The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, February 21, 1908, Image 2

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    Onions, Onions, Onion.
000 ba. of Saber', Red Globe Onion
per acre at 60o a bu. bring (480.00. That
$950.00 from 3 acres Salzer's Morning
Star Cucumber is well worth taking along.
640 bu. Salzer's 12 Fodder Earliest and
Beat Pea sold in the green state at $1.50
a bu. makes $960.00 per acre. Such yields
Salzer's pedigree vegetables stand for.
Fob 12o
and this notice the John A. Salzer Seed
Co., La Crosse, Wis., in order to gain
290,000 new customers during 1908, will
mail you free their great plant and seed
catalog together with
I pkg. "Quick Quick" Carrot f .10
1 pkg. Earliest Ripe Cabbage .10
1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber.. .15
1 pkg. La Crosse Market Lettuce 15
1 pkg. Early Dinner Onion .10
1 pkg. Strawberry Muskmelou - .15
1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish JO
1,000 kernels gloriously beautiful
flower seed .IS
Total $1.00
Above is sufficient seed to grow 35 bu.
of rarest vegetables and thousands of bril
liant flowers and all is mailed to you
or if you send 16c, we will add a package
of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A.
Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. K. & W.
Winter Tourist' W5e.
A Boston young girl saw the scenery.
Which In Florida's all to the greenery.
But with tears In her eyea
She sighed In surprise,
"Why, nowhere I look la a beanery."
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist Just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; It will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
On every occasion that leads thee to
vexation apply this principle that
though this is a misfortune, to bear it
nobly is good fortune. Marcus Au
rellus. This woman says Lydia I!.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound
saved her life. Read her letter.
Mrs. T. C. Willadsen, of Manning,
Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham;
" I can truly say that Lydia E. PinW
ham's Vegetable Compound saved my
life, and 1 cannot express my gratitude
to von in words. For years I Buffered
with the worst forms of female com- If
plaints, continually doctoring awa
spending lots, or money lor medvUne
without help. I wrote you for advice,
followed it as directed, and tookXydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Ckmjjgrnd and
it has restored me to perct health.
Had it not been for youS- should have
been in my grardar. I wish every
uuenuKjarsinan would trv It."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been Jthe
standard remedy for female ills,
andhas positively cured thousands oi
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodio pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
t lon,dizziness,or nervous prostration
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick
women to write ber for advice.
She has pruided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
t In drv oowder form, rcadv in nam
by mixing with cold water, full
directions on every package, applied
with an ordinary 7 inch flat brush.
Alitbasilne is sacked In
fully scaled and orooerlv label
ed packages, in sixteen bcautl
ful, rich, velvety tints, which
DO NOT FADE or Changs
color, also white, A package
will cover from 300 to 450
square feet of wall surface.
These tints may be intermixed
to produce innumerable color
effects and you can do the work
1 Alnbastine safeguards health,
makes walls sanitary and homes
Alabastine Col
New York City - Grand Rapid., Mich.
We have no collectors out for
Magazine subscriptions. P.
Michaelson, who is reported to
be soliciting- in our name, is
not authorized by ua.
A. T. Lewis & Son
. Thompson's Eye Water
Of the Success That Awaits the Farm,
er in Western Canada.
The story of wheat farming in Wes
tern Canada (that portion of Canada
lying north of Dakota and Montana)
has been frequently told, but it will
stand a lot of telling, and still retain
its touch of interest. During the year
just closed 277,376 persons made their,
homes in Canada as compared with
215,912 for the year 1906, an increase
of ' 61,464. Those from the United
States numbered 56,551. A writer in
"Industry recently said: "To-day the
"Dominion of Canada is witnessing a
"mightier movement of population
"than ever stimulated a Biblical writ
"er to pen a chapter of Scripture."
The same writer says: "From the Rhine
"and the Rhone river valleys; from
"the port cities of Germany and the
"farms of the Fatherland, from the
"peasant soil of Russia; and out from
"the grimy Lancashire and over-populated
Yorkshire, the discontented
"and ambitious of every clime are
"seeking to take advantage of the
"opportunities afforded by the fertile
"soil and exhilarating climate of the
"Empire of the North."
