The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 18, 1908, Image 1

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    T 1
VOL.. 3
liixcoLX, Nebraska; july is, ij08
NO. Itt
W7 a
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They are Getting Into;
The Political Game
There was a lot of political "dig
There was a lot or political "did
dings' 'at the meeting ot the Central
But before the political game opened
up the central body proceeded to
make short shrift of several proposi
tions. ,
A proposition was received to unite
with the Modern Woodmen of America
In a Labor Day celebration to be
pulled off at Ashland.- It was as
serted that Ashland would put up a
nice wad of money for prizes, and
that the keys of the city would be de
livered over to the visitors. It took
about a minute or less time to turn
the proposition down with a dull,
sickening thud.
"We'ir celebrate Labor Day in Lin
coln, and we'll do it right." was the
unanimous sentiment of every dele
gate present.
On motion Secretary Kates was in
structed to invite every union organ
ization In the city to send two Labor
Day committeemen to the next meet
ing ot the Central Labor Union. As
soon as this committee is appointed
the central body will step aside and
let the committee handle the affair.
The central body Intends only to start
the ball to rolling. Every union in
the city and in Havelock should send
representatives to Bruse's hall on
Tuesday evening. July 27. If any
union does not meet in the meantime,
the president is requested to appoint
two committeemen to act ad interim.
There is every reason why Lincoln
and Havelock unionists should make
the 1S08 Labor Day demonstration one
to linger long in the memories of the
' Organizer Kelsey reported the
Stage Employes in line for their
charter in a very short time. He also
reported progress in the matter of or
ganizing the cement workers, and
stated that he had the revival of a de
funct union in hand, but w-as not. at
liberty at this particular time to enter
into details. The reports of trades
were not satisfactory as a whole, a
number of men being out ot work.
Having thus disposed of routine
work the political "diddings" began,
and everybody seemed to be on the
same side. George M. Quick of the
Carpenters offered the following res
olution, which was unanimously
adopted by a rising vote:
"The members ot Lincoln Central
Labor Union, realizing that the work
ing people as a class are not getting
their just share of what they produce,
and that others who do nothing live in
luxury and acquire great fortunes
from the labor of the people who do
work, and thinking it unjust that in
dustrious people should be forced to
remain poor with little hope of bet
tering their condition without doing
their fellow workers injustice, and be
lieving that we see a remedy in the
declarations ot the democratic ' party
upon questions directly affecting la
bor, which declarations have the cor
dial support ot the candidate upon
the democratic platform, our esteem
ed fellow townsman, William Jennings
Bryan, who has always championed
the cause ot labor and been true to
the toiler in both his public and his
private life, therefore be it
"Resolved. That the Central Labor
Union ot Lincoln. Nebraska, endorse
the principles affecting labor enun
ciated by the democratic party and
pledge our support to William Jen
nings Bryan in his candidacy for the
high office of president ot the United
States, believing him at once the most
capable and the fairest in his atti
tude towards the workers. Be it
"Resolved. That the president of
this body appoint a committee of
twelve from among the delegates to
convey to Mr. Bryan a copy of these
resolutions, and to extend to him our
congratulations and best wishes.
"Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be furnished to the press
in order that the thousands ot our
fellow workers may know the high
esteem we, who know him best, have
for William Jennings Bryan."
It wfes unanimously agreed that the
entire central body meet at Car
penters' hall on Friday evening at 8
o'clock and proceed to Fairview in
a body and watch the committee of
twelve present the resolutions to Mr.
Bryan. It was also decided to ask all
union men to accompany the central
body to Fairview.
Having thus settled the presidential
succession the delegates proceeded to
take up. the matter of scuring repre
sentation in the legislature.
The first man mentioned was J. W.
Dickson, of University Place, a mem
ber of the Carpenters' Union and
chairman of the board of directors
of the Labor Temple Association.
When his name was mentioned the
applause was loud and prolonged. A
half-dozen delegates made short
speeches in support of Dickson's can
didacy, and then he was unanimously
recommended for the legislature. Mr.
