4 iiTm vw n ti i rr 1 1 tnciu nAT HOODOO CLUBS twirler8 " who can beat strong team8 often easy for Weak ones. RECORDS TELL QUEER STORIES Uncertainty of National Paatlme la Cauaa of Much of Ita Popularity Boston a Cinch for Laifleld, of Pitta burg Cleveland Likes Delivery of "Rube" Waddell. Hardly a day passes but what one hears a fan say that so and so is going to pitch to-day and that he will win or lose, as the case may be. To one who Is not acquainted with the facts, the average set of baseball followers would think that these prognosticates know all about it. But in many cases they are wrong. Why are some pitchers successful against one team and a rank failure against anotner? Take the case of Lefty Lelfleld, of the Pirates, against Boston, since the left-hander haa be come a leaguer. He has pitched ten games against Tenny'a men and won nine of them. Five gamea he won by shutting them out He haa never lost a game In Boston. Mathewson, a couple of years ago, won ten straight games, all he twirled against the Pi rates. This year Lelfleld has defeated St. Louis six times, and St. Louis is his home. "Three-Fingered" Brown has pitched against every team In the National league this year, and Pittsburg was the only team he has found any trouble to defeat he has pitched in three full games against the Pirates and has won but one of them. He had no trouble to win four from New York and the same number from Cincin nati. Vic Willis has won both games he has pitched against New York, but has lost three to Chicago. He has also beat Brooklyn three times, but could not win from Philadelphia. Phllllppe, who had not won a game from Chicago for years, has won two out of three from them this season. Ames has won but one game from the Pirates, his first game in the league, when he defeated Scanlon, both start ing the same day in the National league. He was defeated last season for the first time after his winning streak, and received his only coat of whitewash of the season from Pitts burg. In the American league one can find Just as complicated cases as In the older league. Why Is it that Donovan has not pitched against Chicago, Walsh against Detroit, Killian against Philadelphia, Dygert - against - Clever land, Patten against Cleveland, etc.? Donovan has won four times from Philadelphia and three from New York, while all he could do was to split even with Cleveland. Jobs can win from every team except Phila delphia, while Clarkson has defeated the team under Mack's management twice. Walsh has won five games from St Louis; still he could do no better than break even with Boston, a team below the Browns in the stand ing. Plank, who has won two games he has pitched against Detroit, has lost the only pair he has been on the rubber in against St Louis. Waddell, who haa won both games from Chi cago, he has pitched,' has won one from Cleveland in three and one from Detroit in four trials. Doc White, who took Detroit into camp four times, has been able to win but one from New York out of four. Why is It that Young could win all his four games against New York but could only win one out of three from Philadelphia? Mullin has no trouble to win from Cleveland, but finds all other teams, even St Louis and Wash ington, hard to beat Lelbhardt has been able to break even in four games with Chicago, but cannot win from Philadelphia, who Is fourth In the race. Case Patten won two and lost two ' with Chicago, but lost all three he has pitched against Detroit. This rule can be found all through the table and it is one of thp reasons that baseball Is so popular it Is so uncer tain. AMERICAN LEAGUE NOTES ,J The Detroit club is reported as negotiating for Pitcher Victor Schlltzer, of Utica. It is almost certain that Outfielder Bay, of Cleveland, will not play again ' this season. Jack Knight is playing a fine third base for Boston, after all, despite pre dictions to the contrary. It is reported that the St. Louis club will turn Pitcher Ezra Morgan over to the Columbus club. Joe Kelley is still trying to land Grlmshaw, as Toronto is anxious for a hard-hitting first baseman. The Detroit club has purchased a right-handed Southern league pitcher - but refuses to reveal his jjame. The St. Louis club has loaned Pitcher Stevenson and Catcher Bren nan to the Springfield club, of the Western association. The Washington club has purchased through Denny Long, Pitcher Ell Catea, of the Oakland club, of the Pacific coast league. Joe Cantlllon says he fails to see how any one in the country could have done any better than Lajoie with the Cleveland club. ' Manager Clark Griffith seldom gets the worst of a trade but it looks as though he grabbed the hot end when he traded Walter Clarkson. TEN YEARS OF PAIN. Unable to Do Even Housework Be cause of Kidney Troubles. Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clin ton St., Napoleon, O., says: "For fifteen years I was a great sufferer from kidney , trou bles. My back pained me terribly. Every turn or, move caused itiBTii ihAnttnff pains. My eyesight was poor, dark spots appeased before me, and I had dizzy spells. For ten years I could not do housework, and for two years did not get out of the house. The kidney secretions were irregular, and doctors were not helping ire. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me quick relief, and finally cured me. They saved my life." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Used Ink for Bluing. "One can never'be too careful about apparently harmless articles setting about the house," said a housewife the other day. "Not long ago my husband brought home one of those big tall bot tles of ink from the office. It had got to be such a nuisance buying one of the small five-cent bottles every time we ran out of ink, that he said he would bring home a supply. "About a week after that I got a new maid, and when she did the. wash ing she took the big bottle of ink for bluing. Of course every stitch of our white clothes in the washing was ruined." Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness. It is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much mere thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Never Touched Him. "I have brought back the lawn mower I bought of you last week," said the man with the side whiskers. "You said you would return my money if it wasn't satisfactory." "Yes, that's what I said," replied the dealer, "but I assure you the money was perfectly satisfactory in every respect." Pronounce These Rapidly. The vicar of Dwygyfylchi-cum-Pen-maenmaur told the royal commission of the church in Wales recently that he had been at Pistylecum-Carnguwch, Llangefui-cum-Tregalan, Llandyfuan-cum-LIanfair and Arleechwedd. Yes, Yes. "I suppose," said Mrs. Tartleigh, "when you die you expect to meet all your husbands?" "You are very rude," retorted Mrs. Muchwedde. "When I die I expect to go to heaven." Young's Magazine. Chance for Collectors. An oil portrait of J. Pierpont Mor gan is among the unclaimed dutiable goods in the government stores at New York. It will be offered at public sale. . Large Sum for Pasteur Institute. Daniel Osiris, the Jewish banker and philanthropist, of Paris, who recently died, left a will In which he disposed of $13,000,000, giving $5,000,000 to the Pasteur institute. It Is worth while to do even the smallest kindness as we go along the way. Nothing is lost. No dewdrop perishes, but, sinking into the flower, makes it sweeter. Richer. My way is to go straight forward and aim at what is right. Bishop As bury. Let thy discontents be thy secretf Franklin. FROM THE PENCIL'S POINT. The larger the bluff the smaller it looks when called. Some people's troubles are enough to make others laugh. It is wonderful what a lot pf kiss ing a little mouth can do. ' Some people derive a lot of satisfac tion from their dissatisfactions. When it comes to underestimating himself a man seldom overdoes it. The babbling brook, like a babbling man, is unable to keep its mouth shut. In accounting for others the book keeper does a little work on his own account. It requires a lot of strenuous will power for a girl of 25 to act as if she didn't care to get married. Tell a woman about a year aftei marriage that she might have don better and she will not deny it. I Xf you flkd yourself pahuS someone speaks generous words of praise concerning your brother, the thing for you to do is to make a prompt and thorough examination of your heart. No man has reached the end of his development as long as he continues to read new books, think new thoughts and undertake new projects. CAME PRETTY FAST FOR PAT. At That- He Had Had Only What the Doctor Ordered. A Philadelphia physician says that sot long ago he was called to see an Irishman, and among other directions told him to take am ounce of whisky three times a day. A day or so later he made another visit and found the man, while not so sick, undeniably drunk. "How did this happen?" the physi cian demanded of Pat's wife, who was hovering about solicitously. "Sure, dochter, an' 'tis just what you ordered, an' no more, that he had," she protested. "I said one ounce of whisky three times a day; that could not make him drunk," the physician said. "He has had much more than that." "Divil a drop more, dochter, dear," she declared. "Sure an' oi didn't know Just how much an ounce. was so oi wint to the drug store an' asked, an' the lad he's a broth of a boy, too told me that an ounce was 16 drams and Pat has had thim regular, an' no more!" Harper's Weekly. BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. Rash Covered Face and Feet Would Cry Until Tired Out Speedy Cure by Cuticura. "My baby was about nine months old when she had rash on her face and feet. Her feet seemed to irritate her most, especially nights. They would cause her to be broken in her rest, and sometimes she would cry until she was tired out. I had heard of so many cures by the Cuticura Remedies that I thought