V vf i ma MASTERY OF AIR Ambitious Minds Would Con trol Only Element That Has Defied Man Now It Is Thought That the Aero plane Devised by Wright Brothers May at Least Point the Way to Success -Could Laugh at Vessels of War. EW YORK. Those reti N cent and Intensely ab sorbed westerners, the Wright brothers t Day ton. O.. appear to bar at last conquered the ele ments which have so long baffled the Ingenuity of nan. and aerial naviga tion, so Ions regarded as a fascinating absurdity, now seems to be very much of a practical reality, says a writer ia the New York Times. Aside from the triumph of the loos aad apparently easily controlled Bight, the most Important item contained in the news dispatches from Mantou, X. C where the brothers hare been con ducting their experiments, is the state ment that the aeroplane not only car ried both men. bat carried them in a sitting position. The earlier aeroplane of these InTentors carried but one aviator, and it was necessary for him to be prone upon his stomach. The significance of the statement lies in the apparent fact that the inventors hare at last succeeded in overcoming the real problem of mechanical flight the problem of equilibrium. Aero planes that would support their opera tors hare previously been tested. En gines of sufficient lightness to propel them through the air at a sufficient speed and to carry their own weight and that of the operators have also been successfully tried. There have been plenty of aeroplanes that would fly in still air. The one needful, essen tial, and undiscovered thins vss an airship that would not capsize when the wind was b toning. Writing in a recent Issue of Mc Clure's Magazine, George Kibbe Turn er quotes the Wright brothers as as serting that no one who had not nav igated the air can appreciate the real difficulty of mechanical flight that the great problem the problem of equilibrium never occurs to any one who has not actually- tried flyicg. The Wright Brothers have conducted their experiments with great se crecy. The above illustrations give, however, an excellent idea of their aer oplane. They are from photographs taken from a distance for McClure's Magazine. The iper picture shows the glider in motion. The lower picture show the method ef starting. Thus, the real question of the flying machine is how to keep it from turn ing over. Air in Constant Turmoil. - The chief trouble." the brothers ex plained, "is the turmoil cf the air. The common impression is that the atmosphere rues In comparatively reg ular currents which we call winds. No one who has not been thrown about on a gliding aeroplane rising or fall ing ten. SO or even 30 feet in a few seconds can understand how utterly wrong this Uea is. The air along ' the surface of the earth, as a matter of fact, is continually churn ing. It is thrown upward from every Irregularity, like sea breakers on a coast line; every hill and tree and building sends up a wave or slanting current. And it moves not directly back and forth upon its coast line, like the sea, bat In whirling rotary miiiiw Some of these rise up hun dreds of yards. In a fairly strong wind the air near the earth ia more disturbed than the whirlpools of Ni- Tbe problem of mechanical flight Is how to balance In this moving fluid which supports the flying machine; or. technically speaking, how to make the center of gravity coincide with the center of air-pressure. The wind often veeia several times a second, quicker than thought, and the center of pres sure changes with it. It Is as diffi cult to follow this center of pressure as to keep your linger on the flicker ing blot of light from a prism swing ing in the sun. "It has been the common aim of experimenters with the aeroplane to smir,HT solve the problem of equilibrium by some automatic system of balancing. We believe that the control should be left to the operator. The sense of equi librium is very delicate and certain. If yon lie upon a bed three-quarters of an inch out of true, you know it at once. And this sense of equilibrium is just as reliable a mile above the earth as it is on it. "The management of our aeroplane like that of the bicycle. Is based upon the sense of equilibrium of the opera tor. The mechanism for preserving the balance of the machine consists of levers operated by simple uniform movements which readjust the flying surfaces of the machine to the air. The movement of these levers very soon becomes automatic with the avi ator, as does the balancing of a bicy cle rider, and simpler to operate than a bicycle. In fact, the aeroplane is easier to learn. In all our experiments with gliding and flying machines, we have not even sprained a limb; we have scarcely scratched our flesh." Fatalities Among Inventors. But if these two experimenters tare had immunity from mishap their pre decessors have not. Among the first to undertake the task of demonstrat ing that a mechanical