: TTTT LA- iCfMCiry i Wines cc 1000-1016 P St Opposite New P. 0. and U. S. Court House WE SELL EVERYTHING WE ARE OPENING NEW FALL GOODS DAILY AND GETTING THEM READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. WE DO A CASH BUSINESS which enables us to sell to you at a lower price than do the stores who do a credit business, for no concern exists that does a credit business but has heavy losses on bad accounts. Someone has to pay the losses. Who does it? You, when you buy of them. You pay only your own bills at this store. COME IN AND SEE. WE SELL COMPLETE LINES OF LADIES' SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS. MISSES' COATS AND SUITS. MILLINERY at popular prices, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, NO TIONS, CARPETS, RUGS, LACE CURTAINS, DRESS GOODS, MEN'S HATS and FURNISHINGS. WE SELL THE FAMOUS FITZ OVERALL, and a complete line of UNION MADE SHOES for the whole family. COME IN AND GIVE US A TRIAL WE WILL GIVE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. mitterIHIeiniry Goinnipaey J. S. BROTHERS DEALER IN Liquors Cigars ALWAYS THE BEST BEER THAT'S ALL" HAVELCJCK, NEB. THE LABOR PRESS. Ragsdale See Him Face to Face at GEORGE'S KITCHEN 1112 N St. Auto Phon 4516 OPEN ALL THE TIME International Typographical Union Urges Its Unanimous Support. At the Boston convention of the International Typographical Union the press committee brought in a ring ing report that was unanimously adopted by the convention. Believing tSat this report will be Interesting and profitable, The Wageworker here with presents it: Boston, Mass., Aug. 14, 1908. To the Officers and Members of the International Typographical Union: Ladies and Gentlemen Your com- rjittee on- press respectfully presents the following report for your consid eration: In view of the fact that the great need of the trade union movement is more concerted and enlightened eC fort among the great rank and file of the trade unionists it is the opinion of your committee that the labor press of the country la the greatest instrument for the accomplishment or tliis purpose. In every jurisdiction that has a labor paper, the condition of the v. orker has shown an improvement end the antagonistic attitude of s large proportion of the non-labor press has been dissipated. It is recognized that the Typograph ical Journal is without doubt the best cf the trade union papers in the country. However, we believe that the influence of the general labor press should be extended and that it is our duty as printers to take the lead in the support of the labor press. We make the following recommen dations: That the delegates of the Inter national Typographical Union to the American Federation of Labor con vention be instructed to use their in fluence to the end that various na tional and international unions hav ing labels give a larger degree of support to the labor press, especially along the line of advertising their labels therein. Recommendations adopted: That this convention goes on record si. protesting in a most emphatic man ner against the present law and atti tude of the postal department of the United States in its restrictions of the service with regard to the second ers privilege, believing that such restrictions are inimical to the free institutions of the country and par ticularly to the freedom of the press. We therefore request that the presi-! cent of this organization convey our protest to the president of the United States, the senate, and the house of representatives. The protest was adopted. . That it is the sentiment of this convention that all Typographical Unions should show in a practical manner their belief in the power of the labor press, by subscribing for such papers as a body, where such P&pers exist. Adopted. That our delegates to the American Federation of Labor convention be instructed to use their best endeavor to bring about some system of syn dicating news of the . labor world weekly to proved bona fide labor pub lications, such proof of their bona fide character to be furnished by the sec retary of the American Federation of Labor by the central body of the re spective town or city. Adopted. , ' That, as the running of a labor paper is a direct advantage to our membership in providing employment, in addition to the general benefits accruing to the entire labor move ment, we recommend that the Inter national Typographical Union issue a folder of sufficient size and number of pages to fittingly present the need and value of the labor press and that a sufficient number be issued to afford n thorough distribution, the limit of such distribution to be determined by me executive council. we recom mend that a sufficient sum be taken from the general fund to defray the expenses of said publication. Adopted. That the following be incorporated iji our book of laws under the head cf "Resolutions:" "That the Inter national Union urges upon all mem bers the advisability and necessity of subscribing for the labor press (if any exists in their jurisdiction) in a body and render further support, such as the patronizing of its ad vertisers to the exclusion of others, provided also that unfair firms or mer chandise are not advertised in ita columns, to the end that the value of its columns as an advertising me dium may be fully appreciated by the friendly business element of its com munity." Adopted. The committee endorses the action John H. Rosenstock Dick Hellweg John H Rosenstock LOWER OFFICE J026-J028 N STREET WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER Distributer Falstaf Bottled Beer FAMILY TRADE SUPPLIED Bell 298 Lincoln, Neb. Auto 2298 of President Lynch in preparing hi3 publicity ' articles and recommends tiiat his efforts along this line be continued. James Simpson, Chairman. Edward S. Alden, Secretary. Giles C. Courtney. ; "Victor L. BeTger. NOTICE TQ CREDITORS. Estate No. 2452 of Dewftt C. Wood ring, Deceased, . (otherwise called Daniel C. WoodringJ in County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss. : Credi tors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said es tate is March 15, 1909, and for pay ment of debts is October 15, 1909; that 1 will sit at the County Court room in said county, on December 15, 1908, at 2 p. m., and on March 15, 1909, at 2 p. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated August 5, 1908. P. JAS. COSGRAVE, (Seal) County Judge. By WALTER A. LEESE, Clerk. 00000000000Q0000OffiO000OffiOOffiO0 Lincoln's p family Liquor House 2 1 All Kinds of WINES and LIQUORS For family use. The A. B. C. Bohemian and High Life Beers a specialty. j None better. X 1 Lincoln Liquor and Cigar Co. 00000000000000OSO0000000000 Both Phones NEW FURNITURE. General Agent Slossen, of the Union Pacific at Lincoln is feeling fine these days, and City Agent Matsen is happy beyond expression. The new mahog any furniture for the city office is ar riving, and before the first of the month the Union Pacific city office will be a bit the finest of any railroad office in this section of the moral vine yard. ' . - ; . GOD 8AVE US! "We are the friends of labor, and not its enemies," writes an official of the Anti-Saloon and County Option Leagues in trying to explain by mis statements of Tacts why J. W. Dick can take care of my enemies," de son received no consideration. "I clared the Danish king, "But God save me from my friends." i