The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 07, 1907, Image 7

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    Don't Use "Practically
Pure" White Lead
i There is no other pigment that Is
"practically " White Lead no other
paint that has the properties of Pure
White Lead Paint.
Pure White Lead, good paint that
it is, cannot carry adulterants without
having its efficiency impaired. To get
Pure White Lead durability, see to
it that every keg bears the Dutch Boy
trade mark a guarantee that the con
tents are absolutely Pure White Lead
made by the Old Dutch Process.
"A Talk on Paint" gives valuable
information on the paint subject. Sent
free upon request.
in whiehmver of the foitow
ing etti is neatc&t your
KswYork, Boston. Buffalo. OlmUd
Cincinnati. Ohicaso. Bt. Louis. Phtlau.1
Baia (John T. Lewi, a Broa. Co.ll Pittabara
UtatlaaaJ Laad 4 Oil Oo.l
Don't Push
The horse can draw the
load without help, if you
reduce friction to almost
nothing by applying
to the wheels.
No other lubri
cant ever made
wears so lonir
and saves so much
horsepower. Next time
try Mica Axle Grease.
Standard Oil Co.
Took Last Jump from Forgotten Rub
ber Heme Plate.
. . Billy Powell, greatest hurdler the
west has produced, was referring to
his college days on the Berkeley
"There were five In the race. 1
drew the extreme outside lane,
which gave me a bad finish stretch.
But I got a peach of a start, swept
the curve like a yacht on her beam
ends and came down the straight
taking the Jumps in beautiful style.
I felt I had a varsity record in me
at that clip, and I threw all my
power Into the final strides. . Spring
ing for the ninth hurdle I fairly
flew through the air, and, dashing
to the finish, broke the tape, the
world's record tor the low hurdles,
for the 220-dasb, and for the run
ning broad jump, the time being
21 flat, and my last Jump over two
hurdles at once, clearing 43 feet and
some Inches.
"Whew!" exclaimed Olle Snedlgar,
"why weren't the records ever al
lowed?" "Well." continued Powell, "whet,
they went to measure that leap.
Col. Edwards started to shove his
cane in, to indicate my foremost spike
mark, and the stick Jumped out of his
band. They scraped the short grass
away and found a solid rubber home
plate imbedded where the varalty bat
tery used to practice." San Francisco
A single day grants what a whole
year denies. Italian.
Homemade Preparation Better Than
the Purchased Article.
It Is chaper to prepare your own
.polish for floors. To do so buy at the
'drug store one-half pound of white
beeswax; pluce in a crock; pour over
it one-half gallon turpentine and set
on back of range until melted; re
move and cool, when it should be a
little thinner than vaseline; but as the
little cakes of wax are sold for an
ounce and are not uniform, the begin
ner would better try half the quantity
given above and If. when cool, it is
too thick, add a little more turpen
tine; if too thin, add more wax and
melt over. Be careful no turpentine
is on the edge or outside of the crock.
. as it may easily catch and set fire to
the preparation; and for this reason
if placed on the gas stove lay a stove
lid over the flame. Rub this polish
thinly and evenly over the entire
floor; let stand to harden at least half
an hour, then rub with weighted
brush,' beginning in the corner where
the polish was first applied, as it will
have had a longer time in which to
Papers Under Mattress.
I lay two thicknesses of newspape
on my bed springs and then lay mar
tress on the papers. This keeps the
mattress from getting black marks on
it. Sometimes In rainy weather the
,springs get rusty, and it gets on the
mattress, but if you keep paper on the
springs It picks up all the rust.
Nearly All Leaders in .Both National
and American Leagues at Close of
Last Season from Clubs Playing in
Western Cities Stone Wall In
field That Cannot Be Surpassed
Anywhere in World.
A short time ago the eastern base
ball experts were busy picking out
all-New York and all-eastern teams
guaranteed to defeat the world, and
overlooking the fact that the west not
only decided the championship last
season, but appears to hold the whip,
hand even stronger this year. Not
only that, but the stars of both leagues
are almost all with clubs playing in
western cities. ' In fact, a glance at
the figures made last season is enough
to convince anyone that the greatest
team in the history of the game could
be picked from the west, provided, of
course, team work went with indi
vidual qualifications.
