DO YOU WANT A FREE TRIP TTifE STATE FAIR AND RETURN? YOU CAN EASILY SAVE THIS AMOUNT By Attending the Extraordinary Special Sales to Be Held at the Boston Store, 1138 0 St., Every Day During the Fair Every Men's and Boys' Suit or Overcoat; every Ladies' Skirt, Waist, Cloak or Fur. Every piece of Dress Goods; all the Hosiery and Underwear for Men, Women and Chil dren. All the Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. All the Men's and Women's Furnishings are absolutely new and the latest showing for fall and winter 1907. This being practically our first fall and winter season's business in Lincoln, we have made herculean efforts in selecting and buying the immense stocks necessary for our different stores, so as to gain every advantage in goodness of quality and lowness of price, as we intend by this irresistible power, high quality and low price, to establish our reputation in Lincoln and the state of Nebraska as the store to buy good merchandise at the lowest possible price. Commencing Monday Morning, September 2nd at 8:30 A. M. And lasting every day during the Fair until Saturday night, September 7, at II p. m., the following stocks of the Finest and Newest Styles of Read y-ta-wear Apparel will be on spe cial sale at prices that will positively save you your railroad fare to the State Fair and return. Read the price list. x. Men's and Boys' New Fall Suits and Overcoats From the Most Reliable Wholesale Tailors For this Advance Sale we will offer 500 Finest Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men in four lots. Men's and women's good Shoes in the New Fall Shapes $3.98 $2.49 $2.98 $2.25 $1.95 LOT NO. 1. Including f22.50, $23.75 and 123.00 values, will be sold on Advance Sale, 00 Fair week only, at .HtJ.UU LOT NO. 2. Including ft 16.50, 118.00 and $20.00 values, will be sold on Advance Sale, CJ 7 0 Fair week only, at )Ia.JU LOT NO. 8. Including $13.50 and $15.00 values, will be sold Fair week only, $10 00 LOT NO. 4. Including f. 50, $8.65 and f 9.45 values, will be sold Fair week only, Remember these lots embrace all of the newest fashions and bast fabrics in Men's and Young Men's SUITS AND OVERCOATS shown by the best factories for Fall and Winter, 1907-08. 85.00 Shoes on sale Fair week, at $3.50 Shoes on sale Fair week, at $4.00 Shoes on sale Fair week, at $3.00 Shoes on sale Fair week, at $2.50 Shoes on sale Fair week, at Over 400 Men and Young Men's New Fall Hats Representing over 20 different styles will be on sale Fair Week only in three lots. LOT NO. 1. Including values up to $3.50; Advance Sale CI 05 price , LOT NO. -2. Including values up to $2. 7a; Advance Sale Jfl fiZ LOT NO. 3. Including values up to $2.25; Advance Sale (M CA Jl.t7U price. price See the New Fall Shirts and Ties on Display All grades at Special Prices for Fair Week. 300 SUIT CASES Worth $2.00, on sale Fair week only at 98c Women's and Misses' Ready-to-Wear Garments in Great Variety and Exclusive Styles A tempting advance sale of Women's, Misses' and Children's Cloaks for FAIR WEEK ONLY Over a thousand New Cloaks to select from and every one the latest fashion. Be sure and see the Wonderful Values that will be g5 on sale at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $18.50, $15 00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00. BE SURE AND SEE THE BIG SKIRT BARGAINS 652 New Panama, Voile and Mixture Skirts on Special Sale. Extraordinary values at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98, $3.95, $4.95, 85.00, $5.95, $6.50, 17.50, 88.00, $8.50, $8.95, $9.50, $10.00, $12.50 and 815.00. Shirt Waists of Net, Shirt Waists of Silk, Shirt Waists of Lawn, Shirt Waists of Batiste and Albatross and Mohair 42 distinct styles all sizes, 32 to 46 all colors On Sale Fair Week-, according to quality 98c, $1.25, $1.49, $1.98, $2.25, $2.49, $2.93, $3,50, 3.98, $4.50, $4.98, $6.48, $7.00 and $7.50. Men's Best, Heavy, Soft, Pure Wool Shirts and Drawers, $l.o0 value, Fair Week price. 95c Pieces New Plaid and Solid Color Wool Dress Goods for Fall All Colon and All Weaves That Are New 59c, 6ac, 69c, and 75c values, 'AS all on sale, at yard 4DC 98c, $1.25 and $1.35 values, all on sale, at yard . ; I "C $1.49, $1.60, $1.75 and $2.00 values, on sale ff I 1 1 Fair week, only, per yard $1.) EXTRA BIG SPECIAL SALE OF FURS! It's never too early to save money! Buy now! $4.00 LambsKin Gloves, 20-button length, tan3, blacks, and browns; on sale af at .