The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 12, 1907, Image 1

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    f V a. ll. I.
VOL,. 4
NO. 14
Among the Live Union
Workers of Lincoln
President J. H. Brooks of Lincoln
Prassmen and Assistants' Union No.
106, who represented his local at the
International convention In New York
recently, submits the following inter
esting report of the convention
through the columns of The Wage
worker: "The ninteenth annual convention of
the Pressmen and Assistants' Union of
North America, held at Brighton
Beach, N. Y., June 22-25, was the
largest and best In the history of the
organization. The supply men and
the entertainment committee left noth
lng undone that would make the week
an enjoyable one for all the delegates
and their wives and friends. The
'clam bake' given by the supply men
of New York City was enjoyed by
nearly six hundred delegates and vis
itors, and was a day that will never be
forgotten by those who had the pleas
ure of being there. The entertainment
committee pulled off various other
stunts during the remainder of the
"James M. Lynch, president of
the International Typographical Union,
Robert docking, president of the In
ternational Brotherhood of Book
binders, John P. Freil, president of the
Electrotypers and Stereotypers, and
other international officials extended
fraternal greetings from their organi
zations to the assembled pressmen and
assistants, and wished them God speed
In their work.
"A majority of the delegates seemed
to think that the organization was In
need of a 'housecleat'ing' and as a re
sult the administratis officials were en
tirely changed. In the mlx-up the west
ern men got the best of It. The follow
- lng officers were elected:
"President, George S. Berry, Sau
Francisco. .
" First Vice President, William Mur
phy, Butte.
"Second Vice President, John G.
Warlngton, St Louis.
"Third Vice President. Peter J.
Breen, New York.
"Secretary-Treasurer, Patrick Mc-
Mullen, Cincinnati.
President Berry is a model young-
man and a unionist through and
through. For several years he has
been organizer for the- Pacific coast,
and through his never-tiring efforts he
has won the eight-hour day and closed
shop for the pressmen of the entire
coast country. It is hoped that through
his diplomacy and knowledge of the
'game,' and his experience in the la
bor movement, that he can safely lead
us through the battles of the com
lng years.
" The other members of the board of
directors are of the same calibre as
President Berry. The agreement be
tween the United Typothate was dis
cussed' from every standpoint by the
convention for nearly three days, and
was finally ratified by the convention
with the following conditions at
" 'Whereas , our board of directors
has renewed the agreement with the
United Ttypothate of America, now
therefore be it
" 'Resolved, That said agreement is
hereby ratified and approved, provided
the 'open shop' clause is striken out
and an amendment Is inserted provld
lng for nine hour' pay for eight hours'
work. And be it further
" 'Resolved, That In the event the
U. T. of A. rejects these amend
ments our board of directors Is in
structed to submit the question of the
Immediate Inauguration of the eight
hour day to the referendum, and said
referendum to be taken thirty days
after such rejection.'
"There has been some misunder
, standing throughout the country as to
what the pressmen had done with the
agreement. I believe that those who
read the above will agree that we are
not contract breakers, but admit that
we are only trying to get what we
think is right. There seems to be
more brotherly feeling between the
different branches of the printing
crafts than has existed before. They
are all beginning to think that we
should get closer together and work
hand in hand in matters in which we
are all alike interested. I believe that
. the men we have elected will do all
In their power to bring about such a
The convention, as you will note
has taken the power cut of the hands
of a few men and with the
rank and file, and gives every man a
chance to vote on questions that are
important to him. This Is a condition
that should prevail In all organized
"A few minor changes were made
In the laws during the convention.
The 1908 convention will be held in
Mobile, Alabama."
Installs New Officers and Meets With
National Organizer Brady.
Lincoln Typographical Union No.
209 met In regular session last Sun
day, and after opening under the rules
the following elected officers were in
stalled to serve during the ensuing
J. R. Bain, president.
H. C. Peat, vice-president.
H. W. Blugaman, recording secre
F. H. Hebbard, financial secretary.
J. M. Leaden, S. H. Webster, C. E.
Barngrover, executive committee.
