GENERAL MENTION. Bits of Labor N-ws Gathered Chiefly With the Scissors. L00U for the union label. The uulon label that's all. It It is not labeled, refuse It. Union made shoes are sold by Rog :s & i'erkins. The textile trades of Russia sliov 11 union membership of 37,215. Chinamen in Wellington, New Zea lani, have formed a union for the!--mutiitl protection. KiKht hours constitute a day's work for the woodcarvers In New York city, for which they are now paid $3. I'urt of the coal mines In the Jellico, Ky., district, have abut down and t'ni balance are working half time. Among the hundreds of barber shops oolns business in Washington, there pre only forty-six union shops. Boston has secured the next bi ennial convention of the Bricklayers and Masons' International union. The next annual convent ion of the Custom Cutters' association will be held at Ontario in January, 1909. Gasfitters are among the best paid mechanics in New South Wales. They receive higher wages than the plumb era. . The Central Labor Union of Indian spoils, Ind., has increased the per capita tax to 2 cents instead of 1 cent a month. The I!ay and River Steamboatmen's union has been admitted to represen tation in the San Francisco Labor council. The wages cf composers in the gov ernment printing office have been in creased from $4.24 to $4.40 a day of eight hours. The German government is prepar Ing to enact laws to reduce the hours of labor of women workers and abolish night work completely. The New South Wales labor con ference rejected a resolution In favor cf socializing all means of production, distribution and exchange. Not withstanding the arrest of the vnionists of New Orleans, the labor movement of that city is doing busi ness in the same old hustling way. The Pittsburg Labor Tribune asks the question, "When is a guilty trust not guilty?" That's easy, brother, if you know the name of the judge. A band of 350 musicians, the largest band ever assembled In this country, jilayed at the annual concert of the Hon ton Musicians' Protective union. The ten-hour day has been resumed at the Pere Marquette shops at St. Thomas, Canada. The eight-hour day existed under the recent receivership The Central Labor Union, of Nor folk, Va., has gone on record as op posed to foreign immigration, includ ing both skilled and unskilled work men. According to the Missouri Trades Unionist, there are more than one thousand miners Idle in the Des fudges and Fall River districts of Missouri. The Trades and Labor council of Oklahoma City, Okla., has adopted resolutions declaring against Secre tary Taft for the nomination for tho presidency. A strong voice, a threatening atti tu 1, and a bellyful of booze is a mighty poor combination to use to convince the other fellow you are right. Smoke up! At the instance of the bosses, the Mineral Water and Bottlers' Union of New York has been enjoined from in any way interfering with or organiz ing their employes. Organizer J. T. Laycock, of the Hotel and Restaurant Employes' in ternational Alliance, Is at Brockton, Mass., peek'ng to organize the 01 den ary workers of thai city. All the electricians- employed by the Nevada-California Power company iu Gold fluid, Nev., went on strike re cently, refusing to accept the new wage Bcale of $6 a day. Charles W. Bernhardt, r. well known member of Atlanta, Ga., Typographical SPECIAL PRICE ON Chase's Remedies Blood and Nerve Food 4-5 c Liver Food 22c Kidney Food . . . 45c Our Fatont Medicines are all sold at Cut Rate Prices. We think you will be well pleased with any buying you do in our store. Special Sales every day. Call or write for our price sheet on Cut-Rate Ru1iler floods and Cut-Rate Medicines. Rector's I2th and 0 Union, is a candidate for the legisla ture cf Georgia, and has the indorse ment of organized labor. W. B. Trot'.er, a member ot -the ty pographical union in Wiunepeg, hai gone to Great Britain as the repre sensitive of the Dominion trades con gress on immigration matters. It is estimated that the recput award of the New South .Wales arbitration ccui t, in favor of the shop assistants will, in the aggregate, increase their wages by about $300,000 per annum. Notices have been sent out by the Pool