GONE WRONG. Tbe Battle Creek Breakfast Food Co. has repudiated its agreement with the International Cnion of Flour and Cereal Mill Employes for the use of the union ' label. As a consequence "Egg-o-See" and "Egg-o-See Corn Flakes' are no longer union made products. Stick to bacon and eggs and potajoest. ceed in getting his anti-injunction plank in the platform of the republi can party but he did give the con vtntion many hours of worry and study. A "sop" was thrown out by a declaration of the law as it always has been, and inserted in the plat form, but it will avail the party noth ing. Organized labor is doing some thinking of its own these days. Ok lahoma State Labor News. S BUT WILL ITT The nomination of Taft and Sher nan over the united protest of organ ised labor should arouse us to a knowledge of the fact that we are not doing half enough for the labor press and for the organiiation of the working masses. Schnectady Leader. Here's hoping for a full crop of corns on the toes of union men who l-ersist in wearing "scab' shoes. THE FIGHT IS ON. The fight is on, and was brought on ly the Manufacturers Association, ted every true union man will put las strongest effort info hfs work this fall and convince the most skeptical that they will not stand for the prop tsitions set forth in tie republican platform, and there will be some disappointments for those who be lieve that the union men of this ccuntry are so ignorant that they will T.te against thir own best interests. Colorado Springs Labor News. NON-UNION MADE. The destruction of the' Taft banner by vandal hands is attracting little at tention here. "Old Bill" Bentley, a lo cal sleuth of high repute, has been commissioned to run down the perpe trators of the outrage, and Mr. Bryan has offered a reward of $100 for evi dence to convict, but in a general way the city is amused. Many believe that politics had nothing at all to do with the fall of the Taft banner and that trade unionists cut the rope. The banner was made by non-union labor. Lincoln Correspondence New York World. WE DO NOT PATRONIZE BUCK STOVES AND RANGES! UNION BARBER SHOPS. Information as to Where You Can Get Your Work Don Fairly. Following is a list of the union bar ber shops of Lincoln, the name and location being given: Gus Petro, 1010 O street. W. A. Jackson, 1001 O street. W. E. Myers, Capital Hotel. C A. Green. 120 North Eleventh. Geo. Shaffer, Lincoln Hotel. J. B. Ramer, 1501 O Street. E. A. Snyder, 1206 O Street A. L. Stern, 116 South Thirteenth. A. L. Kemmerer, Lindell Hotel. Chapman & Ryan, 127 North Twelfth. H. A. Larabee, 922 P Street Knight and Parmenter, 122 South Twelfth. H. C Leopold. Fraternity Building. Frank Malone, Havelock. E. A. Wood, Havelock. C. B. Ellis. Havelock. Windsor hotel, C. B. Lewis, Prop. ORGANIZED LABOR THINKING. President Gompers ot the Amer ican Federation of Labor did not suc UNION PRINT SHOPS. Printeries That Are Entitled to Use the Allied Trades Labet. Following is a list of the printing offices in Lincoln that are entitled to the use of the Allied Printing Trades label, together with the num ber of the label used by each shop: Jacob North & Co., No. 1. C. ; Simmons, No. 2. Freie Presse, No. 3. Woodruff-Collins, No. 4. Graves & Mulligan, No. 5. State Printing Co., No. 6. Star Publishing Co., No. 7. Western Newspaper Vnion, No. 8. Wood Printing Co., No. 9. George Bros., No. 11. McVey Printing Co., No. 12. Union Advertising Co., No. 14. Ford Printing Co., No. 16. Gillespie & hKlips, No. 18. VanTine & Young, No. 24. Graves Printery. Dairyman Pub. Co., 130 No. 14th. THE PRINTERS. A Few Bits of News About the Boys Who Preserve History. It is reported that the picture taken of the union at Fairview a couple of weeks ago is not a good cne. It has been suggested that the printers, accompanied by their wives, visit Fairview at some time agree able to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and have it "shot over again. Mrs. Righter packed "IJoc's" grip for a month's stay in Colorado. "Doc hied himself to Denver on Monday, and the next Sunday morning he was home again. He opened the grip t.ice and removed therefrom a clean snirt and collar. They say that when 'Gene Lyman !s asked a question he closes his eyes and begins spouting eastern railroad time tables by the .yard. Frank