The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 16, 1907, Image 7

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Hew Vttaran Wat Saved tht Ampu.
tatlon of a Limb.
B. Frank Doremus, veteran, ot
Roosevelt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.,
says: "I bad been
showing symptoms of
kidney trouble from
the time I was mus
tered out of the army,
but In all my life I
never suffered as In
1897. Headaches, diz
ziness and sleepless
ness, first, and then
dropsy. I was weak
and helpless, having
run down from 180 to 125 pounds. I
was having terrible pain in the kid
neys, and the secretions passed almost
Involuntarily. My left leg swelled un
til It was 34 Inches around, and the
doctor tapped it night and morning
until I could no longer stand it, and
then he advised amputation. I refused,
and began using Doan's Kidney Pills.
The swelling subsided gradually, the
urine became natural and all my pains
and aches disappeared. I have been
well now for nine years since using
Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a
box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The Limit.
Biggs The Dopsons are very exclu
sive. I understand.
DIkks Yes. indeed. Why, they even
have wire screens on their doors and
windows se their flies can't get out
and associate with the flies ot their
neighbors. Chicago Daily News.
German Judicial System.
In Germany a prisoner Is acquitted
on a tie vete by the jury. A vote of
seven to five leaves the decision with
the court, while a vote of eight to four
means conviction. .
Ladies Can Wear 8hoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Eats. A certain cure for swollen.sweating.
hot, aching feet. At all Druggists, 25c. Ac
cept no aubmitute. Trial package rnbt,
Address A. B. Olmsted, le iloy, is. l.
Manager of Cincinnati Team Says This
Is Probably His Last Year
in Game. .
Manager Ned Hanlon, of the Cincin
nati team, has announced that he does
not expect to be actively engaged In
baseball next year.
These stories of my retirement
that have been going the rounds for
some weeks have caused me to real
ize that I am doing myself an Injustice
by neglecting my home and my other
business affairs by being on the road
several months of the year. Next sea
son probably will see me permanently
located in Baltimore, with another
manager in charge of the Reds."
The baseball fans of Cincinnati
naturally look on John Ganzel as the
successor of Hanlon.
In giving up his place Hanlon will,
it is understood, give up $12,000 a
year, which is declared to be the an-
We begle. to live only when we begin
to love. And we begin to love only
when self dies, and we live to bless
others. George Eliot
No Headache In the Morning.
Krsuse's Headache Capsules for over-indulgence
in load or drink. Druggists, 25c.
Norman Iichty Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la.
Without content, we shall find It al
most as difficult to please others as
ourselves. Grevllle.
Guns, Traps, Decoys, Etc.
Lowest iirices. Write for Free catalog
No. 1. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
Hold mm, hope hard in the subtle
things. That's spirit. Pacchiarotto.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
they are easily fleeced.
They have hope of victory who en
dure. Perslus.
Mrs. Wtnalow'a Soothing- 8ymp.
Tftr children teetnlaa-, softens tba gurus, reduces ta
ftanmaUoa, allays pain, cures wind collu. ascabouls.
Cheerfulness Is health; Its opposite,
disease. Haliburton.
!L, "?t,T I
Painting for
No one will question the superior
appearance of well-painted property.
The question that the property-owner
asks in "la the appearance worth
the cost?"
Poor paint Is for temporary appear,
ance only.
Paint made from Pure Linseed Oil
and Pure White Lead is for lasting
appearance and for protection. It
laves repairs and replacements cost
ing many times the paint investment.
The Dutch Boy trade mark is found
only on kegs containing Pure White
Lead made by
the Old Dutch
"A Tela on Paint."
Wee valuable infold
matkon on tba paint
subject. Sent lraa
anon nqaeet.
All lead packed fm
tun tears this mora.
tfa wkicKrvr q the follow
inQ eitiee i nearest you;
KawYorfc. Hoaton, Buffalo, Cleveland,
Olnolnaatl, Ohirasn. Ht. Louie, fhlladel-
fibla John T. LeL at Bros. Oo.. Pittsburgh
National Lead OU Oo.)
"WidderV Sympathy Went Out to
Fellow Passenger.