Continuing the same writer says:
"While a million human beings throng
"the shores of the United States every
"year, the smaller number arriving in
"Canada come with a more well-de-"fined
purpose." The question has
been asked why do these people come
to Canada? The available land be
tween the Mississippi and the Pacific
has been exhausted, and the farmers
within that territory find that their
sons have to seek newer climes. Cana
da offers one hundred and sixty acres
of land free to each. This land yields
from 20 to 40 bushels of wheat to the
acre. In Southern Alberta, the winter
wheat belt of Canada, as high as 60
bushels per acre have been harvested.
Less yields than the one mentioned
have netted the farmer as much as
$35 per acre. There are no words that
tell the tale so effectively as those of
the farmer himself, the man who has
ploughed the fields, sowed the grain,
and with folded hands rests while
nature, bounteous in that country, in
less than three months, placed at his
disposal hundreds of acres of ripened
grain, now waiting the arrival of the
reaper, and therefore we reproduce
the following letter. .
Any agent of the Canadian govern
ment will be pleased to give informa
tion regarding the district mentioned,
or any of any other that may be. de
sired. E. T. Holmes, Esq.,
Canadian Government 'Agent,
St. Paul, Mlnnv
Dear Sir: ? ' '
In 1905 I located on a claim about
30 miles f roir the town of Wadena,
on the Canadian Northern Railroad,
have Uvea on my claim most of the
tA)3tfnRe. I consider this to be one
oft the best districts in the country
i . t tntt 1 I
ior grain growing. in uiro nuwi
averaged from 30 to 51 bushels per
acre on some of my neighbors' farms,
within 4 miles of my claim. Oats go
from 75 to 100 bushels. It is also a
good country for stock. Where I am
there is plenty of fuel. Homesteads
nearly all taken the settlement being
largely Germans, and Americans, all
well-to-do. I left Wadena in Febru
ary, 1907, returning April 25, so that
I missed part of the winter, which the
old settlers tell me was one of the
worst they ever saw, but there was
no suffering, as the people are pretty
well fixed, and there are no blizzards
in that country, at least there never
has been known to be one. Wild land
sells at from $10 to $15; closer te
town it is higher.
In the summer we have all sorts
of wild fruits very plentiful, and I
never saw better vegetables, and game
is so plentiful a man need not starve
for want of something to eat Plenty
of good water too. You need not
hesitate to recommend this district,
but the homesteads are nearly all
taken, most of the homesteaders are
living right on their claims.
Kelvington, Sask.
At the Church Fair.
He paused at the booth where the
prettiest girls were In charge.
They greeted him with winning
"Can you change a ten?" he anx
iously inquired.
"We have no change," they chorused.
"And I have no ten," he reluctantly
Then he moved away.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
ss mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell
and completely derange the whole system when
entering It thrown the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be UBed except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they
will dots ten fold to the good you can possibly de
rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no mer
cury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. n
buying UaU's Catarrh Cure be sure yon get the
genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Jt'amlly Fills for constipation.
Where He Hung Out Most.
She was sulking over a broken res
olution anent late hours, but forget
ting this for one the nonce, he said:
"Do you know, darling, I never tire
of looking at this snapshot of you?"
"You might have it framed and
hung up in the lodge, then," she an
swered tartly.
Starch, like everything else, is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all In
jurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
Te Clean Weed.
It your kitchen table or your bread
board is discolored, and scrubbing
with soap does not whiten it, take a
piece of bath brick, wash the board
with hot soapy water, and then rub
It thickly with the bath brick. Then
use a good scrub brush and more hot
water, give a thorough scrubbing,
rinse it in clean water, and if possible
put it out In the sunlight to dry. Fine
and used instead of a bath brick
will usually, in conjunction with soap
and water, remove the obstinate
stains. ,.
Now Is the time for the "patient Fil
ipinos to turn the other cheek to the
sugar trust.
It was poor management to pull off
a total eclipse where hardly anybody
eould see it.
With what is left of the million dol
lars, doubtless the earl of Yarmouth
will be able to get 'on for awhile with
out a wife.
Nearly three billion people were
carried by the railroads in 1907some
oi mem were aenverea unaamagea at
their destinations.
A Denver girl has become the bride
of a Pueblo chief who cannot speak
English. Perhaps she will have a title
among the Indians.
Thirteen women's olubs have voted
not to trim their hats with the plum
age of birds. That is a lucky num
ber for the feathered songsters.
