Po You- Mime in losteiig dome list iitBMf? Is $25 Too Much for a Suit? If yon think so, why not make a change? Suit Made to Order By a Union Tailor SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS J. F. GREGORY, Bar. 185 SOUTH THIRTEENTH NEBRASKA ftSSS Wholesale Paper. Stationery and Fireworks 109 lorth Klnth St. UZCCLM, KEB. Phones Ante 1514, Bell 606 USE.. Liberty Flour (Made in Lincoln) It 0. Barber S Son JOHN BAUER Wholesale Liqucr Dealer Distributor of Dick &. Bros., Quincy Brewing Co's Celebrated Lager Beer. OFFICE & WAREHOUSE J27-29-3I-33-35SO. 6th St,, Uact4, Etfc. Phones: Anto 1817. Bell 817 When "Walk-Overs" go on, shoe troubles go off. Have You Tried a Pair? Rogers & Perkins Co. 1125 O STREET EEEitASKA'S SELECT HARD-WHEAT FLOVX Wilbur and DoVitt Hills The Celebrated Little Hatchet Flour RYE FLOUR A SPECIALTY Telephone C.: SO. 9tt, LINCOLN rWIDRESIIER yj TaoOcur 143 Soath TncIIil Sfrcs! LINCOLN, NEB. FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK O wnwcl By Stockholders of "The Flret National Bank THE BINK FOR THE WAGE EARNER INTEREST PAID AT 4. PER CENT Tenth and O Streets AUTO PHONE 2547 BELL PHONE 2548 O. A. FULK, GenU' Furnishings, Hats 1325 O Street KELLY'S PLUiVlBERS- WHY WE OPPOSE ItlJUIICTIOIIS Labor injunctions will be one of the issues during the ccming campaign and it behooves all workers to "book up" on this usurpation of courts. Here are a few points that will "floor" any defender of labor injunctions: From the foundation of our government, injunctions have been recognized for the protection of property. Sec tion 917 of the United States Revised Statutes empowers the supreme court to prescribe rules for its application. Rule 55, promulgated in 1868, provides that special injunc tions shall be grantable only upon due notice to the other party.. Labor injunctions are capitalistic applications of jus tice, masking under a hypocritical love for courts. The labor injunction was invented by Alex Smith, at torney for the Ann Arbor railway in the strike of 1894. It was applied by Federal Judge Taft, who committed Frank Phelan to jail for six months, and since then near ly every court has granted these writs on demand. Labor injunctions are not authorized or recognized by any legislature. Labor injunctions deny workers a trial by jury a right accorded the meanest criminal. Labor injunctions outlaw acts committed at strike times but legal at all other times. Labor injunctions empower the court to act as law maker, judge and executioner. Labor injunctions class workers as property. Labor injunctions make no distinction between proper ty rights and personal rights. Labor injunctions rest on the theory that when an ac tion by workers injures property, fundamental personal rights can be enjoined. Labor injunctions protect dollars at the cost of a free press and free speech. Labor injunctions disregard the wrongs of workers in a desire to protect gold. Labor injunctions are issued on the sole affidavits of men who place spies in unions. Labor injunctions class the patronage of workers and sympathizers as a property right that cannot be jeopar dized by a statement of facts. , Labor injunctions still the voice of .protest against the grinding policy of unfair employers. Labor injunctions differ from injunctions for the pro tection of impersonal rights. Labor injunctions guess a violation of the criminal code will be committed. Labor injunctions are strike-time "laws." Labor injunctions are not entitled to the respect of a liberty-loving people. Labor injunctions are judge-made laws, thanks to Wil liam Howard Taft. Toledo Union Leader. IGNORANT OR UNFAIR? BEDflDB THE 10BEI Candidate Taft Utters Something Un true Discussing Injunctions. Was Candidate Taft ignorant of the facts, or was lie trying, intentionally to deceive, when lie discussed the auestion of injunctions in his speech of acceptance. He certainly is guilty of one or the other of these- two tilings. Candidate Taft is opposed to gi-anting a jury trial in cases of con structive contempt contempt commit ted outside the presence of the court. Ke is clearly entitled to his opinion on this matter, but when he endeavors to back up that opinion by false and misleading statements he deserves to l rebuked. In his speech of accept- arce he said: If now their (the courts') authority is to be weakened in a manner never known in the history of the juris-l-rudence of England or America, ex cept in the constitution of Oklahoma, how can we expect that such statute will have efficient enforcement?" Eight years ago Candidate Taft was federal judge, and in that capacity he was called upon to investigate and ass upon