A couple recently married had just
entered the train that was to bear
them to the mountains on their honey
moon, when they became aware of the
close scrutiny of them by a female pas
senger, who had evidently "spotted" a
bride and groom. The young wife, on
opening her handbag, let fall some
rice on the floor, and the woman
smiled. The other passengers regard
ed the couple with interest. Seeing
that the bride was every moment be
coming more flushed and uncomfort
able by reason of their scrutiny, the
woman in the goodness of her heart,
leaned across the carriage.
"Never mind, my dear!" she said,
't'm a widder now, but by this time
next week I'll be In the same fix my
. 1 M
'i j.
V ,''
VX 7
' 1 J ,( ,
f ' v," J
nual salary named in his two-year con
tract. His retirement from this club
may mean that he will give up base
ball, for he is so well fixed that he
could profitably devote all his time
to the management of his property in
Case Patten Tells Fellow Players of
Promising Profession.
A crowd of the Washington ball
players were assembled at the club
house when a discussion arose regard
ing the number of players that each
year break into the' professionals.
Lave Cross spoke up and said that
this practice of ball players becoming
members of the professions was com
paratively a new stunt of the baseball
man, as in the old days there were
not nearly so many players who were
Inclined to study. They usually went
into business. -
Some one in the back of the room
shouted out that he did not believe in
professions, anyway, as they were
mostly all overcrowded now, and there
was a slim chance for a young fellow
getting to the top in any of them
"I know a profession," cried out
Case Patten, "where any young man
can find room at the top."
"And what profession is that,
Case?" interestedly inquired Hickman,
while the rest of the crowd stopped
toweling themselves in order to listen.
"Why, the aeronautic profession,"
shouted Case, as he quickly side
stepped in order to dodge the sponges
which were hurled in his direction.
For Over Two Years Patent Medi
cines, Quack Cures and Doctors
Fail Cuticura Succeeds.
"I was very badly afflicted with ecze
ma for more tnan two years, me
parts affected were my limbs below
the knees. I tried all the physicians
In the town and some in the surround
ing towns, and I also tried all the pat
ent remedies that I heard of, besides
all the cures advised by old women
and quacks, and found no relief what
ever until I commenced using the Cu
ticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and
Cuticura Resolvent. In the Cuticura
Remedies I found immediate relief,
and was soon sound and well. C. V.
Beltz, Tippecanoe, Ind., Nov. 15, '05."
Awful Warning.
Pa Yes, my son; the Egyptians
were the most intellectual people on
the face of the earth at one time, but
finally the nation decayed.
Tommy And what caused them to
decay, pa?
Pa Smoking too many Egyptian
cigarettes, ny son. '
Grand opening Sept. 5th under Carey
Act. Little Snake River Valley, Routt
County, Colo. 25.50 per acre for land
and water. $5.25 per acre down. Ex
cursion rates. Routt County Develop
ment Co., 814 17th St., Denver, Colo.
Depends on the Dogs.
Asa Goddard, of the American Auto
mobile association, was recounting in
Worcester some of his touring adven
"One summer morning," he said,
"the approach of a great flock of sheep
obliged me to pull off the narrow coun
try road. I halted my car, and watch
ed with Interest the passage ot the
sheen, the Intelligent dogs and the
"I had a short talk with the shep
herd about his odd and difficult trade.
" 'Look here,' I said, 'what do you do,
driving sheep Jike this on a narrow
road, when you meet another flock
coming in the opposite direction?'
"'Well,' said the shepherd, 'ye just
drive straight on, both of ye, and the
one that has the best dogs gets the
most sheep.'"
Features of 22-lnnlng Game Recently
Played at Clinton, III.
Clinton and Peoria set up a new no
run record for the Three Eye league
the other day when they played 21 in--nings
at Clinton without either team
having scored, and the game finally
was won by the Distillers in the last
of the twenty-second. The Distillers
topped off the remarkable exhibition
by- throwing In a triple play in the
first of the twenty-second inning.
Two notable fielding records, which
probably are without equals in the
history of the game, also were made.
