The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 19, 1908, Image 2

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    , How to Use Flavoring.
Never add flavoring ot any Kind to a
lah while Its contenu are hot. Whoa
pat In while the concoction Is hot nuch
ot the flavor ot the extract passes off
In the steam.
Wait until the pudding or whatever
your dish may be is cold before yo
add the Oarorlns.
Spots on Wood.
' Rub the white spots made by wet or
not dishes on your polished table
wtth spirits ot camphor. It win re
more them.
The Crowd and Success.
' To-day there are no public entertain
ments save those which are intended1
for the world at large. Whether the
entertainment provided takes the
form of the drama, music or sport, the
crowd Is invited, and Its presence la
Indispensable for both financial and
moral success. Hibbert Journal.
Good One.
Dr. Hear? Van Dyke of Princeton,
who handles a trout rod almost as
deftly as he handles a pen, was prais
ing a book of new flies. "They are
wonderful flies," he said. "Why. if I
venture to leave any of them lying!
around loose the spiders come and
carry them oh."
r Why Ha Never Spoke.
There was a man in our town, and
he was wondrous wise; he never
spoke unto his wife at his mother's
cakes and pies. The secret of his wis
dom guess It It you can; hut if you
can't behold it he was a bachelor
man. Chicago News.
Feminine Hand in Literature.
The literature of all European coun
tries reveals the feminine hand. Male
writers are devoting themselves more
and more to sport and industry. All
modern books are effeminate in char
acter. Miens. Vienna.
Use of Flower.
There's no phosphorescence In flow,
ers to speak of. but they mar lighten
up many a darkened spot in life.
Heacheeter Vnion.
Sunday-School Contributions.
The average missionary contribu
tion for each pupil in the Sunday-
schools is higher in the Episcopal de
nomination than any other.
, Seldom.
' People seldom forget the names or
facea of those whom it mar pay to
' Mother of Hard Work.
Necessity is the mother of hard
work with most of us. Atlanta
Georgian. .
Expensive Luxuries. -
Castles la the air cost a vast deal
to keep up. Lytton.
Friend Has $1,000 Fire Loss.
Thursday morning the Friend
fuiuuin statiou u found to be on
fire. The Are cotuiiany was absent.
attending the tournament at North.
Platte, and the fire lighters at home
were considerably unorganised. The?
blase was extinguished with a loss of
the north end ot the pump house
and some damage to the roof of the)
electric lighting plant adjoining. The!
loss ts about $1,000. The tire orlg-;
mated in the coal bins, where a conJ
slderable surplus has been stored for
use in case of a strike. The plant 1st
not so badly damaged a to prevent
its use.
The recent disastrous storms have
emphasised the necessity of protection
gainst fire, lightning and tornado.
A good company for farmers to insure
ir Is the Farmers & Merchants of Lin
coln. Their policies are easy to un
derstand and prompt settlements are
made after adjustment of claims.
Thousands ot satisfied customers
have received benefits.
Sent Obscene Postal Card.
Arthur Jenkins ot Norfolk. Vs., the
aval clerk charged with having sent
an obscene postal card to President!
Roosevelt, being unable to furnish $1,
000 ball bond, was committed to the
Norfolk jail to await the signing ot!
extradition papers for his removal to
the federal jurisdiction of Connection.
for trial.
Lincoln Directory
Creamery Co.
Highest Prices Guaranteed for
See Our Agent in Your Town
or Write Us
Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton
Haas Office. Fraternity Bids;.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Bell Phoue 512 Autn Phone
I.arftt Hmiae in State
HI UAiimLlllO M. ImMn.
137 Sa. Itth St.. Uaoola. Nab.
(Gasoline Engines
Oar mw rrole motor la derigsed ea
i par tally for farm and shop.
Night Sweats & Cough.
E. "W. Walton, Condr. S. P. By., 717
Van Ness St Ban Antonio, Tex.,
writes: u During the inmmer and fall
of 1902; my annoyance from catarrh
reached that stage where it was actual
misery and developed, alarming symp
toms, such as a very deep-seated cough,
night sweats, and pains in the head and
chest. I experimented with Bereral so
called remedies before I finally decided
to take a thorough course of Peruna.
"Two of my friends hsd gone so far as
to inform me that the thing for me to do
was to resign my. position and seek: a
higber,morecongenialclimate. Every
one thought I hsd consumption and I
was not expected to live very long.
"Having procured some Peruna, I de
cided to give it a thorough test and ap
plied myself assiduously to the task of
taking it, as per Instructions, in tne
"The effects were soon apparent, all
alarming symptoms disappeared and
my general health became fully as good
as it had ever been in my life.
"I have resorted to the use of Peruna
on two or three occasions since that
time to cure myself of bad colds."
