The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, August 09, 1907, Image 7

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The kidneys nave a great 'worK to
do In keeping tne blood pure. When
they get out of order
It causes backache,
headaches, dizziness
languor and distress
ing urinary troubles.
Keep the kidneys well
and all these suffer
ings will be saved
you. Mrs. S A. Moore,
proprietor of a res
taurant at Water
villa. Mo., says: "Be
fore using Doan's Kidney Pills I suf
fered everything from kidney troubles
for a year and a half. I had pain in
the back and head, and almost contin
uous in the loins and felt weary all
the time. A few doses of Doan's Kid
ney Pills brought great relief, and I
kept on taking them until In a short
time I was cured. I think Doan's Kid
ney Pills are wonderful."
For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a
box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
Darky Would Have Had Trouble
Picking It from Sacred Book.
An old darky, anxious to be a min
ister, went to be ordained. He was
questioned thus: "Can you write?"
"No, sah!" "Read?" "No, sah!" How
do you know about the Bible?" "Ma
niece reads it to me!" "Know about
the Ten commandments?" "No, sah!"
"The Twenty-third Psalm?" "Neb
ber heard of him, sah!" "Know the
Beatitudes?" "No, sah!" "Well, what
part of the Bible do you like best?"
'Par'bles, sah!" "Can you give us
one? Deed, yes, sah!" "Let us
have It, then." "Once w'en the queen
of Sheba was gwine down to Jerusa
lem she fell among thieves. First
they passed her by on de oddah side
den dey come ovah an' dey say unto
her, 'Fro down Jezebel!' but she
wouldn't fro her down; and again
doy say unto her, 'Fro down Jezebel!'
but she wouldn't fro her down; and
again dey say unto her for de fird
and last time, for I ain't gwine to ax
yo no mo', 'Fro down Jezebel!' and
dey fro'd her down for 70 times and
7, till de remains were 'leven baskets;
and I say unto yo', whose wife was
she at de resurrection?" Bystander.
Pretty and Novel Affair by No Means
Hard to Make..
So many persons find the light from
a candle or lamp trying on the eyes
that they always insist on shades of
some sort.
A pretty and novel affair for a
candle may be made of strong wire
bent' into a rectangular shape, six
Inches wide at the bottom, with the
inner side 12 inches tall and the
outer seven and one half. This will
give a decided slope to each top.
Make two of these frames and
cover them neatly with silk muslin
of a very thin liberty silk.
This cover may then be painted
or it can be studded in conventional
design in sequins. Tie the backs to
gether with bows of narrow ribbon
for hinges, and around the top and
two shorter sides sew a box-plating
of narrow lace.
The candle is, of course, placed be
tween the two leaves when they are
opened wide. Extreme care must be
taken to observe this precaution, as
a Are might easily result from such
inflammable materials in close proxim
ity to flame.
To Be Dedicated in Buffalo Sept. 5.
Former Residents Invited.
The beautiful white marble shaft
erected by the state of New York in
Niagara Square, Buffalo, N. Y., to the
memory of President McKlnley, is to
be formally dedicated Thursday, Sept.
5, and the event will be the central
feature of Buffalo's Old Home Week,
Sept. 1 to 7. - Former residents of Buf
falo and the public at large are cor
dially Invited to attend the dedication.
Ways by Which Best Results Can Be
White buckskin should be cleaned
with the best pipe clay, which must
be dampened before using.
Patent leather shoes should first be
wiped dry with a soft cloth before
placing them on the shoe tree, then
wiped with a soft cloth dipped in
warm soapy water.
A little vaseline should be applied
from time to time, especially after a
wetting. The shine may be restored
by rubbing with a piece of soft silk
or black velvet.
Leather nowadays Is rendered Inde
pendent of the ill effect of dampness.
Shoes can, therefore, generally be
washed with tepid water when soiled,
a piece of soft linen being dampened
and applied all over the shoe.
The Advantage of Reading.
"Beg pardon, sir," said the weary
hobo as he stood at the farmhouse
door, "but might I sleep in your barn
to-nlisht? I haven't had a roof over
my head for ten days."
"I congratulate you," said the kind
ly farmer. "That is a splendid thing.
I have Just read in one of my ten-cent
magazines that it is not too much to
say that to the delicate, highly-strung,
easily-knocked-up individual the ad
vantages of sleeping in the open air
are enormous. Pallid cheeks take on
fc ruddy hue, colds are unknown,
nerves are forgotten, and irritability
becomes a phase of the past.' A
small plot and a little perseverence
are the only necessaries and the re
sult is assured. You are very wel
come to the use of my potato patch,
and my sky is at your disposal."
Productivity of the Hen.
