The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, December 21, 1906, Image 7

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Daalgns and Colors the Same Cross
Stitch Growing in Popularity Col
ored Embroidery on White Linen
Much Used.
Old-fashioned needlework has taken
complete possession of the most mod
era of up-to-date work baskets, and
every week or two one sees some one
of the kinds of handwork that were in
fashion many years ago being revived.
Cross stitch is growing in popularity,
and very beautiful floral pieces are
now being made for cushions, table
covers, etc. The designs are quite
those that were used when the work
was popular many years ago, and the
colors used are the dull, deep pinks,
dark garnets and shaded greens which
go so well with the stiff bouquets and
garlands of the patterns. One wonders
that some one does not invent an en
tirely new kind or designing for this
work, not because the old patterns are
not satisfactory, but because nowadays
we are always crying for new things.
As yet, however, the cross stitch work
ers seem to be perfectly satisfied with
the old pattern. Their aim is not to
make a departure Into new designs,
but to And some particularly quaint
old ones to copy something which
none of their acquaintances has come
Colored embroidery on white linen
is much used for pin cushions. The.
designs that are in fashion at the mo
ment are scattered and rather slight
and dainty. The most attractive work,
and also the most difficult, is that
which Includes open-work embroidery
in white thread and the colored em
broidery In the same design. For In
stance, a pin cushion was noticed dec
orated with corner designs, Including
scattered blossoms and butterflies.
The butterflies were of open-work em
broidery done in white, supplemented
around the wings with embroidery In
varl-colored linen thread. The tiny
blossoms were In different colored
linen threads.
The mingling of applique work with
fancy stitching is seen on the new
fancy work which is to be used on use
ful articles for bedrooms and dining-
rooms. For instance, a laundry bag
made of cotton etamine and lined with
yellow sateen had a decoration around
the bottom of chintz applique in yel
low and green. The design was of tall
yellow poppies with green leaves, and
the applique was so put on that the
flowers stood up all around the bottom
of the bag. The foliage, of course, was
around the bottom edge of the bag,
while the flowers came half way to the
' Knitting, Afghan shawls, etc., of
eephyr and Germantown wool on two
needles Is also a highly popular, indus
try among the fair sex.
Caring for Oilcloth.
The careful housewife avoids the
nse of either soap or ammonia in the
water with which her oilcloth Is
cleaned. She knows that their use will
injure the material and render the col
ors dull and lifeless. She also avoids
a brush unless she owns a very soft
one, and relies upon clear, clean water
and soft flannel cloths for her clean
ing work.
When the oilcloth has been washed
clean, she rubs It dry with a fresh dry
flannel cloth and then polishes the en'
tire surface with a rag upon which
there Is a very little linseed oil, or
some skimmed milk. The milk does
very satisfactory work, but should be
avoided in summer time, as it will
bring flies.
Some housekeepers think that oil
cloth keeps its freshness and gives far
better service if treated to a coat of
varnish when it is first put down.
Rainy-Day Cloeet.
Rainy days often mean trouble in
the household where there are plenty
of children, and some one has sug
gested that the mother of such a
brood would do well to provide herself
with a rainy-day closet.
r To it will find their way special
playthings reserved for state occas
ions; pictures, scrapbooks, paste pots,
scissors, old magazines and paint
boxes. Anything, in fact, that can
provide Indoor amusement. When
the rainy day comes round the closet
may be opened and a distribution of
Its blessings made.
Children delight in novelty, and
the very fact that there is a special
.treat reserved for the days when the
Bun doesn't Bhlne will go a long way
toward alleviating any disappointment
over the putting off of out-of-door
games and pleasures.
Potato Rissole (French).
Mash and season the potatoes with
alt, white pepper and cayenne, mix
with them plenty of chopped parsley
and a tiny piece of minced onion.
Add sufficient yolks of eggs to bind
the mixture together; roll it Into
small balU and fry them In plenty of
lard or butter over a moderate fire, or
they will be too much browned befon
they are done through.
Ham or any other kind of meat fine
!y minced may be substituted for the
herbs or added to them.
Angel Pudding.
Cook tOKether one pint of milk, one
naif cup of sugar and one-half cup of
;flour. Cool and add four eggs, yolks
and whites neparately beaten. Uak
.In a shallow pudding dish about an
hour In a not very hot oven, or just
us you would bake an angel cake.
Serve hot or cold with plain cream
Melts in your mouth.
Magnificent Crop Returns for ' the
Year 1906.
The manner In which the Canadian
West has attracted settlers in recent
years has caused many of our Journals
and public men to "sit up and take no
tice," to use a current phrase. From
every European country and from al
most every State in the Union large
number of settlers have flocked to the
prairie provinces of Canada, ' where
free homesteads and wide opportun
ities are open to all who desire to
avail themselves of them.