- Jhi.VD We have an expert Skirt Fitter No charge for alterations. - - - Women's 75c Grey or Cream Ribbed Union Suits, Fall and Winter weights, Fair week 1ft price ZVC Women's $1.50 Grey Ribbed Wool Union aj Suits, Fair week price "DC Women's Vests and Drawers, ribbed, Fall 1 j . weight; 50c value at .LoQ Make ycur Fair Week Outing profitable as well as pleasurable by laying in your Fall and Winter supply of dry goods, clothing, shoes and furnishings, where everything is new, at the It's Never Too Soon to Save Money Buy Now BOSTON STORE 1138 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska Outfitters for Men, Women and Children Watch Our Windows BOOSTING FOR BENNETT All Advocates of Ithe Square Deal Backing Hit Candidacy. Unusual interest attaches to the candidacy of John R. Bennett, who Is a candidate before the republican primaries (or the nomination as county commissions!. The district which Mr. Bennett seeks to represent embraces the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth wards and precinct B of the Second ward, In the city of Lincoln. The Interesting feature is. the attempt of the Traction company interests to "get even" with Mr. Bennett because he has, as a member of the city council, refused to grant any further concessions to the Lincoln Traction company. This opposition has been so 'plain that every reader of the morning Traction organ could see it. All this is, or should be, quite enough to induce every republican working man in Mr. Bennett's district to vote for him at the primaries. But aside from this, Mr. Bennett has other claims for support. He has been a resident of Lancaster county for man; yeare. He came to the coun ty a young man and by economy man aged to get together enough money ATTENTION If you into rid having Fall Suit made to order patronize UNION TAILORS We employ none but Union Men. We carry a complete line of Foreign and Domestic Woolens. a Style and Workmanship Guaranteed. BACKSTORM CO. High-Grade Tailors 1320 N Street Lincoln, Neb. to buy a little farm. Later failing health in the family forced him to leave the farm and he came to Lin coln. He bought a lunch housa near the Burlington depot, worked night and day, lost no opportunity to make friends by leaving sjuslicd customers, saved his money and invested it in Lincoln property. Everp- dollar 'he has was honestly made and has been honestly used. Being a representative citizen and an interested taxpayer, he would make a good county commis sioner. The Wageworker does not know Mr. Bennett personally, but it knows his record, and it is the kind of a record that recommends its pos sessor to the confidence of the peo ple. His record during his short serv ice in the council shows that the pos session of a competency has not made him feel above those who still have to toil far a daily wage, and it fur ther shows that he is in full sympa thy with the principles of trades unionism. The Wageworker believes that the election of Mr. Bennett would give the toilers a "friend in court." CENTRAL LABOR UNION. Short Meeting and For Lst Time In the Old Hall. The Central Labor Union met Tues day evening at 1034 O street, but it will not meet there again. It was the last meeting in the old building. When the building on the corner was removed to make room for the new- Little block, it sounded the death knall of the old building in which the central body has met so long, and it has been condemned. The next meeting ot the central body, which occurs on Tuesday, September 10, will be- held in Brush's hall. In the mean time an effort will be made to secure a regular rate for Carpenters' hall. ' Little business of importance came before tha meeting. Charley Bowen, proprietor of the Pioneer barber shop, presented a grievance against the "ac tion of the local barbers' union in ar bitrarily raising the prices " to be charged the public. The central body of which Mr. Bowen was long a faith ful member, listened to his grievance but decided that it had no jurisdiction in the premises, and could not have until the local brought the matter- to the body for