The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, February 01, 1907, Image 6

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    . , - S
This is the best equipped whole
sale hat company In the west. This
rampany has been In business one
year, and is known to everyone
throughout the city. By their thor
ough honesty and integrity, their
courteous treatment ) of customers,
their close prices, and' the general ex
cellence of the goods they handle, they
have built ui) an enviable patronage.
It la such homo concerns as this that
deserve the hearty endorsement and
co-oieration of our citizens. This
company are wholesale dealers in fine
hatas, caps and gloves, and their goods
are the best on the market. They
have in connection a factory for leath
er working gloves. Wage-earners
Hhould demand the goods made by
th la firm. This company is friendly
to labor, and we should give them our
co-operation. It Is with pleasure that
we heartily recommend them to our
friends. Patronize 'this home concern
and you will help build up a home In
stitution. The officers of this com
pany are E. R. Deputy, president; G.
W. Becker, vice-president; Geo. A.
Spangler, secretary and treasurer.
' These gentlemen are among our
particularly successful business men,
who by sound, progressive, yet con
servative principles, have advanced
themselves to prominent position as
citizens and as a representative type
of hustlers. Green, Bell & Co. have
acquired a conspicuous position in our
business progress, the result of enter
prise, thrift and keen business Intel
lect. In the real estate, Insurance and
rental business, the city of Lincoln
recognizes Green, Bell & Company.
The present patronage they enjoy Is a
tribute to their zeal and well-directed
efforts to render a square -deal to
every man. Green, Bell & Company
have been in business since 1892 and
enjoys extensive patronage among the
people of our city. Mr. Green is a
firm believer in home patronage, and
haw done much along this line. He
organized a club to advocate a pref
erence for Lincoln made goods and In
so doing make Lincoln a one hundred
thousand city by 1910.
Merchant tailoring in its highest de
velopment is more than a profession.
To adapt the apparel to the man
means more than to simply fit him; it
means to harmonize colors aid pat
terns to the wearer's individual pecu
liarities of build, to emphasize the
Kood loirtB and reduce the bad. Tco
few tailors possess this really artis
tic faculty,' hut among the few may be
mentioned Mr. Anderson, located at
143 North Thirteenth street, as one
of the- high class tailors in this see
tlon. Mr. Anderson has been furnish
ing custom made clothes at a price
that suits wage earners. He is a
pleasant gentleman of strict integrity
and has been in business twelve years,
Mr. Anderson Is very friendly to la
bor, and we should give him our hear
ty co-operation. When you buy your
noxx-milt call on our friend Anderson;
lie wlll"treat you right. Remember
vthe location, 143 North Thirteenth St.
One of the particularly good gro
ceries of Lincoln, and one deserving
of generous patronage, both for the
exce'lent quality of goods handled and
their uniformly friendly attitude to
wards labor, is that of F. N. Hotallng.
The gentleman carries a full line of
groceries and provisions, teas, coffees,
Hpices, provisions and everything to
be had in a first-class store of this
kind. In addition to a favorable grade
of goods, this firm is most courteous
to and painstaking with their trade.
This has enlisted a number of wage
earners. An order over the telephone
is given as much care as a customer
at the Btore, and goods are promptly
delivered to any part of the city. Mr.
Hotallng ha 8 just started In business
at this new location and will appre
ciate any orders. His motto is, that
there are no orders too small and
none too large, i Remember the loca
tion, 1541 O street.
Lincoln has long since demonstrat
ed her rightful claim "as one of the
most thrifty, energetic and up to date
cities to be found In the west. - This
claim was not, however, gained by
virtue of a few. struggles, but .through
the ceaseless efforts of men who are
quick to grasp the needs and demands
of the people. By strict application
to business, by fair and impartial deal
ings with all their customers, and by
prompt and courteous treatment, this
linn has long since taken its place in
the ranks of live business houses. The
Lincoln Tailoring Co. readily con
ceived' the Idea that high prices for
custom made clothes were prohibitive
ana promptly slashed such prices un
til today hundreds of men who labor.
wear their tailor-made suits and over-
.coats. Their prices, coupled with ex
cellent quality and style, have created
a popular favor, for clothes made by
this firm. This company has always
displayed a friendly feeling to orga
nized labor. This company is located
at 132 toouth Twelfth street.