Marino Insurance.
Marine insurance is the oldest kind
of modern insurance. Its principles
were first employed in the fourteenth
century by the merchants of Barce
lona, in Spain, when that city was
the capital of the kingdom of Cata
lonia and when its hardy mariners
were second to none in the world.
About the same time, and also at
Barcelona, the famous code of mari
time laws known as the "consulado
del mar was promulgated, which Is
the foundation ot the present shipping
laws ot every country.
It Came Off.
The fair bather was in the greatest
danger when the heroic rescuer seized
her by the hair. It came oft. Puffs
and coils and waves and rats it
strewed the shuddering sea.
For a moment the rescuer was
Then he grasped the tiny knob of
real hair that remained on the lady's
head and drew her into shallow water.
Did she thank him for saving her
She didn't. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
Shower of Sulphur.
Charolies. a small town 30 miles from
Macon, In France, has recently been
visited by a shower of sulphur. The
roofs, gardens, fields, vineyards, rivers
and ponds were covered with a yellow
dust, and for some time the peasants
In the fields were troubled by a sul
phurous biting odor which made
breathing difficult.
In all its forms anionic all aires of horses.
as well as dooa. cured and others in the
same stable prevented from having the
disease with SPOHX'S DISTEMPEll
t'l'RK. Every bottle guaranteed. Over
500.WH) bottles sold last year. $-50 and
1.00. Any good druggist, or send to man
ufacturers. Agents it-anted. Write for
free book. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. Con.
tagioua Diseases, Goshen, Ind.
The Sarcastic One.
"Air cut, sir?"
"No; I want it done up in a bun and
fastened with a pink ribbon." The
One of the
of the happy homes of to-day is a vast
fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of the world's
best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through the approval of the
Well-Informed of the World; not of indi
viduals only, but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products of that class, of
known component parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and com
mended ty the Well-informed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy the genuine, manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
Only, and for sale by all leading druggists.
Positively cored by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dla
tresa from Dyspepsia, la-
digestion and Too Hearty
Ealing. A perfect rem
edy for IUxluessi Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Bad
Taste in the Month, Coat
ed Totigne, Pain In the
I hey regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
) f IVER
Record of the Two Men Since Their
Entry Into Fast Company Won
derful Performance of Pittsburg
Man Since Joining ' Club New
York Captain in Game 12 Years.
The contest for the batting suprem
acy of the year in the National league
between John Henry. Wagner, or
"Hans," or "" Wagner, as the
great shortstop of the Pittsburg club
is familiarly called, and Michael Don
lin. captain and right fielder of the
New York team, equals in intensity
the interest that is being taken in the
outcome of the battle that is being
waged for the championships of the
National and American leagues. Thus
far Wagner leads the left-handed cap
tain of the Giants by about 14 points,
the percentages a couple of days ago
being: Wagner, .335; Donlin, 321.
The latter, however, has been batting
quite consistently, and there are many
experts who believe he will land
ahead of the formidable Pittsburger
at the close of the season.
Wagner has made a . wonderful
record since he joined the Pittsburg
club in 1900. In that year he led the
National league, and was also the first
batsman in 1903, 1904, 1906 and 1907.
From the time he played his first pro
fessional engagement with the
Stuebenville (O.) club in 1895 he was
regarded as a formidable batsman.
The following year he joined the
Paterson (N. J.) club of the Atlantic
league and remained there until July
of. 1897, when the Louisville manage
ment outbid that of Pittsburg and se
cured the boy from Carnegie, Pa.
Wagner remained with the Louisville
club until the close of the season of
1S99. when, he became a member of
the Pittsburgs along with other Louis
ville stars when the National league
was reduced to eight clubs. In his
two years and a half with the Ken
tucky team Wagner never failed to get
behind the .300 mark in batting, nor
has he fallen below those figures in
his eight and a half years connection
with the Pittsburg team. On July 23
last Wagner made his hundredth hit
of the season, Donlin being the first to
score that record on July 13, and Cobb
of the Detroit team of the American
league the second on July 15
Mike Donlin's reputation as a bats
man since he joined the National
league as a member of the St. Louis
team in 1899 has been of a high ordSr.
While being somewhat fractious and
not amenable to discipline during his
career with the Cincinnati club, .and
at times while with the Giants, his
deportment and playing ability have
been vastly improved since Manager
McGraw placed him as field com
mander of the Polo Grounds team at
the beginning of the present season.
Donlin began hi professional career
as a pitcher of the team at Los An
geles, Cal., in 1S96. He had officiated
in 19 games and lost only two. As a
batsman he was pre-eminent, leadin
the California league that year with
an average of .421. Three years later
he started his career in major league
company with the St. Louis team, and
remained with that team for two sea
sons, the first year finishing with
batting average of .327 and the second
year he batted for .320. In 1901 John
McGraw signed Donlin to play with
his Baltimore team of the American
league, Mike's batting being one of
the features of the season, his average
reaching the splendid mark of .340.