I would give them a trial. The improvement was noticeable in a few hours, and before I had used one box of the Cuticura Ointment her feet were well and have never troubled her since. I also used it to remove what is known as 'cradle cap' from her head, and it worked like a charm, as it cleansed and healed the scalp at the same time. Mrs. Hattie Currier, Thomaston, Me., June 9, 1906." Rule of Cornish Chapels. In Cornish Eng.) chapels the in variable rule is for the men to sit on one side of the building and the women on the other. A visitor and his fiancee, who are staying in the district, went to chapel, and just before the service began the young man was greatly astonished when the chapel steward, observing that the ' couple were seated in the same pew, came over to him and, in an audible voice, said: "Come on out of that, me son; we don't 'ave no sweetheartin' 'ere." With a smooth iron and Defiance Starch, you can launder your Biiht waist just as well at home as the steam laundry can; it will have the proper stiffness and flt-lsh, there will be less wear and tear of the goods, and it will be a positive pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to the iron. Left Army for Pork Trade. Aladar Stolincki, an aristocratic lieutenant of a Hungarian hussar reg iment, has resigned his commission to become an apprentice to a pork butch er in Budapest. He says he can not live on his pay $400 a year and that he considers a man of intelligence and energy can do well in the pork trade. Not His Element. "And if I give you money," said the philanthropist, "will you promise to go and take a bath?" Redface Leary drew himself up to his full height. "A bath? And is it a mermaid you take me for?" he cried bitterly. Defiance Starch Is the latest inven tion in that line and an improvement on all other makes; it is more eco nomical, does better work, takes less time. Get it from any grocer. Man does what he can, and bears what he must, and the name by which he calls the result is left to each to decide; a clever man calls it happi ness. Goethe. Only love can keep out bitterness; love is stronger than the world's un kindness. George Eliot STOP WOMAN AND CONSIDER First, that almost every operation in our hospitals, performed upon women, becomes necessary because of neelect of such symptoms Backache, Irregularities, Displace ments, Pain in the Side, Dragging1 Sensations, Dizziness and Sleepless ness. - Second, that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, has cured more cases of female ills than any other one medicine known. It reg ulates, strengthens and restores women's health and is invaluable in preparing women for child-birth and during the period of Change of Life. . Third, the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to time being published by special permission, give absolute evi dence of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham'a advice. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound For more than 30 years has been curing Female Complaints, such as Dragging Sensations, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, In flammation and Ulceration, and Organic Diseases, and it dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Wotaen Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. for advice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who has been advising sick women free of charge for more thantwenty Sears, and before that she assisted he? mother-in-law, Lydia E. Pink am in advising. Thus she is especially well qualified to guide sick women back to health. Write today, don't wait until too late. He Was Not to Blame. Little Bartholomew's mother over heard him swearing . like a mule driver,. says the Cleveland Leader. He displayed a fluency that overwhelmed her. She took him to task, explaining the wickedness of profanity as well as its vulgarity. She asked him where he had learned ail those dreadful words. Bartholomew announced that Cavert, one of his playmates, had taught him. Cavert's mother was straightway informed and Cavert was brought to book. He vigorously de nied having instructed Bartholomew, and neither threats nor tears could make his confess. At last he burst out: "I didn't tell Bartholomew any cuss words. Why should I know how to cuss any better than he ' does? Hasn't his father got an automobile, too?" 1 The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiff ener makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Punishment by Inches. A Bergen (Genesee county) justice of the peace has adopted an original scheme for the dispensation of justice. Henry Meyer, 27 years old and seven feet two inches tall, was a prisoner in his court for stealing four bags of oats. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail, one day for each inch of stature and one for each bag. Nunda (N. Y.) News. CHEAP IRRIGATED LAND. Grand opening Sept. 5th under Carey Act. Little Snake River Valley, Routt County, Colo. $25.50 per acre for land and water. $5.25 per acre down. Ex cursion rates. Routt County Develop ment Co., 14 17th St.. Denver, Colo. The Reason Why. "How did you come here?" said one Mexican bull to an old acquaintance, as they met in the arena. "How?" replied the other, with a glance around. "I may say I was roped in." Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures painful,swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. . Novel Excuse of No Avail. A Lander (Colo.) man called to serve on a jury tried to get off by claiming he was too big for such work. Does Your Head Ache? If so, get a box of Krause's Headache Capsules of your Druggist. 25c. Norman Lichty Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la. - Te wisdom is to, know what is bests worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing. Humphrey. . Guns, .Traps, Decoys, Etc. Lowest prices. Write for Free catalog No. 1. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis. Observe the face of the wife to know the husband's character. Spanish. The virtue of a man is measured by his every-day conduct Pascal. M afflicted with I ThM... ru. .. on eyea, on f nunspavn bjE mater W. N. U, LINCOLN, NO. 34, 1907. Architects and Closets. An architect, eays a writer, com plains that women have a mania for closets and that when a woman is al lowed any liberty in the matter she changes his whole architectural plan in order to make room for them. This, he says, makes him a laughing stock among his fellow architects. This is very interesting, but why do architects make plans if not to make every effort themselves to secure conveniences? A house may be architecturally perfect and yet not fit to live in, and it certain ly is not if there is not closet room enough. Foreign Waterways. Since we began the neglect and abandonment of canals, France has quadrupled her waterways. Accord ing to figures furnished by commer cial associations, the British isles have 8,000 miles of canal and it does not all antedate the railroad. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself; nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. R. W. Emerson. Beautiful is the activity that works for good and the stillness that waits for good. Collyer. Mrs. Window's Soothing- Syrap. For children teething, softens the guns, reduces bv semination, allays psln,ciirefl wind coUu. SScabottls A life in continual need is half-death. German. ALCOHOL 3 PEE fvT ANgeeaWcReparationfirAs similatingiheFoodamlRegub ting the StomariBandBowelsof HMasillMI Promotes Digpstionflitetful-i nessandRret-Containsneittar Opiuni.Morphine norMneraLj MOT NARCOTIC. ' Onyx tfOdIkS4UaJItX JbcMeSJts- Aperfect Remedy for ConsHpa-i tion , sour auiiaaai.uuuiiHu. Worms jConvulsKras.reverisfr ness andLOSSOrSEEEP. Facsimile Signatureof NEW YORK. 1 Exact Copy of Wrapper, ' 7 a 7 4 ZTTu, 5g- W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES Sg8HOE3 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF. "TLJ C CIUII V AT At I DDIftBQ 025,000 LZrSJSwJi Reward iXZTZrZ,; ' THE REASON W. I. Doaglaa shoes are worn by more people In all walks of life than any other make, is because of their excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities. The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by the most complete organization of superintendents, foreraenand skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled. If I could take yon into my large factories at Brockton, Mass.. and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better.. wear longer and are of greater value than any Afv SftPiNETeiao and S S OotdBond CAUTION! The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and price stamped on. bottom. Take No Substitute. Ask your dealer for W. I. Douglas shoes. If he cannot supply yon, send direct to factory. Shoes sent everywhere by mail. Catalog free. TVI rinslit niiiislnsi.Mess SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S Positively cared by these Little Pills. ' tMi rney also relieve dis L JITTIt? 1 tress from Dyspepsia, In- I fiiipii digestion and Too Hearty I I I VtK Eatin- A perfect rem I I i edy for Dizziness, Man I I rILLwi sea, Drowsiness, Bad I f Taste in the Month, Coat- r I ed Tongue, Pain in the lau. TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely, Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear . Fac-Simile Signature .- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. a mwi TBATKUia WANTED AGENTS to ten and distribute Hatter's Cele brated remedies, Toilet Articles, Spices and -Extracts. Good salesmen make large earnlnc. ' The most liberal terms given to Agents. THE HAULER ftOPRIETAY CO. BLAIR ... NEBRASKA BtmOL ELECTROTYPES rrtotT for aata m.t tk. Inn m prima by For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You llavo Always Dough! Bears the Signature of For Over : , ... - i Thirty Years llit) IliQU CKirTAUR OMHkMV, MgmMail. r other make. CARTERS rThTTlE I f IVER JlPILLS. mm AW : WoMt ffntnr AtCMff MlMfaW mmf