flying machine is possible was Otto TLiilienthai, a Ger man mechanical engineer. He made a study of the flight of birds and event ually concluded that very little was known of the laws which govern the flight of the feathered tribe. He be gan experimenting in 1S91. using wings constructed like those of soaring birds. Equipped with these, he sailed down hill sides into valleys. After a series of more than 1,000 flights one of his wings gave way one day and in his tumble to earth he dislocated his spine and died the following day. That was in 1S9. Three years later an PngTisnra.in. Percy S. Pitcher, be- gaa experimenting along the same line. He had essayed only a few flights when one of ftis wings broke and be sustained injuries which caused his death a few days later. On this side of the Atlantic. Prof. S. P. Langley conducted some notable experiments, fashioning in 1S96 a small, steam-driven aeroplane which made a Eight of three-quarters of a mile. In the same year Chanute of Chicago constructed a gliding ma chine which attracted some attention. Four years later the Wright brothers, two young bicycle makers of Dayton, began experimenting. It was not long before their efforts began to attract attention. But they sedulously avoided notoriety, kept their own counsel, and devoted them selves to the task of solving the prob lem of mechanical flight. Mr. Turner, however, gained their confidence, and thus describes them: "Two lean, quiet mem in a dingy, commonplace little brick bicycle shop; pleasant, un assuming, most approachable, but shy and silent under the oppression of the greatest secret of the time. Or vilie, of the more social and conversa tional temperament, did the greater share of the talking aa amiable, kindly-faced man of 35. Wilbur prema turely bald, about 40, with the watch ful eyes, marked facial lines, and dry, brief speech of a naturally reticent Their New Method. To quote his account of what the brothers told him just prior to their going abroad last year for the demon stration of their machines before for- gn war departments: "We had worked out a new method of practice with gliding machines," they explained. "LiUienthal and Cha nute bad obtained their experience in flying vrith the operator's launching himself from a hiil and gliding down on to lower land. This involved car rying back their apparatus, after a short flight, to the top of the - hill again. Because of the difficulties of this awkward method, although Lii lienthai had made over 2.000 Sights, we calculated that in all his Bve years of experiment he could not have been actually practicing flying more than five hours far too short for the ordi nary man to learn to ride a bicycle. It was our plan to follow the example of soaring birds, and find a place where we could be supported by strong rising winds. "A bird is realty an aeroplane, Tfce portions of Its wings near the body are used as planes of support, while the more flexible parts outside, when flapped, act as propellers. Some of the soaring birds are not much more than animated sailing machines. A buaaard can be safely kept in an open pen 30 feet across and ten feet high. He cannot fly out of it. In fact, we know from observation made by ourselves that he cannot fly for any distance up a grade of one to six. "Yet these birds sailing through the air are among the commonest sights through a great section of the country. Every one who has been outdoors has seen a buxsard or hawk soaring; every one who has been at sea has seen the gulls sailing after a steam ship for hundreds of miles with scarce ly a movement of the wings. All of these birds are doing the same thing they are balancing on rising cur rents of air. The buzzards and hawks find the currents blowing upward off the land; the gulls that follow the steamers from New York to Florida are merely sliding down hill a thou sand miles on rising currents in the wake of the steamer in the atmos phere, and on the hot air rising from her smokestacks." Think Great Speed Possible. The brothers believe that the event ual speed of the aeroplane will be easily 60 miles an hour, and may be forced np to 10O miles. Our experi ments have shown." they said, "that a flier designed to carry an aggregate of 745 pounds at SO miles an hour would require only eight horsepower, and at 30 miles an hour 12 horse power. At SO miles 24 horsepower would be needed, and at 120 miles SO or T5 horsepower. It is clear that there is a certain point of speed be yond which the air resistance makes it impossible to go. Just what that is experiment will determine. Everv year gas engines are being made lighter a fact which will increase the surplus carrying power of the machine available for fuel and operator and heavier construction, but at present 60 miles an hour can be counted on for the flying machine. This, of course, means speed through the air. The aeroplane running 60 miles an hour wiil