The greatest factor in attracting
settlers lies In the inherent richness
of soil and suitability of climate for
producing what is universally consid
ered to be the finest wheat in the
world the "No. 1 Hard" of Canadian
growth and other cereals that rank
in the very first class. This year the
harvest returns were: Wheat, 90,
000,000 bushels; oats, 76,000,000 bush
els; barley, 17,000,000 bushels; and
when it is considered that the entire
population of the three provinces as
evidenced by the quinquennial census
just completed is only 810,000, it is
easily seen that the lure of the Cana
dian West is in its agricultural poten
Another feature which attracts the
settler is that railway construction is
proceeding with such rapidity that al
most every district is within easy
reach of outside markets, and that
good prices for all lines of farm prod
ucts rule practically from the com
mencement of agricultural operations.
This is a factor which did not prevail
when the earlier settlements in the
West were made in Canada and in the
United States, and has given a great
impetus to Canadian Western settle
ment in recent years.
The free grant system ' of home
steads which prevails in the prairie
provinces, by which every settler who
is able and willing to comply with the
conditions of actual settlement (by no
means onerous) is given 160 acres
free, except $10 for entry, is a great
drawing card, and in the last fiscal
year gathered in over 189,000 addi
tional to the western population, of
which 57,796 were from the United
The further fact, as Is strongly
brought about by the agent of the
Canadian. Government, whose address
appears elsewhere, that a splendid
common school system, practically
free, prevails throughout the entire
country, and is easy of access in even
the most remote districts, is another
great Inducement to the settler who
bas the future welfare of his family
in mind, and this, coupled with the
fact that western Canadian law and
order are proverbial, completes &
circle of good and sufficient reasons
why the tide of immigration has set
in so steadily toward the country to
the north of our boundary line.
One Peril of " Ballooning."
One of the strange experiences of
a balloonist is that of falling into "a
hole in the air," which Mr. Rolker re
ports as follows: "So you continue
sailing, enjoying the present with
little thought of the startling sur
prises that may be before you. Ahead
of you, unseen, may be what the bal
loonist calls a 'hole in the air,' re
sembling the vortex of a maelstrom,
and down this you may literally fall
at a rate which is terrifying until, by
sacrificing two or three bagfuls of
sand at once, your pilot checks your
downward flight But these 'holes"
are scarce, and, as a rule, the atmos
phere is of uniform carrying power."
American Magazine.
Fine Silver Service for Cruiser.
One thousand five hundred ounces
of metal will be used In the silver ser
vice to be presented to the new ar
mored cruiser. Washington by the
people of the state after which the
ship is named. The service is com
posed of 53 pieces, and will cost $5,
000. The chief piece is the punch
bowl, in the shape of a gallot, orna
mented with a figure representing
Triton, the trumpeter of Neptune.
Actrese a Loyal Kentuckian.
Mary Anderson De Navarro, who
recently issued her memoirs, has sent
a copy of the book to the Commercial
club of Louisville, Ky., with the fol
lowing note: "For the Commercial
club of Louisville, with the best
wishes of Mary Anderson De Navar
ro, a loyal lover of Kentucky."
To prevent that tired feeling on
ironing day Use Defiance Starch-
saves time saves labor saves annoy
ance, will not stick to the iron. The
big 16 oz. package for 10c, at your gro
cer s.
"Has your wealth brought you hap
piness?" asked the philosopher. "Per
haps not," answered Mr. Dustin Stax;
"but it has at least stood between me
and a lot of annoyances."
At St. Osyth, Essex, England, an
ejectment order has been granted
against a tenant who, it was stated,
had paid no rent In 40 years.
Defiance Starch Sixteen ounces for
ten cents, all other brands contain
only 12 ounces for same money.
Says a woman: "I care not who
does the thinking so long as I am per
mitted to do the talking."
Some writers seldom have ocoasuyi
to use more than three vowels I O U
A bank roll may be a roll of honor
and then again it may not.
Mr. Wlnnlow's Soothing Syrup.
for children teethlnp. softens the Rums, reuuee In
fiamma'lon. allajrs paiu. curea wind colic. 25c a botue.
When money talks few of us are
bard of hearing.
Spent Over $100 in a Vain Search for
Miss Frances Gardner, of 369 Jack
son boulevard, Chicago, 111., writes:
"Gentlemen: I
heartily indorse
Doan's Kidney
Pills, as I have
found by personal
experience tha'
they are an ideal
kidney remedy. I
suffered with com
plications of kid
ney complaint for
nearly five years,
spent over $100 on
useless remedies, while five boxes of
Doan's Kidney Pills cured me in a few
short weeks. I am now enjoying the
best of health, have a fine appetite,
the best of digestion, and restful
sleep, all due to your splendid pills."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Philadelphia Man Victorious in Hand-to-Hand
Unarmed and alone, Thomas Dyke
was attacked by a wildcat on Locust
mountain, south of Mount Carmel, Pa.
He had been in Ashland and started
to drive home. His horse stepped on
a nail and he put the animal in a sta
ble. Then he started to walk home and
was on the mountain when the cries
of a wildcat alarmed him. A few
minutes later he saw the beast ten
feet in front of him. The animal
finally sprang. He jumped aside and
as the body of the cat struck the road
he leaped upon it. For several min
utes the fight between the wild ani
mal and the man went on. At length
by a quick swing he broke the ani
mal's back.