Dickson is a republican . who has
known to the editor of this humble
little labor paper, and the editor gives
it out cold, right here and now, that
he is for them until the last ballot is
deposited in the box. It is. rumored
that the railroad organizations will of
fer two or three candidates to both
of the old parties. The Wageworker
will be for them.
It is likely that in a short time a
"flying wedge" will be organized for
the purpose of advancing the candi
dacy of several union men who are
willing to have their names put on
the primary tickets for the legislature.
Two years ago, before the primary
system was in force, the republican
county convention turned down a re
quest from republican union men to
nominate a couple of union men for
the legislature, claiming that the re
quest came too late, the "slate" hav-
osition to establish a pension fund
similar to the one now in force in the
International Typographical Union.
The proposition seems to be meeting
with universal favor. The proposi
tion to establish a home fro superan
nuated and disabled members will al
so be discussed.
Work is reported a bit dull for this
season of the year. There are plenty
of men in sight for all the jobs.
A Short Meeting, but Steps Taken to
; Resume the Boosting Process.
The directors of the Labor Temple
Association met in regular session
iast Monday evening, but owing to
circumstances nothing of moment was
accomplished. J. W. Dickson, who
Federation Officials
Talk With Mr. Bryan
Samuel Gompers, president; Frank
Morrison, secretary, and James Dun
can, first vice-president, of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, were in
Lincoln for a few hours last Monday,
and spent a short time in consulta
tion with Mr. Bryan at Fairview.
During his short visit in Lincoln
President Gompers made the follow
ing statement:
"I am very well satisfied with t-ie
democratic platform as promulgated
at the Denver convention," said Mr.
Gomper3, "and I will do everything in
The courts of justice are the bulwark of our liberties,
and we yield to none in our purpose to maintain their dig
nity. Our party has given to the bench a long line of
distinguished judges who have added to the respect and
confidence in which this department must be jealously
maintained. We resent the attempt of the republican
party to raise a false issue respecting the judiciary. It
is an unjust reflection upon a great body of our citizens
to assume that they lack respect for the courts. '
It is the function of the courts to interpret the laws
which the people create, and if the laws appear to work
economic, social or political injustice, it is our duty to
change them. The only basis upon which the integrity of
our courts can stand is that of unswerving justice and pro
tection of life, personal liberty and property. If judicial
processes may be abused, we should guard them against
Experience has proven the necessity of a modification
cf the present law relating to injunctions, and we reiter
ate the pledge of our national platforms of 1896 and 1904
in favor of the measure which passed the United States
senate in 1896, but which a republican congress has ever
since refused to enact, relating to contempts in federal
courts and providing for trial by jury in case of indirect
Questions of judicial practice have arisen especially in
connection with industrial disputes. We deem that the
parties to all judicial proceedings should be treated with
rigid impartiality, and that injunctions should not be is
sued in any cases in which injunctions would not issue if
no industrial dispute were involved.
The expanding organization of industry makes it es
sential that there should be no abridgment of the right
cf wage earners and producers to organize for the pro
tection of wages and the improvement of labor conditions
to the end that such labor organizations and their members
should not be regarded as illegal combinations in restraint
of trade.
We favor the eight-hour day on all government work.
We pledge the democratic party to the enactment of a
law by congress, as far as the federal jurisdiction extends,
for a general employers' liability act covering injury to
body or loss of life of employes.
' We pledge the democratic party to the enactment of
a law creating a department of labor, represented sep
arately in the president's cabinet, which department shall
include the subject of mines and mining.
The republican party recognizes the special needs of
wageworkers generally, for their well-being means the
well-being of all. But more important than all other con
siderations is that of good citizenship, and we especially
stand for the needs of every American, whatever his oc
cupation, in his capacity as a self-respecting citizen.
The republican party will uphold at all times the au
thority and integrity of the courts, state and federal, and
will ever insist that their powers to enforce their process
and to protect life, liberty and property shall be 'pre
served inviolate.
; We believe, however, that the rules of procedure in the
federal courts with respect to the issuance of the writ of
injunction should be more accurately denned by statute,
and that no injunction or temporary restraining order
should be issued without notice, except where irreparable
injury would result from delay, in which case a speedy
hearing thereafter should be granted.
