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About The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-???? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1907)
D r A S TRADESjKI COUNCIL) H J 11; lfUIL WiAiCCTiwlHJ liYdAvl VrOLi 4 XillfCOLiK, KElJltASKA, JULY 5, 1007 , t NO. 13 i ' i .. . ' J"; Among the Live Union j Workers of Lincoln The Central Labor Union will meet next Tuesday evening, and it wilt have a raft of important business to handle. First and foremost, of course, will be the matter of continuing to push tho Labor Temple project. The matter oi the theatrical benefits will come up for definite action. And then the mat ter of giving the initial Impetus to the proper observation- of Labor Day will demand attention. It is not a bit too early to begin ar ranging for Labor Day. It is always necessary, H seems, to put in a lot of time getting ready to do something definite, and it takes time to get the various locals to send In their dele gates to participate in the arranging of the program. There are a score of reasons why Labor Day this year should eclipse all former efforts. There is some opposition to a parade this year, and the opponents are pre pared to advance sound arguments to support their contentions. One ar gument is , that the musicians have failed to organize, thus making it Im possible to secure the services of a union band, and a lot of union men are .1.) favor of standing pat oil the reso lution adopted by the central body lust year not to parade again behind non-union music. Those who favc a purade, however, will be on hand with their arguments, and here's hoping that the matter will be settled amica bly. The Labor Temple project has been the subject of a lot of talk since the recent open meeting. Men who are not engaged la any craft has signified a willingness to get In pn the game. Walton G. Roberta, the undertaker. stopped the editor of The Wageworker on the street' the other day long enough to say: v "It's a mighty good thing and I want to give it a little push towards success. I'll go you $25 on It as a starter, and if necessary will do a little better than that." A. H. Armstrong, the clothier, said: "Of course I must be counted in on the scheme, but to what extent de pends altogether on the way the union men themselves take hold of It.' 'God helps those who help themselves." Show us what you can do, and we'll do what we can to help you. But it's your first move." v The Wageworker knows where $300 in coming from when the need arrives. It will not come from union men, either, but from men who are neither . craftsmen nor employers of labor. The various unions are requested to select their member of the building committee and to report the name of the man selected to George H. Bush, secretary of the Central Labor Union: , This is an important matter, and the success of the movement depends up on the men thus selected. Every delegate to the' Central La bor Union owes It to himself and to his union to be on hand when Presi dent Kelsey'8 gavel falls next Tues day evening at 8:30 o'clock. .BORAH INDICTED. How many of our readers know that Senator Borah, leading counsel in the Haywood prosecution. Is now under federal indictment for stealing govern ment timber land? Well, he is, and it may be possible that before the trial is over with. Orchard will confess that it was he and not Borah who did the . stealing. Colorado Springs Labor News. , NEW LABOR COMMISSIONER. J. J. Rider, an Omaha Politician, Lands . the Coveted Job. J. J. Rider, an Omaha politician and ' ex-newspaper man, was appointed dep uty labor commissioner last Monday by Governor Sheldon. Rider was back ed by the Douglas county republicans; his chief qualification being that he U sr. astute politician. Rider is not a craftsman, is not a union man, and knows nothing about the labor question as it concerns tho great mass of workiugmen in thi slate. He Is employed in the office of the clerk of Douglas county, and was formerly a reporter on the Omaha Bee. Back east somewhere he got into poll tics a little bit and was elected to the legislature a couple of times. He was candidate for the republican legislative nomination in Douglas county last fall, but failed to arrive. The deputy labor commissionership seems to have been given him as a "consolation prize." Governor Sheldon " has appointed Joseph W. Johnson deputy food and dairy commissioner. Mr. Johnson is fully as well qualied for this job as Rider Is for the other. THE ANNUAL BENEFIT. Fulton Stock Company Again Favors the Central Labor Union. . The Fulton Stock Company, under the management of Jess B. Fulton, and M'anagen Zehrung of the Oliver have again tendered company and house to the Central Labor Union for another benefit. The date selected by the management and the Central La bor Union committee is Monday even ing, July 17, and the attraction will be the beautiful drama, "The Belle of Richmond." There will be no increase in the prices of admission, the prices remaining 25, 15 and 10 cents. Box seats will be sold at 50 cents each. The tickets will be distributed to the delegates at the meeting next Tuesday evening, and will be sold to friends and supporters of the union movement. These tickets must be ex changed at the box office at the thea tre for reserved seat tickets. Beginning Monday, July 10, the Ful ton Stock Company will offer for the entire, week the beautiful military drama, "Cumberland, '61." This will be staged In the best possible style, and the full strength of the company will be used. The offering is one of the very best In the company's reper toire. Everybody get busy now and boost the benefit! THE CARPENTERS First Meeting of the Quarter Marked by Satisfactory Attendance. The Carpenters had a rousing meet ing Tuesday night, the beginning of the third quarter. The hall was crowded and business was dispatched with a rush. Three new members were taken In, with three or four more on the waiting list. The following officers were installed for the ensuing term: Ross Shepherd, president. Oscar