"How many eggs is a hen wound
up to lay during the term of her nat
ural life, do you suppose?" said the
man who has investigated. "No idea.
eh? Well, sir, a good, healthy hen
not speaking of any particular star
breed, but just hen a good, healthy
hen does not fulfill her destiny until
she has turned out 600 eggs 50
dozen. That's what nature has fitted
up a hen to do in the way of eggs, and
she gives her eight years to do it In.
Washington Post.
Spanish Pigs' Feet.
Take eight clean, fresh "trotters;"
cut each into four pieces; then boil
until nearly done. Take the pigs''
feet out and lay to one side. Boil In
the liquid one pint of tomatoes and
one pound of parboiled tripe, cut fine;
one small garlic, mashed fine; six
potatoes sliced diamond shape, half
cupful of rice, half a cupful of Indian
curry. When almost done put the
pigs' feet back, taking care that they
are well covered with the liquid, and
let it all boil until the pigs' feet are
done. Be sure not to let the pigs' feet
fall apart or have the sauce too thin.
This is a favorite Spanish recipe.
Beef Tenderloin and Bananas.
Cut beef tenderloin into pieces, two
and one-half inches thick, broil and
season. Have gravy ready made as
follows: One tablespoonful of butter.
two tablespoonfuls of flour, one cup of
milk, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-
quarter teaspoonful of pepper, one
heaping tablespoonful of horseradish;
boil and strain. Fry in two table
spoons of olive oil two large firm
bananas cut lengthwise; he careful
not to break. Four one-quarter of a
cup of sherry in and baste over ba
nanas. Place two halves over each
piece of meat on platter and pour
gravy around.
She Understood.
"What makes you think that Tim-
mlns is ideally married?"
"Because one day when he invited
me to dinner and we were late she
merely asked whether the home team
Serviceable Couch.
To a 36-inch-wide bed spring legs
Are fastened with bolts. Pieces of
2x4s 12 inches long will do for the
I used the lower parts of an old
bedstead, says a correspondent. On
this spring place a mattress the same
size. Cover mattress with a table
oilcloth which Is large enough to tack
firmly on sides of bed springs. This
keeps out the dust. On the back side
of the couch drive in a row of nine
carriage knobs.
For the cover use four and one
sixth yards of ingrain carpet Sew it
together, making it one and one-half
width of the carpet wide. The piecing
will not show under the pillows. Fin
ish front edge and ends of cover with
rug fringe. Face the back edge and
in this facing work button holes to
button the cover on the carriage
knobs. This keeps cover in place. For
pillows use stair carpet to match
cover. To clean take off cover and
shake it and wipe dust from oilcloth.'
Our couch like this has been used
In an office ten years and still looks
like new.
Ray Collins, the crack University of
Vermont pitcher, is reported to have
received an offer of $3,000 for four
months' work, from July to October,
by a scout of the New York club. This
would permit him to complete his col-
lege course, but on the advice of
friends he turned down the proposi
Hannifin continues to play beautiful
ball for the Giants. At first base he
is maklDg one-handed catches that
will cause a lot of veterans to look to
their laurels. He can hit the ball, too.
Lamb and Green Peas Salad.
What to Eat gives us a picture and
recipe of Iamb and green peas salad
ihat looks and sound3 very attractive
ind not difficult.
Materials One pint green peas
(cooked), half a cup of boiling water,
one pint cooking lamb cut in cubes,
three tablespoons of sugar, half a cup
of celery cut in cubes, five table
spoons of vinegar, one bunch (two
dozen sprigs) mint, a quarter of a
teaspoon of red pepper, half teaspoon
of salt, one-half cup strong stock,
two tablespoons of granulated gela
tine, mayonnaise, lettuce leaves.
Proper Way to Fold Coat.
A useful thing for wives to know
when they are packing up for the
summer holiday is how to fold
man's coat. There is a knack in it.
that it will aid domestic happiness
for her to master. Lay the coat out
perfectly flat, right side up. Spread
the sleeves out smoothly, then fold
them back to the elbow until the bot
toms of the cuffs are even with the
collar. Fold the revers back, and
double the coat over, folding it on
the center seam. Smooth out all
wrinkles and lay it on a level surface
in the trunk.
Queer Idea of Enjoyment.
Dr. Juliet Severance writes In the
Vegetarian Magazine:
I am often reminded of a clinic
case brought before the class when I
was in medical college in 1S58. The
man had gout and rheumatism, both
the small and large joints being im
movable, and his suffering was severe.
Dr. R. T. Trail, professor of theory and
practice, was explaining to us the im
portance of a very strict and abstemi
ous diet. The poor fellow tried vainly
to turn his head,, and grunted out: 'I
can't go that; I want to enjoy life
while I do live.'"