Both of the championship batsmen
of last season come from the west,
and the two second men in the Ameri
can league are both western players.
while this is also true of the first two
out of three of the leaders in the Na
tional. Stone, the premier batter of
them all last season, belongs ' to the
Browns, while Clarke, who played in
a smaller number of games and fin
ished Just a decimal below Stone, be
longs to Cleveland. Lajoie, who comes
third, is also from Cleveland. In the
National league, Wagner, the leader,
belongs to Pittsburg, while Steinfeldt,
who comes third, is Chicago player.
Not only are all five of these men
great patters, but every one of them
is among the leaders in fielding and
other departments of the game as
well. Add on to these two such pitch
ers as Altrock, one of the greatest left
handed twirlers in the country, who
did such brilliant service for the
White' Sox in the world's champion
ship series, and "Miner" Brown, a
right-handed pitcher, who made a rec
ord iri the National league last season
which stands by itself, and there is
already a bunch of stars which classes
almost by itself.
Not only can the west pick one
team which will be pretty much in a
class by itself, but it can pick a sec
ond one which should defeat any oth
er in the country. Beginning on an
all-star western team and taking only
men who are playing in the positions
they would fill on such a nine, there
is Stone to start with. Stone is not
only a great hitter, but a brilliant
fielder and base runner as well. Stone
plays left, and only his particularly
brilliant record gives him the prefer
ence in that position over such men
as Jimmy Sheckard and Fred Clarke.
Fielder Jones of the White Sox must
be chosen, and he Is admittedly one
of the greatest men who has ever
played the outfield, owing to his bril
liant fielding, great work on the bases
and fine head work, despite the fact
that be is a light hitter.
When it comes to right field,
Schulte, of Chicago, is probably the
best regular man in that position, as
he bats well, fields well and runs
bases well. On the other hand, this
position could be filled much better
by playing another representative
there. Both Hemphill and Crawford
are brilliant players, and both have
played and can play right field in fine
style, Hemphill in particular being a
great man in that position.
An infield composed of Chance on
first, Lajoie at second. Wagner at
shortstop and Steinfeldt at third,
would be pretty near impregnable.
Every man in that line-up is a cham
pionship batter, fielder and base run
ner, i Not only that, but there are
enough more stars to make up a sec
ond infield which would shine along
side of any other in the country.
There is Jiggs Donohue and Tom
Jones, of Chicago and St. Louis, for
first base, Hugglns and Evers for sec
ond base, Turner and Wallace foi
shortstop and Bradley for third base.
When it comes to batteries the west
is as well provided as in other re
specta. For catchers there is Johnny
Kling, one of the greatest backstops
of the game to-day and a 300 hitter,
and Sullivan, who piloted the Whit
Sox to world's championship honors.'
and one of the brainiest catchers in
the business, but only an average bat
ter, Clarke Is a third catcher who is
a great batter and a high-class man
behind the bat. For pitchers there is
a wealth of material. As before men
tioned, Altrock and Brown would
make an ideal combination, as one is
a right-hander, while the other is s
southpaw, and at least two pitchers
with opposite deliveries are needed
to round out a team. White of the
White Sox, or Walsh of that team,
and Leever, of Pittsburg, would form
another fine pitching staff for a cham
'plonship team, as all three rank with
the greatest in the country.
George Mullin ranks as one of the
leading pitchers when it comes to
scoring runs.
Catcher Spencer, of St. Louis, is a
good hitter, but he is said to be a
slow thinker.
In the west the opinion is prevalent
that Waddell is "all In," and that this
will be his last season in major com-cany.
Husband Still Here, But Hair Had
Long Departed.
A western man, who plumes himself
on his fascination for the other sex,
was not long ago presented to an at
tractive New York woman.
In course of their first tete-a-tete
the man with winning ways at once
took occasion to turn the conversation
into his favorite channel. "I observe
that you are wearing an especially
fine locket." said he. "Tell me, does
it contain some token of a past love
Aware of the westerner's weakness,
the handsome New Yorker thought to
humor him a bit. "Yes," smiled she,
"it does contain a token of the past,
a lock of my husband's hair."