this injunction question. It was his duty to look up the law. If he did look it up, he looked it up to poor purpose if he based the above upon his researches. Six hundred years ago the. English parliament en acted a law restraining chancery juris diction and FORBIDDING ARREST. CONVICTION AND FORFEITURE WITHOUT A JURY. It took a Lincoln lawyer just about thirty minutes to find this and call Candidate Taft's attention to it, and this Lincoln lawyer never occupied he federal bench, either. Oklahoma's constitutional provision is based upon hat English statute. Candidate Taft owes Oklahoma and organized labor an apology. DO NT CRITICIZE. coin. Neb., will be tendered the posi tion of secretary of war. This is offi cial. With Maupin for secretary of war we would suggest Frank Kennedy as secretary of state, Charlie Fear as secretary of the navy, James M. Lynch as postmaster general, Harvey Garman as secretary of agriculture, Sam De Nedrey as secretary of the interior. Bill Waudby as public printer, and John W. Braniwood as director of the census bureau. The appointments for minor offices could be made up from- applications f:om John Busche, Norman McPhail, George Tracy, Bill Hatch, Joe Jack son, Jim Tole, Jim Murphy, Herb Cooke, Dave Coughlin, and a host cf others who we know have their appli cations in course of preparation. Easton (Pa.) Journal. But Why Should Three Men Hold Up the Whole United States? The United States government has been "restrained" by three federal judges from enforcing the portion of the pure food law under which dis tillers are ordered to label their prod uct "alcohol" instead of "spirits." There are some laymen who will find U hard to understand why three men should have the power to "re strain" the United States government from enforcing a law. Bnt then we musn't criticize the courts, according to the republican platform. San Fran cisco Star. BRYAN'S CABINET. Shrope of Easton Dopes It Out For the Fairview Statesman. In case of Bryan's election we under stand that Hon. W. M. Maupin of Lin CAPITAL AUXILIARY ITEMS. Capital Auxiliary No. 11 met Friday, August 14, with Mrs. E. P. Thompson. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. O. C. Jones, 1219 K street, Friday, August 28, at 2:30 p. m. f The regular meeting day has been changed to the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Some of the members found that certain duties prevented; their attending the meet ings on Fridays, so the change was iuade in hope of better attendance. It does not Jake effect, however, till Wednesday, September 9. The committee who are assisting the union with work on the new ban ner report that it will be ready for the Labor Day parade. There are rumors that a youug lady has arrived at the home of Mrs. C. A. Simmons to make quite an extended visit. Miss Lilian Wataan. who ha3 been ill most of the summer with rheuma tism, is some better. Mrs. W. C. Norton and children are spending a couple of weeks in Kansas. Mrs. C E. Barngrover is at her father's farm near Humboldt, Neb. where she will remain through the peach-canning season. By a unanimous resolution, passed at our last meeting, the names of Mrs. W. J. Bryan and Mrs. George L. Shel don were placed on the honorary roll of this organization. SECRETARY, NO. 11. 2 We an mxomrt cleaners dyers 2 M4 flaUhers of Ladies' and Un- tj tientea's Cloth lag of all kinds. Tne la est Cresses a specialty. THS NEW FIR-W J. C. WOOD & CO. AjC for PRICKIJST. H 'PHONES: BeU, 147. Auto, UM. 13M N St - - Lincoln, Nsb XX DR. CHAS. YUNGBLUT DENTIST ROOM 202, BURR BLK. LINCOLN, NEB. AUTO 3418 BELL 096 4 Toasted Wheat Flats THe Heal Summer Feo4 Don't worry abort tbe high price of meat. It's merely com moo sense not to eat heavy, greasy meats os these hot slimmer days. Eat EGG-O-SEE, toasted whole wheat flakes. EGG-O-SEE is better than the best meat better to the taste and more norrsh inc. It's easy to digest, sustaining sad cost ing. Much cheaper. HAYPEH'S ART STUDIO New Location, 1127 O Pin wirk a Specialty. Auto 9336 Asactizim. Safisfvinr;. Wl All Grocers. 10 cents back to nature nmann n eWa4nr n m 4. 0 icnc3igsrafcrn.c. J U I LEAfcs AT IMt U FRANK MORRISON MARRIED. Frank Morrison, srecretary of the American Federation of Labor, was married on August 11, to Miss Alice Stillman Boswell, at the home of the bride's parents in Washington. D. C. About three million union men in the United States and Canada will join to gether in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Morri son a long and happy wedded life. A SUIT or OVERCOAT Czii to Ciicr Fcr Mo Moro No Loss From Shccps Back to Your Deck ISSUED DY AUTHORITY O? Crcctsct Tellers