The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 12, 1907, Image 2
tetale As BorjlTTTl 7 Through Sunshine and Clouds, Rain or Snow, Good Weather and Bad Weather Year In and Year Out the Prices on Our Clothing Never Change . . . Ug Moot Jho 1 AIL-. roM!! We never have marked IIU UUliU ITlflHSUS goods up, and marked them down acain in order to give a "cut price sale," ond we never will. We never juggle the prices. When you buy a suit of clothes here, no matter whether the time be Julv or Januarv. vou can be absolutelv POSITIVP that vmi hnvp purchased at a bed-rock price, and that a suit of equal value cannot be purchased for the same money at "cut price" sales in the high rent district. ME WONT DVE YOU 2 Per ft. . KDDSCOHJIKIT D If we did we would lose money. But we will guarantee to give you more for your money than you can get at any kind of a "sale," and "there's a reason" why we are able to do so. We Qvm Tlhiiree CDoWnDg StoresWe Keep 0aoft Off ttDne Mogul leinift OdsMc Owning and operating three Clothing Stores in Nebraska and Kansas, we have a purchasing power that is unequaled in this city. This alone would enable us to undersell all competitors. Then when you consider that we are out of the high rent district it is easy for you to determine the location of THE HOME OF GOOD VALUES AND LOW PRICES We Save You Money R&'S IMON 104-106 No. 10th Street Just Around the Corner GENERAL MENTION. Labor Local Picked Up In Lincoln and Elsewhere. remand the label. The union label that's alL Look for the union label. II it is not labeled, refuBe it. Union made shoes are sold by Rog ers ft Perkins. "Blue Ribbon" cigars are union made, Lincoln made and well mada Sold by all dealers. Boston & Maine Railroad Foremen's association has made application for a charter to the American Federation of Labor. V Steam engineers in New England are almost completely organized, and an effort is now being made to have every man in the ranks. Because of the strike of about 350 girls, members of the Cigar Factory DISEASE BREEDING PLAGES IN AND AROUND YOUR HOME Cm bt nidi himleii by regular 1 iltliftctints. Wt km (very -ceuitj. Chloride of Lime, lb ISc Solution of Chlorides, bottle, . .50c Formalhdehyde, per pint 85c Sulfur, perlb 10c Sulfur and Formaldehyde Can dles 25c Sulfur Candles 5c Formaldehyde Futnigators ... 15c Hydrauapthal Pastillis. box.. 25c Carbolic Crystals, per lb 45c - PHONE YOUR WANTS. RECTOR'S PHARMACY TWELFTH AND O ST. Mm (Baffo 1418 O ST. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT CrOKOK)0)K)0000 Strippers' Union, In Boston, nearly !. 500 cigarmakers have been forced to loaf as there is no stock ready for them to work with. A large line of sample shoes, Union Made, go at half. price at Rogers & Perkins. The Auditorium Garden manage ment is sending out a lot of printing that does not bear the label. , The International Alliance 'of ' The atrical Stage Employes open their in ternational convention at Jamestown, Va., Monday, July 18. Your attention is called to the sev eral big advertisements in this issue. Wise Lincoln merchants are coming to realize that The Wageworker is the best advertising medium, everything considered, in the city. The Italian laborers working on the New Haven railroad, from Boston to New York, are thoroughly organized. Four thousand vestmakers in 300 East Side shops in New York have struck for an increase in wages from 12 to 16 per cent?. One-half the strikers are women. Machinists arranged a settlement with the Interstate Engineering com pany at Bedford, Ohio. The 54-hour week is conceded and time and a half for all overtime. Sheet Metal Workers' Union of St. Paul has set apart the first and third meeting nights of every month for tiade instruction for the benefit of juniors and apprentices. Painters, decorators and paperhang- ers have organized in Logansport. Ind. Blacksmiths employed at Chandler & Taylor's shop, Indianapolis, have re ceived a 10 per cent increase. There is not one non-union carpen ter in the city of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The union has 150 men at work. Eighty hardwood finishers,, .mem bers of the- Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators of America, are on strike for an Increase of five cents an hour and the eight-hour day in St, Louis, Mo. There are 3,000 organized teamsters in Pittsburg and special organizers are going to get the remainder into the unions. As a result of an appeal to the state convention of the American Federa tion of Labor by William Stuncombe, New England organizer of the labor league, two hundred delegates repre senting every city and forty towns in Maine agreed to boycott all druggists selling products of the National To bacco company, the so-called "cigar trust." Efforts will be made to extend the boycott throughout New England. A Painters' union has been char tered in Marion, Ind. The pile driving engineers of Boston now receive a wage minimum of 50 cents an hour for an eight-hour day. The late convention of the Iowa State Federation of Labor at Keokuk was a great success more than 150 delegates being in attendance. , Gussag & Feilet, San Antonio print ers, have signed with the union. This means practically the elimination of the Typctheate in printing affairs in Texas. An estimate furnished by a Wash ington statistician gives the number of men killed in the daily pursuit of their callings, largely skilled and un skilled laborers, for the last four years at 80,000 men, or 20,000 annually. At the Farmers' Union convention recently held in Hutchinson, Kansas, resolutions were adopted -advocating affiliation with the labor unions, de manding the label on all articles pur chased by farmers and co-operating with organized labor in the cities to the fullest extent. No settlement has yet been reached between the Ashley Silk company of Hackettstown, Mass., and its em ployes, who went out -a few days ago, because their demand for a fifty-five- hour week was not granted immedi ately. The mill is shut down, and over fifty employes