HOW TO KNOW PURE PAINT. A Way In Which It May Be Identified Before Using. ' After a building has been painted long enough for a weather test, it Is easy to tell If the paint used was made pf pure White Lead or not. But such Related knowledge conies like locking the barn after the colt Is stolen. . What one wants is a test that will tell the quality of the paint before it and the labor of putting it on are paid for. Nature has provided a way In which genuine White Lead may he positive ly distinguished from adulterated or fake White Lead before you spend a cent on your painting. Pure White Lead is made from me tallic lead, and, under intense heat, vuch as is produced by a blow-pipe, pure White Lead will resolveitself back Into metallic lead. If, however, it is not genuine White Lead, or if it con tains the slightest trace of adultera tion, the change will not take place. Therefore the "blow-pipe" test is an absolute and final one. The National Lead Company are urging everyone interested in painting to make this test of paint before using it, and they guarantee that the pure White Lead sold under their "Dutch Boy Painter" trade-mark will always prove absolutely pure under the "blow pipe" or any other test. To make It easy for you to perform the experi ment they will send you free upon re quest a blow-pipe and everything nec essary for you to make the test, to gether with , a valuable booklet on paint. Address, National Lead Com pany, Woodbrldge Building, New York City. COMPULSORY EDUCATION. The Parson (during a lecture to Tommy on the evils of smoking) How do you spell "injurious?" Tommy I don't spell it at all. The Parson What did you go to achool for? Tommy Because I had to. EYESIGHT WAS IN DANGER Prom Terrible Eczema Baby' Head a Mate of Itching Rash and Sores Disease Cured by Cutlcura. "Our little girl was two months old when she got a rash on her face and within five days her face and head were all one sore. We used different remedies but it got worse instead of better and we thought she would turn blind and that her ears would fall off. She suffered terribly, and would cratch until the blood came. This went on until she was five months old, then I had her under our family doc tor's care, but she continued to grow worse. He said it was eczema. When she was seven months old I started to use the Cuticura Remedies and in two months our baby was a different girl. You could not see a Sign of a sore and she was as fair as a new horn baby. She has not had a sign of the eczema since. Mrs. H. F. Budke, LeSueur, Minn., Apr. 15 and May 2, '07." His Choice. A country clergyman on his round of visits interviewed a youngster as to his acquaintance with Bible sto . rles. "My lad," he said, "you have, of course, heard of the parables?" "Yes, sir," shyly answered the boy, whose mother had inducted him in .acred history. "Yes, sir." "Good!" said the clergyman. "Now which of them do you like the best of all?" The boy squirmed, but at last, heeding his mother's frowns, he re plied. "I guess I like that one where omebody loafs and fishes." naVitual CdustimiVion May hi permanent) cwei-comety proper Vrhich enables onclojorm refealar kabitg daily 50 that assistance To na ture may be gradual V dispensed witti ncn no wnger neeaeq as me oesioj remedies, when required, are to assist nature and not to supplant the ttoW. a) unctions. Kirk tnust denencf1 ulti mately upon prober nourishment, California Fig Sytritp Co. oniy SOU) BV ALL LEAD I NC DRUOC1STS Me eue enV regular price 50$ r Bottle personal viiuvis vmaine aMMance toftheane truly ienejictal laxative remedy, Syrun of Egs and KttxVr cf Senna.; proper cjjorututd. rtgfu living generally. IogetWa beneficial effects, always buy the genuine , . FOR AMERICA ALONE PATRIOT'S AEROPLANE WILL NOT AID FOREIGNERS. James F. Scott, Who Has Captured Contract from Government, Be lieves Air Craft Will Revolu tionize Warfare. - Chicago. James F. Scott, to whom the government has awarded a $10,000 contract for an aeroplane, says that within five years the development of flying apparatus will have gone so far that aeroplane ships, carrying crews of 20 to 30 men, will be making reg ular flights of 2,000 miles at a clip. He looks for progress to be made sim ilar to that with the automobile. which has reached the present state of perfection within a decade. Mr. Scott is a scenic artist 45 years old. He has made at least a dozen working models, and the apparatus to be built for the war department is to consist of two main perfectly hori zontal planes, with several smaller in termediary planes, the whole weighing 1,500 pounds. Mr. Scott is intensely interested in the subject of aerial navigation, has decided ideas as to how a pa triotic American's knowledge and studies and investigations in any line of