The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, January 24, 1908, Image 7

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    This woman says that sick
women should not fail to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound as she did.
Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence
St., Denver, CoL, writes tp Mrs.
Pinkham :
" I was practically an invalid for six
fears, on account of female troubles,
underwent an operation by the
doctor's advice, but in a few months I
was worse than before. A friend ad
vised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and it restored me to perfect
health, such as I have not enjoyed in
many years. Any woman suffering' as
I did with backache, bearing-down
pains, and periodic palns.should not fail
to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it f
Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
Bhe has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
' Mr. Woodson resolves that he will'
never again wear a high hat when
snowballs are ripe.
Went Him a Few Better.
A very dapper looking young mn
entered a Chicago hotel a few days
ago, followed by a middle-aged man
who seemed to be just a little care
less concerning his personal appear
ance. The affable ' clerk offered a
pen to the carefully dressed young
gentleman, who registered himself as
"William Henry Tyler III." When he
had stepped aside the other man
reached for the pen and under Mr.
Tyler's name wrote: "John Smith
Art Ancient Instance.
Belsbazzar was giving his great
feast and the wine flowed like water.
"Inasmuch as I'm the whole works,"
he said, "I don't think a proclamation
by a chief of police or anybody else
Is going to stop this affair at one
o'clock a. m. or any other hour!"
No sooner had he uttered this
boast than the handwriting appeared
on the wall.
A Bird Worth $5,000..
At the Cage Bird association's show
In the Royal Horticultural hall, Lon
don, England, there is an ezhibtlon a
ting bird of paradise valued by Its
owner, C. T. Maxwell, at $5,000.
; The bird is extremely rare, is found
In New Guinea, and Is a wonderful
example of brilliant tropical color. Its
back and head are of a warm, coppery
red, shading from shade to shade, and
it has curious little green wing feath
ers, which spread in flying at right
angles to its body, and which reflect
the light in a wonderful way. Be
neath the copper-colored neck ruffle
the bird has a second ruffle of velvety
blackness, and even its feet are bright,
being colored a light blue.
A Dish Men Like.
In a city restaurant where business
men congregate there is a spaghetti
dish that has won great popularity
among the lunchers. The spaghetti is
cooked with strips of boiled ham and
shreds of green pepper and the com
bination is remf kably tasty.
To Restore Color.
When the color Is taken from
dresses by lemon, pieplant or tomato
juice sponge the spot with aqua am
monia, then wash in warm soapsuds.
The color will be restored entirely.
v Not Sure About It.
"You have myopia, haven't you,"
asked the eye doctor, who had called
at Che public library to look at a
reference book. "I don't know, sir,"
said the near-sighted attendant, blink
ing at him; "but if we have you'll
find it in the catalogue."
Cause "of the Late Dinner Consider
ably Puzzled Mr. Hopkins Until
His Better Half Settled It
with an Explanation.
Hopkins had been detained at his
office an hour later than usual, and
when he boarded a car for his home
he was all nervous. His nervousness
increased ad he got nearer home. It
was no wonder, either, for Hopkins
had promised his wife to be home
early that evening.
He tried to read his paper, but in
stead he found himself repeating from
memory the line of talk that his wife
would hand him about keeping dinner
waiting upon poking around down
town after he left the office, and how
thoughtless he was of her wishes and
a lot more like that.
He had his explanation all framed
up ready for use when he let himself
into the flat with his key.
Mrs. Hopkins came in smiling when
she heard his shut the door.
"Dinner isn't quite ready," she re
marked apologetically, as she helped
him oft with his overcoat.
"Isn't, hey," says Hopkins, suspiciously,-
wondering what sort of a
game she had fixed up on him. He
wished whatever it was she'd get it all
over with.
"You aren't very hungry, are you?"
she asked, "because I am getting up
just a plain little meal this evening"
still in that tone of apology.