; The same wise policy which has induced the republican
party to maintain protection to American labor, to estab
lish an eight-hour day on the construction of all public
works, to increase the list of employes who shall have pre
ferred claims for wages under the bankruptcy laws, to
adopt a child labor statute for the District of Columbia,
to direct an investigation into the condition of working
women and children, and later, of employes of telephone
and telegraph companies engaged in interstate business;
to appropriate $150,000 at the recent session of congress
in order to secure thorough inquiry into the causes of cat
astrophes and loss of life in the mines, to amend and
strengthen the law prohibiting the importation of con
tract labor, will be pursued in every legitimate direction
within federal authority to lighten the burdens and in
crease the opportunity for happiness and advancement of
all who toil.
support these declarations and of
course that means we will work tor
the election of the men who stand for
our principles.
"I have never expected defeat ia
any undertaking, never hoped for de
feat and never have given up fighting
tor an idea or principle that I firtalr
believed to be right and Just. I win
always be found fighting for what I
believe is right, no matter what the
temporary results may be. I believe
that in this fight we now have on
hand, that we win win, and I shall
work for Mr. Bryan's election and for
tie ratification of the principles that
we have advocated as officers and as
an organization."
"Will the American Federation of
Labor be as active this fan as it was
two years ago in opposing 'Uncle Joe
Cannon?" Mr. Gompers was asked.
"We haven't got to Hinois yet. re
plied Mr. Gompers. quickly, and then
he added, "Wait a minute!" accom
panying the remark with a significant
closing of an eye and a characteristic
gesture which certainly did give one
the impression that pretty soon the la
bor folks win get to Illinois and that
then they will do some unpleasant
things to "Uncle Joe's" political aspirations.
worked in the party ranks in season
and out of season, and he would be a
credit to the party, to his fellow union
ists and to Lancaster county as a
member ot the legislature.
O. M. Rudy, ot the Electrical Work
ers, president of the Central Labor
Union and a member ot the board of
directors, of the Labor Temple Asso
ciation, was also unanimously en
dorsed. Mr. Rudy is another life-long
republican, and he is eminently quali
fied to represent Lancaster county in
the legislature.
Sam Chaplin, a member of the
Barbers" Union, and vice president of
the board ot directors of the Labor
Temple Association, was the third
man unanimously endorsed. Mr. Chap
lin is a democrat.
These three men were pledged the
undivided support of every delegate
present if they got into the race, and
it is believed that they will make the
race before the primaries in an effort
to land the nomination. Several other
names were mentioned, but it was
deemed unwise to endorse them until
they could be consulted.
But the proceedings made manifest
one thing the union men of Lan
caster county are going to make their
presence felt in the coming primary
fight and the ensuing campaign.
The three men whose names are
mentioned above are all personally
ing been made. That excuse cannot
be offered now. Then the democrats
nominated a couple of'uinon men for
the legislature, and while they made
a good showing for themselves it was
an almighty poor showing for organ
ized labor. There is no senator to
elect next year, and that club can
not be used on the heads of union men
who show a disposition to bolt the
partisan -candidates and vote for a fel
low unionist.
Prepare to Boost One of Their Num
ber Into the Legislature.
The Carpenters got busy last week
and decided to take a stand in the
political game. Having so decided they
unanimously agreed to do all they
could to secure a nomination upon the
republican ticket for J. W. Dickson,
and send him to the legislature. Then
they made it known that they were
ready to endorse any good union man
who happened to get a nomination for
the legislature, regardless of his poli
tics. All they want to know is that
he is a "square" man, a good citizen
and loyal to his fellows.
The annual convention of the Car
penters' and Joiners will be held in
Salt Lake on Septenmer 15. One of
the most important things to be con
sidered by the convention is the prop-
v-as recently selected as business rep
resentative, has to date been unable
to arrange his private affairs so he
could take up the work of the posi
tion. He announced the latter part
of the week, however, that he would
begin active operations next week.