Stowell, vice president. A. R. Gibson, financial secretary. J. A. Chambers, recording secretary, Ed Bly, business agent. George Quick, delegate C. L. U. A. R. Kent, trustee. W. A. Gray, who resides at Univer sity Place, was struck by a Traction company car last Monday afternoon and seriously Injured. - He is resting comfortably at bis. home. ' H. E. Atterbury is located at Fair mont, instead of at Fairbury, as re ported in The Wageworker last week. THE CIGARMAKERS. The Clgarmakers met Tuesday evening and elected the following offi cers for the ensuing term: T. W. Evans, president. John Steiner, financial secretary. Jed Kohoup, treasurer. J. Herminghaus, recording secre tary. T. W. Evans was selected as the union's representative on the Labor Temple committee. Messrs. Evans, Ross and McMann were elected dele gates to the C. L. U. Business is re ported good. SARCASTIC. Frank Kennedy Turns Delegate Ma Culloch's Language Back Upon Him. Butte Typographical union has filed exhaustive charges against the execu tive council of the I. T. U., charging 'it with serious offenses, both of omis slon and commission. "It is useless to try to overtake these men In their folly. Day by day they bring forth - new accusations, week by week they put out ' new charges. You are attacked one day and I am attacked another, and some one else on the third day, and no ef fort is ever made to prove the charges made. These men do not want to Third Annual Benefit Lino oln Central Union (Mveir YCneattire Monday, July 17 Through the courtesy of Mr. Jess Fulton and his company, and Manager Zehrung of the Oliver, the 'Lin coln Ontral Labor Union offers its Third Annual Bene fit at the Oliver Theatre on fhe above date On that oc casion the Fulton Stock Company will present the beau tiful southern drama "The Belle , Coupons exchangeable at the box. off ice for reserved seat tickets are now on sale by delegates to the central body. No advance in prices 25, J 5, and 10 cents. Box seats 50 cents. The public is cordially invited to help us make this benefit a success. The proceeds are for the furtherance of the work of the Central Labor Union prove them, they do not care to prove them. They are as careless of the truth as they are of the characters of themselves or others. Buzzards and scavengers, they are a disgrace to their calling and a menace to the peace of all." Western. Laborer. STRIKE A THUMBOLDT. Non-Union Men Quit to Enforce De mand, for Better -Wage Scale. Humboldt, July 2. Humholdt Is ex periencing some of the woes of a man ufacturing city, as this morning eight een employes of the "brick company went on a strike subsequent to the re fusal of the management to Increase their pay, and the plant is now shut down pending a settlement or a filling of the vacant positions. The workmen affected are employed in the pit and iTieE Tffl LOCAL UCMKR At the mass meeting at Central Labor Union hall last Tuesday night to consider the Labor Tempi. proposition, it was decided to ask all trades and labor unions to select one member each to act upon an advisitory committee. This committee will consider ways and means, and report back to their locals for rejection or approval. Local unions are urged to se lect the best possible material for this committee, and to do so at once, without waiting for formal notice from the secretary of the mass meeting, and to notify George Bush when selection is made. As soon as a majority of the unions have reported, the committee' will be called together. Every union in the county, regardless of affilia tion with the American Federation of Labor, is urged to select a member of the committee, and to do so at Speedy action means quicker results. rt-once. Labor of Richmond" the house, and pursuant to their re quest their wage was recently placed at five cents per thousand instead of at the day rate, which they have re ceived heretofore. The kilns tare not all completed and the management has been unable to keep the plant running on full time owing to inability to burn the brick, and the men be' came dissatisfied on account of haying to lay off so often. Yesterday they asked the manager, O. L. - Bantz, for an increase to eight cents per thou sand, but this was denied by the lat- ter, whose action was upheld by the directors, and as a result eighteen of the men quit this morning. The strike is not attended by any demonstration, and it is hoped an amicable adjust ment may be reached and the estab lishment kept running profitably as It has proven a good thing for the city. First Walking Delegate In American History In the year 1774 the first union was organized In America, says Charles H. SanfordTof North Bend, Ore., in the last issue of The Carpenter. At that time a fellow by the name of Sam Adams, discontented with the state of affairs, made up his mind to get the boys together and. organize. 1 No doubt he was called an agitator by the boss and blacklisted. Nevertheless, he got the boys to back him up. A committee was appointed consisting of Sam Adams, Jack Adams, John . Fay, Pat Henry and George Washington, to draw up a set of resolutions setting forth their grievances, which they did, and the followin resolution wa3 adopted (see declaration of indepen dence:) ' 'Resolved, Thatj we hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are en dowed by their Creator with certain unallienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.! That when any form of government becomes de structive of their ends, it is the right oi the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government, layj ing its 'foundations on such principles and organizing its powers : in such form as to them shall seem most like ly to effect their safety and happiness. and when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a desire to re duce them under "absolute .despotism, it is their right, it is' their duty, to throw off such government; and to pro vide new guards for their future secur ity." j The boss, whose name was John Bull, , got rip roaring mad and said he would . be ding busted before he ' would give them what they asked for, and said he would ' fire the whole bunch if they didn't behave' but these union men were pretty stiff necked themselves and said they would go him a Whirl if they lost their jobs by it. One fellow got considerable applause by shouting, "Give me liber ty or give me death!" About one-third of the members were opposed to calling a strike, but the motion carried, and George Washing ton was unanimously elected "busi ness agent." No doubt yotf have heard something of what happened. How they gained their point,, and not only gained their point, but kicked the boss off the job and took charge themselves and ran It on the co-operative plan., They had considerable trouble before the won; the boss Tan in a lot of strike breakers, and there' were quite a lot of non-union men and "scabs" around them, and some joined them just to keep the boss . posted on what they were going to do, but they made short work of these fellows when they found them out. Sometime after they got this settled, they had trouble among themselves, because some of the union men wanted to work non union men, but Abe Lincoln, who was then president of the union, said "No." Then the fellows who wanted to use the non-union men said they would draw out of the union and get a char ter, and organize a union of their own. But Abe was a pretty sensible old diick and said: "We must preserve the integrity of the union" and he went after the blacksliders, thrashed them into line again, made them dis charge their non-union men and took the non-union men into the union. Probably there are not very many people who have heard of this before, a3 it happened in an out-of-the-way sort of a place, but I will give my word of honor that it did happen just as I told it, and if those fellows did it, and it was considered all right, I don't see vhy other fellows, who are the same kind of fellows, have not the right to do the same. The very foun dation of these United States was laid on the organizing of a few men who went on strike to better their condi tions. Yet, hoarse on the Fourth of July sounding the praises of George Washington and his co-patriots, stren uously oppose any. attempt the men of V today may make in organizing to protect their interests and better their condition. I feel safe in saying had these men who now oppose organized labor been in existence in the year 1774 they would have opposed George Washington and his co-patriots, and would have been what they are today non-union' men and scabs possibly spies. They can not bring forth' a logical argument in support of the stand they take if they 'believe In and support the action taken by George Washington and the others, " and if they do not believe in and support the action taken they should be driven from the country as traitors to this government. The sole and only feel ing that prompts them to oppose or ganized labor is selshness pure, un adulterated hog bristle selfishness. The laboring man and woman produce all' the wealth of the country, directly or indirectly, and receive a very small portion in return for so doing and those who work little or not at all,' and who receive the larger portion be- -grudge them the little they do get, and 1 continually ; and systematically fight any attempt they may make to get a little more of what is justly due them. In this little town, at the present time, the men are asking for one hour less on the" workday one hour more in which to train their children in the way they should go, so they may be come good and able citizens, so they will be able to act justly and honor ably when the , government " of thi3 country may be put in their hands; one hour more in which to read, that they may be the better prepared to live this, life and the life to come, and I understand the one man who is most opposed to it has said he would see their tongue hanging out and black for want of food before he would grant it. Methinks I can see him standing on a platform on the Fourth of July .eulo gizing and praising the acts of George Washington. A BIG PRIZE. And Some Wageworker Reader Ought to Win It- ; The American Humane Educational sooiety, through its president, George T. Angell, 19 Milk Street,, Boston, Mas3., makes the following announce ment: ', "Our American Humane Edu cation society desires to secure the best story that can be written to make the rich and poor . more kind to each other and so harmonize the disputes between capital and labor a story which will be read with interest by both rich and poor, and for this pur pose I offer, in behalf of our American' Humane Education society, a prize of one thousand dollars for the best. To receive the prize the story must be declared by crlics carefully selected by us to be worth a thousand dollars. Each competition must be typewritten on stitched sheets, signed with a fic titious name and accompanied by a sealed letter giving the actual name and postoffice address of the writer, which will not be opened until the de cision' has been made. All stories must be received at the offices of our American Humane Education society, 19 Milk Street, Boston, on or before January 1, 1908, and on each of the envelopes must appear the prize offer which must be kept entirely separate." There are many readers of The Wage- worker , who are capable of carrying off this prize, did they but set their minds to the task of preparing a story on this subject. - LAUNRY WORKERS RESUME. The Laundry Workers' strike in San Francisco is happily terminated and the members of that organization' re turned to work last Monday. The agreement reached with the employ ers, and which was approved' by the union, provides a graduated scale and concedes the eight-hour day on the in stallment plan . "... . LOTS OF THEM. .... A great many people squeal jlike a stuck hog . against working with a scab; . and yet some of these mei load 'up with scab goods on the. way home, and never even ask for a clerk's union card when making the pur chases. Evansville Advocate.-