"Huh, uh," says Hopkins, "any old
thing'll do me, just so its some sort
of food product." He looked at her in
a Btibdued manner that - said, "Yes,
I'll be 'if for whatever the game is,
but let's get started." It was all too
deep for Hopkins. He never was
much of a hand at working out mys
teries and rebuses and the like, and
whatever the plot was it was getting
on his nerves.
"That's Just like you," went on Mrs.
Hopkins, "you never complain. Here,
I think this is the best light right over
here if you want to look over your
paper. I'll hurry up dinner just as
fast as I can. I'm almost ashamed of
what a little I've got. Oh, wait! Ill
get you a clean towel if you're going
to wash your hands."
And so her talk ran . "Going to be a
nice evening of it, isn't it," thought
Hopkins to himself. "Yes, it isn't
Wonder how long she's going to keep
it up. I guess women aren't the plot
ters or anything! The idea of puttin
on so much sarcastic stuff just be
cause a man's a little bit late getting
At the dinner table the missus laid
down her hand. The game had really
been on the level all the time. "I'll not
let this happen again," she began in
that same apologetic tone. "You see.
I went shopping after we left the club
meeting, and I just got home a few
minutes before you did. I didn't
realize how late it was. You're just a
dear not to complain of such a skimpy
little meal. I know how hungry you
are when you get home. It's a perfect
shame. You're not going to scold me
though, are you?"
Women Smile at Fortuny's Veils.
Prof. Fortuny, known as an esthetic
enthusiast, is providing much merri
ment for the fashionable women of
Berlin. He has on exhibition a new
feminine costume he has invented and
which is known as "Fortuny's Veils,
The veils are of silk chiffon from five
to six yards lqng and two yards wide,
Their colors are light rose, violet and
blue. On the chiffon are painted
Greek vases and other ornamental
Greek designs made from articles un
earthed in ancient Greek cities. For
tuny wants to clothe his contempor
aries with these veils worn over ordi
nary apparel to supplement rather
than supplant what is being worn. He
argues that veils, when beautifully
draped, give an individuality to a wom
an's appearance, that the art of drap
ing will be brought to such a state of
perfection that the modern women will
surpass her ancient Greek sisters in
the art of dressing. He shows also
little gold pins and broaches of Gre
cian design to hold the veil together.
May Cure Turtle Flesh.
There is talk in Queensland, Aus
tralla, on whose coast turtles are
plentiful, of curing the flesh for ex
port. Three kinds of turtle are found
oft the coral reefs the loggerhead,
the hawsbill and the green turtle. The
two latter are edible, and the haws
bill furnishes the tortoise shell of
commerce. Travelers relate that the
aborigines light fires on the backs of
the turtles to make the shell peel off
easily, after which painful ordeal the
animal is allowed its freedom and
grows another shell. This is, of
course, a Munchausen yarn. The fact
is that after killing the turtle the
aborigines put it over a fire to facili
tate the removal of the plates. The
professional tortoise shell getters
bury the' beast in clean sand, and
when the flesh is decomposed it is
easily taken from the shell. The
plentiful green turtle is of most value
for food.
The palmist gazed into the proffered
hand, but hesitated.
"What can you see there?" asked
the subject, noting a delay.
"I can see," responded the palmist,
"that you're from Pittsburg. Kindly
step over to the corner and use the
soap and water, and I will try to see
something more." Philadelphia Led
The Experience of Mr. Woods Is the
Experience of Thousands of Others.
Bernard P. Woods of Jackson street.
Lonaconing, Md., says: "Hard work
and heavy lifting
weakened my kid
neys. I was tired
every morning and
my limbs stiff and
sore. ' Dizzy spells
and headaches were
frequent, and the
kidney secretions
much disordered.
This continued for fifteen years and
until I began using Doan's Kidney
Pills. Then I improved steadily until
cured, and naturally, I recommend
them strongly."
Sold by all dealers, 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Disappointed Youngster Discriminated
In His Prayer.