J. G. Sayer, sergeant-at-arms.
General Organizer Brady of Indian
apolis was present, having come to
Lincoln In response to a request for
the presence of an International officer
to assist the local In picking up some
loose ends. Mr. Brady addressed the
union briefly, and during the next two
or three days met with the executive
committee. He returned Kansas
City Tuesday night, but will return to
Lincoln the first of the week to remain
until matters are satisfactorily ad
Fred Ihringer was elected to repre
sent the printers on the advisory
board of the Labor Temple.
Sam Hoon, ex-president of the Lin
coln union, but now a resident of Colo
rado Springs, was present and ex
pressed his joy at being permitted to
meet and greet old friends once more.
Three new membra were obligated.
The printers have decided to lease
headquarters In Carpenters' hull, and
Secretary Hebbard may be found
there at the usual hours of his regular
day for receiving dues.
Doc" Rlghter went to Wllber Tues
day to make some repairs on the
'Merg" In that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoon and daugh
ters, Helen and Dorothy, spent several
days this week with friends In Lincoln.
They will return to their home in Colo
rado Springs after a brief visit with
relatives in northeast Nebraska.
Mrs. Will M. Maupin and children
went to Central City last Monday to
visit with Mrs. Maupin's sister, Mrs.
Rod C. Smith.
R. R. Allen came up from Table
Rock to attend the meeting last Sun'
day and become a full-fledged union
printer. He went back home Monday
morning, the proud possessor of a
A lot of printing without the label
Is being sent back to those who issued
It, and the "little sticker" is In evi
dence on every piece. The label cam
paign is bringing results.
Mr. Rogers ha3 been. taken to the
hospital pending a decision upon his
application for admittance to the
Home. He will be sent to his folks
in Kansas City for a visit soon in any
A half-dozen members have signified
their intention of attending the Hot
Springs convention and taking . in
everything on the way.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Turner are
"clamming" along the rivers of Iowa
and having the time of their lives.
Police Judge Asks to Be Promoted to
Cpunty Judgeiip.
Elsewhere in this issue will be
found the announcement of the candi
dacy of Judge P. James Cosgrave for
the republican nomination to the
office of county judge. Judge Cos
grave has served almost three term3
as police judge, and has made a splen
did record in that office. He is well
qualified for the office of county judge
and has earned the promotion.
Judge Cosgrave is opposed to the
Idea of "Bar nominations" and frankly
states his position on that point when
asked. He believes that the matter
should be left wholly to the primaries
and Is willing to rest his case with
the people.
Third Annual Benefit
Lincoln Central Labor
Dover Tlhieattire
Monday, July 22
Through the courtesy of Mr. Jess Fulton and his
company, and Manager Zehrung of the Oliver, the Lin
coln Central Labor Union offers its Third Annual Bene
fit at the Oliver Theatre on the above date. On that oc
casion the Fulton Stock Company will present the beau
tiful southern drama
Coupons exchangeable at the box office for reserved
seat tickets are now on sale by delegates to the central
body. No advance in prices 25, 15, and 10 cents.
Box seats 50 cents. The public is cordially invited to
help us make this benefit a success. The proceeds are
for the furtherance of the work of the Central Labor Union
The controversy between the I. T.
U. executive council and B. Frank Swi
cart. of St. Louis, which has been the
subject of much ' comment, will prob
ably come up for discussion at the
Hot Springs convention, and we hope
an understanding will be reached in
a manner satisfactory to all.' The li
brary is at the Home, thanks to Swl
gart, and favorable mention to Kreiter
and "If any man attempts to remove
that library from the Home shoot him
on the spot." Easton Journal.