have surplus lifting power enough to carry fuel for long jour neys. Our 190? machine will carry gasoline enough to fly 500 miles at a rate of some SO miles an hour. We can. and possibly soon will, make a one-man machine carrying gasoline enough to go 1.000 miles at 40 miles an hour. Moreover, any machine made to move at speeds np to 60 miles aa hour can be operated economically at a cost of not much over one cent a mile for gasoline. There is no question that a man can make a lighter and more efficient wing than a bird's. A cloth surface, for instance, can be produced offer ing less surface friction than feathers. The reason for this fart is that a bird's wing is really a compromise. It is not made for flying only it must be folded np and got out of the way when the bird is on its feet, and effi ciency in flying must be sacrificed to permit this. - The wings of aeroplanes will vary In size according to speed. A slow machine will require a large wins, but the faster the speed the less will be the supporting surface nec essary, and wings for high speeds will naturally be very small. Not only will less support be needed, but the size must be reduced to reduce the fric tion of the air." Fearful Only of Capsize. Although on of the brothers had an ugly fall only a tew days ago. they both maintain that the only danger to be apprehended from an aeroplane is the danger of a capsise. A break down, or a sudden stopping of the en gine, they say and they certainly should know does not entail disas ter, as on the first thought it might appear. Their explanation is that while the aeroplane Is supported in the air through Its own motion through it, yet gravity furnishes all the energy that Is needed to get safely to the ground. When the power is shut oft it merely scales through the air to its landing. Theo retically, it is safer at a mile above the earth than at 100 feet, because it has a wider choice of places in which to land; you can choose your land ing from 256 square miles from a mile above the surface It descending one in sixteen. "As a matter of tact," they said, "we always shut off the power when we start to alight, and come down by the force of gravity. We reach the ground at so slight an angle and so lightly that it is impos sible for the operator to tell by his own sensation within several yards of where the ground was first actu ally touched. "We feel that It is absolutely essen tial for us to keep our method of con trol a secret. We could patent many points In the machine, and it ia possi ble that we could make a success of the invention commercially. We have been approached by many promoters on the matter. But we believe that our beet market Is to sell the m chine to some government for use In war. To do this it is necessary for us to keep its construction an abso lute secret." To the same writer the brothers made the interesting statement that they did not expect the aeroplane ever to displace the railroad or the steam- boat. They predict that its chief value will be in war time, when it may be employed for dropping explo sives upon an enemy or for recon noitering purposes. In this connec tion may be added the tact that the navy department has planned an ex tensive series of experiments with, dirigibles, the purpose being to dis cover their avai lability for war usage. Those who advocate the employment of these machines point out the fact that flying machines sailing over a fleet are immune from any attack save that of small arm fire, and that they could attain a height so great as to be out of ra?ge from these smaller weapons. There is no type of larger gun now carried on shipboard that is capable of such extreme elevation. Of course it would be easily possible to construct a gun mount that would per mit of high angle, or even vertical fire, but the question is asked how would you be able to hit one of these small targets sailing so high in air? When firing at a floating target any error of sighting can be detected by the splash of the shell. But how is a gun-pointer to tell where bis shells are going when he is firing upward into the air? No Danger. "Whatever you do, dear," wrote the ardent lover, "don't show my letters to you to anyone. - "Have no fear, dearest." came the reply. Tm just as much ashamed of them as you are. And. with that, the engagement be came a matter of history. Judge. . These New Coiffures, "What a queer ornament Miss Snuf fles wears in her hair!" said Mrs. Trulywed. "Can you see what it isT" "Yes that's not an ornament. If a the price tag, answered Miss Belle Tinkly. Cleveland Leader. DAY OF TELEPHONEi ITS USE IN RAILROAD OPERATION IS AT HAND. Practicability of Innovation Seems As sured Development of Teieg raphone System Will -Do Much to Forward It, That recently enacted laws affect Ins the hours of labor for railroad employes may re sult In the substi tution of the tele phone for the tele graph In railway