The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 06, 1908, Image 6

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    m HWfl BTEBElfll
It you intend shopping tomorrow, there are many rood reasons why you should visit Fred Schmidt & Bro. We have a complete line of summer goods in every department, but in this we are
not different from other leading stores. We differ in PRICE; and the best reason that any shopper can offer for buying in this store is that she saves money. We ask you to visit the store this week
and examine our goods and compare our prices. We call especial attention to the prices mentioned below.
Swiss and
Lace Curtains
$0c values, ruffled muslin, will
go at. pair 49c
$1.50 $1.25 values, ruffled
Swiss, will go at, pair 98c
$2.25 $1.?S values, ruffled
Swiss, will go at, pair $1.48
SOc values, Lace Curtains;
special. . - 75c
$15 values, Lace Curtains;
special.. 58c
$1.75 Tallies, Lace Curtains;
special $4.45
$2.75 values. Lace Curtains;
special $1-55
Special Discount on all other
Lace Curtains,
.Women's Neckwear
13 dozen Women's embroidered turn, tn assorted patterns; worth
to lSc; to dose 5c
A lot of Women's embroidered turnover Collars; worth to 35c;
to dose 19e
Choice of any wash stock Collars; worth 25e; to dose, now 15c
New Merry Widow Bow Ties, in assorted colors; now. at. 25c
A tot of embroidered Windsor Ties, in all the popular colors; worth
Sec; to doso 25c
Go Silk Mock collars, in assorted styles and colors, to close 35c
A lot of sample Neckwear, in assorted styles; now. to dose ii OFF
Domestic Specials
10 nieces of Dress Prints, in all colors; values 7c and 7jc; to
. das . 4Vic
Apron Ginghams, the best quality ftViC
Best Red Seal Dress Ginghams, assorted colors and patterns;
to dose : - 10c
Drees Percales; 12c Tables; in tight or dark colors; to dose.. ....9c
XfUiiA LL unbleached Muslin; a full standard cloth; now. ......... .5c
3w4nch bleached Muslin; a good value at Sc; this week Sic
A lot of Mght ground Madras Cloths; saleable for waists, shirts
and Women's Softs; worth to 29c; to dose 12Vc
Best fee quality of Imported Dress Ginghams; to dose, now ......18c
Wash Fatrics at Closing Prices
A lot of Printed Lawns, in assorted patterns; to dose, now. at 5c
30 pieces of fine printed Lawns and Batistes; 34 inches wide;
worth to llc; to dose --Tiie
A lot of Printed Lawns and Dimities and fancy Wash Fabrics;
worth to 18 cents; to dose 12
Choice of any 25c Wash Fabrics 19c
Choice of any 5ec Wash Fabrics 35c
Take a glance over the following noted items; you might find just
the thing you have been looking tor; our prices will not disappoint you.
One lot of broken sizes 59c Gingham Buster Brown; size 2 to 5,
now . . 39c
$1.25 values; assortment of white Lawn. Gingham and white Linen
Dresses; . bow . ..........................................75c
$20 $1.95 values; white Lawns, now $1-25
ONT-FI FTH OFF Discount on the Regular Lines
49c Children's blue Gingham, special ." 39c
69c Childpen's pink and light blue French Gingham, special 49c
Ladies blue Gingham Aprons, "Mary Jane, at 85c 79c, 59c, 49c and 30c
Ladies White Lawn Aprons; low priced, at 49c, 39c and 25c
Ladies Chambray Suits, sizes 32 to 44, in tan and light blue;
regular $5-95; spedal... $2.95
9Sc values, special ..... . ........ . 79c
$1.54 values, spedal . ............... . . 98c
$1.75 values, spedal . . $1.38
Ten Dozen of Fast Colored Percale Dressing Sacques
59c values, will so at .... .. 39c
S3c values, will go at ; 49c
For Rainy Days and Traveling a Cravenette Coat is Unsurpassable
$3.95 to Mackintoshes, to close, at $50
$3.60 to $9.95 Cravenette Coats, to dose, at $4.75
$13.50 Cravenette Co& close, at $&75
Ribbon Specials
it. rk
Shoes that are distinctive ia style.
