DRESS PATTERNS. , New York Typographical Union, No. 6, states that the following patterns are fair: McCall'a. Independent Peerless. t Pictorial Review. ' . Union Dime. Paris -Modes. Economy. Home Pattern Company. All the Butterlck patterns and pub - lications are way up on the list of scabs, and should not be allowed In . any worklngman's home, especially if he is a union man. Browns Business College Teaches simple, easy system of . Shorthand. Business men pre fer oar graduates. They are more thorough than other stud ents. Twenty years' experience. k WRITE NOW. 1519 0 STREET, LINCOLN. NEB. I PREWITT'S 1 PHOTO GALLERY I 1214 O STREET When you want a GOOD photograph call and see 1117 vork. Satisfaction guaranteed .... GENERAL MENTION. Bits of Labor News Gathered Chiefly With the Scissors. The union label that's all. Look for the union label. 4 If it is not labeled, refuse it. Union made shoes are sold by Itog T8 & Perkins. Denmark leads the way in labor organization. Fifty per cent of her wage-earners are unionists. The annual convention of the Sea men's International Union opened on Monday in Chicago. About 60 dele gates attended the opening session, and they were welcomed to the city D W art expert eleaners, dyers and flnlihers of Ladies' and Gen tlemen's Clothing of all kinds. Tn flaest dresses a specialty. THE NEW FIRM J. C. WOOD & CO. AjC FOR PRICELIST. PHONES: Bell, 147. Auto, 1291. 1820 N St. - - Lincoln, Neb. Henry Pfeifi DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats Sausage, Poultry, Etc Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 2328 of Jennie E. Miller, deceased, county court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss.: Credi tors of said estate will take "notice that the .time limited for presenta tion and filing of claims against said estate is July 15, 1908, and, ior pay ment of debts U February 16, 1909; that I will eit at the County Courl room in said County, on April 15, 1908, at 2 p. m., and on July 15, 190S, at 2 p. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated, December 5, 1907. P. JAS., COSGRAVE, (Seal.) Countv Judge. By WALTER A. LEESE, Clerk. 37-4 Staple and Fancy Groceries. Telephones 888-477. 314 So. nth Stre4 If M OFFICE OF Dr. R. L. BENTLEY SPECIALIST CHILDREN Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m. Offi 2118 O St. Both Phones LINCOLN. NEBRASKA VagBworkers, Attention We have Money to Loan on Chattels. Plenty of it, too. Utmost secrecy. KELLY & IN ORRIS 70-71 BROWNELL BLK. (I MYDEN'S ART STUDIO New Location, 1127 O . Flna wrk a Specialty. Auto 3336 Lincoln Dental College CLINIC Open for Patients Every Afternoon lOtll mid O U. r. M. Bulldtar Phones: SM John H. Graham, D. 0- S Llnooln, Nebraska DENTAL 0EFICES Holm ft McDonald NEVER CUT CORNS Cutting corns with a razor or knifes is a dangerous and most unsatisfactory way of removing them. Durand's Com Cure in most convenient, surest and safest cure for corns. Ptfr Bottle, 15c By mail, 16c money back if it does not cure your corns. Rector's Pharmacy Twelfth and 0 Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 2320 of' Mary Crawford, deceased, in County Court of Lancas ter County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss.: Cred itors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing or claims against said estate is July 15. 1908, and tor payment of debts is February 16th, 1909; that I will sit at the County Court room in said county, on April loth, 1908, at 2 p. m., and on July 15th, 1908. at 2 p. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad just all claims and objections duly filed. Dated December 6th, 1907. P. JAS. COSGRAVE, (Seal) County Judge By WALTER A. LEESE, Clerk. . 37-4 Notice of Adoption. ,' Iu re adoption No. 242 of "Lauven'' in County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all' per sons interested, take notice that Wal ter B. Schermerhorn and Louise C. husband and wife, have filed their petition for the adoption of "Lauren" a male minor child with bestowal of property rights and change of name, which has teen set for hearing before this Court on Jan uary 20, 1908, at 9 o clock a. m.. when you may appear, object to nnd con test the same. Dated December 3, 1907. P. JAS. COSGRAV'C, (Seal.) County Judge. - By WALTER A: LEESE, 37-4 . Clerk. Notice of Petition. Estate No. 2335 of John E. Little, Deceased, in County Court of Lan caster County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, take notice, that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Mrs. Jennie R. Little, his widow, as administratrix of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein, on December 26, 1907, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated November 25, 1907. P. JAS. COSGRAVE. - (Seal) County Judge. By WALTER A. LEESE, 35-St Clerk. by President John Fltzpatrick, of the Chicago Federation of Labor. The constitution of the A. F. of L. isto be printed in Spanish. Of 90 locomotives just ordered for the Grand .Trunk railway, 70 will be built in Canada and only 20 in the United States. Thousands of mill operatives throughout New England, most of whom are employed in textile manu facturing establishments, have re sumed work. Mayor Fitzgerald of Baston has as sured labor union officials that there will be zio discrimination in the city departments against any man because of his labor organization affiliation. From little acorns large oaks do glome. Porto ftico has three flourish ing unions affiliated with the Boot and Shoe Workers' Union. The union stamp travels fast and is today found in all civilized countries of the globe. The reputation of the shoe is the cause of this world-wide publicity. General President of the Commer cial Telegraphers of America, W. W. Peattie, of Chicago, is in Washington, where he will assist the two tele graphers who are members of con- gress in drafting bills in too interes of the operators. The Damascus Nickel Steel Com pany plant of East Carnegie, Pa., has resumed after a shut-down of four teen months. The plant is now under the control of the Carbon Steel Com pany of Pittsburg. The new manage ment intends to make the Damascus grades qf stee! besides the crucible and commoner grades. Electrical Railway employes of Fort Dodge and Des Moines, la., In- ttrurban, secured an agreement with that company to run until May 1, 1909. end thereafter unless notice is filed 0 days previous to termination. The Friend paper mill at Dayton, O.