When he gets started there will be
fomething doing.
The board will meet again next
Monday evening, and members should
uiake note of the change of meeting
piace. Hereafter the meetings of the
board will be held in the directors'
room of the Commercial club, in the
"'raternity building.
Capital Auxiliary met Friday, July
10, at the home of Mrs. A. T. Pentzer.
The new office'?, were instated and
new committees appointed for the
next six months.
The next meeting will be with Mrs.
Floyd McKinney, 1925 T street, Fri
cay, July 24.
The newly appointed flower commit
tee is as follows: Mesdames Ihringer,
Pentzer and Peate.
Mrs. B. C. Towner of Council
Bluffs is visiting friends in Lincoln.
Mrs. Gilbert has been entertaining
friends from the east.
my power to ratify that platform. The
officials of the American Federation of
Labor .seem satisfied witix the Denver
rlatform and will support it. The re
publican party has repudiated the just
demands of the working people, and
in that action has taken a stand for
injustice and unfair treatment of la
bor. We do not ask for any special
privileges, but we do ask equality of
justice. We did not get any expres
sions in that line from the republican
platform, but the democrats went on
reford for the fair thing.
"As for myself, I have been a re
publican, but I shall vote litis fall for
Mr. Bryan and will go on the stump
for the democratic national ticket and
vill use all honorable means within
Hny power to secure his election. The
democratic platform expresses the
principles for which the American
Federation of Labor and its officers
have worked, and of course. In sup
porting and fighting for the success
of these principles we will support
and fight for the candidates who are
pledged to carry them into effect.
"All our affiliated organizations have
been instructed to work for the prin
ciples of justice and right and in their
meetings they have declared for the
principles that the democrats have
embodied in their platform. The labor
organizations have been instructed to
Pay Respects to the Memory of Their
Departed Comrades.
On Sunday, July 5, in acocrdance
with a custom established one year
ago, the Bartenders" League of Lin
incoln held annual memorial services
at Wynka cemetry. The services were
brief but impressive. Meeting at Car
penters' hall the Bartenders took a
special car to Wynka, and there the
graves of departed comrades were dee
orated with the choicest flowers. Her
man Sundean read Bryant's immortal
poem "Thanatopsis," before' Jot Ing
hands decorated the graves. The ser
vices made a marked impession. The
Lincoln League was the first to estab
lish this custom among the Bartenders
and the example is being followed an
over the country.
Every Local Union Should Begin Prep
arations Immediately.
The Central Labor Union has ini
tiated the movement for the proper
observance of Labor Day this year,
and the local unions should now take
the matter np and carry it through to
a successful conclusion. No celebra
tion was had last year, the chief
reason being the impossibility of se
curing union music. That difficulty
will not face organized labor this year,
as Lincoln musicians are thoroughly
The first meeting to arrange for
Labor Day will be held at Bruse's
hall on Tuesday evening. July 28. and
every local union in the county should
be represented, either by duly ap
pointed committeemen or by the pres
ident and secretary.
Let's make next Labor Day's cele
bration one long to be remembered.
And celebrate right here at home, too.
If You Say You Cant Get It, You Tell
an Untruth.
There is absolutely no excuse for
the union man who smokes or chews
non-union tobacco. There is plenty
of union made smoking and chewing
tobacco offered for sale in Lincoln.
The Wageworker has made a little in
vestigation and found the following
brands of chewing tobacco oji sale:
. "Hand Made." "Fame."' "Deimonico."
"Stronghold, "Yankee Girl," "Red
Band Scrap," "Mail Pouch."
The following brands of unioa
made smoking tobacco may be found
in any tobacco store worthy of anion
' "Edgeworth." "Manhattan CoektaiV"
"Sweet Tips," "Crashed Cubes."
"After Dinner Mixture." "Son Cared."
Xow quit telling as that you "just
can't use anion made tobacco because
it makes my mouth sore."
The maudlin plank on injunction in
serted in the republican platform
pleases Joe Cannon, bat is dabbed a
fake by the workingmaa. Sioux City
Union Advocate.