The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 30, 1907, Image 5

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Open Shop Proposition Does Not Seem
to Frighten Them Much,
Last Friday evening there was a
meeting of employing barbers at the
committee room of the Commercial
club, and at that time a declaration,
abounding in rhetorical flights and elo
quent phrases, and declaring for the
"open shop" was signed 'by several
mew csy
131 South lltH Street.
Attention is called to the beautiful
wording of the prounuciamento, which
is as follows: -
To our complete Stock of Drugs and Drug
Sundries we are continually adding the BEST of
EVERYTHING the market affords.
Paint that covers the earth, and the Paint that
has stood the test of time.
lf you cannot find your favorite among our
large assortment of Foreign and Domestic
Cigars we will get it for you.
Try a Sundae at our newly installed Inovation
Soda Fountain-the only one in the city, and you
will be served in an Individual silver service.
131 South 11th Street -:- Lincoln, Neb.
There are Many Reasons Why
1 Special Watch Sale. See
before buying somewhere else
Our Repair Department first-class and every job
guaranteed You will find us prompt and careful
E "V
1343 O Street
G 'A R S
"No trouble to show goods" -
"Make good any defective article" .
An up-to-date line of Jewelry, Diamonds, Sil
verware, Cut Glass and Clocks
we Should Get
our Prices
.J m
-; iHvr
The first auxiliary to the Interna
tional Typographical Union was or
ganized in Atlanta Ga., by the wives,
mothers and sisters of the-members of
Atlanta Typographical Union. Its ob
ject originally was to promote socia
bility among the families of union
printers and to be of assistance in
times of distress.
In February, 1900, the Omaha auxil
iary was organized, we being urged to
by the workers in the Atlanta auxil
iary. To the object already mention
ed was added that of promoting a
more general use of the union label.
Label agitation became a. hobby
among printers' families and this in
fluenced the organizing of the Mil
waukee, Nashville and Cincinnati
When the International Typograph
ical Union convention met in Cincinna
ti in 1902 a conference was held by
five representatives of the above
named auxiliaries to discuss the ad
visability of organizing an internation
al auxiliary. At this conference the
Woman's International Auxiliary ito
the International Typographical Union
was organized.
Of those who had the nerve and will
power to organize the Woman's In
ternational Auxiliary, Mrs. F. A. Ken
nedy was chosen temporary chairman
and first international president, and
held the office three years; Mrs. E. D.
Donnell of Cincinnati, secretary, Mrs.
Edwin Buchanan and Mrs. J. Loser of
Nashville, Mrs. M. U. J. Crowley of
Milwaukee and Mrs. Jesse Johnston of
Cincinnati were the other officers and
organizers of the Woman's Internation
al Auxiliary.
In the face of an objection to the or
ganization of the international auxil
iary at that time by a clever lady
from New York, our auxiliary women
went before the International Typo
graphical Union convention and won
that body's official endorsement by a
vote of 90 to 27. Since then the or
ganization- has grown in all parts of
the International Typographical Union
jurisdiction, locals being scattered
from California to Toronto, and Port
dand to Atlanta.
The organization of the new auxil
Pope Manufacturing Company Forced
to Go Into Bankruptcy.
The Pope Manufacturing company,
at Hartford, Conn., has been forced
into bankruptcy. It had a capital of
$21,000,000 and was accounted one of
the biggest and most successful manu
facturing concerns in the country.
But' Col. -Pope, the head of the con
cern, was an "open shop" man, and
he was a bitter opponent of trades
unions. He undertook to break up.
the machinists' union, and a long and
bitter fight resulted. The Pope Man
ufacturing company is a "dead one."
but the machinists' union is still doing
business at the old stand.
If we remember right, Col. Pope is
the same individual -who rushed into
print a few years ago with the state
ment that in his opinion strikers were
little if any better than anarchists,
and that they deserved the same
treatment as anarchists either be de
ported or stood up against a wall and
Sometimes a great many years
elapse before the chickens come home
to roost, but they come, just the
iary has toned up the printers' con
ventions immensely until now it is
strictly fashionable for delegates to
bring their wives to the conventions.
To illustrate the effect of the auxil
iary on conventions it might be
stated: At Syracuse there were three
visiting women in attendance, at De
troit, 40; at Milwaukee, 60; at Cin
cinnati, 120; at Washington, 160; at
St Louis, 250; at Toronto, 500; at
Hot Springs one sixth of the visitors
were women. At Boston there will be
no less than 1,000 women visitors.
That beats any convention of any
kind on this continent. -
In August of each year at the time
and place of the International Typo
graphical Union 'convention the
Woman's Innternational Auxiliary al
so meets. At this convention the wives,
mothers, unmarried daughters and un
married sisters of the union printers
have a chance to show what organi
zation among women can do. In or
ganization there is strength, and as
women are the purchasing power they,
by the r purchase of union made
goods,, are constantly Improving the
condition of the wage earner.
Other local women who have held
office in the international are . Mrs.
Herman Mathes and'Mrs. Bert Cox of
Omaha, both of whom served as chap
lain; Mrs. H. W. Smith of Lincoln
also held an international office for
one term.