For several weeks, little Ralph had
enjoyed . the use of a Shetland pony,
the property of a horse dealer who
was a friend of the family. But much
to Ralph's sorrow, there came a day
recently when the pony was sold, and
the delightful horseback rides came
to a sudden end. The purchaser, as
Ralph found out by inquiry, was a
little girl of about his own mature
age of five. Ever since his acquaint
ance with the pony began, Ralph had
included him in his bedtime prayer,
and "God bless the pony," was an
earnest nightly petition. The first
evening after the sale of the pony,
Ralph hesitated when he reached his
pet's place in the prayer. Then, after
a moment's thought, he continued:
"P.'ease, God, bless the pony just
the same; but, God, don't you bless
the little girl what's got the pony."
HI Hands Were a Solid Mass, and
Disease Spread All Over Body
Cured in 4 Days By Cuticura.
"One day we noticed that our little
boy was all broken out with Itching
sores. We first noticed it on his little
hands. His hands were not as bad
then, and we didn't think anything
serious would result. But the next day
we heard of the Cuticura Remedies
being so good for itching sores. By
this time the disease had spread all
oyer his body, and his hands were
nothing but a solid mass of this itch
ing disease. I purchased a box of Cuti
cura Soap and one box of Cuticura
Ointment, and that night I took the
Cuticura Soap and lukewarm water
and washed him well. Then I dried
him and took the Cuticura Ointment
and anointed him with It I did this
every evening and in four nights he
was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Don
ahue, 208 Fremont St, Kokomo, Ind.,
Sept 16, 1907."
Reform in Earnest.
Mrs. Crossway was shedding tears
of joy.
"I just can't help it" she exclaimed.
"My husband has sworn off."
"Why, I didn't know he drank," said
Mrs. Kawler, greatly astonished. "Was
he was he much given to the use of
"O, dear, no! He didn't use it at
all. He has sworn off from buying
things we don't need and paying for
them on the installment plan."
The Pe-ru-na Almanac in 8,000,000
The Peruna Lucky Day Almanac has
become a fixture in over eight million
homes. It can be obtained from all
druggists free. Be sure to Inquire early.
The 1908 Almanac is already published,
and the supply will soon be exhausted.
Do not put it off. Speak for one to-day.
Centenarian Likes Tobacco.
Mrs. Mary Ellen Barraby of Brock
ton, Mass., has just celebrated her
one hundred and fifth birthday- She
began smoking a pipe when she was
80, and regrets she didn't begin when
he was 40.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Inactive Koreans.
A German tourist expressed the
opinion that doing nothing is the na
tional occupation of Koreans.
Who Likes Lemon Pie?
You should try at once "OUR-PIE"
Preparation for delicious Lemon pies. A
lady says: "I will never again try to make
Lemon pie in the old way while I can get
OUR-PIK" Preparation." Try it and you
Will aay the same. At grocers, 10 cents.
All growth and achievement depend
very largely upon knowing ourselves
and how to apply -that knowledge.
Something New Under the Sum
A lady in Illinois sent us 12c a year aeo
for our remarkable collection of vegetable
and flower seeds and sold $37.76 worth
therefrom, or made 314. That's new.
Juat send this notice with 12e and re
ceive the most original seed and plant
catalog published and
1 pkg. ''Quick Quick" Carrot $ .10
1 pkg. Earliest Ripe Cabbage .10
1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber.. .15
1 pkg. La Crosse Market Lettuce.... -15
1 pkg. Early Dinner Onion .10
1 pkg. Strawberry Muskmelon 15
1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish .10
1,000 kernels gloriously beautiful
flower seed - .15
Total $1.00
Above is sufficient seed to grow 35 bu.
of rarest vegetables and thousands of bril
liant flowers and all is mailed to you
postpaid fob 12c,
or if you send 16c, we will add a package
of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A.
Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. K. & W.
A Little Child's Impression.
