Home Q m in F osteriu nsiiiuiiosis 7 0U ilk '4, BEST 5 CENT CIGAR nermingtidus & tlelwig SKOGLUND BROS., (Successor to F. N. Bate) PHOTO STUDIO 1026 O Street NEBRASKA K&fK Wholesale . Paper. Stationery and Fireworks 109 Horth Mlnth St. LINCOLH, KEB. Phones Auto 1514, Bell 606 WHO BELIE V COLLINS BROS. Ico Groam Company ALWAYS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DURING WORKING HOURS Call and Sea Us N. W. Cor. 7th and L Sit. TIVTIE ALWAYS keep the best line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, fresh from the markets; also Meats and Fresh Fish at all times. Knudson & Lundholm (Successors to the C. M. Parke Grocery) Boa. Phone. ,n3 118 So. 12th Street KELLY'S PLUMBERS - If You Id, Tien Support Tlese Local Poms hinEc of Lumber i Ollb AUTO PHONE 2547 f BELL PHONE 2548 O. A. FULK, Gents' Furnishings, Hats 1325 O Street MEADOW GOLD BUTTER BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. LINCOLN, NEB. Buy of Sell to Commercial Investment Company 24 Brownell Block CITY PROPERTY, LANDS AND SECURITIES Lincoln, Nebraska Lincoln Wall Paper Co. (INCORPORATED) Wholesale and Detail Both Phones 230 So. 11th JOHN BAUER Wholesale Liquor Dealer Distributor of Dick fe Bros., Quincy Brewing Co's Celebrated Lager Beer. OFFICE & WAREHOUSE 427-29-31-33-35 So. 8th St., Lincoln, Nob. Phones: Auto 1817. Bell 817 & The Square Deal on "Good Goods in All Woods" es ?J5 NEBRASKA'S SELECT HARD-WHEAT FLOUR Wilbur and DoVitt Mills The Celebrated Little Hatchet Flour RYE FLOUR A SPECIALTY Telephone U.: gfiS 800 145 SO. 9tt, LINCOLN Ballard & Rhea Contracting Engineers Stiam, Hydraulic, Gas, and Eleetrlo Plants MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS: BOILERS, ENGINES, DYNAMOES, MOTORS Transformers, Are Lights, Electric Meters and Plant Equipments Phones I Anto 2319 Bell A1121 323 So. 12th St. ill N UNION J. C. WOOD & CO. EXPERT Cleanors and Dyers OFFICE: 1322 N STREET LINCOLN PAPER COMPANY 1315-17-19-21 P St., Lincoln, Neb. WHOLESALE Printing Paper, Paper Boxes, Stationary, Etc. Phone Auto 6240 is $25 Too Much for a Suit? If you think so, why not make a change? Suit Made to Order By a Union Tailor SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS j. F. GREGORY. Mgr. 185 SOUTH THIRTEENTH TT1BBESHEB J Tailor 143 South TnolHh Stroot LINCOLN, NED. When "Walk-Overs" go on, shoe troubles go off. Have You Tried a Pair? Rogers & Perkins Co. 1123 O STREET first Trust and Savings Bank Owned by Stockholders ol the First National Bank The BanK for the Wage Earner Interest FIc t Fer Cent - Tenth and 0 Streets VSE.. Liberty Flour (Made in Lincoln) H. 0. Barber & Son