Dick Egan, playing second for the Dis
tillers, accepted 23 chances without
a skip, and Harry Swacina, on first
base of the same team, took 33 chances
without a bobble.
Paul Moore pitched the Distillers to
victory against Manager Harry Stauf-
fers for the "Infants." Nearly 15 years
ago Joe McGinnity, then an unknown
coal miner, pitched a 22 Inning con
test for Peoria against St. Joseph, Mo.,
and won it, and along with it the title
of "Iron Man," which still clings to
What Caused the Lynching.
Out at Stafford the other day a
group of farmers met a train, and when
a tall, sunburned man stepped off the
car they all grabbed nim and shook his
hand warmly. The man looked them
over calmly and then said: "Gentle
men, I am sorry to disappoint you. I
know you think I am a harvest hand,
but you are mistaken. I am a light
ning rod agent." Kansas City Star.
Father's Way.
"What's Jim crying about?"
"He got a licking."
"But I thought he padded himself
with straw."
"He did, but his father beat about
the bush."
Clarke Griffith intends to make an
outfielder out of Catcher Rickey.
The Boston club has recalled Infleld
er Charley Wagner from Rochester.
Matty Mclntyre is putting in his
spare time scouting for the Detroit
Archer is the best fielding catcher
on the Detroit team, but the weakest
The Boston club has turned Pitcher
Oberlin over to Toronto for the bal
ance of the season.
Pitcher Joe Doyle, of the New York
Americans, has been dubbed the
"Human Snail."
Manager Cantillon, of the Washing
tons, has an extensive hospital list
with Clymer, Warner, Blankenship and
Jones out of the game, all suffering
with injuries.
Simplicity's Saving Grace.
"I like simplicity," said Senator
Beveridge. "Simplicity saves us a lot
of trouble, too.
"Two men met in front of the Blank
hotel the other day and fell into a po
litical argument. They were ordinary,
everyday sort of men, but one of
them had an extraordinary flow of
polysyllabic language. He talked half
an hour, and his companion listened
in a daze.
" 'And now,' the speaker pompously
concluded, 'perhaps you will coincide
with me?'
"The other's face brightened up.
"Why, yes; thanks, old man,' he an
swered heartily, moving toward the
barroom door, 'I don't care if I do.' "
Prince Consort a Hero.
Prince Henry, consort of Queen
Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, dis
tinguished himself the other day in
the eyes of his royal helpmeet's sub
jects by recovering her favorite
dachshund, which she had lost while
walking in a pine forest near one
of her residences. The story of this
heroic feat is thus told by an ad
miring correspondent: "The queen was
exceedingly sorry, for she was much
attached to this particular dog. Prince
Henry therefore determined to go out
himself to look for the missing fa
vorite. He went at once to the for
ester's house in the woods and sat up
all night until the first streak of
dawn, when he began searching the
forest. To his great delight he was
rewarded by finding 'Paulinchen.' " A
prince consort unquestionably has his
What is Castoria.
ASTOETA is a harmless substitute for Castor 00, Paregoric, Drops and!
:V Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles,
cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panacea The
Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over
SO years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under
his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with . .
and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
sirailaluigiteFbotfamlRMula ting die Siooiariis andBoweb of
iwss and Itestontams neither
OpiunuMorphine norMaeraL
Bnpkia Sni"
Aperfect Remedy for Cottsfipa
tion . Sour Stomach.Dtarrhoca
Worms jConvulswrnsjevensli
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP-
Facsimile Signature a
Dr. T. Gerald Blattner, of Buffalo, N. Y cays: "Tour Castoria Is good
for children and I frequently prescribe it, alwaya obtaining the desired
Dr. Gustave A. Eisengraeber, Of St Paul, Minn., says: "I have used
your Castoria repeatedly in my practice with good results, and can recom
mend It as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."
Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., Bays: "I have used and prescribed
your Castoria In my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years
and find It to be an excellent remedy for children." r
Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have used your Cas
toria In the case of my own baby and find it pleasant to take, and have
obtained excellent results from its use."
Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., says: "I hare used your Castoria la
cases of colic in children and have found it the best medicine of its kind
on the market."