Coffey has shoved his. "sub" elf the Journal mill and is again ham mering the keyboard. While in Denver the editor had the pleasure of meeting John Marshall and Mrs. Marshall for a few minutes. They are comfortably located at Berthoud, where Mr. Marshall is pub lishing the Bulletin and living - on the fat of the irrigated land. The way the printers had to scurry around for heat right after the flood of last week was something to remem ber. Gasoline . torches, kerosene lamps and any old thing to make heat were resorted to, and by hard r i niggling the daily papers managed to get out on reasonable time. It reminded the old-timers of the davs when they stuck tallow candles In the -k" box. Colonel Seymour of the Righter shop went to Omaha the day before the flood, and was. water-bound for three days. He says there was no sign of a drouth in Omaha, either, r.illy Wilkerson of the same shop went to work in a canoe and gum) boots. Colonel C. B. Edgar, editor and publisher of the Star, played it low down on the composing room force A SUIT er OVERCOAT Uzio to Ordor For Ho Moro I No Less From Shcops Dock to Your Back IS5UED DV AUTHORITY OF flNITEP XLl??vGAPMmtm JTrXClSTESED World's Croatost Tailors snsi i sn Mil 19 9UUIII 13th Street LINCOLN NEBRASKA Again Prices are Reduced in the Shoe Dept. for Immediate and complete clearance of all Broken Linos Incomparable Values in Women's Shoes and Oxfords seven lines of women's strap slip- eleven lines of women's oxfords six lines of women's JM 0T pers, including some of the prettiest and 25 lines of high shoes go into oxfonls, $2 values', r O I styles of the season. 01 r"fl one big lot. glfj cut to V"" $2 and $2.50 grades cut .M-flll $3.50 and $4 grades cut Zk Hfl three lines of women's Al -J jp to, pair to, pair Vfc,uW shoes, $2.50 value, hf U Nine lines of women's oxfords, in- t en lines of women's oxfords and 20 per cent off on all Children's eluding tans many of our best num- ten lines of high shoes go into one Slippers. hers reduced. 00 PR big lot. " Efl 100 pairs of women's rtl fff $3.50 and $4 grades cut QQ $3 and $3.50 grades cut QjJ trap slippers, were $1.50 JJJ Who's i the Ulan Who Can Miss a Chance Like This? $3.65 entire stock of men's black and oxfords continues on sale at a straight discount of twenty-two numbers of men's fine shoes that were formerly priced $3, $3.50 and $4; in one big lot, choice, .a pair.. 25 men s nne $2.95 nine numbers of $5.00 shoes cut to, a pair. $5.00 SHOES PRICED $2.95 one big lot of men's shoes that sold up to $5.00 are cut to $2.95 a pair of these there's only one or two of a Jiind so hurry. DONT DELAY in many instances there are only en or two pairs cf a kind at the cot prices they'll net last long. NOTICE all shoes and exfords are not of fered at reduced prices this m a sale of broken lots. NEW STYLES there are no back numbers here ... no shoes bought for the purpose of a special sale all are new 1908 styles. THE BEST the broken lines contain the best numbers of the season the best sell ers are the ones now broken in sizes POSITIVE it is a rule with us to carry over no broken lines from one season to an other we positively will not the other day. While showing a tunch of visitors the intricacies of the linotype he made a remark about monkeys and the operators are grin rang yet. The Nebraska Dairyman and the Country Merchant now bear the union label. UNION MAN FOR CONGRESS. Edgar Howard, an old-time printer and union man, is a candidate for the democratic nomination in the Third Nebraska district. He is editor and publisher of the Columbus Telegram, and from the union standpoint he is as square as they make 'em. Here's hoping. TALKS WITH THE TOILERS. Special Truths From Many View points, by Rev. Charles Stelzle. It would be difficult to think of a shade of religious or economic belief which was not represented In the Sociological Conference which it was my privilege to attend during the first week in July, at Sagamore Beach, on Cape Cod Bay. About one hundred men and women of prominence in the sociological world discussed for three days the questions of trades union ism and socialism, and the relation of the church to these problems. Everyone who spoke, from John Spargo, the socialist, to Mrs. Edwin D. Mead, the exponent of universal peace, was an