Lincoln Is rapidly growing in every
essential element and her commerce.
trade and manufacturers have multi
plied at a very satisfactory rate. At
the present time our business men
are reaching out in all directions and
bringing under commercial tribute to
this city vast eras of territory hither
to but little reached from here. In like
manner our great manufacturing con
cerns are constantly invading new ter
ritory, so there are at the present time
but few places in the country where
the articles from Lincoln are not to
be foond In greater or less profusion.
A field of Industry that has gained im
mense proportions in this city Is that
of the Lincoln Drug Co., an Industry
that Is one of the foremost factors in
promoting the commercial Importance
and general development of the com
munity. The marked success of this
company is attributed in no small de-
gree to the able management of their
business and honorable methods of
dealing with trade. Their stock is
large, comprehensive - and attractive,
and all goods are sold at the lowest
possible prices consistent with legiti
mate Ijusiness methods. This is a home
institution that the people as a whole
should foster and encourage. This
company has been in business ten
The telephone is the most indispen
sable necessity of today. It unites a
family and annihilates time and dis
tance, travels as it were, in the frac
tion of a minute, answers to your whim
and humor, and generally speaking Is
the least expensive or all public serv
ice. Telephone service as rendered by
the Lincoln Telephone Company rep
resent that great efficiency. The brains
and genius of matured telephone ex
perts, it is an era when wage earners
now can avail themselves oi its great
features. The Lincoln Telephone Co.
is purely a home institution and is
owned entirely by local people. This
company has In operation over nine
thousand phones, and connects with
over one hundred thousand phonc-i in
the south Platte and neighboring
states. With Denver and Omaha both
adding independent local plants It Is
made possible for Lincoln users of the
Automatic Telephone to talk with
either city, and all important points.
The growth of this company has been
phenomenal, and it is the earnest de
sire of its management to give to sub
scribers the best possible telephone
service. A large nuirfber of new sub
scribers are being dally added to their
new ll8ti Every dollar paid to this
company for service rendered and
wages and salaries paid to its em
ployes is spent right here at home
among our home merchants, and does
not go abroad. We urge our citizens
to co-operate and patronize this worthy
home institution. The most success
ful of the independent exchanges are
those that are equipped with the auto
matic system. -With-the automatic
there are no delays, no ringing con
nections, no nerve-racking service with
operators. You operate the simple
calling" machine yourself; you ring
your party's bell yourself, and you
know the party has been called and
rung. If he Is busy you get a busy sig
nal; if he Is out you get no reply. This
Is simple and buslness-llke. Uniform
courtesy to patrons is an Imperative
rule of this company. The officers are
F. H. Woods, president; A. W. Field,
vice-president; W. E. Sharp, secretary
and treasurer; L. E. Kurtz, general
Real property, land improved or un
improved, has since and before the
time of Abraham and Lot, been con
sidered the most secure holding a man
or woman can have. The land can
neither be burned up, torn down or
stolen bodily. It is always worth
something, and upon it one may build
or plant, or in it dig. In this country
not enough stress is laid on the value
of private ownership. The poor man
and the members of that vast throng
who labor for a daily wage would do
well Indeed to Invest their small sur
plus of earnings in real estate by
means of. small but regular payments
If necessary, that time would enable
them to call themselves owners of real
property. Instead of these small earn
ings being fritted away in the num
berless ways which 3-ield a slight pass
ing satisfaction, but do not bring sub
stantial returns. In the firm of the
Security Investment Co., the city has
one of the most reliable firms to rep
resent her In this important line of
business. They deal in all kinds of
real estate, choice farm lands in Ne
braska and surrounding states. Their
offices are located at 148 South "Thir
teenth street. The officers are R. E.