The following year Joe Kelley took
Donlin to the Cincinnati team, but it
was not until 1903 that Mike resumed
his great skill as a batsman, the
records of the season giving him
mark of .351, the second best in the
National league. He was also second
In the league in 1904, and the follow
ing years he was transferred to the
ranks of the New York club.
The principal achievements of the
lival batsmen follow:
1900 Average
1903 Average
1901 Average
.SS0il906 Average
.:Jo5jl907 Average
U. AB. R. H. SB. Av
1907 61 241 38 S3 2 .344
148 591 SO 180 25 .306
1S9 144 S49 12 197 36 .3K
19" 4
201 38
196 48
177 43
1S2 46
171 55
199 57
175 53
ISO 61
1902 33 : 9 .294-
19-.C! .,, 124 496 110 174 26 .351
191-4 : 9o 36S 59 121 22 .329
19H5f 150 606 124 216 33
19.16 30 121 15 38 3
Second batsman in league. fThird
.batsman in league.
Say Cubs Have Good Chance.
"I believe the Chicago Cubs have at
least as good a chance as any other
National league team for winning the
pennant this year,'' says Manager
Murray of the Phillies in Cincinnati.
"Chance's men have about the most
evenly balanced aggregation in the
league, and they're just beginning to
get together properly after months of
misfortune that would have put an
ordinary team out of the running long
ere this."
Property owners will save a deal
ot trouble and expense in keeping
their buildings pronerly painted, if
they know how to protect themselves
against misrepresentation and adul
teration in paint materials. There's
one sure and safe guide to a pure and
thoroughly dependable White Lead
that's the "Dutch Boy Painter" trade
mark which the National Lead Com
pany, the largest makers of genuine
White Lead, place on every package
of their product. This company sends
a simple and snre little outfit for test
ing white lead, and a valuable paint
book, free, to all -who write for it.
Their address is Woodbridge Bldg.,
New York City.
California Cactus Blows Around the
Desert for Months.
Curious among vegetable growths
and one which is seldom seen of men
is the lootless cactus of the California
desert, says the Techincal World.
This plant, a round, compact growth.
rolls about the level floor of the des
ert for some eight or nine months of
the year, tossed hither and yon by
the winds which blow with fierceness
over all of California's sand plat dur
ing those months.
At the coming of the rains, or
rather the cloudbursts, which sweep
the desert in its springtime, this cac
tus takes root wherever it happens to
have been dropped by the last wind
of which it was the plaything and im
mediately begins to put out all around
It small shoots, which in turn become
cacti, exactly like the parent plant.
These young growths increase in
size rapidly, sucking the moisture
both from the parent plant and from
the surrounding earth. The roots do
not penetrate the soil deeply, but
spread often over a circle whose
radius is not less than ten feet. These
roots, too, are small, but practically
Innumerable, and they get every bit
of moisture and plant food to be had
in the territory they cover.
From Terrible Eczema Baby's Head
a Mass of Itching Rash and Sores
Disease Cured by Cuticura.
"Our little girl was two months old
when she got a rash on her face and
within five days her face and head
were all one sore. We used different
remedies but it got worse instead of
better and we thought she would turn
blind and that her ears would fall off.
She suffered terribly, and would
scratch until the blood came. This
went on until she was five months old,
then I had her under our family doc
tor's care, but she continued to grow
worse. He said it was eczema. When
she was seven months old .1 started
to use the Cuticura Remedies and in
two months our baby was a different
girl. You could not see a sign of a
sore and she was as fair as a new
born baby. She has not had a sign of
the eczema since. Mrs. H. F. Budke,
LeSueur, Mian., Apr. 15 and May 2, '07."
A Revised Version.
A poet who has been known to tell
the truth recounts this story of his
little daughter:
Her mother overheard her expound
ing the origin of the sex to her family
of dolls.
"You see, children," she said,
"Adam was a man all alone and was
very lonely, so God put him to sleep,
took his brains out and made a nice
lady of them." Illustrated Bits.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail .
Catarrh Cure. .
F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces nt the
system. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Puis lor constipation.
Borem She wasn't at home when I
called, so I left my card -
Miss Pepprey Yes, she was telling
me she considered it so thoughtful of
Borem To leave my card?
Miss Pepprey No; to call when she
wasn't at home.
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Where It Pinches.
"They say that abroad they are suf
fering from the lack of American
"Yes, it cuts off profitable expedi
tions after the golden fleece." Balti
more American.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOR1A a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Of Most Benefit.