acknowledged expert on the subject which he discussed. The conference was opened with a paper written by John Mitchell, on "The Philosophy of Trades Unionism." John F. Tobin of Boston led the dis cussion. Dean Hodges of the Protes tant Episcopal Theological Seminary of Cambridge, Mass., prepared a paper on "The Trades Union from the Point of View of the Church." "The Spiritual Significance of Socialism," and "The Socialized Church" were discussed on the succeeding days. Editors, college presidents, social settlement workers, authors and writers, trades union officials, minis ters, business men, professors, and workers in many phases of social life, freely -presented their views. There wasn't a dull moment. Everybody was on the job every minute of the time, while the meetings were in prog ress. The speakers had come from every walk of life. There were some who had come up from the slum and the tenement. Others had always lived in homes of luxury and refine ment. Most of the members of the conference had come direct from the firing line, and -they were there for business.j There was no time for plat itudes and common-places. There was no evasion. The talks were true ex pressions of very real experiences, or of genuine desire to get at tbe troth. There wasn't a fool speech made. There was no trace of bitterness. Whatever feeling of bitterness there may have been in the hearts of some, was hidden, although sometimes it would have been an easy matter to have caused an explosion, had not everyone respected - me others' opinion. At times the audience was deeply moved as the injustices of the toilers were presented. Going back to their respective vocations, the men and women who-listened to the talks will become more aggressive in their ef forts to alleviate and finally wipe out these wrongs. It was surprising to note how many things were held in common by these workers who came from so many and such varied experiences. They were all seeking, in tbe way that seemed best, the uplifting of the human, race. This discovered that to quarrel among themselves was fatal. There were enough things upon which all eoald unite to keep everybody busy. It is interesting that this remark able conference was called together and entertained noder Christian aus pices. The host was Mr. George W. Coleman, a churchman of prominence in Boston. There probably has sever been another conference just like it. The man who believes that be alone possesses tbe troth is a back num ber. There is no truer indication of it than this belief. The day is rapidly approaching, and this conference helped its coming, when men shall learn that they cannot afford to speak ill of their brothers, who are Just as honest and sincere and self-sacrificing, as they are, even though they may not be able to accept their pet program. ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY After six daye of record-breaking sales we find many gaps on our furniture floor which we have decided to fill with even better values than before. Our buyer is now at market, and to make room for the new goods which will begin arriving about August 1st, we offer this week extraordi nary discounts, a few of which we list herewith. Dressers t 'olden Oak Princess Dresser $12.50 now $10.00 Oohlen Oak Princess Dresser $20.00 now-$14.40 Golden Oak Dresser $:!0.00, now $21.60 Burly Birch Dresser $:!0.00, now $21.50 Birch Dresser $20.00, now $15.00 Birds Eye Maple Dresser $25.00, now. . . $1S.00 AND OTHERS AT SIMILAR DISCOUNTS Parlor Goods 5-piece solid Mahogany Suit, colonial style, reg. $165, now $85.00 3-piece Solid Mahogany Suit, colonial style, reg. $100, now $00.00 3 solid Mahogany Parlor Chairs, reg. $27.50, now. .$13.75 Large Mahogany Rocker, tapestry cushion, reg. $17.50, now. $11.00 And More at Similar Discounts Rug Department 9x12 Smyrna Rugs, regular $25.00, now $18.00 9x12 Kashmir Rugs, regular $15.00, now 9.75 9x11 Brussels Rugs, regular $14.75, now 11.80 9x12 Axminsters, regular $25.00, now 20.00 9x12 Wiltons, regular f 37.50 now 30.00 Everything in Carpets, Curtains and Draperies at 29 Percent Discount. Hardware Department All Refrigerators, except McCrsy's' at 29 Percent Discount. Queensware 29 Percent Discount. Kitchen ware 29 Percent Discount. All Hammocks at 25 Percent Discount. The Ao P. Beeway Co