"You don't mean to tell me that
you're a widow!" exclaimed the west
erner, in delighted surprise, as he
nudged a trifle nearer. "I understood
that your husband was alive."
"True," answered the beautiful crea
ture; "but his hair is gone." Sunday
Whole Head and Neck Covered Hair
All Came Out Cured in Three
Weeks by Cuticura.
"After having the measles my whole
head and neck were covered with scaly
sores about as large as a penny. They
were just as thick as they could be.
My hair all came out. I let the trou
ble run along, taking the doctor's blood
remedies and rubbing on salve, but' it
did not seem to get any better. It
stayed that way for about six months;
then I got a set of the Cuticura Rem
edies, and in about a week I noticed
a big difference, and in three weeks
it was well entirely and 1 have not had
the trouble any more, and as this was
seven years ago, I consider myself
cured. Mrs. Henry Porter, Albion,
Neb., Aug. 25, 1906."
Medicine of Bamboo Sap.
In India the sap of the female bam
boo tree is used for medicinal pur
poses. "Tabasheer," or "banslochan,"
is sold in all Indian bazars, as it has.
been known from the earliest times as
a medicinal agent. It is also known
in Borneo, and was an article of com
merce with early Arab traders of the
east. Its properties are said to be
strengthening, tonic and cooling. It
has been analyzed and has been shown
to consist Almost entirely of silica,
with traces of lime and potash. From
its remarkable occurrence in the hol
lows of baniboos the eastern mind has
long associated it with miraculous
Starch, like everything else, is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all in
jurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
, Royal Scion Does Good Work.
The duke of Abruzzi, now a visitor
in this country, pronounces it as
though it were spelled "Ah-broot-zee,'
with the accent on the second syl
lable. Although only 34 years old, he
has done a deal of hard work and has
had many hazardous experiences. He
is the son of a Spanish king who ab
dicated under pressure. The son
early in life took service in the Italian
navy. Then he went in for explora
tion and mountaineering and in such
pursuits has traveled all over the
world. The duke has written accept
ably of his wanderings and has won
honors for several scientific societies.
That an article may be good as well
as cheap, and give entire satisfaction,
is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Defiance Starch, each package con
taining one-third more Starch than
can be had of any other brand for the
same money.
It Is motive alone that gives char
acter to the actions of men, and pure
motive is In the deed not in the event.
Be not one whose eye regardeth re
ward. Kreeshna,
, Poverty is not a shame, but the De
ing ashamed of it is.
The streak of yellow in the average
rem is larger than his streak of
Don't Sneeze Your Head Off.
Kra use's Cold Capsules will cure you al
most instantly. At all Druggists, 25c.
Women would have but little use
for minds and complexions if it were
impossible to change them.
Mrs. Wlnalow'a Soothing; Syrap.
For children teething, aof tens the autne, redooM fa
SaaamaUoa.auaj pain, curee wind colui. itoc a boltla.
Most men think they know a lot
more than they know they know. '
A Utah Pioneer Tells a Remarkable
X W. Browning, 1011 22d St., Ogden,
Utah, a pioneer who crossed the
plains in 1848, says:
"Five years ago the
doctors said I had
diabetes. My kid
neys were all out
of order, I had to
rise often at night,
looked sallow, felt
dull and listless
and had lost 40
pounds. My back
ached and I had
spells of rheumatism and dizziness.
Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of
these troubles and have kept me well
for a year past. Though 75 years old,
I am in good health."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
(treat Cricketer's Simple Tribute io
His Own Worth.
In 1885 there was a great celebra
tion in London in honor of Dr. Sam
eel Johnson, and among those in at
tendance was the Australian "crack"
cricketer, Bonner, then at the height
ef his fame.
As one of the guests, says the com
piler of the recently published "Let
ters" of the late Dr. George Blrkbeck
Hill, Bonner's health was proposed.
His response was noteworthy.
"After seeing the way in which Dr.