The extraordinary popularity of fine
white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all injurious chemicals, is the
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffener
makes half the usual quantity of Starch
necessary, with the result of perfect
finish, equal to that when the goods
were new.
The McKlnley monument was planned
and executed under the direction of a
commission of prominent men, at a
cost of $150,000. Gov. Charles E.
Hughes, with his military staff, will
take part in the ceremonies and Presi
dent Roosevelt and former President
Grover Cleveland have been Invited to
attend and speak. Military parades
will be a feature of the occasion.
Neiahbor's Comment in Which There
Seems a Strain of Sarcasm.
"Yes," the leader of the. amateur
brass band was saying, "it's curious
to see what an effect learning to
nlav a horn has on some persons. I
used to be a pretty good bass sing
er, but I can't sing worth a cent
"Does learning to play a horn spoil
the voice?" asked his next-door neigh
"It did mine."
"How do you account for it?"
"I don't know how to account for
it. Strains the vocal chords, per
haps. All I know is that I blew my
voice out through the mouthpiece of
my cornet."
"Did you have a good voice?"
"Everybody said so."
"Then it's a great pity you ever
learned to play a horn," rejoined his
neighbor, shaking his head sadly. "I
er think I should have enjoyed
hearing you sing." Youth's Com
Boy In Misery 12 Years Eczema in
Rough Scales, Itching and In
"". flamed Cured by Cuticura.
"Cuticura has put a stop to twelve
years of misery I passed with my son.
As an Infant I noticed on his body a
red spot and treated same with differ
ent remedies for about five years, but
when the spot began to get larger I
put him under the care of doctors,
Under their treatment the disease
spread to four different parts of his
body. During the day it would get
rough and form like scales. At night
it would be cracked, inflamed and bad
ly swollen, with terrible burning and
itching. One doctor told me that my
son's eczema was incurable, and gave
It up. I decided to give Cuticura a trial.
When I had used the first box of Cuti
cura Ointment there was a great im
provement, and by the time I had used
the second set of Cuticura Remedies
my child was cured. He is now twelve
years, old, and hs skin is as fine and
-smooth as silk. Michael Steinman, 7
Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., April
16, 1905."
For Better or Worse.
A census-taker made his rounds in
an isolated village. He gave one of
his official papers to a woman that she
might fill in the required answers.
One of the questions, instead of read
ing "Married or single," had it "Con
dition as to marriage." The woman
filled in the answer thus:
"Awful hard up before. Wuss
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist Just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Preserved Rhubarb.
I'eel and cut some fresh rhubarb iu
small pieces and weigh them; allow
for every pound of rhubarb three-
fourths of a pound of sugar; place
the rhubarb In a kettle over the fire,
adding no water; cook till reduced to
half; place the sugar in another ket
tle over the fire, adding enough water
to moisten sugar, and boil to a ball;
then add the rhubarb; stir and cook
five minutes and remove and fill In
French Pudding.
Whites of six eggs, three-fourths cup
prunes cooked and chopped fine, ten
cents' worth English walnuts, eup
sugar; put sugar through sieve three
or four times; cup nuts and prunes,
beat egg, stir together in bowl; put in
pan and bake in slow oven for 40 minutes.
Paraffin as a Cleaner.'
Shabby black bedsteads will not
only be cleaned, but greatly improved
in appearance, if rubbed over with a
cloth dipped in paraffin.
Assumes All Blame.
"Well, there's one thing about
Nuritch; he's always ready to confess
his faults."
"Nonsense! why he's forever brag
ging about being self-made."
"Of course. That's just it."
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They aiso relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Heart
Sating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Bad
Taste in the Mouth, Coat
ed Tonprue, Pain in the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
1 1 IVER
Peace Dove Evidently Needed.
During the session of the house of
representatives a dove, purple In
color, flew gracefully into the hall and
hovered high over the heads of the
legislators. Naturally the question
arose as to whether it was the dove
of peace. Some of the members
earnestly hoped that it was. Hart
ford Times.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA,
a uf e and rare remedy for infants and children,
and see that it
from the same physical disturbances,
and the nature of their duties, in
many cases, quickly drift them into
the horrors of all kinds of female
complaints, organic troubles, ulcera
tion, falling' and displacements, or
perhaps irregularity or suppression
causing1 backache, nervousness, ir
ritability, and sleeplessness.
Women everywhere should re
member that the medicine that holds
the record for the largest number of
actual cures of female ills is
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made from simple native roots and herbs. For more than thirty years'
it has been helping1 women to be strong, regulating the functions per
fectly and overcoming pain. It has also proved itself-invaluable in pre
paring for child-birth and the Change of Life.