Shoes of luxury and eiegaace
Shoes of quality; that are ex
amples of excellence ia Shoe
$3.00, $050, $4.50 and $5-00.
These choice Shoes were made
by such high-class Shoemakers a
Arnold and T. E. Tilt. The best
selected leathers, the most iiD
ful shoemakins. Perfection tn
style. No detail overlooked that
could improve the Shoes.
During this week we make some
exceptional prices on Staple Rib
bons. 25 pieces of all Silk Taffeta Rib
bon, 4 inches wide; special,
to dose 10c
Spedal Discount on all other Satin
60 pieces of fancy Sash Rib
bons, in width 40. 60 and 8);
worth up to 50c; to dose,
now 25c
SO pieces of No- SO all Silk
Black Taffeta Ribbon; spe
cial to dose 10c
and Taffeta Ribbons in all colors.
Sheets and Pillow Cases
50 doses Bleached Pillow Cases, in sizes 42 to 45 inches; special.
2 for 25c
25 dozen Bleached Sheets, size 72x90; 55c value 45c
20 dozen Nemo Bleached Sheets; full 9-4 size; torn and hemmed;
our regular Sac value; to dose 69c
Sale of Persies Lawns
One case of White Persian Lawns go on sale at ntww.uf act ei prices:
7 pieces of Persian Lawns; 15c values 11
IS pieces of Persian Lawns, silk finish; a 20c fabrics, to dose 12! zC
11 pieces of white Persian Lawns, linen finish; 20c value ......14c
S pieces of white Persian Lawn, linen finish; 25c value; to close.... 17c
IS pieces of White Persian Lawn, linen finish; 30c value; to dose.. ..23c
7 pieces of white Persian Lawn, linen finish; 35c value; to dose 25c
49c quality as above ....... ..........31c
See the beautiful white Waistings; worth to 35c; closing price 17c
Towels and Tatle Lfesas
4 pieces of 58-inch bleached table Damask; spedal this week .....19c
64-inch mercerized Damask, assorted patterns; 50e values; to dose.. .35c
10 pieces of 70-inch pure linen Damask, assorted patterns; worth
to 90c; to dose ....75c
12 pieces of pure linen Damask, bleached or half bleached. 72 laches
wide; worth up to $1-25; to dose ...... ..........95c
10 pieces of 50c colored Damask, In red, blue or buff; this week ...39c
200 dozen bleached Turkish Towels; spedal, 3&e each; 'per dozen. ...40c
0 dozen bleached Huck Towels, size 17x37; special. 3 for . ...75c
A lot of 100 dozen large size Bath Towels, in bleached or unbleached,
fringed or plain hemmed; extra values; 2 for ....... .....25c
30 dozen large size bleached Turkish Barb. Towels; the 25c kind;
to dose, this week, 2 for ................................ ..-35c
Sale of Entroirics Still 03
Embroidery Edges and Insertings; worth to 15c; to dose, Bw.......5e
Embroidery Edges and Insertings; worth to 20c; to dose . ....Sc
50 pieces of Embroidery Corset Cover Edges and Waist Bands;
worth to 35c; to dose ..................................15c
50c A 11 over Embroidery; to dose .....-33c
22-inch Allover Embroidery; worth to $1-65; now. to doae... ...... ...75c
27-inch Swiss Flouncing Embroidery; worth to $L25; to dose.....
Sawed Off Items That Have Only a
Local Interest.
Labor Temple directors meet Men
day evening.
Typographical Union meets tomor
row afternoon at 2:30 at Fraternity
Capi'al Auxiliary meets with Mrs.
W. M. Maupin, 647 South Twenty
seventh. FriJay, June 12- .
"The Church at Work. the local
organ of the Christian churches, now
bears the label of the Allied Print
ing Trades.
L. M. Gorman has taken the Ma
jestic theatre in charge and is now
giving picture shows that are the talk
:.f the town.
The places that union and brother
hood men patronize should be the
j lac s that are boosting union-made
tobacco and cigars.
Charley Young, the Burlington
pump man who has been laid up for
ieveral months with a bum leg. ex
pects to return to work in a short
W. J. Bryan returned Thursday
from his tour of northwestern Ne
traska. His receptions were the
greatest ever known in that section
of the country.
