The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 30, 1907, Image 18

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114 South 12th
Both Phones
Gonoral Dray and Transfer Work
Packing, Moving and Storage of Household
Goods and Pianos
Machinery, Boiler and Safe Work
Carloads Distributed
In the World
Is not merely a question of saving money, but of proper
investment of your savings.
Real estate is one of the most profitable as well as
the safest of investments.
How often have you heard a person say, "I could
have bought that property years ago for a few hundred
dollars; n6w it is worth thousands."
Will you be saying the same thing a few years
from now?
We have dozens of bargains in Lincoln real estate
that we can sell you for a small amount down and the
remainder in easy payments.
We can sell you a home for a small amount down
and the balance at just what you are paying in rent.
Good properties, too, sure to go up and up and up.
Come in and tell us what you want. We have
been twenty years in this business here and we can
get it for you.
Offices: 122 North 11th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Early Bispfey
At Herpolshcimer's, August 31st to September 7th
A cordial welcome to all visitors while in Lincoln to make our store your headquarters, use our phones, eat at our restaurant, meet
your friends here, make use of our Rest Room and take advantage of the special offers of New Merchandise in every department.
New Gloves
One of the many reasons why our Glove Department does
the largest business hereabouts Is that the buyer Is a Glove
Man. Buying Gloves Is his bobby. He not only makes a study
of the quality of skins, workmanship, etc., but he makes a
study of the fashions. That's why you will always find at our
Glove Department shades to match your gowns and the proper
lengths for street, party or evening wear. While on your shop
ping tour don't fall to look at our New Fall Gloves.
Voltaire, 2-clasp Glove, finest lamb skin, new colors, at,
per pair $1.00
Armada, 3-clasp Glove, Paris Point, new fall shades, at,
per walr $1.50
Virginia, Slasp Glove, real French Kid, Paris Point, at,
per pair $1.75
Our new Long Kid Gloves are better values than ever, but
we still retain the same prices.
Ftdelio, 16-button Gloves, French Kid, black, white, and
tan, at. per pair $3.75
Fldello Gloves, 12-button, French Kid, black, at. per pair. .$3.50
Women' Fall P. K. Cape Gloves anil Klite Mocha Gloves,
at, per pair, $1.25 and $1.50
Women's 811k lined Mocha Gloves, at. per pair $1.26
New Shoes
Doa't fall to see our complete line of New Fall and Winter
Shoes for Women. You will And all ylzes here from AA
to ill In any last or patterns In all leathers, at, per pair,
$6.00, $4.00. $3 50, $3.00 and $2 50
New Corsets
We announce the completeness of this department, many
new models have been added to our regular lines this fall. No
unsatisfactory models And their way Into this department. The
leader are K. & G., Warmers Bros., fresco, W. H. and the
W. C. C. Corsets. Every pair of Corsets we sell la guaranteed.
New Silks, Dress Goods Wash and Goods
Never before in our history has our Silks, Dress Goods,
Colored Ssh Goods and Lining Departments attained to such
a high degree of quality and excellence.
Among the excellent qualities in our Silk Department we
are showing the following well known makes: Yunca Black
Silks in Pure Dyes, Modern TafTetas, Chiffon Taffetas and Peau
de Soies; 2o-in. Indestructable Pure Dye Colored Dress Silks;
27-in. Messallne Society Silks and Safo Silks; Clifton Bond
Lining Taffetas; Greffs Lining Taffetas and Staleys Lining Taf
fetas; Cheney Bros. 42-Inch Coating Silks in Black and Pastel
Shades as well as a varied range of high quality Fancy Waist
ings and Suiting Silks. Roman stripes, Pekin stripes, hair-line
stripes, plaids in popular fall shadings and self-colorings in dots,
stripes and plaids.
Prices, at, per yard. 50c to ." .$2.50
We invite correction and quality comparison.
Broad Cloths and Voiles have first call. Our showing in
cludes the Iwan Samonls Chiffon Spot Proof Broadcloths
In colors at $2.50 and $3.00; in black at $2.50 to $4.00.
Chiffon Weight Broadcloths in all colors and black, at,
per yard. $1.25 to ....$2.25
Wool Voiles, black and colors. $1.00 to $2.00; Silk Voiles.
$1.50 to $2.50; Black Wool Goods. $1.00 to $2.50; Botany
Worsteds, 3c to $1.50 and Butterfleld Mohairs, blacks
and colors; Serges, Cheviots and Panamas and Taffetas
in plain and colors. Novelty Su Rings in stripes, plaids,
check effects and self-colorings.
Mercerized Sunburst Silks at, 35c; Liberty Silks, 25c;
Heatherbloom, 40c; Peau de Soie, 35c; and Kusaline
at, per yard 25c
Koena Medalion Cloths, at 29c; Soksette at 29c, and Kuroda
Silks at 29c. Mercerized Woven Waistlngs and Suitings
and Fancy Madras Cloths from 35c to 75c. Mercerized
Ginghams, at, per yard ..) 25c
If any Silk or Dress Goods customer is dissatisfied it is
their own fault, as we are ready to refund your money or ad
Just any claim.
New Hosiery
Durability Is the keynote of our Hosiery. Our stock in
cludes the popular priced goods and the Fine Silk Hose, but
every number is considered as to its wearing qualities before
we place an order.
Women's Hosiery, at. per pair, 10c to .$2.00
Children's Hosiery, at, per pair, 10c to.... . . . 35c
The celebrated Burson Seamless Hose they fit the foot,
they wear and every pair is warranted; at, per pair, 25c
29c, 35c and '. 50c
Burson Doll Baby Hose On Friday, August 30th, we will
give away FREE one thousand pairs of Doll Hose. We cor
dially invite the little folks to bring their Dollies and have them
fitted to a pair of hose free.
New Underwear
This season, as every .other season, our Underwear stock
is replete with all weights of Underwear and the best values
Women's Fall Weight, Vests and Pants, high neck and long
sleeve Vests and ankle Pants, in natural and cream
colore; at, per garment... ...25c
Women's Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, in ecru or pure
white; an excellent value, at 35c
Women's Medium Weight Combed Cotton Vests and Pants,
at, per garment 50c
Women's Extra Size Vests and Pants, at, per garment, 35c. 50c
Women's Union Suits, in high neck, long sleeves and ankle
length, light weight, medium weight; fleece lined or
mixed wool in tuck stlt.oh or fine gauze; at $1.00
Women's Fleece Lined Union Suits, at ...50c,
Women's Union Suits, in lisle, silk and lisle, silk and wool
and mixed wool, at $1.00 to $3.00
Visit Our Premium
Visit Our Premium