The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, May 23, 1908, Image 7

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    And tit Moon Man Laughed.
They were jogging along th Id
road and rapid was so busy that th
young du dropped th lines either
Id of th runabeut. It was the
that th wis old CXS turned laxity
"What are you looking atT" queried
th owl by th roadside,
"I am reading between the lines.'
laughed the old nag as she gave a
horse laugh and showed her long yel
low teeth.
Laundry work at home would ba
much more satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. In order to get th
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys tLe
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality ot the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because ot its great
er strength than other makes.
Only Long Sleeves Now.
Mistress Her is a nic dress tor
you, Martha.
Maid Thank ye, ma'am; but I cant
.take it. really.
Mistress You foolish girl, of course
you can take it. I iusisu
Maid No, really, I cant, ma'am.
It's got them old-fashioned short
How's This?
Wa aOr Oae ilMirf-4 Man !n Mr aar
Mm at Calana Ubl nM aa Mnt fey But
r. J. CHKXTT COu TaMa. O.
wa. th miimjii, a twn f. j. cukj
br taa MM U mi. Hti Mm fetal rrf-ci hw
II llll tn .! I IIH OMlrt l B4 UUCtal
ate aa any ami aj ataaa by at ana.
(IwiMM DrWICtMa. Ti da, O.
Balra Catarrh Cm la taa MMrsaiir. aruac
atracCf f IM aad laacoa carfare ot taa
afaaaaa. TMiaiaHkMM Ina, ntaBMaafe
amHk ma t ail uraccnaa.
Tata Baa a I
a mail T
state!" sneered the
ed anarchist. "What do I
the stater
Th state." replied th court, "m
not Inclined to repay your harshness
In kind. It will car for you for a
year." Philadelphia Ledger.
Do You Eat PiT
Tf aot To are missing half the psur of
Hf. JaM eoder from your motet a few
pareacn of -OUR-PIK- and Irani bow
mst it to to anA Imhw, Chocolate and
Custard bm that will pfeavsa you. If yoor
gut a aroa't awtpyyou.sotoowarho will.
-Put up by D-Zena Civ, Rochester. X.X."
Burn a Good Judge of Books.
John Burns Is sai to have th best
working library ot any member ot th
English house ot parliament.
General Demand
of the Weil-Informed of the World has
always been for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
value; a laxative which physiciaas could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts are known to them to be
wholesome and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to th sjsteui and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent oombination of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, th California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relie
on the merits of the laxative for its remark-
That is on of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
th ptefeieuco by th WeQ-Informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
th genuine manufactured by th Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co, only, and for sal
by aB leading druggists. Price fifty cents
per bottle.
Posltl vJy cwraal by
th Uttl rata.-
Toaaraa, Pain ta taa
Farcl Ti1iaa,
Genuine Host Bear
Fac-SimO Signatur
LZFCSE SSZ3 mints.
What a SetUor Can Secure tn
1 AnaaOaia-G.a-iaallaaaFREE.
! of taa caoW m araia-taaa.lwlaaaatn
Saaaalrfct aaa aa4 Albert my aw ba a-
Katry frataa
i liaaa aa ga &4 vacra u iacala. 4pJ aa
a TVt alaa raUrva Daa-
-ill 1 1 F
II T I TaalalaaMoaa.Ooa.
Taey raarmiasa taa nuaala
I Jiuir I
Haaa.a w aaat aa aaa Acaa.
a aa 9 Baaaah Oata aa taa Aoa.
SSta SO Baraay aa taa Ara.
TaaaWtar Faacaaj aad H U ,! FREE.
Gaad Ui aa Law Tt man ia
! I IW..aa FacjataaaJtaaraatia.
.aajaaii.ij Mnaiai fatal lfll
CaadClniura aaa1 Haalth
Oiifln FWlaalil it Hi
uaraa aaoa aaauiarau aaa aaaa,iaaa,
Btvbti Ettwstnl tefHt-M
ay watea tati aty ba aaat ay awaay fan cr
ajiataaartaiay taa tatfeer. auWaa,
Table Linen of To-Day an Improve
ment Over that of a Few Year
Ago Th Latest In Lunch
Cloths. "
Comparing the table linen ot to-day
with that of ten or 13 years ago, there
in a marked improvement in design.