-, resumed operations with 1,500 men on Monday. Glass telegraph poles are to be us,ed in Germany. It will be interest ing to bystanders when the first line man attempts to go up one of those poles with a pair of climbers. The Valley plant- of the Republi Steel & Iron Company and several de partments of the Brown-Bonnell steel piant at Youngstown, O., have re sumed, giving employment to 5,000 men. There will be no strike of firemen on the Missouri Pacific, trouble hav ing been averted through the efforts of Charles P. Neill, United States La tor commissioner, and Martin A. Knapp, chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission. - Z.-" The Ohio Federation of Labor will fight Senator Foraker for any posi tion to which he may aspire at the hs-nds of Ohio voters. Trustees of the sanitary district in Chicago have decided to provide ev ery employe of the electrical depart ment with accident insurance, as does the Comnionwea'th-Edison and ether large ::aaufacturers of elec tiical power ia the country. The Italian government has present ed a bill prohibiting bakers from working at night and establishing a heavy fine in case of infraction, which will go to the fund for incapacitated iind aged workmen. Steam and hot water fitters in South Bend Ind., are jubilant over the fact that their trouble is being so amicably settled. Garment workers and bosses em ploying union labor in England have favorably considered the suggestion to fight the sweating system by a un ion label to be affixed to all garments made under fair conditions. With the signing of a contract by the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway, the machinists' union now has an un derstanding with six Northwestern railroad companies. All of these reads are paying the union scale of 40 cents an hour, and the men ars working a nine-hour day. There has never been a time when the railroad machinists were working under bet ter conditions than at present. , A Terre Haute, Ind., "rat" printing office has been fined by an Indiana court for using a bogus label of the Terre Haute Allied Printing Trades Council union label. A. RLAIIN SIGN of satisfaction is shown when a dealer is recommended by his customers. It is our happy lot to say that our oldest patrons are our bett salesmen. They Know Coal bought here is always clean and free from slate, and they also know that a ton with us means a ton never less. Has your expe rience been altogether of that character." IPS DO YOU BELIEVE IN POSTERING HOME INSTITUTIONS? IE SO, GIVE SUPPORT TO ALL THESE EAIR LOCAL CONCERNS v AFTER A LOSS YOU NEED THE MONEY Friends may sympathize; We pay cash. A Home Institution which , pYSf PXlY " FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY THE OLDEST STATE COMPANY. . . ESTABLISHED 1685. Fire, Lightning and tornado Insurance VI&lWJtfiEEE: Ter a miUm d -rterMta ARMSTRONG CLOTHING Company GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS J LINCOLN, 1 1 NEBRASKA . Miller & Feiirie . (INCORPORATED) DRY GOODS O THIRTEENTH STREETS H. HERPOLSHE1MER 1 M I O R T EK8 AD dZO RGTAIL8RS OV Dry Goods, Suits and Cloaks, Furs, Millinery, Women's Furnishings, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Books and Stationery, Shoes, Men's Furnishings, Carpets, Rugs, Drap eries, China, Cut Glass, Toys, House Furnishing, Groceries. Hide On the White Cars; Why? Because, 1st, The Citizens Railway Company is owned by our own people; , 2nd, this Company sells 8 tickets for 23c, and 10 to school children for 05c; 3rd, it pays its taxes and obeys the laws and ordinances. Because the Management Does Not Object to . Unionizing the Line. EDUCATE FOR BUSINESS AT LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE THIRTEENTH AND P STREETS. ARE YOL LOOKING... -. rfln The Best Return on Your Savings? Assistance in Buying a Home?.... LET US POINT THE WAY? ; FIDELITY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 1307 Jf ST. FRATERNITY BLDO. HUTCHINS & HYATT CO. COAL and WOOD 1028 0 STBEET American Order of Protection A FRATERNAL ORDER ADMITTING MEN AND WOMEN ON SAME BASIS. GRADING PAY MENTS ACOORDING TO OCCUPATION. PATRON IZE THE HOME ASSOCIATION - - - - -SUPREME HARBOR. - LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J. O. Wood & Co. EXPERT CLEANERS and DYERS 1322 N ST., LINCOLN, NEB. WHEN 'WALK-OVERS' GO ON NSHOE TROUBLES GO OFF ROGERS & PERKINS 0. ,1129 O Street. K E L L Y S THAT'S ALL Both Fhone-s - 1111. N St. TIrust anb Savings 3Barih Owned by Stockholders of First National Bank. V INTEREST PAID AT 3 1-2 PER CENT PROTECT YOUR HOME , Instruct Your Agent to place your Fire and Tornado Insurance in the Western Fire Insurance COMPANY Home Office 20 1 So. 11th SS Both Phones. . W. H. England, Resident Agent. A PURELY NEBRASKA COMPANY. v.. jfarmers an& flfoercbants 38ank FIFTEENTH AND O STREETS. - $202,090.66 . . . 269,561.15 Caoital Stock Surplus and Profits - $50,000.00 Deposits 1 5,460.49 Total Resources. 3 1-2 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS ADAM SCHAUPP COAL CO. 1218 O St.. Yard, 18th and R. Bell 182. Auto 3812 tBKKiMiHMeuBHHmimmiim