The Japanese have all they can do
to look after their lives at home In
a time ot profound peace. They are
getting automobiles by the cargo.
Argentine farmers just now are
busy hauling a big wheat crop to mar
ket. Automobile drummers should
pack their grips for Sauth America.
A French inventor now claims to
be able to send photographs by wire
less telegraphy. What would a sud
den wind storm do to Gov. Hughes'
About .the nearest thing we ru
ber to living music heretofore has
been the crying of a baby at 2 a. m.
as the patient father walked the
chilly floor.
Really, Count Boni is a man of
spirit. He will make faces at the
prince or flo something equally dread
ful if "the latter dares to marry hia
former wife.
A moving-picture machine exploded
In Canton and 300 Chinese lost their
lives in the resulting panic. Civiliza
tion is dangerous unless one knows
how to hande it.
If Prince Helie de Sagan proves as
costly a piece of bric-a-brac as did his
cousin, the count, it will - keen the
Western Union and the Wabash hump
ing to run the show.
The Chinese imperial telegraphs had
net earnings during 1906 of $645,531
en a working capital of $1,232,000. Evi
dently the Standard Oil Company isn't
the only thing on earth, after all.
Sixteen soldiers in Spain were ar
rested as plotters against Alfonso be
cause tbey visited a newspaper office.
They will get off scot free, of course,
If they declare they called to whir,
the editor.
Ocean-going ships soon will be fit
ted with all the comforts of home.
About the only thing that will be
missed is the village feud and maybe
steamship proprietors will be drag
ging that in next.
A Newark man was fined $20 for
laughing at a policeman. In most
cities the majesty of the law consid
ers itself sufficiently vindicated when
It has beaten the mirthful one over
the head with a club.
There is in Berlin an artist who is
going to marry a widow with $5,000,
000. This is excellent. Now let some
delightful heiress add to the gayety
by bestowing her hand and fortune
Upon some struggling poet.
A California architect predicts that
we shall soon have 100-story buildings.
If his prediction is verified it will be
necessary for our fellow citizen to
build some pretty tall stacks if they
expect to keep us choking with smoke.
Science has harnessed the potato
bug, as it were, and is making it do
stunts in the interests of humanity.
That is grand, sweet revenge for all
the miserable hours it has brought
to boys who had to "bug 'taters"
when the fishing in the branch was
fine. . .
For Sale or Exchange for Eastern
Nebraska or Western Iowa Farms,
3566 acres Brazos Valley land In
Baylor county, Northern Texas, sub
divided into 160 acre tracts. Strong,
rich soil. Suitable for winter wheat,
oats, corn cotton and alfalfa. All
kinds of vegetables and fruit. Suf
ficient timber for fencing and fire
wood. Abundant rainfall. Healthful
climate. Near gaod county seat town
of 3,000 people. For further infor
mation call on or write, F. A. Field,
Room 686, New Brandeis BIdg., Oma
ha, Neb.
Lincoln Directory
nTiiisTce. Wall Panor
Wholesale and Retail MMVI
Oar 1908 Sample Books are now ready for
Sipcnen to anr dealer or paper hanger.
M O ., MfcCObN, NBB.
Affiliated wNh the University of Nebraska at
1 wKh the University of Nebraska at
Greatest Colrsee of llasio in the
lend for beattfelcatalog te
ID UMBAkL(D(re; Llacela, tak.'
LtnooiB. wi
West. Ber
Minutes, Hours, Days and Weeks Art"
His Plunder Foe to Industry with
Whom It Is Very Hard
to Deal.
He is known among his acquaint
ances and about everybody knows
him as the time thief. Not that he
relieves his friends of their watches;
that wouldn't be so bad, because
watches can be replaced, but the time
thief takes what can never be recov
ered or duplicated minutes and
hours, and days and weeks, which do
not belong to him. Unlike the ordi
nary thief who steals from those who
have the most of what he covets, the
time thief steals the golden moments
from those who have the fewest to
The time thief is not ordinarily a
bad sort of fellow. But for his per
nicious habit of taking what does not
belong to him he might be a good citi
zen and an ornament to society. The
modus operandi of this foe to indus
try constitutes the peculiar enormity
of his offense, for he carries on his ne
farious business openly and cheerfully,
persuaded that he is an angel of benefi
cence to his fellow men.