For years we have had very Sne linens
in our shops, and there have been
many beautiful designs, but not with
in the reach ot the moderate purse. So
much progress has been made by man
ufacturers that now prices are lower
and designs are better. Of course
there are certain pattern cloths ot for
eign make that can never be cheap. It
la the linens ot medium quality, weight
and price, but of fine design, that will
appeal to the average housekeeper.
Some think that the linen made in Ire
land has taken the place of that manu
factured in other countries. It is good,
cheap and often very handsome, and
will last for many years, provided, of
course, it is not ruined by chemicals
in laundering. Designs in all household
linens are steadily gaining in artistic
merit. The old-time cloth that swept
the floor is no longer in fashion.
The best style table linen for
luncheon is a center-piece and indi
vidual doilies to match. There are.
however, beautiful covers, made
pecially tor luncheons, but a regular
dinner doth, no matter how simple or
magnificent, should never be used. The
center-piece is only large enough to
cover the middle ot the table, and the
doilies com In different sixes. There
are those for plates, two sizes tor gob
lets, those for water and wine, others
for different dishea, and still others for
the finger bowls. Linen sets with scal
loped edges are very durable and prac
tical. Filet lace is handsome, but ex
pensive. The lace is Joined with fine
linen squares, in long bands or circu
lar. The doilies are entirely ot lace.
Renaissance is still used for the table.
Japanese and Chinese lunch cloths
are liked by many, but the plain white
embroidery is more desirable than that
Into which blue is Introduced. These
cloths are 'round, and their beautiful
patterns ot chrysanthemums, aster or
iris nearly cover the body ot the cloths
and reach to the edges. Some of the
cuter-pieces show artistic introduc
tion of colors. Even the best colored
embroideries will fade in time, and
their use demands a judicious selec
tion which will harmonize with the
table china.
Round center-pieces are popular at
present, owing to the general use of
round tables, and charming patterns
are shown with borders of Maltese,
Cluny and Bohemian lace. Then there
is shown the beautiful lace from the
Azores, known as FayaL No more love
ly handiwork can be seen than this
lace, whose designs are executed by
darning in the pattern after the threads
have been drawn. Some beautiful
towels with borders ot Fayat lace were
recently seen. The purchaser only
paid 11-50 apiece for the towels at
A well-known authority says that
table linen should never be starched.
It is a common mistake that many
housekeepers make, and nothing so de
tracts from the appearance and life ot
handsome linen as starch. "Elbow
grease" is all that on needs to make
th proper kind of linen stiff. It should
be ironed damp, to get the fine sheen
so characteristic ot well-laundered
linen. It it is ironed when it Is dry.
or nearly so, it gets fuzzy.
Always darn table damask, as well
as various other materials, with a
ravelins from the doth. If there is a
bole, put under it a piece ot the same
damask, matching the pattern as near
as possible. Then darn very carefully
backward and forward with the ravel
ing. If the work is don right, the
darn will hardly be noticed after laun
Try Larding Lean and Dry Meat,
Larding Is quite easr it only i
quire care and accuracy. It simply
needs a lardlng-needle and some neatly
and eeniy-cut strips ot tat. bacon or
pork, which are used exactly as It
they were pieces ot wool or thread,
one large stitch being taken through
the meat and the short ends of the
fat left sticking out. The strips are
called lardons. The fat bacon or pork
to he used in the process should be
kept in a cold place. Use that part
of the pork which lies between the
rind and the vein. Lean and dry meat
and some kinds of game are much im
proved by larding. The Delineator.
A Good Family Soup.
Take two pounds of boiled turnips.
cut into little squares, put into a stew-
witn two ounces of butter; stir
a quick fire; add a large table-
spoonful of flour, two quarts of stock.
Simmer gently one hour and a half,
strain through a sieve and put back
into the saucepan; season, stir, boil
and serve.
Water may be used instead of stock,
only a less quantity is required and a
little more flour and butter, also halt
a pint of rich milk or cream just be
fore serving.