Dr. R. E. Eskildson, of Omaha, Neb., says: "I find your Castoria to be a
standard family remedy. It Is the best thing for infants and children I
have ever known and I recommend it"
Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Tour Castoria certainly
has merit. Is not its age, its continued use by mothers through all these
years, and the many attempts to imitate it, sufficient recommendation T
What can a physician add? Leave it to the mothers."
Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, says: "For several years I havs
recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as it has
Invariably produced beneficial results."
Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I object to what are called,
patent medicines, where maker alone knows what ingredients are put In.
them, but I know the formula of your Castoria and advise its use.'
fiean the Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Positively cared by
these Little Pills.
bbm racy uisu renew uvar
r JlriF tress from Dyspepsia, In-
I f! a apaa digestkm and Too Hearty
III t B Eating. A perfect rem-
I I Sa I i edy for Dizziness, Nau-
I P LLSt sea Drowsiness, Bad
1 fj Taste in the Mouth, Coat-
r j a;d Tongue, Pain in the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
1 1 PILLS.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
You can kill time, but it will come
To convince any
woman that Fax
tine Antiseptic will
improve lier health
ana do all we claim
for It. Wo will
send her absolutely free a large trial
box of Paxtine with book of instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Send
your name and address on a postal card.
and heals
m e m -nrann
fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic
catarrh and inflammation caused by femi
nine Ills ; sore eyes, iii--e throat and
mouth, by direct local treatment Its cur
ative1 power over these troubles is extra
ordinary and gives immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending It every day. 60 cents at
druggists or by mail. Remember, however,
THE IU PAXION CO., Boston, Hau.
aBHMaBSSIBIaasassaBavBBianaaM'(aiLal'i W9Maaiamaaaaaaaaa
T nri-tiiM like vpit tminh tn Tkprwinall svilAet eveiT
reader of this paper who ownsany liurbcs that have
sure shoulders and tell him about Security Gall
Halve. This is Impossible so X am going to t'U you
through tne paper.
You and I both know that horses working with
tnM svlwiiilriorti are in and that thev car do
as mnrh work without running down as when iipy
are xree irom pain, i aisa Know peneciiy wni nuix
Security j 11 Halve will cure these shoulders, but
you do not know It. If you did you would buy a box
of your dealer at once and cure them up, for you
have no doubt often wished that you knew of some
tbing you could rely on. Ton can rely absolutely on
Security GalFSalve. It will do its work every time,
or if you prefer to try ft first I will mail you a
ample can free. Just write for itIt will go to you
on first mail.
Also i want to ten yon tnat security Amisepno
n&ir in Aft Bnnd for barb vre cuts as Security
Gall Salve is for harness galls. Dealers carry them
ID Ac. auc ana 91MO sizes, use inein xor your ueeu&i
1 guarantee yoo perfect satisfaction.
Frank B. Dennie, President.
SECURITY REMEDY CO., Minneapolis, Minn.
AGENTS to sell and distribute Haller'a Cele
brated remedies. Toilet Articles, Spices and
Extracts. Good salesmen make large earninea.
The most liberal terms eiven to Agents.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 33, 1907.
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES
a?ff n ftfi i To mny onm mrho omn prorm W. i
ZfOfUUU Soouflfas sfoM no mnka m
DAuraawf morm Man's S3 at S3. SO akos.
flCkVarw KthMtt any othmm ntmnutmoturmr.
THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people
In all walks of life than any other make, is because of their
excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities.
The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part
of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by
the most completeorganizationof superintendents.foremenana
skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the
shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled.
If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass.,
and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you
would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer and are of greater value than any other make,
aw- at. ISIBt Fnm X linlH sWMaaa ataman
v. I.. Dniurlas stamps his name and price on the bottom to protect von against-!1
and inferior shoes. Take No Substitute. Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere.
fast Valor JiveleU used exclusively. 'Jalatoff matlea jree. w.l,.iiuuui.aa, iimawa
2 JZifltey
tCiC- VaA.
&-aSCt-C - ry3Yta ay
V f
ccZC 7U. dtf 4&c-
S&-?yjLj tT o-x- 4&XZZ
back and haunt you.