Lying at the base of Echo mountain,
in California, in the San Gabriel val
ley, Is the pretty city of Pasadena:
At night, when the lights are glisten
ing and sparkling, the effect from
Echo mountain Is beautiful. -
One evening, directly after dinner, a
little girl who was remaining over
night on the mountain, rushed breath
lessly into the dining-room, exclaim
ing: "Oh, mamma, mamma, come out
on the porch, all the stars have fallen
on the ground!"
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get tha
dejired stiffness, it Is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
Ring Watches Popular.
Swiss watchmakers are reported to
be busy filling English and American
orders for finger ring watches. The
ring watch, though little seen, is no
novelty. The manager pf an old Lon
don watch-making firm says that he
saw them more than 14 years ago.
Queen Victoria had three or four.
The simplest ones a plain gold ring
with the watch inserted cost about
$100, but with diamonds or other
stones, $5,000 to $10,000 may be paid.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot resell
the seat ot tbe dtseaso. Catarrh Is a blood or consti
tutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take
Internal remedies. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucoufc
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi
cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians
In thl country for yenrs and la a regular prescription.
It Is composed of tbe best tonics bnown, combined
with tbe best blood pur! tiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect combination of the
two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful re
sults in curing; catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drua-Elats, price 75c.
Take Ball' Family puis fur constipation.
At Last.
Mrs. Newed (excitedly O, Henry!
I've just discovered why your poems
are always returned by this maga
zine! Mr. Newed (a near-poet) Indeed?
Mrs. Newed Yes, indeed! Why,
here's the answer in plain print: "No
contributions will be returned unless
stamps are furnished," and you, you
old goose, always send the stamps!
FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous
Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00
trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline,
Ld.. 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
If you had the abilities of all the
great men, past and present, you
could do nothing well without sin
cerely meaning it, and setting about
it, Dickens.
A suggestion for 1998: Take Garfield Tea
to establish and maintain a normal action
of the digestive organs, to purify the blood,
cleanse the system and to bring Good
Bring to bear upon thyself the reso
lution of a noble mind; thou mayest
be what thou resolvest to be. Men
If You Suffer from Asthma
or Bronchitis get immediate relief by
using Brown's Bronchial Troches.
Contain no harmful drugs. .
Let no man presume to give advice
to others who has not first given good
counsel to himself. Seneca.
tbe signature of K. W. GROVE. Used tbe World
OTer to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c.
' In common things the law of sac
rifice takes the form of positive duty.
Cheerfulness Is an offshoot
goodness and wisdom. Bovee.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing- Syrup.
For children teething, softens the Rums, reduces n
Oammatlon, aliaya pain, curea wind collu. 25c a bottle.
Every addition to true knowledge is
an addition to human power. Mann.
If you have female troubles which need attentiontake Cardul. The ingredients
of which Cardui is composed, have a strong influence over the womanly organs and
build up the womanly strength. They are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and
act in a scientific manner on woman's vital energies. If sick, you are urged to try
WM of Gardlm (
Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis.; writes: "As a result of womanly
troubles, I could not sleep, eat, or stand on my feet, without suffering terrible dis
tress. At last, I took Cardui. Now I feel better than I ever did before." Try it.
New Yorker Saw Beauty In Sign,
Where Maiden Lady Could Not.
A party of tourists was being shown
around Ciudad Juarez, the little Mexi
can town just across the Rio Grande
from EI Paso, Texas. Every one was
delighted with its picturesqueness,
and in particular a maiden lady, who
went into raptures about each, new
"It is all so quaint," she said. "These
adobe houses, the old church, the nar
row streets, the little plaza, those
dreadful-looking men wearing som
breros; everything breathes the spir
it of an old-world civilization. It is
so different from our United States."
"That's so," assented a New York
man who had been listening. "For
instance, where in all the world could
you find anything so antique, so full
of inherent beauty, so charged, as it
were, with the essence of pure joy, as
that sign over there." He pointed
toward a whitewashed mud house on
whose exterior was painted:
The woman eagerly turned to look.