Simple Cheese Fondu.
One cup of soft white bread crumbs,
one cup of grated cheese, two eggs.
beaten together, a cup ot milk, a u
blespoonful of butter, a pinch of salt.
a pinch of cayenne, a pinch ot soda.
Melt the butter, add the milk, a
bread crumbs and last the oheese. Sea
son and cook five minutes, or until
smooth; then put in the eggs, stir
three minutes and serve on buttered
That an article may be good as well
as cheap, and give entire satisfaction,
Is proven by the extraordinary sal ot
Defiance Starch, each package con
taining one-third more Starch than
can bo had ot any other brand tor th
same money.
Towee There was a spelling-be
down at our church the other night.
The pastor gav out th words. Did
you hear about It?
Browne No; was It interesting?
Towne Rather. The first thre
words he gave out were "Increase,
"pastor." "salary." Stray Stories.
The extraordinary popularity ot fin
white goods this summer makes th
choice ot Starch a matter of great Im
portance. Defiance Starch, being tree
from all injurious chemicals, is th
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen
er makes halt the usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with the result ot
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
De Organ's Busted.
In a little church in -afaryland. not
far from Washington, the motive pow
er for the organ comes from the strong
arm of an industrious Irishman.
During a recent service there the
choir got into trouble and. to cap the
climax, during the confusion that en
sued, the organ suddenly stopped.
The situation was not greatly re
lieved when there came floating out
into the auditorium a hoarse whisper:
"Sing, all youse! Sing like the divil!
De organ's busted. Illustrated Sunday
She Is your brother still th same
level-headed, sensible fellow he used
to be?
He Yes, he is still a bachelor.
He was a great Inventor.
The thing I am working at no'
he began, stroking his thin beard with
thinner hand, "will be a boon to
every family and will startle the
whole world. In fact, It will put th
alarm clock trust out of business. Th
Idea is simply specially prepared tab
lets that help you get up in the morn
ing. Fbr instance, if you want to
arise at five you take five tablets: it
you -want to get up at six take six tab
lets; and so on."
"But how will tt affect th alarm
clock trust?"
"Why, these tablets win cause a
ringing in the ears at exactly the hour
But th little crowd could wait to
hear no more and hurriedly disbanded.
Harper's Weekly.
Humorist Point Out What He Consid
ers Soot Wrong Conceptions.
Vark Twain said that th financial
panic has caused a wrong idea ot th
use and value ot money.
"The spendthrift says that money.
being round, was made to roIL Th
miser says that, being fiat, tt
made to stack up. Both are wrong.
"Strangely wrong, too, in their ideas
about money are th veteran Aus
tralian gold diggers. These simple
old fellows, though-worth perhaps
halt minion or more. 11 v in th sim
ple dug-outs and shanties of their lean
arly days.
"Once, lecturing. I landed at an Ai
tralian part. There was no porter In
sight to carry my luggage. Seeing
rough-looking old fellow leaning
against a post with his hands in his
pockets. I beckoned to him aad said;
"See here, if you carry these bags
up to tn notel I U give you nair
"Th man scowled at me. He took
three cr tour gold sovereigns from his
pocket, threw them into the
scowled at me again, and walked away
without a word."
Preparing for Sorrow.
A man must make up his
that sorrows and troubles art
to come. Ton must have your snare
and perhaps more than you think
your share. When you have fixed this
fact in your mind, you have made
much progress toward meeting It man
fully, with patience, faith and hope.
Christian Observer.
Warm Raisins and Currants.
A good baker warms the raisins and
currants before putting them in the
bread or cake dough.
Improving the Mind.
The best way to acquire elegant
English is to study the poets and best
essayists and to memorize idiomatic
and graceful phrases. We may store
the mind with beautiful thoughts as
we store our houses with lovely pic
tures. Reign of Terror.
The Tetgn of terror" is the period
between the fall ot the Girondists and
the overthrow ot Robespierre. It last-
ad 420 days from May 31, J7S2, tm
July 27. 179.
The young author was In a quandary.
"Would you." inquired ha, "have your
hero tear down the street or tear up
th street?"