scientific endeavor should be used freely and unreservedly for the use of his government and for the advantage of no other and is firmly convinced that the need for all naval strength will be entirely done away with when aerial navigation, by aero planes, shall have been perfected. The possibility of building a fleet of air craft which can destroy the mightiest leviathan of the sea by dropping explo sives he regards as sure in time not only to revolutionize all warfare, but absolutely to do away with it. "The reason I wrote the government authorities that my invention would be at their service for $10,000, unre servedly," said Mr. Scott, In an in terview, "is that I believe all patriotic Americans should devote their efforts to the welfare of their government, provided their lines of endeavor lie along lines like mine, and that a prohibitive price should not be put upon their work. I have the greatest faith in the idea that the United States is the country which is des tined to reach the greatest heights in civilization, holding up the beacon for other peoples, and I believe every true American patriot should further this advance with all the earnestness that in him lies." To emphasize his patriotic motives Mr. Scott said in the course of the in terview: "If the representative of any foreign "power England, France, Ger many or other nation came to me and told me that 1,000,000 lay in a bank subject to my check, provided I would turn over to them even the dia grams of my aeroplane, I would refuse such offer. No amount of money could persuade me to sell my invention to a foreign power." "I ask for no aggrandizement, nor the plaudits of the multitudes," says this sane inventor. "I hope to earn a fellowship in the ranks of those whose only aim is to do good. 'By their works ye shall know them. I do not even ask to be given credit for "good Intentions. "Although many people who have not studied the matter may scoff, I venture to predict that withn five years there will be constructed aero plane ships to carry crews of 20 to 30 men, having engines of from 600 to 1,000-horse power and capable of flight of 2,000 miles at a clip. "The ship which I am building ac cording to the specifications furnished the government will stay in the air one hour, will make Its ascents and descents without danger, and will carry two men. My experiments have proved to me that the planes above and below must be perfectly flat and there will be no curves or con cavity in them. During the hour that it remains in the air my ship ' will maintain its equilibrium, be under per fect control and move in all direc tions, as required by the specifications required by the signal corps. "As compared with the aeroplanes of the near future the craft so far made are as dugouts to the most mod ern ocean liner. I have the greatest respect and consideration for all the efforts that have been made by M. Henry Farman, the Wright brothers. Israel Ludlow, Santos-Dumont, Her ring, Prof. Langley, Lilienthal, Octave Chanute and all the others. I have studied their craft and have read, I think, nearly all that has been written about them." CLIMATE IS IDEAL GREAT WEALTH ACQUIRED IN GROWING GRAIN. Writing from Saskatoon, Saskatche wan, Canada, W. H. Ellwanger, who was formerly a resident of Green Mountain, Iowa, says: "The climate in summer is ideal for growing grain. Long, clear days of sunshine, no bad storms. We never need to guard against cyclones; I never saw a better climate in my life. We made more money during the season of 1906 than any previous five years in central Iowa one of the best districts ia the state." But Mr. Ellwanger was a resi dent of the town, and it might be more interesting to read what a farmer has to say about Western Canada. From hundreds of letters all filled with words of praise, recounting success in Western Canada there has been one selected. It is as follows: Paynton, Sask., Canada, Dec. 10th, 1907. To Whom This May Concern: I moved to this address February 3, 1907, from Montgomery, Iowa, and took a homestead 35 miles north of Paynton. It was cold when I moved here but it did not stay cold long; it broke up the 8th of February, and was not so cold after that but the spring was late on account of the heavy snow fall, but in spite of the late spring I saw better grain than I ever saw in the states, raised this year. I helped a man finish sowing oats the 4th of July and they made fair oats. In a good year oats will go 100 bushels to the acre and wheat 25 to 50; all root crops do well here. I saw turnips weigh 7 and 8 pounds. I raised potatoes this year that measured 11 inches one way and 18 the other in cir cumference. This is a fine stock coun try; hay in abundance, good water, plenty of fuel, free and plenty of building material