Johnson's memory is revered," he said,
with great simplicity, "I am not sure
that I would not rather have been
such a man than have gained my own
greatest triumphs in cricket";
Youth's Companion.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
Where He Met Him.
He was one of those smart men who
like to show their cleverness.
"Watch me take a rise out of him,"
he said, . as the tramp approached.
Then he listened solemnly to the tale
of hard liKik. 4
"That's the same old story you told
me the last time you accosted me," he
said, when the vagrant had finished: ,
"Is it?" was the answering question.
"When did I tell it to your
"Last week."
4'Mebbe I did, mebbe I did," admit
ted the tramp. "I'd forgotten meet
ing you.- I was in jail all last week."
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured.
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach
the aeat of the dlaeaae. Catarrh la a blood or consti
tutional dlaeaae, and In order to cure It you must take
Internal remedies. Hairs Catarrh Cure la taken In
ternally, and acta directly on the blood and mucoua
aurfaces. Haira Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi
cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physlclana
In this country for years and Is a regular prescription.
It la composed of the beat tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous aurfaces. The perfect combination of the
two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful re
sults in coring catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Props., Toledo', O.
Sold by Druggists, price T5c
Take Ball's Family Pills fur constipation.
Telephones In Boston.
Boston is the greatest . telephone
user in the world, according to the an
nual report of the New England Tele
phone & Telegraph company. Every
day in New England there is an aver
age of 935,858 telephone conversations.
In Boston there ia a phone for every
11 persona.
Important to Mother.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORTA,
a safe and sure remedy for infanta and children.
and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
la TJao For Over SO Years.
Taa Kind Yon Bare Always Bought
Too Swift for Londoners.
.. According to the British postmaster
general the post office experiments In
typewriting telegrams have "not been
altogether satisfactory." The London
Globe conjectures that the telegraph
department wants "something slower."
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures painful,swollen,
smarting, sweating, feet. Makes new shoes
easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores.
Don't accept any substitute: Sample FREE.
Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy; N. Y.
Weak men tremble at the world's
opinion, fools defy it, wise men Judge
it. La Rochefoucald.
Kind words come less readily than
do those of condemnation.
The wise man looks before he leaps
then instead of jumping into the
fire he remains in the frying pan. ?
Wine of Cardui ha been called "Woman's Relief," because of its wonder
ful power, demonstrated in actual experience, during more than 50 yearSa. over
the pains, distress and ills, from which women are so prone to suffer.
Mrs. Emma Carrier, of Emmett Tenn., writes:
Wflmie 2 CaffdM
did me more good than' all four doctors who treated my case. 1 vent through several operations tor
female trouble, but got no better; until I took Cardui. which brought me relief. It Is the most woriiiorful
woman's medicine in the world. At druggists, In $1.00 bottles with full directions for use Try It ,
tiUllTr tlC k I ETTails Write today for a free copy of valuable 6t-pa(e fflostrated Book farWomn. If .""J J""
WRITE US A LETTER att&:dtsis ssto ffl sz&g! sas.'isr"
R The first requisite of a (rood
motner-is gooa neaitn, and the ex
perience of maternity should not be
approached without careful physical
preparation, as a woman who is in
good physical condition transmits to
her children the blessings of a good
Preparation for healthy mater
nity is accomplished by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
which is made from native roots and
herbs, more successfully than by any
other medicine because it gives tone
and strength to the entire feminine
organism, curing displacements, ul
ceration and inflammation, and the
result is less suffering and more
than thirty years
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has been the standby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth.
NotewhatMrs. JamesChester.of427 W. 35th St., New York says in this
letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-"I wish every expectant mother knew about
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned
of its great value at this trying period of a woman's life urged me to try
it and I did so, and I cannot say enough in regard to the good it did me.
I recovered quickly and am in the best of health now."
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful
remedy for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women.
It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa
tions, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation, Ulcera
tions and Organic Diseases of Women and is invaluable in preparing for
Childbirth and during the Change of Life. t
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free.