"That depends. Is your hero a
sprinter or a paring contractor?"
After Six Years of Misery and Wrong
John A. Enders, ot Robertson Ave
nue, Pen ArgyL Pa, suffered tor six
years with stinging
pain in the back, vio
lent headaches and
dizzy spells, and was
assured by a special
ist that his kidneys
were all right, though
the secretions showed
a reddish, brick-dust
sediment. Not satisfied. Mr. Enders
started using Doan's Kidney Pills.
The kidneys began to act more regu
larly," he says, "and in a short time
passed a few gravel stones. I felt
better right away and since then have
had no kidney trouble."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Fbster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
New rich's
Visiting " Card
in the Shade.
Mr. Newrich, the dust contractor.
having made a fortune, part ot which
he had invested in house property in
the east of London, wished to rise,
like a Phoenix, from his ashes- into
some sort of society. His golden key.
applied to the coffers of an impecuni
ous aristorcrat, opened the way.
His new friend, among other things,
advised him that visiting cards were a
necessity, and, as a guide to drawing
one up ready for the printer, handed
him one of his own, which read. "Har
old De Vere, lona House, Portsmouth
Square, W.
Two days later, as De Vere was sit
ting in his dressing room at breakfast,
a servant brought in on a salver a vis
iting card bearing the following:
Ephraim Newrich. I Own 23 Houses,
London. E."
Sores, and Itching Eczema Doctor
Thought an Operation Necessary
Cuticura's Efficacy Proven.
T am now SO years old, and three
years ago I was taken with an at
tack ot piles (hemorrhoids), bleeding
and protruding. The doctor said the
only help for me was to go -to a
hospital and be operated on. I tried
several remedies for months but did
not get much help. During this time
res appeared which changed to a
terrible itching eczema. Then I began
to use Cnticura Soap, Ointment, and
PUla, Injecting a quantity of Cnticura
Ointment with a Cnticura Suppository
Syringe. It took a month ot this
treatment to get me in a fairly healthy
state and then I treated myself once
a day for three months and, after that,
once or twice a week. The treatments
I tried took a lot of money, and It is
fortunate that I used Cnticura. J. H.
Henderson, Hopkinton. N. Apr.
26, 1307."
tn th Free Vaccination Ward.
A Lithuanian woman was getting
her fifth baby vaccinated the other
I am glad." said the young surgeon,
"that yon recognize the importance ot
"Oh. yes," she said, "I often wan
der," she added pensively, "what it's
don for. though. It's to show you're
a tree citizen, the same as nature Wan
tlon papers, aiat It?"
Important to Motharaw
Examine carefully every bottle ox
CASTORIA a sat and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and sea that it
Signature of
tn TJae For Over SO Years,
Tha Kind Yow Have Always Bought,
Immense Pig Iron Production.
In the last eight years th three
great iron countries have produced
10.200.000 tons of pig iron, of which
over half has come out of the -United
To prevent that tired feeling on
Ironing day Use Defiance Starch
saves time saves labor saves annoy
ance, will not stick to the iron. The
big 16 ox. package for 10c, at your
Every human being is intended to
have a character of his own, to be
what no other is, to do what no other
can. Channing.
Some one has Bald that happiness is
but a habit. If it is, here's hoping
that you may acquire the habit.
They Really Believe It-
Some people ding to the old-fash-
imuxt idea, that a man must oe a
genius if he goes about with uncombed
tf an Advertisement Convinces You,
Stay Convinced
When yon read in this newspaper
the advertisement of a manufacturer
who has paid for the space used to
convince you that it Is to your interest
to buy his goods, and you go to a
dealer where such articles are usually
handled tor sale, do not let the dealer
or any one of his clerks sdl you some
thing dse which he claims is "just as
good." If an advertisement convinced
you, it was because of the element of
truth which it contained.
"Here, nurse! Who's that young
chap that's always following you
around? I he a beau of yours?"
"Oh. no. sir. Dat's Jimmie Hawk-
shaw, de detective. I hires him to pro
tect me from kidnapers an' things!'
Starch, like everything else, is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat-
est discovery Defiance Starch all in
jurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, In
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap- j
proached by other brands.