Mrs. A. M. Hagermann, of Bay Shore, L. I., writes : Dear Mrs.
Pinkham: "I suffered from a displacement, excessive and painful
functions so that I had to lie down or sit still most of the time.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman so
that I am able to attend to my duties. I wish every suffering woman
would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and see what relief
it will give them."
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female illness are invited to write
Mrs. Pinkham, a.t Lynn, Mass. for advice She is the Mrs. Pinkham who
has been advising sick women free of charge for more" than twenty
years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E. Pink:
ham in advising. Therefore she is especially well qualified to guide
sick women back to health.
Bears the
Signature of
In Use Tat Over 30 Tears.
Tne Kind Ton Have Always Bought.
Making a Good Start.
Doctor Madam, your husband
must have absolute rest.
Madam Well, doctor, he won't
listen to me
Doctor A very good beginning,
madam a very good beginning.
Stray Stories.
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for
hot. sweating, callous, and swollen, achinz
feet. Sold bv all Drueeists. Price 25c. Don't
accept any substitute. Trial package FREE.
Address Allen S. Ulmsted, L.e Koy, JN. X.
Much Money for Travel.
New York city's surface, elevated
and subway railroad system receives
a daily average of one and one-quarter
cent from each inhabitant of the
Does Your Head Ache?
If so. tret a box of Krause's Headache
Capsules of your Druggist. 2oe.
Norman Lichty Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la.
Approaching Nature.
Some men think they can't "get
next to nature," properly without tak
ing along two quarts of whisky and a
bojtgfcgars. Judge.
Guns, Traps, Decoys, Etc.
Lowest prices. Write for Free cataloe
No. 1. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
Some men are so smart in a busi
ness way that people do not care to
do biiKiness with them a second time.
When they enter a theater women
should check their hats and men their
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES theSworld
(9(S OOO ( T." -y "? eaif prove W. L.
aougiam doom not mmlto mall
7ou9orf jmorm Mon'mSS m S3. BO mhoem
a .than any o(Jkw mamrfaettam
THE REASON W. Tj. Douglas shoes are worn by more people
in all walks of life than -any other make, is because of their
excellent style, easy-fltting, and superior wearing qualities.
The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part
of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by
the most coinpleteorganizationof superintendents, foremenand
skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the
shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled.
If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton. Mass.,
and show you how carefully W.l. Douglas shoes are made, yon
would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better.
wear longer and are of greater value than any other make,
my 9 GIN Edam and SB Gold Bond Snoom
. w. ij. xwugias stumps ms name ana price on tne bottom to protect v
and Inferior shoes. Take No Substitute. Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere,
cannot no anuallma mt anw nmli
irubecb you against mgu prouea
i'att Velorieleu used exclusively. Catatog mailed free. W.JU DOUGLAS, BracktM,
If a man occasionally tells a woman
how pretty she looks she will forgive
most of the other lies be tells her.
Our idea of a loafer is a man who
rests before he gets tired.
Mm. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
For children teething, softens the gums, reduces in
flammation, allays pain, cures wind collu. 26c a bottle.
It's easy to dress a profitable busi
ness in the garb of respectability.
Why Not You?
Only a few more ten acre pi ots of superb fruit
lands on the western slope of Colorado.
A special all cash sale at HO per acre for 975
patented land with perpetual water stock.
Titles perfect. No charge for use of water.
Others are getting $250 per acre adjoining,
with trees planted. Why not you? The garden
spot. Income S200 to (500 per acre. Famous
for quantity and quality. Free pamphlet.
Write instantly.
825 Cooper Buildiny . DENVER, COLO.
DAISY FLY &rlhkufrfL
oi ana tieewoy-
In Hie, IS
lead everything--
One last
the entire season,
1b neat end clean
and ornamental.
Sold by all dealers
or sent by mall
Bostptd for SDe.'
149 ! KIb .,
miscellaneous CLCu I Mi I I YL9
In crreat rarfety for sale at the lowest prices by
adlUUUV MnBTlTaftWiili IT.
19 onncee ttt
the package
other starches only 12 ounces -tuna price and
"XLTiSl Thompson's Eye Wattr
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 32, 1907.
This Is What ifegi
"Catches Me! gl j
lOox.-" OneThlrd More Starch.
Se&3r Y I T f Cy HKBWBRR fa's
' P"
'mmSF pound
ill IP N premiums, but. one 'third
KraSgjy more starch than you get of
fM Wt WSJ IIP other brands. Try it; now, for
BfrnMn i ww hot or cold starchin8 no
W r equal and will not stick to the iron.