Metal polishers employed at the
Reylers Lock company, Indiana, re
fused to accept a 20 to 40. per cent re
duction, and the proprietors have, of
course, declared in favor of the "open"
At the mass meeting at Central Labor Union
hall last Tuesday night to consider the Labor Templo
proposition, it was decided to ask all trades and labor
unions to select one member each to act upon an
advisitorv committee. This committee will consider
ways and means, and report back to their locals for
rejection or approval. Local unions are urged to se
lect the best possible material for this committee,
and to do so at once,, without waiting for formal
notice from the secretary of t the mass meeting, and
to notify George Bush when selection is made. As
soon as a majority of the .unions have reported, the
committee will be called together. 1
Every union in the county, regardless of affilia
tion with the American Federation of Labor, is urged
to select a member of the committee, and to do so at
once. Speedy action means quicker results.
During the last five months there
have been 1,392 new members Initi
aled in Division 85, of the Amalga
mated Association of Street and Elec
tric Railway Employes at Pittsburg
and it now has the third largest mem
bership in the United States. The di
vision has not yet been able to make
a closed agreement with the Pittsburg
Street Railways company, but it has
been so successful in organizing the
men employed on these lines that
practically everyone is now a member
of the union.
Sheet metal workers, the poorest
paid trade in the building line, are on
strike for an increase in wages in
Cincinnati. ' Thirty of the independent
employers have signed up.
Central Union Boosts
Some Big Things Along
The Central Labor Union got away
with a goodly lot of business at the
meeting Tuesday night, and managed
to do it in a reasonable length of time.
The special committee having in
charge the theatrical benefit made re
port and the tickets for the benefit at
the Oliver, given, by the Fulton Stock
company and Manager Zehrung, were
distributed. The benefit will be given
on Monday evening, July 22, and the
play will be "Lynnwood," a pretty
southern drama that will please every
body. The benefit committee has an
other one in view, but just at present
the plan is not in shape to be made
public. It contemplates a Labor Day
engagement that will provide a lot of
pleasure to the toilers and at the same
time bring in -a goodly sum to be used
in the furtherance of unionism.
Secretary Bush admitted that he had
not been able to see and notify many
unions of the necessity of selecting
representatives on the Labor Temple
advisory committee, but said he would
get to it right away. The following
representatives were reported:
J. W. Dickson, Carpenters.
Fred Ihringer, Printers.
T. W. Evans, Cigarmakers.
Guy Warner, Plumbers.
The matter of starting something
for Labor Day was taken up, and the
central body decided to invite all
unions to select members of a general
committee, ' and suggested that the
ones selected meet . with .the Centra!
Labor Union on Tuesday evening, July
.23, and get the thing started off right.
The indications are that there will
be -no bands in the parade this year,
provided, of course, there Is a parade.
Iiast year the Central Labor -Union
went on record as opposed to march
ing , behind non-union bands in future,
and' this seems to be the general
sentiment of the unionists of the city.
The fact that a large percent of the
members of Lincoln bands .are union
craftsmen does not, in the estimation
oi the rank and file, excuse them from
organizing as musicians.
The attendance Tuesday night was
a little larger than usual, but it lacked
a lot of being what it should be.- The
Barbers: .have not been represented for
some time. The Lathers, Plasterers,
Hodcarriers and Building Laborers
and several other organizations have
not been represented at all. .- The
Teamsters' Union seems to have gone
by the board altogether. The Theatri
cal Stage Employes have not yet re
ceived their charter, but when they
do they will send delegates without
fail. The Railway Carmen presumably
have not been invited to send dele
gates. They -should by all means be
represented. . ' '
The trades represented at the meet
ing made cheerful reports of the trade
situation. Everybody seems to be at
work. The matter of securing more
accurate information concerning the
organizations of the city was brought
up, and it was generally agreed that
the records of the central body
should be amplified, made accurate
and brought to date and kept there.
The meeting ad journed at 10:30.
Horrible State of Affairs Pointed Out
By the Journal.