He "blows" breezily into the of
fice of his victim at the busiest hour
of the day and this is what takes
"Hullo, old chap," says the time
thief, slapping his victim on the back.
"There you are with your nose at the
grindstone again. You'll -peg out one
of these days and never know you've
been alive."
"How are you?" 'returns the victim,
with- forced politeness, for of course
it is impossible to kick the time
thief.. . -"You'll excuse me if I finish
what I'm at here awfully busy this
"Busy, nothing," says the time thief,
jovially. "You only think you're busy.
Nothing but habit, old man, nothing at
all but habit. If I didn't drop in every
day or two to jar you out of your rut.
I don't know what would become o(
you. Now, just chuck that pen
while I'm here and put your feet up
on the desk. Got a little story I want
I to tell you."
But the victim, who has been
through all this before, laughs as po
litely as possible, and keeps on with
his work. If the time thief didn't have
a hide as thick as an alligator he'd
take the hint and ramble out. But
such a course never occurs to him.
Being a time thief, he won't go until
he has obtained enough plunder to
make it worth his while. Accordingly,
he planks himself down in a chair,
puts his feet on the desk, and tells his
little story. The telephone rings, vis
itors arive to transact business with
the victim, the office boy comes in
with papers for him to sign. These
are very annoying interruptions for
the time thief, but. they do not dis
courage him to the point of giving up
his attack. He always begins again
at the point where he left off and
carries his story through to the end
and begins another.
The time thief never has any busi
ness of his own, and never can see
why anybody else should have any.
"Look at me," he says boastfully.
"I look 20 years younger than you do
now, and I'll live that much longer
than you. All because I know how to
live. Well, so long for now; I'll
drop in again to-morrow and cheer
you up again."
Although the time thief boasts that
he knows how to take things easy,
it would be worth while to have him
tackled by another time thief. The
chances are that he would see things
in a different light at once. But the
effect would only be temporary, and
he would pounce on his victim with
all the more delight at the next op
portunity. In all probability the time
thief will last while time lasts.
Gorillas Terrorize Congo Natives.
Alfred Yorke, a young explorer, who
has returned to . London from the
French Congo, brought back with him
three immense gorillas. He states
that a section of the French Congo
and the German Cameroons is filled
with these big beasts.
The natives had been driven away
by the ferocious animals, which had
even succeeded in getting rid of all the
These animals are generally armed
with heavy clubs, and woe to the car
avan that is attacked by them. ' Mr.
Yorke describes one such incident
that happened to the caravan with
which he was traveling, and says
that he and his companions owe their
lives to the large amount of ammuni
tion they carried, with which they suc
ceeded in routing the gorillas.
Color Photography.
The London Times says that the
work of pioneers in color photography
has reached a promising stage and
that a plate is now on sale upon which
a fairly satisfactory heliochrome
transparency may be made with one
exposure and with little more trouble
than when making an ordinary nega
Why He Fought.
Magistrate Pat Murphy, the con
stable says you were fighting. What
have you to say for yourself?
Pat Murphy Well, your worship, Oi
had a clean white shirt on, an' Oi
was so moighty proud av it that Oi got
up a bit av a row wid a mon so as Oi
cud take me coat an' wescot off and
how it
Dr. Hartman is now offering Pernna
tical product. It is just as ethical as any compound put np for the medical
profession. No straining of medical ethics can find any fault with it. THB
PRINCIPAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incorporated in the
label on the bottle, that the people may know that the claims made for Pernna
have a true justincanon.
The only departure we shall make from medical ethics in the conduct of
Pernna affairs in the future, is the fact that we shall continue to advertise and
sell our product TO THE PEOPLE.
If we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only,
then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Pernna as being
entirely within their approval,
We shall continue to offer Pernna to the people. We shall continue to
convey to the people our claims for Pernna as a household remedy. We shall
continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to us
our medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things
of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical
profession like it or not.
We are proposing from this time on to take the public into our confidence.
Notwithstanding that some imitators and substitutors will be attempting to
put np something which they consider just as good as Pernna, we are going to
draw aside the veil of secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly
This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expect, however, that crit
icism will continue. On some pretext or other those who are envious of the
People Who Object to
Liquid Medicines Can
Now Secure Peruna
in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valu
able household remedy.
try it. If it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you.
