souif "R JTADE IN LINCOLN LINCOLN MONEY f EFT IN LINCOLN j World of Labor 1VJ.ADE BY FRIENDS i OR THE News from All Parts of the World, of General Interest to the Worker SBTHU NOW is the time to go. mum Every day, Sept. 1st to Oct 31st. 1908. to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many othe. Cali fornia points. Fo Portland. Seattle. Tacoma and many other Oregon and Washington points. Tickets good in Tourist Sleeping Cars. By taking a tourist sleeper, passengers can ma terially reduce the cost of a Pacific Coast trip without Sftcrificinfc the slightest degree of comfort. Tourist Steeping Cars ran daily VIA QJ HDD OH PaCDuDC For reservations and all information - inquire of E. B. Slosson, Gen'l Agt, The Dr. Benj. P. Bally Sanatorium Lincoln, Nebraska For non-contagious chronic diseases. Largest, best equipped, most beautifully furnished. UNION PRINT SHOPS. Printeries That Are Entitled to Uss the Allied Trades Label. Following Is a list of the printing offices in Lincoln that are entitled to the use of the Allied Printing Button & Ward Furnaces, Sheet Iron and Tin Work. Hot Water Heating, Cor nices, Steel Ceilings and Sky lights. Qeneral Repair Work. 2011 0 ST, LINCOLN, NEB. Auto 4S98 Bell F562 KCLE SAN WANTS YGU and thousands of others, who are capable, to work for Uim. Com moa acunul education sufficient. o ptiiitical inrluvnce required. Steady employment, highest salar lea. vacation with full par. S.OJU crk m.Hifi ftr the Onsus Oflirw alone in a Mition to the usual tO.WU appointed verl- in the internal Revenue. (Mnu. rSwtal. Kail way Mail, and other branches of the Kerrkv of the U. S Also apiMMnUaent in Philipiine Islands and Panama Fnll particular free concero in all positioua. salaries, exmninatiocs theld anon in every state), sauipte examin auua ones! inns, etc Address- v" I.T1MAL CSIItESPUOEWX OSTiTIITE. US M aitMaH Sut tut-. VasktaftM, I. C lata rtade. The Beat Made, Take a Other Made by CITTER CHOSSETTE. Cakaga OFFICE OF Dr. R. L. BENTLEY SPECIALIST CHILDREN Office Hours 1 to I p. m. OdL 2118 O St. Both Phone. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Trades label, together with the num ber ot the label used by each shop: Jacob North & Co., Xo. 1. C. S. Simmons, No. 2. Frele Presse, No. 3. Woodruff-Collins, No. 4. Graves & Mulligan, No. 5. State PrinUng Co., No. 6. Star Publishing Co., No. 7. Western Newspaper "Union, No. 8. Wood Printing Co., No. 9. George Bros., No. 11. McVey Printing Co., No. 12. Union Advertising Co., No. 14. Ford Printing Co, No. 16. Gillespie & Phillips, No. IS. VanTine & Young, No. 24. Graves Printery. Dairyman Pub. Co., 130 No. i4lb Dairyman Pub. Co., No. 10. Graves Printery, No. 5. UNION BARBER SHOPS. Informaticn as to Where You Can Gel Your Work Done Fairly. Following is a list ot the union bar ber shops of Lincoln, the name and location being given: Gus Petro, 1010 O street W. A. Jackson. 1001 O street. W. E. Myers, Capital Hotel. C. A. Green, 120 North Eleventh. Geo. Shaffer, Lincoln Hotel. J. B. Ramer, 1501 O Street. E. A. Snyder, 1206 O Street A. L. Stern. 116 South Thirteenth. A. L. Kemmerer, Lindell Hotel. Chapman & Ryan, 127 North Twelfth. H. A. Lara bee. 922 P Street Knight and Parmenter, 122 South Twelfth. H. C Leopold, Fraternity Building Frank XI alone, Harelock. E. A. Wood. Harelock. C. B. Ellis, Havelock. Windsor hotel, C. B. Lewis, Prop. Apex Barber Shop, J. J. Simpson, Prop, 1001 O Street J. V. Masully barber snop, 1014 N St BELONGS TO UNIONS. To whom does the honor belong for the shorter hours which men and wonwn work today than twenty-five years aso? What class of men was it that secured for you better wages, bet'er sanitary conditions, child labor laws and payment in money instead of siore orders? The employers did aot do it. and neither did strike breakers. Tbees reforms were brought aoout by union men and union women The non-unionists stand in the way of progras, and they must be brushed asUie so that civilization may not be retarded. Amalgamated Journal. A SAD BEREAVEMENT. The funeral of the aged mother of Fred Ihringer. foreman of the Frie Press, was neld last Monday. Mrs. Ihringer died August 29, after a long illness. The funeral was held at the German Evangelical church and was largely attended. Mr. Ihringer will have the sympathy of a host of friends in his