Last night at midnight a young man
and a young woman standing on the
jhorth side of the street between Ninth
and Tenth- streets, embraced each
other fondly under the bright glare of
an electric light. The couple then
separated, the young woman going mp
' "stairs into a block and 'the man east
,oii.-- P street and no policeman was in
sight to disturb the pair. Lincoln
Journal, Wednesday, July 10.
Isn't that a horrible state of affairs?
What is our truculent 'police force do
ing that such a horrible thing could
happen right in the heart of the city,
and no arrests and executions follow?
The idea of the peace and quiet of our
beautiful city being thus rudely shat
tered by a young man kissing his
sweetheart goodnight, and no just pun
ishment for the awful crime being ad
m oistered, is repugnant to the law
abHing citizens of Lincoln. What
right has a young man to kiss his
swee.'heart goodnight, anyhow. Es-
pecially under the glare of an arc
light? .
The Journal deserves the thanks of
all law-abiding people for its laudable
efforts to break up this illegal practice
of sweethearts kissing one, another
goodnight. And if the police do not
act on the hint given them we pur
pose . bringing the matter to the. at
tention of the excise board."
Old Town on the River Gets Dose of
the Building Fever. .
The following from the St. Loui3
Daily Times of July 8 indicates that
the building fever is becoming epi
demic among, the trades unionists:
"Nearly 200 delegates, representing
unions affiliated with the. Building
Trades Council . and Central Trades
and Labor Union attended the "Labor
Temple" convention In Walhalla Hall
Sunday and the proposition of the
trades unionists of the city to build a
home for organized labor was given
added impetus as a result of the meet
ing. - , ". ' " , ,
"For more than two hours the dele
gates discussed the report of the or
ganization committee, which provided
for the levying of a 5 cents a month
per capita tax until the amount paid
in equaled the cost of one share of
stock for each member at $5 per share.
"During the course of the debate on
the committee's report, speeches were
made by Owen Miller, David Kreyling,
John Spangler,' J.' B.' Conroy, ' Eugene
Sarber, Joseph Sullivan, T. F. Galos
lowsky, J. G. Schwartz and others
"Many points were brought out dur
ing the course of the debate which
showed that the delegates were in
clined to be very cautious in undertak
ing this project, which It is expected
will involve the expenditure of $250.-.
' "Strong terms were used by several
of the speakers in denouncing the con
dition of the halls in which most of
the unions now hold their meetings
and the determination to get away
from the "bar-room meeting .place"
was clearly the keynote of the meet
ing. "It was finally decided to enlarge
the organization committee by adding
five delegates, thus making it a com
mttee of fifteen.
Another convention- is to be held
Sunday, August 4," to which the com
mittee of fifteen has been instructed
to report a definite plan of procedure
covering the amount of the tax, meth
od of collection, etc. .'
"Owen Miller presided over the
meeting and John Spangler- acted as
secretary." -
Committee Now .Hustling Sale of
Tickets for Big Event.
"The Belle of Richmond" will be the
offering, of the Fulton Stock company
at the Oliver for the first half of next
week, and this pretty drama will be
given a production worthy of the com
pany and the house. The company Is
making extra efforts to make the an
nual benefit performance for the Cen
tral Labor Union a great success. This
benefit will be given on Monday even
ing, July 22, and the offering will fte
"Lynnwood," a pretty southern drama
full of interest, and abounding in sen
timent and comedy
Delegates from the central body are
now engaged in selling the tickets for
this performance. Those who hare
not yet secured tickets may do so by
calling on T. W. Evans at Wohlen
berg's cigar store.. ) ' '
Every unionist interested in provid
ing . the central body with funds vfpr
organization work should make an ef
fort to sell tickets for the benefit per
formance. Tickets sold by ' unionists
may be exchanged at the box office for
reserved seats on and after the Thurs
day prior to the benefit.
. The ' only difference between a
strikebreaker and a union man who
buys non-union goods Is, the strike
breaker has the courage to stand out
before the gaze of the public, while
the buyer of non-union goods does it
iu a sneaking way. Trade Union Ad
vocate, Trenton, N. J.