The fault which humbles us is of
more use than a good action which
puffs us up with pride. Bovee
There is no rest for the man who is
pursued by bill collectors and a guilty
A Timely Air.
During one of the political tours of
Mr. Cleveland, In which he was ac
companied by Secretary Olney, he ar
rived during a severe storm at a town
In which he was to speak. As he en
tered the carriage with his friends
and was driven from the station the
rain changed to hail, and immense
stones battered and rattled against
the vehicle. A brass band, rather de
moralized by the storm, stnek bravely
to its post and played.
"That is the most realistic music I
have ever heard," remarked the presi
dent. . "What are they playing?" asked tbs)
secretary of state.
' " -Hail to the Chief with real bail!"
rejoined Mr. Cleveland.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely- overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
The Real Test.
"Poor fellow, he died in poverty."
said a i.ian of a person lately de
ceased. "That isn't anything." exclaimed a
seedy bystander. "Dying in poverty
is no hardship; it's living in poverty
that puts the thumbscrews on a fel
low." Good for Sore Eyes,
for 100 years PETTIT'S EYE SALVE has
positively cured eye diseases everywhere.
All druggistsorHowardBros.Juffalo.N. Y.
Treat yourself with respect, if only
for the purpose of setting a good ex
ample for your neighbors.
& buy Furs & Hides. Write for cataloz 105
N. V. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Many a man comes borne expecting
a good dinner and all be gets is a cold
Try to love your neighbor as your
self, but if you can't, don't.
Mrs. Wlnalowa Hoothlnjr Sjrai
For children teetbizur. aofleoa tne pnu. re
reduce I
SanimaUoa,aUaya pain.; coraa wind colic. 3Scabocta
The burglar also has his get-rich-quick
1 f our Feet Arhe or Ham
pet a. 25c package of Allen's Foot-lase. Xt ffives -a.alck
relief. Two million packages sold yearly.
Anyway, the man who borrows trou- '
ble isn't asked to return it. i
i csoGydsy t
.Vrr Arnfk High and sightly, located Ji block from car line, sear
III Y 1 churches and schools. Streets oiled and graded, cement
fV A W sidewalks and curbs. Price. $400 to $000. Terms. i
down, S 10 a month. Population LosAngelesnow 275.000. increasing 35.oooperyear. Prop
erty bought now will double in two years. Write us for maps, informatiori, bank references.
THE BURCK-GWYNN CO., 333 So. Hill SU Los Angeles, CL
Shirt lo
Defiance Starch, C:a, !cb.
More proof that Tytlla CPfnlo
s Vegetable Com Donnd awM
woman from surgical operational
lira. S. A. Williams, of fUrrifny
Maine, writes:
"I was a great errfferer from fenralo
troubles, and Lydia K. Pi nit ham's Vesre.
table Compound restored me to taeaTth.
in three months, after my physieiaa
declared that an operation was abso
lutely necessary.9
Mrs. Alvina Sperling; of 154 C3ey
bourne Are, Chicago, IUL, writes :
"I suffered from female troubles.
tumor and much inflammation. Two
of the best doctors in Chicago decided
that an operation was necessary to save
my life. l.ydia E. Ptnkham'a eetcbie
Compound entirely coxed me wiihoafc
an operation."
For thirty years Lydia E. Fini
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female iHs,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indies
tion,dizzBiesaror nervous prostration
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites srfl stek
women to write ber for adriee.
She has euided thousands tm
health. Address, Ijnn, SXasa.
siring la bey
bacd In Sa columns alnmM
n&ring what they ask ion. wfiaajng all
1 rr is found CMoroM. -fi f
AroREWrirrEiiwpw jM
J CIhbm rat fceaW-la t Mk,
Ywmnotm bzsrsrxns t twmfk
n-J Kwr Ymitm to Rwton &vtar
Kr to it YovxiuC-xl Color.
,JTTi Cum aesiy tat ft hair ttaat, ;. Prasya
tf afH'.cKd with
ore ejevuae
;Thempsa's Eye Cater
Nebraska Military Academy
A flirt-l&ss military- hmnbiw -tmmf farony. plfi
did tDi !diur arl k round. Prrpmm IjC cilirir uJ
W. N. U LINCOLN, MO. 38. 1908.
soiTis, (Sollar
and (Sufis
never crack nor be
come brittle. They
last twice as loog as
those laundered with other
starches and give the wear
er much bettor satisfaction.
If you want your husband,
brother or son to look
dressy, to feel corcfortabla
and to be thoroughly happr
STARCH in the
laundry. It is sold by all
good grocers at ioc a pack
age 16 ounces. Inferior
starches sell at the saae
mice dct parkage bat con
tain only 12 ounces, Kotn
the difiercice. Ask yoor
Insist on getting it ana yoa win
use any other brand.