sad bereavement. Edinburgh, Scotland. Some time ago the master iron founders inti- j mated to the molders connected with the Scottish Central Molders' associa tion that it had been decided to en force a reduction of wages amounting to one shilling a day on time and 2 per cent on piece workers, and the men took a ballot whether to resist or accept the reduction. The vote has shown that the men have chosen to accept the reduction, a majority of 700 having declared in favor of ac quiescence. There will consequently be no strike in the Falrklrk district London, Eng. The British govern ment now -proposes an amendment to its miners eight-hour bill so that for five years the maximum working day of the miner shall be nine hours from bank to bank which will give an average of 8!4 hours a man a day and that on the termination of those five years tbe eight-hour bill as it now stands shall come into force. Briefly, tbe object is to bring about the change in two stages instead of one, with the belief that the more or less gradual change will take place with out any serious effect on the market. Washington. Charles W. Merker, organizer for the American Federation of Labor, recently visited an overall lactory at the progressive little city of Somerville, Tenn., and reports it as the finest example of the benefits of organization he has seen. Not a child Is emnloyed in any capacity, every worker is a union man, and not a particle of dirt or speck of dust is vis ible from engine-room to office. It is a safe prediction that no cases of con sumption will be developed in such environments. Fall River. Mass. The Spinners' union recently voted to notity me manufacturers that they will withdraw from the sliding scale wage agreement now in force at the end of the present six months' period. It was because of the severity of the last reduction and the prospect of still further reduction in wages that the spinners decided that they wanted no more of this slid ing scale. Pittsburg, Pa The Amalgamated Association of Iron. Steel and Tin Workers and the Western Bar Iron association have reached a settlement affecting 10.000 men in Ohio. Pennsyl vania, Michigan. Wisconsin, . Illinois and Missouri. The puddlers are re duced from last year's scale about eight per cent, and the finishers ac cept an average cut of nearly two per cent. Zanesville. O. Failing to agree after an all-night session with repre sentatives of the operators, 2,500 coal miners of tbe Crooksfield district struck. Meetings had been held for the last eight weeks in an effort to settle a controversy over the removal of "bone coal." The strike closes 28 mines and means a loss of $28,000 monthly in wages. . Wir.nineg. Man. A quarter of a mil lion dollars was paid to the Canadian Pacific railway strikers at the Mer chants' bank by Paymaster McPher- son. Over 2,000 men were in line. With the amounts paid out at other points in the west the sum distributed was nearly $1,000,000. Cleveland, O. After being shut down six weeks tbe Empire rolling mills put on a full force of men. be ginning August 17. Four hundred em ployes were put to work to turn out bar iron. The plant wiil be run day and night. Glasgow, Scotland. Two trade dis putes cf considerable magnitude are at present going on. They are con nected with the slating and the hand- sewn boot and shoe industries. Both are being carried on with determina tion on both sides, and both societies are receiving support from kindred or ganizations. The trouble in each case results from a question of wages. Boston. About a dozen more unions recently added their protests to those previously made against the decision of tbe A. F. of L. executive board, as stated by President Compere, which would prevent state branches, central labor unions, district councils or. local bodies placing any firm or person on the unfair list without first submit tin the dispute lo the A. F. of L. Boe;ou. The International Typo s;ia;.h:cal union decided to hold the next convention at St. Joseph. Mo. Tte only -bcn?e in laws decided on - that abolishing sub.s.ii u!e lists in ail anion offices. s Washington. The only industries employing consi Jerable numbers of chiliren natter 11 years of age are Hjss. shins, tcbacco. cigars and ciasenes and tbe textile industries. Washington. Priaters are