operation is as serted editorially in the Railway Age, says the Lit erary Digest. Such laws, the writer tells us, have within the year been enacted by congress and by the legislatures of eight states. For telegraphers Wisconsin limits the con secutive hours of service to eight. West Virginia to from eight to twelve, and the federal law to nine for day and night stations and to a maximum of IS (for not more than three days per week) for day stations. Says the Age: "The necessity of providing addi tional operators, which is now im posed by reason of these statutory limitations as to permissible hours of labor for telegraphers, presents a seri ous problem for railway officials in charge of operation, and in seeking a solution the telephone will undoubt edly receive very serious considera tion. Several systems, including the New York Central, the Pennsylvania, and .the Union Pacific, have estab lished schools of telegraphy In order to educate operators. Other roads have had recourse to the telephone as an auxiliary, and the Pennsylvania and New York Central as well have made experimental installations. The prac ticability of utilizing telephony in tram-dispatching has greatly increased by the development of the telegra phone system, which, by providing se lective devices in connection with the telephones and the Morse instruments. permits the use of one circuit for the simultaneous communication of tele graphic and telephonic messages. The Southern Pacific system has now on the Sacramento division 25 Btation telegraphones; these are at points from 30 to 40 miles apart, and from the stations so equipped communica tion may be had with intermediate stations by telephone. "Also train crews may communicate with the op erators at telegraphone stations by connecting telephone instruments car ried In the baggage-car or caboose with the telegraph wire by means of a fishpole device, such as used on many interurban electric roads. -The advantages in permitting the employ ment at intermediate stations of sta tion agents who are not telegraph op erators are apparent, and the system, which has been in operation for about 18 months, has been found to work satisfactorily in every way. One dis advantage sometimes urged against telephony as a means of - directing train operation, namely, that a very large portion of sounds heard over a telephone are unintelligible, except in connection with the context, is found In practice to be of no importance, since train orders are stereotyped in form and the knowledge of the hearer as to the general subject of the mes sage causes that association of ideas which is necessary for ready compre hension of what to one not familiar with the work might be unintelligible sounds, and experience has demon strated that, with the same rules as regards the repetition and checking, train orders may be transmitted by telephone with the same degree of safety as by telegraph." First Dining Car. "Just 40 years ago." said T. C Ne ton. a Chicago railroad man. "the Chi cago ft Alton railroad put on the first iH-iiwg car ever operated on any rail road train tn the world. This was the run between Chicago and St. Louis. If that car could be exhibited now it would create universal merri ment. It had oilcloth table covers, the seats were screwed to the floor, and its Illumination depended on can dles. Think of the contrast between that primitive affair of 1868 and the mod ern dining car, finished in solid ma hogany, with gorgeous furniture and a menu as elaborate and cooking as dainty as that supplied by any of the foremost hotels of America. Verily, we have been 'going some in the four decades that have gene by since the first crude experiment." Argentina Railroad Construction. The railroad Ones of the Argentine republic have reached the border of Bolivia, 1,200 miles from Buenos Ayres, and as the result of treaty with Bolivia the Argentine gov ernment is making engineering studies for the prolongation of its line to be built by the Speyer-Clty bank syndi cate of New York. In July the New York syndicate win have finished the first section of the Bolivian railway under its contract with, the Bolivian government. Wide Variance in Cost. The average capitalization of the 220,1 S3 miles of railroad In foreign countries is $108,000 a mile. In the United States the average for 222,340 miles is a little more than 858,000 a mile. Electric Locomotives a 8uccesa, The New York, New Haven A Hart ford Bail road Company- is now oper ating 41 electric locomotives and it is stated that there is not the least dis satisfaction with the results. - THE RAILWAY ENGINEER. There are Meroes famed In story, rtx&tly famed, for deeds of arms; Men who've fought tneir country's toe- nten. and In sudden n!gnt alarms Have rushed out to shoes aad shouting is. the smoke and reek and dark. Never pausing, never heediac. offering themselves a mark: Gams where their duty