The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 05, 1908, Image 3

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On the First Monday in September the hosts of Organized Labor will formerly march in
Grand fieview The World's Great Army of Peace. The men from the Lathe, the Forge, the
Linotype, the Press, the Shop and the Factory the men who build ovr prosperity will take a
well earned holiday set apart in their honor. And here's the best wishes of this store for every
member of this Magnificent Army. The world has never known a better in its great industrial war.
Labor s
-We desire at this time to call the
attentioiTof the wage earners to a few
important facts facts that mean
money to them. The men who parade
on Labor Day will want to make their
very best appearance. And , that's
where we can be of material assistance.
We can fit you out. We have a
magnificent line of the Henry J. Brock
clothing union made, up-to-date,
best quality and the acme of perfection
in style, fit and color. Some special
bargains are being offered in this line
of goods just now,
Of course no union man wants to
parade on Labor Day with a non-union
hat on his head. We have the best
union made hat offered and It is as
good as the best. The "No Name"
hat has the label, and we are offering
some special bargains in this line.
The union man who does not wear
a union made shirt in the Labor Day
parade will feel a little "off." We
handle the Elgin union made and
equal to any shirt on the market at
Kits price. Just now we are making a
special drive in shirts.
Perhaps you want to parade in the
garb of your craft. If so, then you cer
tainly want union made overalls so
you will be in keeping with the idea
of the day. We handle the best union
made overall on the market and are
offering something fine in the way of
bargains just now.
And if you want to wear union
made overalls on Labor Day, of course
you will want a work shirt in harmony
bearing the label. We have them
in great variety, and the bargains we
are offering have never been surpassed.
Maybe you prefer a cap. And of
course the label is demanded by good
union men. We have the caps, and
the caps have the label. The bargains
we are offering will please you.
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rot Labor Day
We can fit out the union man
who wants to march on Labor Day.
We handle only the best in union
made goods. Frankly, we demand
something more than the presence of
the label on the goods we handle. The
goods have to "stand up" with our
trade. It must be the best and that
is just what the wage earner is en
titled to for his money. No man
ought to get more for his money than
the man who earns it in the sweat of
his face.
Union Outfitters
We are prepared to outfit your
union if you want something especial
for Labor Day. Come in early J next
week and tell us what you want.
We'll move heaven and earth figura
tively speaking to give it to you. We
are anxious to please the union Jmen
of this community.
The Sterling Stock
At this time we desire to call your
attention to the great clearing sate
of the Sterling Stock of Clothing and
Furnishings. Already you know of
our purchase of this immense stock
of goods involving a matter of $75,
000.00. We are determined not to
carry a dollar's worth of this stock
past the middle of September. If
prices will move this stock, the stock
will move. That the prices are right
is evidenced by the rapidity with which
it is moving. Now is the time to
provide for future wants at prices that
are almost ridiculously low.
For The Schoolboy
Mother, here is your opportunity
ao outfit your boys for school, and do
it at prices that will appeal to you.
At our bargain prices you can outfit
the boys for a year or two, and do it
for less than it usually costs to keep
them dressed for three months. We
know what boys do to clothing.
A Lifetime
The father can save dollars by
taking advantage of our present Great
Bargain Sale. He can save dollars by
bringing the boys here. A dollar now
will go from three to five times as far
as it will when this great sale is over.
Price is no object to us We must
move this great stock of goods. You
know that when the Armstrong Store
says a thing, that thing may be de
pended upon. We are proud of that
reputation, and we will mainttin it
at all hazards.
For Labor Day
Come in and outfit yourself for
Labor Day, and be happy. We want
you to enjoy the great day and we
will help you if you will let us.
Armstrong Cloth 5 n.