greatly interested ia a movement lo exkihi photographs and literature f tbe Union Printers" home and Tubercu losis Sanitarium Annex at Colorado Springs. Col., at the coming world's tuberculosis congress, which will be beld in this city the latter part of September. W aslungton. An amicable agree ment has been reached between the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail road conn any and ils force of tele- Siaph operators iu regard to the Ion standing controversy over an interpre tation cf the nine-hour law. Cleveland, O. Rather than be forced out of work through the closing of the mills, with the attendant dis tress, steel workers in the Ohio dis tricts have agreed to accept a wage reduction, thereby making it possible for the plants to keep running and work to keep up. The cut came in the form of a newer and lower scale, which the scale committee selected by the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers signed in be half of the men after a long confer ence with the employers' representa tives In Detroit. It provides a gen eral cnt of ten per cent in alL or nearly all,, branches of the trade. Cleveland. O. Some of the car penters' unions are making arrange ments to hold political debates at their weekly meetings. The plan is to invite speakers from the various par ties to participate in the discussions. The doors will be thrown open to the public and all visitors will be treated courteously. The nnion officers . be lieve that the debates will have a ten dency to enlighten the members re garding the political issues of the day, and all parties will be given a fair chance to define their position on any or all questions.' New York. Judge Thomas A. Davis of Orange, N. J., has given the officers of Orange Local 17, of tbe United Hat- Xers of North America, a legal opinion to the effect that the creation of the new hat finishers' local by the board of directors of the United Hatters of North America is illegal. Alexander McHenry, president of the new union, said that Judge Davis' opinion would not affect his organization. The old union, he said, had already recognized the new union by turning over to the new union certain cards and docu ments. Philadelphia. Shoemakers were among the first of the trades to or ganize a union in this country; also among the first to engage in strikes. In the fall of 1792 the pioneer nnion of the shoe workers was organized In Philadelphia. It grew to be consid ered a power, and in 1796 a strike in all the shops of tbe city was ordered to enforce a demand for an increase of wages. It lasted but a few days, the employers recognizing the demand. St. Paul, Minn. Three hundred rail road employes met in this city to or ganize an association to fight legisla tion hostile to railroad interests. They are of the opinion that by standing by the railroads in their fight they will be benefiting themselves. After consid erable discussion an executive com mittee was selected, with two mem bers for . each railroad, which will form locals on each railroad in the state. New York. Cooks, pastry cooks and chefs of Greater New York, to the number of 300 and upward, ' have formed a local union of the Hotel and Restaurant Employes' International Alliange. The 5,000 and odd cooks of Greater New York work from 14 to 16 hours a day in the fall and winter time, but during the summer there is little or no employment to speak of. Atlanta, Ga. The Georgia supreme rrt affirmed a decision of the su perior court which means that the courts of Georgia will enjoin the "picketing" by strikers of the prem ises of employers with the view of coercing or intimidating persons from entering or remaining in the employ of said employers whose men have gone on a strike. Bedford, Mass. Three unions of carpenters and joiners have appointed a committee to examine applications for admission into either union. The applicant must demonstrate by work ing out 15 or 20 problems with his tools, and if he can do that he Is ad mitted, otherwise rejected- This rule has been adopted because of many complaints that membership in a union is not absolute proof of com petency. Washington. The department of labor is having printed a report cov ering 25 years, showing that there were 36.767 strikes and 1,546 lockouts in the United States from 1881 to 