called them tn the nation's came of war; Finding death or flndtnx story never questioning what for. But peace has Its greater heroes, asaa of throttle and of wheel. Men who, crouched tn their can windows. drive their panting steeds of Over moor and fen and mountain. ins; over trestles nigh Thrown across deep cleft and hami Eno mere cobwebs 'gainst the sky. On whose nme nans; higo of hundreds as they leave the station fight And with straining of steel sinews ptusgn afar into the night. Men who, facing swtft disaster, are keyed . up to such a height That each nerve and Joint and ami to springs to do the thing- that's rlgfeK Men who. when they cant avert Jt. go te death dear-eyed and bravo. With strong bands tfcris on tne throttle in a mst attempt to save; Hope of story or of pensions is not thetrs. no more than tear; Aye. indeed, peace hath Its hero in the railway engineer. J. M. Lewis, in Houston Post. WINTER TRAVEL. IN SIBERIA. There Are Frequently Snowed Up for Days. When winter sets in adventures by rail are frequent, and the process of "roughing It" is trying- Often trains ' are snowed up at little squalid stations on the steppe, where the pswngnw can get nothing but black bread and tea. For hours? .Aye, and for days. It depends on the authorities how long the Ill-a tarred travelers shall abide. This year numerous trains were caught in the snow. almost buried there, and generally on the open steppes 50 or 60 miles from a lemon and 100 miles from a beefsteak. The passengers besought the station mas- . ter and others to have them dug out and to clear the line. They even tel egraphed to the minister of ways and communications, and received assur ances that the order would be given It was given and disregarded. Story telling and card playing fa the flickering light cf a candle were the most serious occupations of the prisoners on the steppe. In one case "he and "she" met for the first time under these uncommon conditions, fell in love over a sausage, a stale roO and half a bottle of wine, which . he happened to have, and they married shortly afterward. Here is a copy of one of the tele grams from snowed-up passengers that were sent last season: This is the second day that we are kept by snowdrifts here in the lonely station, Pookhovo. In spite of the energetic telegram of the minister of ways and communications the manager of the line has taken no efficacious measures. We are doomed to linger on here for an indefinite period." (Signed by the passengers of the International wagon of the Rostoff fast train. And they lingered on for two days. Railroad Stolen Overnight. Citizens of this community are mnca distressed over the fart that the only railroad they owned has been stolen. Everybody was proud rf the railroad, and the fact that It was only five miles long did not make them any the less loyaL The railroad was stolen some time last Friday night. It was there when the citizens went to bed at the usual hour, and It was gone when they arose Saturday morning. Where it went is a mystery. There is a suspicion that some high financier hired a lot of men to ro3 up the track and carry it away Eke a carpet. President Botts, who Is al so general manager, conductor and en gineer, said: - "Before going home I locked the en gine np is the barn and chained the railroad to the trees. I also took Che precaution of nailing down the right-of-way. When I came out the next morning there was not even a spike left. At first I thought the system had been mislaid, bat careful search destroyed that theory." A reward has been offered for the railroad, and, meanwhile, all beslscss here is at a standstill- Sherman (Pa.) Correspondent PhiladeJpfefa North American. Low Wages for Railroad Mem. A report on the number of railroad employes in England, with the amoaxt of wages paid by classes, just pub lished by the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, is the first com plete one of the kind that has yet been issued. The report covers, for the United Kingdom, 2 S3 ,28 "railway servants." The fact is shown that over 100,000 of these are working at a wage of 1, or $4 85 a week, and that more than one-half of the railway em ployes of the United Kingdom receive 1 to 1 10s, or 84.86 to tTJO a week. It also appears that only about 11 per cent, receive more than 87.50 a week. Ties Rapidly Becoming In the United States last year 1. 000.000 railroad ties were need, which denuded 600,000 acres of forest to supply. The British railways are sun plied from Russia, 4,000.000 ties a year being needed. The Russian forests are now so much exhausted that the peas ants have to sledge the trees for ma king these ties a distance ef 20 miles to get them to the rivers. Block System There are now not far from 89,00 miles of railroad under block signal operation, nearly 10,000 mOes of which have been added within a year and a half. AH of this nttg f tributed among 84 different