and Shoe Workers' union asking the various affiliated organization to vote on the question of holding an other national convention in June. If all " the newspapers of Boise, Llano, boom that city as insistently ns does the Idaho Unionist, the live wire of unionists of Idaho, we can easily understand why Boise is boom ing. Applications for a congressional in vestigation of the Goldfield, Nev., min ing trouble are being received by the house committee on labor, according to Chairman Gardener of th:it com mittee. James Radford, of Springfield, III., has been elected secretary-treasurer of the Illinois State Mine Workers' association, to succeed W. D. Ryan, who was elected secretary-treasurer of the national organization. A uuion of hospital superintendents has been organized in Chicago, which may be extended to take in medical and surgical workers. It is called the Chicago Hospital association and ha3 twenty-five hospitals in its member ship. In more than forty Italian cities, in Switzerland, in Tiflls, Norway and other "places night work in bakeries bas been abolished, and the practic ability of manufacturing bread in day time has been effectually demon strated. The British government bill limiting the working hours of coal miners to eight "hours a day was Introduced in t"re house of commons by Mr. Herbert J. Gladstone, secretary of state for home affairs. It at once passed its flvst reading. The Southern Railway company, having failed In its efforts 10 reach an agreement with its employes in the matter of a redaction in wages, has called upon the interstate com merce commission and the Bureau -of Labor to mediate under the Erdman aot. The St. Paul railway is most affected by the Wisconsin eight-hour law, and has been singled out as defendant in a suit of violation of the law. As a:i offset to the employment of 88 addi tional telegraphic operators, the St . Paul has discontinued 63 offices that has been used for commercial tele graphing. Owing to the fact that the Wiscon sin eight-hour day for telegraph opev alors went into effect on January 1, the railroads are preparing to close many small stations as telegraph sta tions. Other roads are preparing to take similar steps when the eight- hour law, recently passed by congres:-. goes into effect. A criminal action against the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company was begun recently by Dis trict Attorney Francis E. McGovern for violation of the eight-hour law. Th3 complaint alleges that within the Inst, two weeks the company permitted one of its telegraph operators to work more than eight hours. The Spanish Federation of Labor (vnion general de trabajadores) had '..558 members in October, 1901; 46. 574 members in October, 1903; 46 4S5 members in October, 1905, and 3t,557 members in March, 1907. Un ion labor In Spain is poorly organized. The weekly pay day for railroad em pioyes will be introduced in the Ca 1 adian legislature. jj ''''' J CAPITAL AUXILIARY. Capital Auxiliary met Friday, March 1.'., with Mrs. E. A. King, twenty mem bers being present. . Our next meeting will be at the heme of Mrs. George Locker, 1209 South street. Friday at 2:30 p. m., March 27. The names of Mrs. Orval F. Young and Mrs. Jennie Hall were added to the list at the last meeting. The joint commiitee on the anni vtrsary ball have settled all bills and rad their last meeting and are now ready to make final report. Capital Auxiliary are making plans for a social evening in the near fu ture. Mrs. H. C. Gilbert returned last week from a visit to her sister is Dos Moines, Iowa, Mrs. E. A. King enjoyed a short visit ever Sunday from her brother. Air. F. n. Ellir, of Plattsburg, Mo. Mrs. Floyd McKinney has moved to 1925 T street. Mrs. Otto Hoffmeister's new address Is Thirty-fourth and R streets. BUY THE REAL ARTICLE I hoosierKitchen Cabinet CeJtiUe4. 1906. by Hooater Ufa On. Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets The only nationally advertised Kitchen Cabinet The greatest compliment ever paid the Hoosier is the fact that all other makers of kitchen cabinets are trying to imitate it It is a marvelous labor aartr, a time saver and a money saver. Everything needed in an ordinary day's baking can be kept in the Hoosier, and all unnecessary steps are elimi nated. Ask your neighbor she has one and come in and see just Why. Brenlin Window Shades This new shade material will certainly fill a long felt want in window shades. It won't crack, won't wrinkle. It Keeps oat the light. Ask ns about it. Sanitaire Iron Beds These beds are the only nationally advertised line made. Positively . .3 - a 1 1 . oi . . 1. . . 1 a this week. Prices from $2.50 to $20.00. Mot the " Just as Good Kind" Our store is the store where you can buy the well known articles the ones you see advertised in the leading maga zines. 1 These are the real articles don't take substitutes an imitation is never equal to the genuine article. The manu facturer of an advertised article has a reputation to sustain he must "deliver the goods" or he would have wasted the money spent in advertising. - Besides, the advertised article is cheaper, quality consid ered, than the substitute. ' The maker of the advertised goods sells in such large quantities that it costs less per article to make and less to sell. We handle the following well known advertised lines: . Macey Sectional Bookcases Here is a bookcase that fills all the requirements of a library case for the home and office. It combines utility, service and beauty, as no other bookcase does. The only bookcase with absolutely a non-binding door. , Made in all finishes and all sizes. If you need a bookcase and don't want to buy a large one, begin with one or two sections of a Macey and add to it as you feel able. No other "just as good." Stearns & Foster Mattresses This is the only mattress that is marketed today which yon can buy strictly on your own judgment. You needn't take our word. It has a laced end and you can see exactly what you buy. Prices, $8.00 to $15.00. McCray Refrigerators The refrigerator season will soon be here. A perfect refrigerator will save you more than its cost in one season. ' - Why experiment? A McCray is a perfect refrigerator. It keeps butter, milk and vegetables in perfect condition without tainting. Let us show you a McCray. Why take a chance in buying imitations? They never claim the "just as good" kind is better. When you buy the real thing you know it cannot be inferior. It is better or it would not be so well known. We carry the real article; we let others deal in the "just as good" kind. Come and see for yourself. THE A. D. BENWAY CO. COMPLETE HOUfo-B FURNISHERS WE ENDORSE THIS. Jtre is the Real Goods When it Comes to Union Sentiment. The Omaha Western Laborer has this to say of Jere Sullivan, and The Yv'Egeworker wants to endorse every void of it: Jere Sulliv.n, secretary of tho Waiters and Bartenders' Vnion and editor of the Mixer and Server, is a bright spot. His sunny, cheerful, crisp ai:d witty paragraphs and heart-to-iuart talks to the members excel the v riting of any official organ editor in the movement bar none. He says something in every paragraph and every line. The Mixer and Server is always a relish and a relief from the "heavy" dope that gorges tlie other organs. He is gifted with a pen that roasts, but does not offend. qQoo$o5iOo&o$oo030ooo LYRIC THEATRE 00OffiOffiO000000 Matinee 3:00 P. M. Evening 7:45 & 9:00 Use the Best rULI I C VMUUC.VIL.L.H Lincoln's Popular Playhouse. Prices Balcony 10c, Lower Floor 20c I - oososoosooosoooecoeo30oOQOooooo9o A SUIT or OVERCOAT Made to Ordor For No Wore No Less From Sheeps Back to Your Back ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF UNITE0 ?ARiiPMnn REGISTERED IP'0 World's Greatest Tailors 145 South 13th Street LINCOLN NEBRASKA It to OEEITY PLOT It is made in Lincoln and every sack is warranted to give satisfaction. BARBER FOSTER The Dr. Benj. F. Bally Sanatorium Lincoln, Nebraska For non-contagious chronic diseases. Largest, best equipped, most beautifully furnished. Your Cigars Should Bear This Labe!.. uruon-maae cigars. oooeoeoooooeooo9oo9 U t himj m jm. i 8 IjrjVSSTSSSl 8BW ft f-MUWMI UMP W I9M M oeo Vbrifltiisf tin Caun M ah smn iM thmimht ' All sb9 iWl W CjM Msffct fmjptmi mil AraisVjst " CMUmf. oyTiiir It is insurance against sweat shop and tenement goods, and against disease. . . . 90000 0000000 O O 00000