the government gives us timber to saw into lumber and we can get it sawed for about $6.00 per thousand. All small fruit grows wild here, then there are ducks, geese, grouse, pheasants, deer, moose, elk and fish in abundance. I was over to Turtle Lake yesterday where there is lots of fishing being done this win ter. I saw about a carload of white fish in one pile. I gave 25 cents for 86 pounds of fish. What do you think of that, Brother Yankee? I think this is a fine place both to make money and to live. There was an old man up here visiting his brother-in-law. Now this man owns land close to Des Moines, Iowa, and is in good circum stances, but he took a homestead and says he will be contented if he can only put in the rest of his days in Canada. He would get up in the morn and look out of the door and say: "Well, who wouldn't live In Canada?" Now I have been in 13 different states in the United States, and I never saw the chance that there is here for a man that has a little muscle and a little brains. Three cheers for Cana da! (Signed.) W. A. SPICE." This is the temperature through November. I took it myself so I know it is right, in the shade: Morning at Morning- . ' " Horning Pat at sunLt Et at Sunrise mumm Sunrise UIW" 1 27 37 16 28 35 2 36 40 17. 12 20 3 26 37 18 12 29 4 29 34 19 20 33 6 27 36 20 12 24 6 30 38 21 ' 18 27 7 12 30 . 22 16 28 8 28 34 23 15 27 9 17 16 24 18 22 10 2 13 25 8 20 11 6 26 26 32 28 12 28 - 20 27 20 16 13 7 11 28 8 14 14 21 18 29 18 20 16 20 31 30 18 27 NOTABLE DATES. First violin made, 1440. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science baa been able to cure in all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, actios directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature la doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that I fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CUENEV & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family FUls for constipation. The Only Way. Cassldy Ah! well, no wan kin pre vint w'at's past an' gone. Casey Ye could if ye only acted quick enough. Cassldy Go 'long, man! How could yer? Casey Stop It before it happens. Philadelphia Press. Pettit's Eye Salve 100 Years Old, relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcerated eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros.Buffalo.N.Y. A wife is either the making of a man or the unmaking of him. LUMBAGO This is really Rheumatism of the Muscles of the Loins and is character ized by a severe, at times, agonizing pain in the small of the back, allow ing the sufferer scarcely a moment's rest, while the ailment is at its worst. It can come from cold, exposure to draft, from getting wet feet or wear ing wet or damp clothing. It causes acute suffering, and if .allowed to be come chronic it may permanently dis able the sufferer. The way to secure quickest relief is to redden the skin over the painful part by rubbing with a flesh brush or piece of flannel rag, and Jtben apply ST. JACOBS OIL by gentle friction with the hand. Oh, Pshaw! One of the consuls to Persia, during a recent visit home, said at a dinner in Chicago: '"The present shah will never be the equal of his predecessor. What a char acter the late shah was. He never opened his mouth without saying something worth repeating. "Lady Drummond Wolfe once got permission to visit the shah's harem. She took a friend with her, a Miss Blank, who was about to be married. The two English women wandered over the splendid palace, among the hundreds of beautiful girls, and pres ently the shah encountered them. " 'Come here,' he said to Miss Blank, in his crude French. "She approached. He looked closely at her. '"You are about to be married?' he said. " 'Yes, your highness.' "'It's late!' Something New Under the Sun. A lady in Illinois sent us 12c a year ago for our remarkable collection of vegetable and flower seeds and sold $37.76 worth therefrom, or made 314. That's new. Just send this notice with 12c and re ceive the most original seed and plant catalog published and 1 pkg. ''Quick Quick" Carrot .10 1 pkg. Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10 1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber. .15 1 pkg. La Crosse Market Lettuce.... .15 1 pkg. Early Dinner Onion 10 1 pkg. Strawberry. Muskmelon...v... .15 1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish.. . .10 l,w) kernels gloriously Deautilul flower seed .15 Total .....$1.00 Above is sufficient seed to grow 35 bu. of rarest vegetables and thousands of bril liant flowers and all is mailed to you POSTPAID FOR 12C, or if you send 16c, we will add a package of Berliner Earliest, Cauliflower.. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. K. & W. Out to Be Some Special Place. On the way across the Styx a dis pute as to arose. , "I used to put pig iron into life preservers," declared one shade. "I made rotten fire hose," said the other. "Dump 'em both overboard, Charon," yelled Satan. "I don't want 'em." Louisville Courier-Journal. - Irish Proverb. ,t . A neighbor's testimony is the test of everybody. PILES CORED IN 6 TO 14 DATS. PAZC OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to IS days or money refunded- 60c ' Chenerosidy Iss a fine trait, so I guess a easy guy iss a mark. A good way to keep well is to take Gar field Tea frequently; it purifies the blood, insures' good digestion and good health! There is nothing to be gained by being a knocker. , Men make houses, but women make homes. Danish. QiijrK Ml.. Z5 "GuarW Typical Farm Scene, Snowing Stock Raising in WESTERN CANADA Some of the choicest lands for grain growing: stock raising1 and mixed farming1 in the new dis triets of Saskatchewan and Alberta have re ceutiy been Opened for Settlement under the Revised Homestead Regulations Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain conditions), by the father, mother, son, daugh ter, brother or sister of an intending home steader. Thousands of homesteads of 160 acres each are thus now easily available in these great grain -prow ing-, stock-raising and mixed farming sections. There you will find healthful climate, good neighbors, churches for family worship, schools for your children, good laws, splendid crops, and railroads convenient to market. Entry fee in each case is 910.00. For pamph let, "Last Best West," particulars as to rates, routes, best time to go and where to locate, apply to W. V. BENNETT. 801 New York Life BtrUdio. Omiha. Nt-mska Dye Successfully with Putnam . Fadeless KA ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Awgetable Preparation For As similating (heFoodandRegula tmg Ihe Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digesfion,Cheerful nessand Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. frcipe of Old DrSAlWElrKfEti, Jnunfkm duel- JtxStnita f ' fitthtlUSaHl . I . jtnin SmJ Apptmint - . HZrm St - . I nmmnmn. r favor. ' A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms ,ConvuIsions,Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP - foe Simile Signature of The Centaur Company NEW YORK. lis ar: laranteed qnder the Food a Exact Copy of Wrapper. Purest of the Pure. The H 85 m in the land is not always the 25 Ounces for 23 Gents Is the result of modem ideas. Costs KG less. Does better work. You must try it to see. Get a can on trial. The baking will lighter and tastier or we pay for the can. "fSial Tbnsilitis is swellina and inflammation of rhe.glands at the side OlOiMV'S Lfiivinxeivt used as a aarqle and applied to the outside of the throat the swelling and gives instant relief. for Croup, Quincy Sore Throat, Drpncnins, Msrnma. rain in wnesra Lungs this liniment is unsurpossedi Sloan's Liniment is indispensable when travelling because it is penetrating, warming, soothing, 1) healing and antiseptic. Price 2345001.00' Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston. Moss. U.S.- NO MORE MUSTARD THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN Capsicum-Vaseline EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE DON'T WAIT COMES KEEP A QUICK, SURE, SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN. PRICE 15c. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE OF PURE TIN-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c IN POSTAGE STAMPS. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say "it Is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. . Send your address and we will mail our Vaseline Booklet describing our preparations which will Interest you. 17 State St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. New York City POLES ANAKESISertveslnstant relief. IB A SIMPLE CUKE. CI at drageists or by mall. Sample FEEK Address, "ANAKESI8" Tribune Bids.. New York. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 12, 1908. Write for free Booklet "How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Colors." Color double quantity of goods and better for same price of ordinary dye At your druggists. 10 cents, or sent on receipt of price. Dyes Monroe Drug Company, Quincy, Illinois LSI For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years TKS! OVKTAUfl OOlSMMr, HEW VOIM OITT. best most costly. M m.W MWM JL-RT- m mm POWDER be vastly better, Jaques Mfg. Co, . Chicago. of the throat. reduces h PLASTERS TO BLISTER EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. TILL THE PAIN A TUBS HANDY pAfeKEfc'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse and beautifies 'the hsb. namntM sL luxuriant pro win. Never Faila to Restore Ormy Curea scalp diaeaaei ft hairiaUiiif. Wl Jl I