Why not sell where you are. Bank some of your profits for income and take up a new
home, and start the boys too. Fine water; beautiful lakes; quick, fertile soil, fine
climate. 35,000 acres. Farm any size. Title absolute. Investigate anywhere before
buying. Write for maps and truthful representations.' Address
ROGER. C. SPOONER. Pres. Donald L. St I Co., Bemidjl. Minn.
'An Anarchist.
"Thet air thin chicken with th' drag
gled feathers," remarked the old farm
er, "I call th' anarchist." '
"Why do you call him that?" quer
ied the summer boarder. -
" 'Cause he spends so much time
chasin' th' other chickens t' git their
vittles away from 'em he ain't got no
time t' hustle fer none fer hisself," ex
plained the old granger. -
"Your man," said the promotor of a
feast, "ia a 'has been.' " -
"And yours," retorted the whipper
in for the rival show, "is a 'never
was.' " 1
Thus, by a chance "'bit of repartee,
was the identity ' of the stellar at
tractions made clear enough. .
i CSOOGDgtf r
Libby'sVeal Loaf
With Deef and Pork
Do you like Veal Loaf ? You
will surely be delighted with
Libby's kind, made from choice
fresh meats, in Libby's spotless
kitchens. It is pure, wholesome
and delicious ia flavor.
Ready for Servant- At Once. Simply
ffarniahed with sauce it is an appetizing'
entree lor luncheon or dinner,
Aak raar irraer far I.lbby'a aaal taataa
mpam ceUUW LMssy's.
Llbby, McNeill & Llbby
Chicago '
BIT A la IT DQ ' this paper de
AuAUaMu siring- to buy any
i thing advertised in
its columns should insist upon having
what they ask for, refusing all substi
tutes or imitations.
miscellaneous CLLu I HU I IrE5
ba eraat arlaty for sal. at th. lowaat price, by
a.a.aauoae sattSPAPBaco.. la - ti rtim
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 23, 1907.
, . - aaaaaaaaawatwT t, .:
Kill A " L.
I M saw tm f aW M MMmwf
children healthy at birth,
For more
z I Positively eared by
fQ I these Little Fills.
kOI They also relieve Stav
Iaaaaaaj tTCSS fTOTn iipepoia. IA
a jJITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
1 I llfrn Rating. A perfect rem-
Ill Esl V edy for DfeHneas, Kansas'.'
I I PILLS. Drowsiness, Bad Taste
I I W"- In thai . atonth v Viateja
r I I Tongue. Pain In Cae8Ul.
regulate toe Bowels. Purely Vegetable. -
. Genoiim Must Bear v
Fae-Simila Signature
additional miles
! of railway tola
ear nave opened up a
nreelv increased terra
Inrv tci the nnwrtftsha
farmers of Westers
Canada and the Gov
eminent of the Domin
ion continues to Kive
to every settler. -
Coal, wood and water la abundance; churcha
and schools convenient; markets easy of access)
taxes low; climate the best in the northern tarn
peratezone. Law and order prevails everywhere.
For advice and information address the
Ottawa. Canada, or any authorized Canadian
Government Agent.
W. V. BENNETT, 801 New Terk life 1
Omaha, Nebraska. -
To eonvlnee any
woman that Pauc
tlnei Antiseptic, will
improve her health
ana do an we claim.
for U.
sena ner absolute ly free
larM trial
box of Paxtine with book of Tnatrne.
tions and genuine testimonials. Bend
your name and address on a postal card.
an4 fteala
m neons
m m -
brana a&
fections,- such as nasal catarrh, -pelvle
catarrh and Inflammation caused by faouV
nine ills ; sore eyes, sore throat ana
mouth, by direct local treatment Its eutv
alive power over these troubles Is extra
ordinary and gives immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending it every day. 60 cents at
druggists or by mall. Remember, however,
.aoaa nkckb on backs oaj
m M.T sols in HM nw mm anti
free rss:
w ua ase, sea anal Si.
.Security Remedy Co.
wmnt 20 or 30 flrst class ami He to oia mm tn riTmf
colon itLuK uroDOBitlonln rontta Tezaa.
est you if yon will address Box 404. K
Ksnm (not Missouri).
win in (
i CitT
1 flVER
saaaaa. , m .
Mai . m
fah. M