If you want us to we will publish your statement exactly u you furnish it
to us. We will add no words, take away no words. If you wish us to we will
publish your portrait in connection with it We will sot do this without your
written request, without your entire consent.
Pernna has cured thousands of people of chronic catarrh, in many phases
and locations. At least, that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited
testimonials. Peruna will cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated
slanders to the contrary.
We guarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely true in the
exact language of the testifier.
We guarantee that every photograph published is the' photograph of the
person whose name it bears, that every word of every testimonial was author
ized by the hand that signed it.
We are determined to beat onr opponents by being fairer than they are,
by dealing squarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet falsehood
with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity.
We know that the users of Peruna will appreciate our stand. We believe
that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op
ponents will be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only an
honest and useful remedy, but one of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDI
The Counte Potocka
comfort. Patent
Price, $2.SO and $3.00.
It Was a Stage Brand.
Gertrude, aged four, had been to the
matinee. Later she tried to describe
the play to a grown-up friend.
"They drank wine," said Gertrude,
"and then they all went out."
"Well," said the friend, expectantly,
"and what happened next?"
Gertrude worked her small brain
"I guess," she said, "they epit it
Irrefutable Tramp Evidence.
Tramp I understand that a pocket
book, containing 20,000 has been
found on the street and you got it
here. I lost it"
Police Justice What proof have
you got that you lost it?
Tramp This big hole In my pocket.
"Brown's Bronchial Troches"
cure Coughs and give grateful relief
to sufferers from Bronchitis, Asthma
and Catarrh. Free from opiates.
Spanish Proverb.
Many a lout is wealthy and a clever
man hard put to.
A Beautiful Watch Fob Free
to those who ship us $5 worth of hides or
furs or buy guns or traps to that amount.
N. W. HIDE & FUR CO., Minneapolis.
Trust men, and they will be true to
you; treat them greatly and they will
show' themselves great. Emerson.
From October to May, Colds are the most fre
quent cause of Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO
QUININE removes cause. E. W.Grove on box 25e
A rural melodrama should at least
have a grass plot
PAZO OINTMHNT Is guaranteed to cure any ease
of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In
6 to Is days or money ref anded. 60c.
He hastens to repentance who hasti
ly judges. Syrus.
Some men wear good clothes
cause they can't afford not to.
. A perfect
Thoro Im Only Ona
"Bromo QuitzJnD"
Laxative Bromo Qulnlno
Alway, remember the full name.
far this signature on erorj box.
to the public as a resrular Tharmaceuv-
success of Pernna will continue to find
fault. But we are determined to give
such people no just complaint.
It has become a household word in
millions of homes. Our faith in the
remedy is stronger than ever. Everj
year we expect to establish new plant
for ladies. Perfect style ,
Leather and fine kid.
If not at dealers ask us;
Kansas City, Mo.
Trpical Farm Scene, Showing Stock Raising ia
m m m mm m mm mm mm mm mi mm mi mm mi
Some of the choicest lands for grain growing
stock raising: and mixed farming in the new dia
tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have rr
cently been Opened for Settlement nnder the
Revised Homestead Regulations
Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain
conditions), by the f atner, mother, son, daugh
ter, brother or sister of an intending home
steader. Thousands of homesteads of 160 acre
each are thus now easily available in these
great grain-growing', stock-raising and mixed
farming sections.
There you will find healthful climate, good
neighbors, ohurctaesfor family worship, schools
for your children, good laws, splendid crops,
and railroads convenient to market.
Entry fee in each case is $10.00. For pamph
let, "Last Best West," particulars as to rates,
routes, best time to go and where to locate
apply to
801 Ntw York Life Building, Omaha, HefcrMfc
Positively cared by
these Little Pills.
IT JnTlE trs from Dyspepsia, In-
I fri d ifreation and Too Heartr
I I I I 1 r K Eating. A perfect rem-
I I Sail O edy for Dizziness, Man-
111 rlLLiSa Drowsiness, Bad
I ff f I Taste In the Month, Coat
If I fed Tongue, Pain In the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
4t WW fit are the kind yon can d
OEEII w P&nd on. Catalogue WREMC
j. ja h. BirwiT A Baa, Hmhbkh, Mass.