Miss Frances Taylor, a member of
the Typographical Union of Cincin
nati and a literary women of more
than local reputation, assisted mater
ially in organizing the international.
Mr. Dan W. Green of Atlanta, Ga.,
and Mr. F. A. Kennedy of Omaha
were the godfathers 6f the interna
tional auxiliary, they having assisted
Mrs. F. A. Kennedy and Mrs. Jesse
Johnston of Cincinnati -in drawing up
the original constitution ' of the
Woman's International Auxiliary.
I am very anxious to see every auxil
iary represented at the Boston con
vention. Now is the time for all good
auxiliary women to save their pennies
for the greatest trip of their life Bos
ton 1908. All previous conventions
will be put in t!he shade by Boston.
same. The labor-ating chickens in
cubated by ool. Pope are coming home
almighty fast these days. .
Closely allied to the real estate
interests which to the ih4i'6irialwork
er constitutes the wealth of his ciass,
is a profession in which only men of
the highest standing and business in-
tregity have any chance. The import
ance of the abstractor can not be over
Alanson Chapman,' located in the
Funke building is one of the pioneers
and it is fitting that he should be men
tioned in a review of this kind. His
heart has always been in the right
place in regard to labor interests and
the industrial worker and union man
would do well to consult him where
his services would be of benefit.
Sam Large is larger now than he
was a week ago, and all because a
little Large- arrived' on August 26 to
bless his home. The visitor, who has
promised to remain permanently, is a
boy, and papa is so proud that he
often forgets and tries to cast
matrix in cold metal. ,
"Believing in the constitution of the
United States, and in the freedom of
its people, and that all men should -be
treated alike and right and every
citizen should stand on his own actv,
we, the undersigned, agree to stand
by and for the open shop; that we
will not discriminate- against men that
can stand on thefr own merits whether
they be, unioriPor non-union men, and
believing the time has come when the
men, their family, their children and
those depending upon them will be
the sufferers from the closed shop, and
that a' long-suffering public has tired
of being driven to the necessity of
shaving themselves,, or doing without
barber work, and that there can "be
and there is no money for the propri
etor or journeyman in the closed
shop, and that all proprietors of bar
ber shops from this date shall fix their
own .price lists as-they see -best for
the good of their business and for
the good of the barber Drofessinn anil
the benefits of all concerned a long
suffering public. Believing that God
is with the right and patient and that
we have been patient and right, we.
the undersigned proprietors, agree to
run open shops from this" date. We
also agree that the opening and clos-.
ing hours shall, remain as now, ex
cept on special occasions, when the
hours shall be agreed upon by the boss
barbers. (Signed).
Charles Bowen refused to sign, and .
Mr. Jackson declares that he signed '
under protest. - ' .
These notices were posted in the
Barthelman and Green '.' shops next
day. When the union learned of it
the officers got' busy. President Er
lenborn and Secretary Schwenker t
proceeded to the Green shop in the
Richards block and demanded the
shop card. Mr. Green had it secured
and refused - to give it us. It is
claimed that Mr. Green struck Presi
dent Erlenborn and threatened Secre
tary Schwenker. It seemed for a time
as if the shop would be struck, but
finally the obnoxious notice was re-. .
moved and the shop card allowed to -remain.
At the "Grand Mogul," the
other Green shop, the "notice did not
long .remain posted. Later . it was
removed at the Grand Central. One
result of the trouble was a practical
demonstration that the journeymen :
would stick together if occasion de
manded It, and that any- effort to en
force the open shop would result in
something more than" a mere "talk
fest." ... ' i .
The international constitution gives
each local the right, if it sees fit, to
fix the price list of work, and acting '
on this the local union recently voted
(o raise the, price of shaving in all
union shops to 15 cents. This ad
vance is being, bitterly opposed "by
some of the so-called "smaller shops,"
the proprietors claiming that It will -simply
force them out pf business.
They point to the fact that a sim
ilar effort a few years ' ago resulted
disastrously to both proprietors and
journeymen. The advanced prices are
to go into effect on September 1. Sev
eral of the "-big shops" have been
charging the 15 cent rate all the time.
The- journeymen have assured the
"small proprietors" that if the new
rate injures their business they wiJJ
be taken care of.
The local barbers' uuion now has
upwards of sixty-eight members and
is in a flourishing condition. At the
regular meeting on Wednesday night
of last week the local unanimously
voted to renew its supscription to The
WasewcFke-, ana a-meuiber was seV
lected to act as "press. representative"
and furnish The Wageworker -with all
the barber news going. The local
also voted unanimously to take $50
worth of stock in the Labor Temple
as a starter with more,, to follow if
necessity, demands.
The union shops will be closed all
day next Monday, and the "barbers will
make it a holiday in fact as well as
in name.
The Lincoln Barbers' Union has ap
pointed a press agent whose duty It
will be . to keep The Wageworker
posted on what is going on in union
barber circles. This is an example
that should be followed by every other
union in the city. .
It is almighty easy to buy, a reputa
tion for philanthropy with the monej
secured by robbing the weak and de