Moore, president, and John Moore,
M. H.
Mr. Hickman is entitled to as great
a distinction as any business man in
our city. He conducts one of the bus
iest grocery establishments In the city
and is among the best known and most
successful of our merchants. His wide
range of experience and more than
ordinary ability to grasp and take ad
vantage of every condition and oppor
tunity places him in that class of
merchants and business men which
are a credit to a city. In presenting
these facts it is with a spirit to en
courage a more active contact with
man who has nothing but the friend
liest interest in union labor. In this
city Mr. Hickman's record of four
years' business activity is a monument
to his character. He enjoys the pat
ronage of the best people, who wish
him continued success.
The Lincoln Gas & Electric Light
Co. is one of our largest institutions,
and employs an army of men. They
have always paid the highest wages
and believe in good organizations when
well conducted. This company has al
ways taken a leading part n any
movement that would benefit Lincoln
The lighting facilities of a city are of
vital importance to the community.
This is an enterprise that has de
manded an immense outlay of money
without at first an immediate return
for the investment, and few cities in
the United States can boast of a bet
ter equipped electric light and gas sys
tem than is afforded by this company.
This company has been instrumental
in bringing in commercial Institutions
from the fact that it supplies excellent
light and gives the people a good qual
ity of gas. Everybody has learned
that gas is the perfect fuel. If a housewife-
once cook with gas it is almost
impossible to get along without It, It
is so clean, so quickly handled and
gives such steady and perfect heat.
The company set up more stoves In
the last year than in any other two
years of its history. The people at
large are awakening to the fact that
gas is the cleanest, most economical
and best fuel in the world. This com
pany is growing with the city in every
respect, and, in fact, giving the public
a service that a city of three times
Lincoln's population would be proud
iimiapi nmrfir
union hmuic
There are numerous reasons why Lincoln men should smoke Lincoln made cigars. First,
anywhere. Second, they are
Tenement conditions. Third,
up Lincoln s institutions, and add
brands and do your share towards making Lincoln a bigger and
Standard, mild
txtra rina, medium Dc
Bully, Little Havana
1 28 South llth Street
of. The officers of this company are
Henry L. Doherty, president; L. P.
Punkhouser, vice-president; R. W.
Harbor, secretary and treasurer; Hom
er Honeywell, general manager.
One of the standard houses in the
grocery line in Lincoln is that con
ducted by Henry Pfeiff at 311 South
Eleventh street. Mr. Pfeiff is dealer
in staple and fancy groceries, and the
stock carried embraces everything to
be had in a first-class store of this
kind. The success he has achieved
in building up such a large trade Is
due to honest and fair treatment of all
patrons. ' He delivers goods to any
part of the city and the clerks are al
ways attentive to business and - en
deavor to please all customers. Mr.
t-telff is In every way friendly to union
labor. The wage earners in this city
know Mr. "Pfeiff well and patronize him
generously, and in this they make' no
mistaKe. tie aiso nas a meat mantel
in connection. Mr. Pfeiff has been in
business twenty years.
Unlike a great many cities through
out the country Lincoln has no boom
features nor institutions which have
been built up by speculation, nor is
its growth being forced by hot-house
methods. Our trade expansion in com
merce and manufactures is being
gained along sound and substantial
lines,- and hence, while It may not be
generally known throughout the coun
try, a few cities of its size can com
pare with her in this substantial char
acter of her industrial enterprises." It
is the aim of this movement to dem
onstrate the fact more fully and forci
bly by endeavoring to place before
wage earners some intelligent and
good reasons for supporting those
within our own midst. The Lincoln
Paint & Color Co. are large employ
ers of Lincoln labor, and. the wage
earners' connection with this company
has been fraught with pleasant asso
ciations and fair pay. This large and
modernly equipped establishment has
grown Into prominence in this dis
trict. There are two reasons for the
remarkal 'e increase of this company,
the firs ' being the merits of the goods
sent ou; and the second on account of
the personality of this company and
its subordinated This company was
one of the first manufacturers in Lin
coln, and was established in a small
way, but has grown until today is one
of our leading manufacturing plants.