His Elusive Memory..
-Employer William, did that
who called to see me while I was out
leave his name?
Shaggy-Haired Office Boy Yes, sir;
his name is is well, the last part of
tt Is "shaw."
Employer What's the first part ot
Office Boy (making a strenuous ef
fort to recall it) WelL sir, it's either
Grim, or Hawk, or Hen. or Brad, or
Fan, or Ker, or Rick, but to save my
bloomin life. Mr. Town send, I can't
remember which.
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there win
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Before Ananias. '
Adam had just finished naming the
"Wait till I start on the fish, he ex
claimed, gleefully.
Thus we learn he was preparing to
tell some whoppers even before the
tt Cure While You Walk.
Font-Ease ia a certain cure for
not, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching
feet. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Don't
accept any substitute, irai pacKage r nxra.
Addraas Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y.
The world belongs to those who
come the last. They will find hope
and strength, as we have done. Long
fellow. Garfield Tea is of particular benefit to
those subject to rheumatism and gout! It
purifies the blood, cleanses the system and
eradicates disease. Drink before retirinc-
The theatrical manager has
show if it isn't a good onav
Danish Proverb.
Honor the tree that gives you shel
ter: Electric signs are responsible
some bright remarks.
Do your duty and let the other fel
low do the explaining.
JUceaa 'School Shorn for boys and girls.
Dressy, comfortable unequalled for real bard wear.
Price, SI- 75 to $2.50.
aad horse goods booses, or seat expreaa faud, mj lae l
8M tve -at 4o (teal-rsi i i jiImh
Thousands of American wximen
in onr homes are daily sacrificing;
their lives to duty.
I In order to keep the home neat
! and pretty, the children 'well dressed
; and tidy, women overdo. A female
weakness or displacement is often
l brought on and they suffer in silence,
drifting along from had to -worse,
i Knowing well toat tney ought to
have help to overcome the pains and
acneswnich daily rna Ke lile a burden.
It is to these faithful women that
comes as a boon and a blessings
as it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth- of
Mayville, N. Y and to Mrs. W. P.
j Boyd, of Beaver Falls, Pa, who say:
"I was not able to do my owaewk,
owing to the female trouble from which
I suffered. - Iycia . Flnkhaawa vege
table Compound helped me annfa i fully.
and I am so wt' that I can do as big a
day a work a I ever did. X
sick araaau -VOal try it.
For thirtv verjrs T.vdta E. Pink-.'
hams Vegetable Compound, made '
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female Shv
and has positively cured thousands oc
women who have been troubled with
displacements, mflemmation. ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
f eelin flat uleney, indirs
tion,dizziiiess,or nervous progtratataT.
"Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. rinfcfiam invites all i
women to write her fe
She has raided
health. Address, Iynn, J
Keeps the bream, teeth,
antnepticaliy dean and
healthy lii aa Efe aad da
which water, aoap aad tooth
alone cannot do- A
aeraaicidaL disin
of ezoEptionai ex-
ocmy. Invaluable
foe iafaiard eyes,
threat end naaal and
uterine calaiihw At
dreg aad toilet
atom, 50 tin, aa
by mail pearpaid.
naaavn aaa aa-T-r i
1 60, 000 Waive ShmmMwrny
WIDOWS'-- r Mllfm
rt91U.-0 gm. Ja. av
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 21.
If not at dealers ask us.
City, Mow
laaaH-rOaa taa-a-jda. B-afea 1
a-a--raa-i aiaai iiml- a l
mi wm tMi.urni.i Wffcini
H liCMa aatyaMaaJ na
vmrrnan aam 1 1
Iaaaaiaa-,lililiia-ra--a.j5i5a.l mWf V I
a,BMcuaatlNfMa(iSgOa J
Cutf the stick and M mm a ftrrmtrtr lor mdm. Uq-aai aw
the tongue- Sale ftrb--oodaa-u aad aUataera- Brat aiaucj i (.aa j - tm
rents and fl tWa bottle; t&UO a fHUC the -taara-. Sofca my mil . aaa
dasia cabji
mommoe mmmm cm..