"The Real Bryan" is the title of a
book recently compiled by Richard
L. Metcalfe and printed by the Per
sonal Kelp Co. of Des Moines. It
hears the label, of course. "Met"
saw to that.
Mayor Brown speaks in praise of
lae way the tri-dties. Rock Island.
Moline and Davenport, keep their
parks. But they spend more on them
In a week than Lincoln spends for
parks in a year.
The new dry park Is in fine condi
tion these days. The people are
rapidly grasping the fact that they
hare the foundation of the magnifi
cent park system, and will soon real
ise the folly of trying to maintain
and improve it with a besgardly $5,004
Capital Beach is now open, and the
a:tndance promises to be vastly in
creased undep the new order of things
Thereby one fare pays for the trip.
The boating is espedally fine. Now
a hat's the matter with a yacht dub
and having some sailing and rowing
The board of directors will meet
ia regular session next Monday even
ing, and at that time an effort will
be made to begin at once to realize
lipon the helpful advice secured at the
n-eering Tuesday evening. Every di
rector should make it a point to be
S lie king of practical sympathy
manifested for unionism by the
clergy, how's this: Rev. P. M. Orr.
pastor of St- Mark's Reformed church,
proudly displays the label on his wear
ing apparel hat, coat, pants, vest,
shoes, shirt and collar. "If it's made
anywhere by union men and women
it's what I always insist on having,
says this popular clergyman. That's
the sympathy that helps some.
Lincoln Entitled to a Department of
Plumbing Inspection.
Lincoln now has a duly authorized
plumbing inspector in the person of
Bert Chipman. At present Mr. Chip
man is working under the bureau pre
sided over by City Engineer Grant,
but the time is near at hand when
the office of plumbing inspector will
be a department of the city all by
itself. This will be the ease, when
it is officially declared that Lincoln
is a city of 50.000 people. As Lincoln
now has nearer 60,000 than 50,000, it
will not be difficult to get the decla
lation in due time. And the dry
would have to took a long while be
tore securing the services of a man
better equipped for the position than
this same Bert Chipman.
That picnic is still under discussion.
When it is pulled off it will be some
thing calculated to make folks sit
up and take notice. The committee
is busy with the arrangements, and
if anything calculated to add to the
enjoyment is escaping notice, please
call attention to it.
unions with an aggregate membership
of 20,000 being added to the original
The Bricklayers and Masons Union
cf the state of Ohio have jnst closed a
very important state convention, held
at Canton, Ohio.
A Seattle item says: "None but
union brickl-srs are now working
on the First Methodist church build
ing and the Rosenberg hotel. A tacit
understanding has been reached be
tween the unions and the contractors
whereby none but union bricklayers
ar to work on these jobs in the
Union bricklayers at Hamilton, Can
r da. recently secured a three-year
agreement at fifty cents an hour and
an eight-hour day.
rtricklayers in the Edmonton, Eng.,
district went on strike recently
against a reduction of 4d per 1,000
bricks. Most of the large brick fields
are therefore idle in the district.
Bits About the Boys Who Build the
Brick Buildings.
At the international convention of
the Bricklayers and Masons' Union
necently held in Detroit, steps were
taken with a view of promoting har
ony between the Bricklayers and
Masons and the Journeymen Stone
Cutters association. A plan to cre
ate a reserve fund targe enough to
meet any and all contingencies was
adopted. Reports from the variocs
sections of the country show that a
large proportion of the unions have
secured the eight-hour day and that
wages hmare increased very material
ly. The increase in membership dur
ing the last two years has been phe
romenally large, upward of 20 new
Jere Sullivan Explains It In Very
"The Merry Widow" gave The Man
cf the Hour- "The Soul Kiss for "The
Honor of the Family," while "The Ser
vant in the House" who kept company
with "The Yankee Prince"" who was
"Nearly a Hero" for refusing to eat at
a place when the Waiters did not wear
the Green Button and the Barboy did
not belong to the union. This is "The
Talk of New York" for "Father and
the Boys" accompanied "The Warrens
ct Virginia" to hear "The Music Mas
ter and "A Grand Army Man" tell of
the "Witching; Hour" when "The
1 Tower of the Ranch" asserted that
you could not secure good service
nowadays unless, yon insisted on be
ing cared for -by union bartenders,
cooks and waiters. Jere Sullivan, in
Mixer and Server.
