damasks, 72 inches wide, $1.25 values, to close. .98c
We're Looking For You
We just want to say to you that your FALL SHCES are ready. Yoo-1
soon be wanting them, and it's a splendid idea to make selections
early while ail the lines are complete. No better Shoe cn earth for
the price than our k:nd that, we think, you already know.
Shoes for every day wear Shoes
for stormy days shoes built to
stand hard nsage Men's Shoes
for every purose for which good
Shoes are wanted
$2.50. $2.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5X0
Every dollar left at this Shce Store will secure a full meaaeww of wahw
in the best Shoes and the best Shoe service rt is possible to prwvide.
Shoes for the bouse or for dre
functions Shoes for street wear
and for stormy days Shoes for
any requirement any woman may
have, handsome new Fall Nodois
$2X0, $20, $3X0, $3oO and $4X0
Blankets and Comforters
Special values in Cotton and Wool Blankets in assorted colors and sizes.
See them before you buy.
.Infant Blankets in white and colors, now. at. each. 25c, 50c, 90c and if -CO
10- 4 Cotton Blankets at 59c, 69c and 75c
11-4 Cotton Blankets in assorted colors at 75c. 89c, $1X0. $1.23. $1.59
$3 3
and - - ....
12-4 Cotton Blankets, extra values, at $135. $1.50. $1-65
Comforts in good values at $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and np to
Outing Flannels
Suitable for all indoor garments, light and dark colors and great val
ues, but you can judge for yourself. See them now at 5c, S V3c
10c, 12!-.c and 15c
Unbleached Shaker Flaccels. at 6c, 7 1-2c. 8 V3c, 10c, 12 We and 15c
Bleached Shaker Flannels, at 7 1-2c, 8 1-3c 10c, 12 1-2c and 15c
See the new Flannelettes tbey are beautiful this season at 10c
12 1-2c, 15c and 1e