M. J. Waugh, president of the com
pany, has done much toward advanc
ing the interests of Lincoln. He-has
always been friendly in his relations
with labor, and is always ready to
help them when possible. This com
pany's goods can be bought at Kost
ka's Glass & Paint Co., located at 1211
O street.
The Ignorant person of today is con
fronted by intelligence. His life is a
warfare of weak ignorance against hi.s
powerful opponent, education. It
means not only a life of embarrass
ment but of misery. Not only this, but
n investment in education always
pays the highest rate of interest and
declares a dividend daily, hourly. A
few years ago it was not necessao
for a young man to have a business
education. At that time a millionaire
was an unknown product, but in these
days of millionaire corporations and
complicated buisness projects, it is au
utter impossibility for the young man
to succeed until lie has acquired a
business education. It is no longer
possible for him to enter an office as
an apprentice. Business men have no
time to spend with an apprentice, but
demand a trained mind in every one
they employ. To meet this demand
the business college was created,
where the young man receives the
benefits of the training of experienced
men. In selecting a school it is to your
interest to select one conducted by
men who have had actual business ex
perience. In recommending a school
we know none better than Brown's
Business College. No school in the
west is widening it3 borders with more
positive force than Brown's Business
Fred Voight, who is located at 115
South Ninth street, conducts a modern
and well stocked meat market and is
enjoying a liberal patronage from his
host of friends. His market is stocked
at all times with the very choicest of
meats. Mr. Voight is one of Lincoln's
pioneer merchants and has proved a
successful one bv treating his patrons
right in giving; them both quality and;
quantity at alltimes. This gentleman
has been in business eighteen years
and has a large spot in his heart for.
aiaado that nnr nmnp
uiumho ihhi wnc uuue,
well made, in clean and sanitary
every time you smoke a Lincoln
to human happiness. The following firms are entitled to your
the man who toils. He has on many
occasions manifested a most friendly
Interest In the cause, and Is entitled to
our hearty co-operation. Patronize Mr.
Voight and you patronize a friend.
The First National Bank ranks
among our leading financial institu
tions, and has retained the complete
confidence of the community since its
organization many years ago. This
bank transacts a general banking busi
ness. It discounts commercial pa
pers, loans on all approved collateral,
buys and sells foreign exchange, is
sues drafts and letters of credit and
receives the accounts of banks, bank
ers, corporations, firms and Individuals
on most favorable terms. The First
National Bank has the accounts of
many union men and are friends of
organized labor. -
This retsaurant, conducted by E. J.
Francis, located at-121 North Eleventh
street and known as the Capitol Cafe,
is a clean and home-like place, neatly
furnished and inviting, where the most
appetizing meals are served. It has
been established for seventeen years,
during which time a large patronage
has been built up on its own merits.
We take pleasure in recommending
this establishment to our people, who
desire a good meal at the most reas
onable price. When you patronize the
Capitol Cafe you can be sure that you
are spending your money with a friend
of union labor. Remember the location,
121 North Eleventh street.
. Union men and the people at large
recognize in this genial host a most
hospitable and good fellow; a good fel
low in this particular fact that he
knows a man when he sees him. With
our friend Mr. Bauer clothes do not
make the man. And this spirit is dom
inant in his nature, whether in sun
shine or showers, Mr. Bauer is a true
friend of labor, believes in its princi
ples and has a wide circle of friends
among the laboring men. This is one
of the best conducted saloons in Lin
coin, and when you patronize Bauer's
you know you are getting the best.
Mr. Bauer is located at 901 O street.