Then she froze the horrid man with
a glance and did not speak to him
again during the whole trip.
To prevent that tired feeling on
ironing day Use Defiance Starch
saves time saves labor saves annoy
ance, will not stick to the iron. The
big 16 oz. package for 10c, at your
grocer's. -
Italy Has Largest Churches.
Italy owns the world's three largest
churches St. Peter's, Rome; The Du
omo, Milan; and St. Paul's at Rome.
We Sell Guns and Traps Cheap
Buy furs and hides, or tan them for robes
& rugs. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
Happiness lies in the consciousness
ye have of it, and by no means In
the way the future keeps its promises.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case
of Itcbing, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in
V to 14 days or money refunded. 60c.
The only greatness is unselfish love.
There is a great difference between
trying to please ann giving pleasure.
It's easy to swear oft and Just as
easy to fall off a little later.
Positively cured fay
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dia
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Bad
Taste in the Mouth, Coat
ed Tongue, Fain in the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
-imamnminsi issiim-i ivm-iiMnrm
A substitL.s for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not
blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the
article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter
irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach
and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what
we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for
children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say " it is
the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label,. as otherwise it is not genuine. ' : V
Send your address and wa will mall our Vsssli.ird Booklet desorlblncj
our preparations which will interest you.
17 State St. CHESEB ROUGH MFG. CO. New York City
Truth and
appeal to the Well-informed in every
walk of life and are essential to permanent
success and creditable standing. Accor
ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of (
known value, but one of many reasons
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses,
sweetens and relieves the internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to increase
the quantity from time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly as a laxative1, and its component
parts are known to and approved by
physicians, as it is free from all objection-'
able substances. To get its beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and fr sale by all leading drug
gists. Lyon 8 Hcaly'i
Wash barn
is the very piaoo
you want for your
home now offered at lowest net prices
and on easiest monthly terms.
The Washburn is guaranteed for life and
is known far and wide as '.'America's Home
Piano", because of its lotting qualities and
its famous tinging tone. 1
- If in the market for a piano, mail this adrar.
tisement today with your name and address anal
receive catalog and nar - of local dealer, and six
pieces or oeauurui new piano music
Typical Farm Scene, Show ins Stock Rawing is
Some of the choicest lands for grai n growing,
stock raising and mixed farming in tbe newdi
tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have Tit
cently been Opened for Settlement under the
Revised Homestead Regulations
Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain
conditions), by the father, mother, son, daugh
ter, brother or sister of an intending home
steader. Thousands of homesteads of 160 acres
each are thus now easily available in these
crreat crrain-erowinfr. stock-raisintr and mixeA.
farming sections.
There you will find healthful climate, good
neighbors, churches for family worship, schools
for your children, good laws, BpJeudid crop,
and railroads convenient to market.
Entry fee in each case is $10-00. For pampa
let, "Last Best West, particulars as to rates
routes, best time to go and where to locate
apply to
801 New York Life Baildini. Omaha, Nebniftft
Cleanse cod bcautificJ tha hslb
Promote! a luxuriant Growth.
Nsver fails to Keaiura Gray
CurS scalp dissitcea is hair felling.
l0c.aTdgl.OQat Dragging
A N A K E S ! S Pi 1 ns tan
1 at driiKKiRU or by mail.
Sample KK KE AddreM,
Trltmue Blfig., Kkw YofiS.
live stock and rs EtTPslTYOEC
In great variety for sale at the iowwst plica by
A. S. KKIXOCH1 NKW8PAPKK CO. , 1 W. Adam St. , llikaf
DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch
makes laundry work a pleasure. 16 o. pkg. 10o
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 4, 1908.
symptoms, causes, horn, treatment and
itiest id plain wrapper, or laan
ins go. L.n arts n ooga, son.
A 7