First June Meeting Will be Held Next
Tuesday Evening.
The Central Labor Union will meet
next Tuesday evening. Several dele,
tales have already expressed the
opinion that it is not too early to
Vsin figuring on a Labor Day cele
bration. No celebration worthy of
the name has been held for two years.
chiefly because of the inability tc
secure union bands. Now that Lin
coin has a Musicians Union band,
there seems to be no reason why
Utere should not be a monster pa
rade this year. In this connection it
might be well to remind the Musi
cians" Union that its delegates to the
central body have not been very
faithful in their attendance.
Final settlement of the bills for the
recent label exhibition will be made,
and delegates from unions that have
uct yet paid in their per capita are
tuged to bring the money. Speaking
cf the label exhibition it will please
Lincoln unionists to know that they
save the company the third largest
crowd it exhibited to. Mr. McMor
row, the manager, estimated the Lin
coln audience at about 200. At Kan.
sas City, a couple of nights later, the
eudience numbered less than 500.
President Rudy is not yet willing to
"et the "political scheme" drop. He
insists that he is going to hammer
sway on it until he sees results in
the shape of a determined effort on
tie part of union men in Lancaster
county to have representation in the
rxt legislature.
Thoughtless union men remind
That it's a distressing crime,
If we don't persist in calling
For the LABEL all the time.
Kansas City Labor Herald.
The Worries of Childhood.
It must be a terrible thing to be a
child nowadays. Overwhelmed with
warnings and restrictions, they must
not play with earth or sand, because
these might contain the bacilli of
phthisis, typhoid or tetanus; they must
not play with other children, for fear
of contagious diseases; their food is
weighed; they are even forbidden to
allow anyone to kiss them. This mi
crobophobia is absurd. Vienna Fain-ilienblaetter.
One cf Pat Calhoun's cars was held
np Thursday night by a lone highway
man who afterward proved his ex
perience as motorman by running the and implements.
car to a place of safety, after dispos
sessing the regular crew. Calhoun
imported a large number of strike
breaker desperadoes last year, and the
inddent of Thursday night indicates
that at least one of them is still in
the city. A sense of poetic justice
evidently impdled him to seek finan
cial relief from his whilom benefactor.
San Francisco Star.
fruit Wafers.
Mix three cups of graham or whole
wheat flour with a cup of cold sour
cream; add half a teaspoonful of salt
and knead welL Divide in two parts
mad roll one thin; on this spread a
iayer of chopped figs and lay oa the
other layer; press the two together
with the rolling pin. cut in squares
and bake quickly. Instead of figs you
can use dates, or dates and figs
chopped together, or figs and nuts. Or
stewed and stoned prunes may be
used alone or with the figs.
Sliced Beef Relish.
Take two pounds of raw. tender
beefsteak, chop it very fine, put Into
it salt, pepper and a little sage, two
tablespoons of melted butter. Add two
rolled crackers, made very fine, also
two well-beaten eggs. Make it up Into
the shape of a roll and bake it. Baste
with butter and water before tt"rt"t
Cat la slices viua coll.
Will Loan Money to Farmers.
The Transvaal government, through
the medium of a land bank that is be
ing opened, is about to lend approxi
mately $12,000,000 to the farmers of
the country to enable them to pur
chase modern agricultural machinery
To Keep Him in Trim.
T -visited the tome of Sankoid, the
celebrated contortionist, the other day,
and I must say he has Installed one
very peculiar feature.
"And what might that be?
"He. has his bed built in the form
of an upper berth.
UnsolQ C:l GcIIno
Open far Patients Every
- -
Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m
OflUe 2118 O St. Both Phone-
Mi taUbmttlMdiM aad Gea
tlenMa's Obthing of aB ktamda.
The finest dresses a specialty-
THOMEB: BeH, 14T. Auto, 1299L
N Si. Lineola, Hah.
Hzm LcaUm. E27 O
i3 Sc:i iz:h st