1236 O STREET.
The perfection of modern mechani
cal art has produced many machines
which are almost human in the scope
of their possibilities and have so near
ly revolutionized business methods
that those of twenty-five years ago
are looked upon as primitive and crude
indeed. In no instance is this more
true than in the case of the Singer
Sewing Machine, and while there are
many and varied makes of this house
hold necessity on the "market today,
we feel justified in saying that the
product of the Singer Sewing Machine
Co., whose output reaches over 1,500,
000 annually, leads all competitors.
The Grand Prix at the Paris Exposi
tion was awarded by the International
Jury to the Singer Sewing Machine Co.
for superior excellence and design,
construction, efliciency and for marked
development and adaptation to all
work, either in the family or the fac
tory. The only grand prize for sew
ing machines awarded at Paris was
unanimously given to the Singer Co.
At the World's Columbia Exposition in
Chicago the International Jury award
ed fifty-three distinct prizes to the
Singer product, more than all others
combined At the Pan American ex
position the highest award for sewing
machines was also granted this com
pany, which emphasizes the merits
of a Singer. The branch in this city
is located at 1236 O street, from which
Lincoln's people have direct care and
attention. Mr. J. R. Black is the gen
eral agent for the company in this
This is a pleasant place, well man
aged and conducted by a gentleman of
strict integrity who has the good will
of labor. Mr. Klamm, the proprietor
has a warm spot in his bosom for the
main who toils, having been one of
them for many years. Mr. Klamm has
one of the best stocks of wine, liquors
and cigars, and the beer dispensed
over this bar is always fresh and prop
erly drawn. This is a favorite place
for wage earners. Strictly orderly
and frequented by men who form a
goodly part of the wage earners of
Lincoln. Mr. Klamm has been in busi
ness for nine years and is located at
1036 P street.
Druggist and dealer in paints, oils,
varnishes, stationery and toilet ar
shops by well paid labor no sweat shop, Chinese, Childish or
made cigar you add to the volume of the City's business, build
better city.
Simmons & Eskew
Little Casino and C. B. &'Q.
135 N.12ih St. Lincoln, Neb-aska.
WE couldn't stay in business if we sold out at cost . or
We are not like the merchant who could afford to sell
below cost because he "sold so much' But our profit
is always reasonable. This means Lower Prices here
than elsewhere because our expense of operating; is
smaller in proportion to amount of business done.
' SOME - ;
We are overstocked in some lines, and in order to get rid
of the surplus we are making the profit margin Jower
than Ever.
MEN'S SUITS FROM $6 to $15
BOY'S SUITS FROM $1. 25 to $6
Got a lot of Union Made Hats, too. ' They are worth
every cent we ask for them. Got some "Scab", too.
Sell them for a dollar, but you'll have to take chances
on getting your money's worth. Oodles ' of Union
Made Shoes, Shirts, Overalls, etc. What's the matter
with investigating our goods and prices? That will
., be all you need to do. We'll take chances on getting
your trade if you'll do that.
8 TENTH and
opooffiOffiooooffioo o
We are receiving an entire new stock off Pianos.
Ther are off the Highest Grades and latest Case
Satisfactson Guaranteed or Money Refunded. ' i , ,
Schnaller & Mueller Piano Co.
135 So. 1 1th, Lincoln, Nebraska.
0 H n n I TP Lump and
UAnUIrr wi Egg
bell 334 Whitebreast Co
im i innm n j
m uuuULLr
there are none better made
patronage. Call for these
5c 10c 15c
1330 O STREET . .
o e
flake fine Xmas presents. Pick
out one we'll save it for you.
As an extra inducement, notice
7 Jewel, 25-year filled case. .$14.00
15 Jewel, 25-year filled case. . 16.50
17 Jewel, 25-year filled case. . 21.50
Examine our line of Solid-Gold Gent's
Watches. -.
E. Fleming
1211 O Street
) The 1)684 Coal in the city
Lump and ) A splendid Coal for the
r xt i r price. Screened .
Coarse Nut j Nut, per ton
I lumber Co., 1106