1905. inclusive, a total of 38,303 labor disturbances, involving 199,945 estab lishments. There were 6,728,048 strikers and 716,231 employes locked out, making a total of 7,444,279 wage earners affected. London. The committee of the American monetary commission has held several meetings at which infor mation with regard to the British financial system was discussed- Fol lowing the policy adopted by the com mission in America, no information will be given out. London, Eng. The Journeymen Bakers" society -of the United King dom have taken a vote modifying their eight-hour bill, which now permits of relays of eight hours. Tbe decision was carried by a very large majority, the vote being one of the largest ever taken in connection with the union. London, Eng The first annual re port and balance sheet of the National Union of Journalists shows that the union, which 12 months ago had not one formally constituted branch, has now a large number in England and Wales, which embrace a membership of over 1.000. ( No better .flour sold on the TJtyAfn market. Every sack warrantee. We want the trade of Union men and women, and we aim to deserve it. If your grocer does not handle Liberty Flour, 'phone us and we will attend to it. Ask your neighbor how she likes Liberty Flour. . We rely on the recommendation of those who use it. H. 0. BARBER SON The Lincoln .Mcgg ffPelnt Co. A Strictly tttcltstle Modern Mouldings, talk X ESTATE X r Your Cigars Should and X 1 Jt p , i It is insurance x tenement goods. eceocoeoeosoeoooeosoGos We Trust You for Anything Used in the Home Whatever yots want for ttse to toot borne will be sold to yon on credit. Yoor choice of .OOO articles will be shipped on approval. Use oar goods 30 days before yoa decide to keep them. Then, if satisfactory, pay a little each month. We mean that exactly. When a person wants to make bis borne more attractive, tu credit is fcood with us. Save 15 to 50 Per Cent We are the largest concern of ocr kfrd ia tbe world. Our combined capital is f7.9tW.0U. On our books are more than 150. 0O) customer. We own 23 mammoth retail stores, located hi the principal cities, acd we control tbe ootptu of a score of treat factories, less we boy and sell at prices which no other concern caa compete with. We invite any sort of com parison. Yon can retnrn any coods, sent oa Four Free Catalogs 3,000 Articles We issoe foar handsome catalogs, sbowrap pictures, prices anddescriptioasof 3.6fiwihiasrs for tbe home. Many of tbe pictxxres show tee actus! colors. Simply write ns a postal ai'l say which catalog yoa want. They are free, and we pay postage. Furniture and Carpets Cataloe No. lO shows a new and wonderfirl line ot Furniture, Hoaserarnisbimrs. Carpet. Rmjs. OQ Cloths and Portieres, illustrated a actual colors. Also Lace Certains. Clocks. Silverware. Crockery. Sewme 31 acnines. Wash be Machines. Refrigerators. Baby Carriages and Go-Carts. Stoves and Ranges r'-'-'-r No. 20 shows the whole Empire Una Send ns a postal today, saying which catalog yoa want Spiegel, May, Stern Co. - We carry a complete line of and all union-made goods GREEN HEDICAL CO., Uatzr Zz'.r.z 120 North 11th St. I'gba r? Decorators, Wall IS3 Sca st LINCOLN Bear This Label. T7f- K-scsfc Tccp 8 E.IC 2iOS.UVi St. J against sweat shop and against disease. ... approval, if yov dost I a sai law per cent., ssaer credit, anywhere. 30 Dy Free Trad Am tob caa't come to good to too cm MOOtwaL Vc and decide bow yoa like tnem. Compere prices witn ocbers. it aot saRMactory. tbe roods at ear irrprcw xmm will aot com yoa a pemrr. Small Monthly P; IfTOS month what you caa afford, lakef 24 months to pay. while yoa aie aad articles. We coarse no iawjajt aa sectxrirv- Torn tinolT bar a we credit and oar deainajs are aa mulfcTi nrtil of stores and lances the stores matsare has! Columbia Grmpbophooes filihl N. 30 is daufcd to Cie ntut of aa mi 1 liin We seed a coasoJen Grapnepbone ownit, freieStt erreaid. Voa dost pay a peony asm yoa tare trad It tea days. Then send ss small sjonthiy pay jm r 1 Piano, an Free Trial No Money Down Catalan Ha tT itri ' WT off aad BeHrmaini Ptasos. bom StU as. We sead a piano oa J days' trat. wtos ao payment down, ray as soci we convince yoa that we tt SUM. Tfeea pay a fcui each 1 - 2323 35tn Street, par aanleeaca naaw eajoy tarn d ask BO boy os 8