I Uiioi Wo 1 CI The wives of workingmen are, as a rule, the household cooks. The wife of the average workingman is the greatest financier in the country. She must not only make the grocery and meat bills fit her husband's wages, but she must supply plenty of wholesome, nourishing food. To do this requires a species of financiering at which even a Rockefeller or a Morgan might well hesitate. In every workingman's family the question of Flour is an important oneto get the best for the moneyflour that will make not only the best bread, but which will make the best cakes, pies, cookies, etc. Another consideration is that the flour shall be made by fair millersthose who believe in the right of labor to organize for its own benefit and protection. We claim that 66 LIBERTY r MADE IN LINCOLN meets all these requirements. We do not put the label on our flour for the simple reason that there is no Wal union of the milling craft. If there was one we'd use their label. We frankly confess that we would J like to see our business grow so big that we could employ enough millers to secure and hold a charter in this city. When that time comes we'll help them get the charter. We claim that "Liberty Flour" has no superior. We are willing to abide by any test. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." We ask you to read the following testimonials from the wives of Lincoln Trades Unionists who have used and are using "Liberty Flour. CONSIDERS IT THE VERY BEST I have used "Liberty Flour" constantly for the past three years. I consider it the very best I have ever used, and I take great pleasure in recommending it to my friends. I especially urge the wives of union men to use it because the makers are fair in their attitude towards unionism. MRS. WILL M. MAUPIN, 1216 South Sixteenth. IT MEETS EVERY REQUIREMENT I take pleasure in recommending "Liberty Flour" to all my friends, because I have found it superior to any other brand I have ever tried. It meets every requirement of the home. Be cause of its merits, and also because it is a fair made Lincoln pro duct, I urge its use in all Lincoln homes. MRS. W. C. NORTON, 1533 North Twenty-fifth. IT HAS STOOD EVERY TEST As a workingman's wife I have found it necessary to find a flour that will give the maximum results at a minimum of cost. "Liberty Flour" meets every requirement, and I use it to the ex clusion of all other brands. It should be used in every Lincoln home, and especially the homes of all union men. MRS. F. C. MICKEL, 1945 South Sixteenth. PERFECTLY SATISFIED WITH IT I have used "Liberty Flour" for some time, and I am per fectly satisfied with it. I take pleasure in recommending it to my friends because experience has taught me that it is well worth recommending. As long as it maintains its present standard I will use it to the exclusion of all other brands of flour. MRS. ERSTINE KING, 2135 South Tenth. IT IS A PLEASURE TO USE IT The results obtained from the use of "Liberty Flour" are such that it is a pleasure to use it and to recommend it to my friends. I have used this brand of flour for more than two years, and it has never failed to give the utmost satisfaction. Its use should be universal in Lincoln and suburbs. MRS. C. B. RIGHTER, . 2308 Dudley. THE BEST EVER USED I have tried numerous brands of flour and have no hesitancy in saying that "Liberty Flour" suits me better than any other. If any recommendation of mine will enlarge the use of this brand of flour among my friends I will be very glad, for it deserves an increased sale, especially among union people. MRS. C. E. BARNGROVER, 2815 Starr. IT IS A PLEASURE TO RECOMMEND IT It is really a pleasure to add my testimonial to the worth of "Liberty Flour." ' It has given me the utmost satisfaction in every way, and I hope that the demand for it will grow so great as to require a speedy enlargement of the mills. I have found it to be the best flour on the market. MRS. FRED IHRINGER, 1539 D. HAVE NEVER USED ITS EQUAL My attention was called to "Liberty Flour" by a friend some months ago, and I bought a sack as an experiment. The fact that I have continued its use from that time shows what I think of it. I have never used the equal of "Liberty Flour," and "I take pleasure in saying so publicly. MRS. MARK T. CASTOR, ' 1419 G. HAS GIVEN PERFECT SATISFACTION I was induced to use "Liberty Flour" by seeing it advertised in The Wageworker. The first sack convinced me of its merit3 and I have used "Liberty Flour' ' ever since. It has given perfect satisfaction in every way, and I am glad of this opportunity to recommend it to my friends in Lincoln and elsewhere. MRS. G. A. WALKER, 2301 S. DESERVES THE WIDEST USE Because of its merits, and also because of the fact that it is the widest possible use among worginkmen's families. I have used it regularly for some time and cheerfully recommend it to' my friends. It deserves the highest testimonials. MRS. H. W. SMITH, 1725 P. RECOMMENDS IT TO HER FRIENDS . I have used "Liberty Flour" for several months, and I lose no opportunity to recommend it to my friends. I have never used a flour that I like so well. Because of this, and also because it is a home product, I use it constantly and urge my friends to do iiKewise. if they do they will not regret it. MRS. W. D. KING, - ' , 2030 M. - . IT GIVES THE BEST RESULTS I have been more than pleased with the results secured from my use of "Liberty Flour." It has given the be3t results, and if any word of mine will add to the number of its users I will be very glad. Lincoln people should be proud of having such a mill and should support it to the utmost. MRS. W. S. BROWN, N " ' , 1418 F. We have scores of letters from wives of other union men, all telling the same story of complete satisfaction with the results obtained from the use of "Liberty Flour." These letters are from women who do their own 0 o 0 baking, and know "first hand" of the results, risk when you buy a sack of "Liberty Flour.' and we will see that your order is filled. Our Guarantee Goes with Every Sack. You run absolutely no We guarantee it. If your grocer does not handle it, telephone us Bell 688 Auto 4983 GSOC TC3E UDGOLQ Gffljj DC DC