are idle awaiting developments. "Convict labor produces goods to the value of $35,000,000 annually. About half of the prison-made wares are produced under the "contract system." The value of food consumed annually by a convict, is on the average, $137. One prison contractor owns and con trols the clothing output of eight pris ons in six states. By a vote of 122 to 0 the Illinois House of Representatives passed the Solitt bill for the protection of bridge and structural Iron workers. The bill requires the safeguarding of floors anJ-' scaffoldings on bridges and buildings under construction, and provides other protection for the men who risk their lives on steel skeletons. Under pres ent conditions hundreds of workmen are killed each year. The cigar factory of Myer Bros., York, Pa., which has heretofore em ployed a considerable number of wo men and children, will in the future be operated as a union shop, and only skilled cigarmakers men who are members of the Cikarmakers' Interna tional Union will be employed. The shop has started under the new con ditions with a force of fifty men, which will be increased as men can be secured. Labor Commissioner Stafford of Cal ifornia, in a recent published ireport, shows that nearly 10 per cent of the restaurants In San Francisco are Japa nese, and that the Japanese and Chi nese employes of the Oriental restau rants generally work twelve hours a day, while 76 per cent of the white employes of the Caucasian restaurants work but ten hours a day. Nine per cent of the Japanese work fourteen to fifteen hours a day. The Farmers' Union of Georgia has gone officially on record as opposing the present immigration movement on the ground that undesirable citizens will be brought into the state; that they will crowd the native Georgians out of the factories, and that the ad mission of so many will increase the production of cotton and lower the price. A very remarkable labor organiza tion is the United Hatters Union of America. It dates its permanency from the time of adopting the 3 per cent dues of each member's earnings. Two per cent goes to the interna tional union and 1 per cent is retained in the local treasury. There are 9,000 members, and each member must make at least $3 a day, while some make as high as $7 and $8, which is on piecework. In the last twenty-one years 750,000,000 union labels have been used, and in the last year nearly 30,000,000 hats were turned out by union hatters. The Scotch immigrants recently im ported into Canada by the Salvation Army have refused to act as strike breakers in Victoria, B. C, and have also brought suit for heavy damages, which it seems they can recover un der the workmen's act for 1902, for bidding deception in inducing men to contract for the filling of any position. The affidavits claim that the plaintiffs came to Canada as the result of see ing an advertisement of the Salvation Army in a Soctch publication, and al lege they were given to understand that no labor trouble of any kind ex isted in Victoria, and on this claim the charge of deception Is made. The Amalgamated Association of Operative. Cotton Spinners of England in its annual report shows that enor mous strides have been made during the past year. The tola! income from all sources was 98,027, an increase of 6,777 on the year. The expendtiure amounted to 43,033, leaving a bal ance to go forward of 54,993, bring ing the value of the association up to 489,179 a grand fighting fund. This represents 23 7s. 5d. per head of 20,928 members returned. An increase of 1,477 is noted in the membership, which is directly due to the large number of new mills which have been put up, to the excellent organizing and to the benefits secured to employes by way of advances. An effort to give greater soldiarity to the women's trade union movement throughout the country will be made simultaneously in New York, Boston and Chicago on July 14, according to an announcement made by Mrs. Ray mond Robins, president of the Na tional Women's Trade Union League. Women unionists and those interested in the movement throughout the coun try will gather then and discuss ways and means of accomplishing -that aim. The program for the Chicago conven tion has not been completed,' but it is expected that some general scheme will be presented. As there are only three state organizations of women's unions ' now in existence those in New York, Massachusetts and Illinois it is said to be likely that a strong impetus will be given to their forma tion in other states.. President Falleries, of France, has postponed his trip to Norway, Swe den and Denmark until 1908. "WISE GUYS." A few wise guys sneer at the officers of labor unions. Men who make an honest effort to benefit their fellow men are ridiculed by a class who would starve to death if their parents had not left them enough to live on. Officers of labor unions will keep on doing good for mankind. They do not expect anything but abuse from the class which does not know what labor is. Washington Trades Unionist. 1 CCORDING to our mode of reasoning the j I man who does manual labor, skilled or not, I requires a shirt at least as roomy in pro portion as the banker or professional man who does none. U Yet is it not true in general, that proportions of shirts vary according to price? Low priced shirls are generally narrow, skimpy shirts irrespective of the figures they are to clothe. tT RED SEAL and UNICORN shirts regardless of price are designed and cut with the single idea of furnishing comfort and service to the prospective wearer. ff This compels uniform fulness irrespective of price. , U Union Label. Elsewhere In this Issue you will find the names of fhe enterprising dealers in your city who carry the Rett Smal and Unicorn products. If you cannot find what you want, write us Attractive illustrated booklets witn suggestions, lor tne asKing. RED SEAL For On-Duty Service UNICORN For Dress and Outing tslt ntTiutm Manufactured by R. L. McDonald (1 Co. four Union SHirt Factories. St. Joseph, Missouri t t f