adjudication. The mat ter, however, brought to light the fact that several of the boss barbers had combined to force the open shop. i ne tacts about this will be found in the department devoted to the local Barbers' Union. It was reported that all arrange ments had been made for Labor Day, and that there was every indication that the celebration would be a suc cess. Mr. Griffith, who Is largely i- terested in the concessions at Capital Beach, appeared before the meeting to offer a proposition to hold the cele bration at the Beach, but the central body decided that it had no control of the matter, and the. committeemen present thought it best not to inter fere with arrangements already made. The announcement that the Citizens' Street Railway Co. had donated $20 towards' defraying the expenses of the celebration was greeted with' applause. A RIGHTEOUS DECISION. Union Scale of Wages the Just Basis of Remuneration. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the portrait and platform of Walter A. Leese, who is a candidate before the republican primaries for the nomination as county judge. In this connection The Wageworker de sires to recall a little fact in history, wiiich will very plainly set forth 'Mr. Leese's attitude towards organized labor. Some ten or eleven years ago, while Mr. Leese was a justice of the peace in Lincoln, a member of Lincoln Typo graphical Union No. 209 brought suit before him against a publishing cor poration for wages earned. The de fense was that the man had been paid enough, but the plaintiff set forth that he was a member of the union and entitled to the union seal of wages. The amount involved the difference between the amount paid and the union scale demanded was less than $3. Mr. Leese decided that the plaintiff was entitled to recover, holding that the union scale of .wages was the "prevailing scale" and that in the ah sence of any definite agreement as to wages the union scale for that par ticular craft should be paid. The case was appealed to the district court and the decision rendered by Justice Leese was upheld. This little bit of history should rec ommend Mr. Leese to the union voters of Lancaster county. WESTERN SUPPLY COMPANY. That Lincoln is assuming a fixed and undeniable front rank position in the commercial world is evidenced by the numerous enterprises which have during their few years of existence be come unqualified successes. This fact is especially true among the large wholesale and manufacturing con cerns. Every year adds to our now excel lent railroad facilities and where a few years ago for lack of these we could not successfully compete with Omaha, Sioux City and St. Joseph, we can now meet them on an equal footing. What 'has been accomplished along this line has only been made possible by the character of the men who have had the growth and progress of Lin coln in their 'hands. Their untiring efforts have gained for them the rank they now take. Out of the numer ous examples which might be cited there stands out a notable incident, that of the Western Supply Company, wholesalers of all kinds of plumbing supplies. Only the insiders fully ap preciate the relentless competition in this line and this fact only adds more credit to the men who have made thl3 what it is today. 1 From an unpretentious start in 1892 they have had a gradual but healthful growth, reaching the high water mark, the past year 'with sales of $300,000 to their credit. They are at the present time rep resented on the road by five sales men, Mr. Fairman, F. E. Chapman, W. L. Hunt, R. H. Ritch, and John Fees, who cover their territory several times each year. Mrs Gus Swanson and daughter vis ited in Eagle several days this week. It Is reported that a new daily pa per is 'to be launched in Chicago Sep tember 1. , The latest injunction against organ ized labor has been issued in West Virginia. Unionists are prohibited from aiding electrical workers In form ing an organization. What next? FTtt j 1 E. FLEMING, JEWELERIjj 0 0 WATCHES As cheap as at any other jewelry store the city Any Goods Bought are Engraved Free Hand-Painted Chinaware 0 Largest Stock of Silverware hi the city. Special Sale on Bracelets g 0 ED. FLEMING Freictlcal Watchmaker 1211 OSt. LINCOLN, NEB 0 an