A physician dressed the several
deep scratches on his face and hands,
but otherwise he was uninjured.
Tremendous Itching Over Whole Body
Scratched Until Bled Wonder
ful Cure by Cuticura.
"Last year I suffered with a tremen
dous itching on my back, which grew
worse and worse, until it spread over
the whole body, and only my face and
hands were free. For four months or.
so I suffered torments, and I had to
scratch, scratch, scratch, until I bled.
At night when I went to bed things
got worse, and I had -at times to get
up and scratch my body all over, until
I was as sore as could be, and until I
suffered excruciating pains. They told
me that I was suffering from eczema.
Then I made up my mind that I would
use the Cuticura Remedies. I used
them according to instructions, and
very soon indeed . I was greatly re
lieved. I continued until well, and
now I am ready to recommend the Cu
ticura Remedies to any one. Mrs.
Mary Metzger, Sweetwater, Okla.,
June 28, 1905.".
Kitchener Took Second Place.
Lord Kitchener, the noted British
general, was induced to attend a big
social function in London recently.
He was introduced to a very pretty
girl, who expressed intense pleasure
at making his acquaintance. Gen,
Kitchener abhors "gush," but the
girl seemed so sincere that he asked
her why she was so glad to meet him.
"Why, you are Toby's uncle," she re
plied .with a blush, "and we are en
gaged, you know." His lordship hard
ly remembered the young man, but
acknowledged that he was delighted
to shine in the reflected glory of
Playwright's Complaint.
Bronson Howard lays the blame for
an inferior stage upon the tired busi
ness man who has to be amused. He
lately said: "I hate the tired business
man. He is the cause of plays being
produced that keep four other men at
home. I wish he would go home and
rest. The drama has no future in this
country until we cease to cater to the
tired business man."
To See Husband's Statue Unveiled.
Mrs. Ellen M. McClellan, widow of
Gen. George B. McClellan and mother
of the mayor of New York, has ar
rived in New York. She has been re
siding abroad, but will remain in this
country to be present at the unveiling
in Washington next April of the me
morial statue of Gen. McClellan.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of C ASTORIA,
a ufe and aare remedy for infanta and children,
and sea, that it
Bears the
Signature of
Tjl TJae For Over 30 Tears.
Xhe Kind Too Have Always Bought.
Gas Engines on Canal Boats.
Canal boats propelled by gas en
gines supplied from plants on the
boats which make the gas from coal,
are used in Germany. For slow boats
of moderate capacity the system
seems efficient and economical.
That an article may be good as well
as cheap, and give entire satisfaction,
is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Defiance Starch, each package con
taining one-third more Starch than
can be had of any other brand for the
same money.
Three Principal German Cities.
The three largest German cities
are Berlin, with a population of over
2,040,000; Hamburg, with 803,000, and
Munich, with about 540,000.
According to the last census there
are 11 female well-borers in the
United States.
The Evils of Constipation.
are many; in fact almost every se
rious illness has its origin in consti
pation, and some medicines, instead of
preventing constipation, add to it.
This is true of most cathartics, which,
when first used, have a beneficial ef
fect, but the dose has to be contin
ually increased, and before long the
remedy ceases to have the slightest
effect. There is one preparation, how
ever, that can be relied upon to pro
duce the same results with the same
dose, even after fifty years' daily
use, and this is Brandreth's Pills,
which has a record of over 100 years
as the standard remedy for constipa
tion and all troubles arising from an
impure state of the blood.
Brandreth's Pills are the same fine
laxative tonic pill your grandparents
used, and are for sale everywhere,
either plain or sugar-coated.
Will Observe Eclipse of Sun.
It is announced from Paris that the
"Bureau des Longitudes" has decided
to send to Samarakand a scientific
mission to observe the eclipse of the
sun that will be visible in central
Asia on January 13, 1907. The mis
sion will be under the direction of the
astronmer, Stefnik, of the observatory
of Mendon, who accompanied M.
Janssen on his expedition to Spain
for the observation of the eclipse of
August 30, 1905. Among the instru
ments with which the party will be
provided is a cinematograph, to pic
ture the French, Russian and other
scientists in the course of their ob
servations. Deer Through Store Window.
A three-year-old buck created a
sensation in Bank street. Providence,
R. I., the busiest thoroughfare, by
charging through the plate glass front
of a jewelry store.
Upon finding itself cornered the
buck retreated through the window
and a minute later went into a store
and knocked down the proprietor,
who is a heavyweight. The buck took
to the street, and after leading scores
of men and vehicles a merry chase,
escaped by taking to .the gardens in
one of the residential sections.
Sheer white goods. In fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal'
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the oods. Try Defiance Starch and
you win db pieasanuy surprised ai uu
iproved appearance of your work.
Gen. Rucker Now.
Laying quietly in retirement in
Washington in his ninety-fifth year
is Gen. Daniel H. Rucker, father-in-law
of Phil Sheridan and boyhood
chum of Sherman, whom he resem
bles more than a little ,in appearance.
He was born in Belleville, N. J., and
at an early age enlisted in the army
and served on the frontier, being a
great friend of Kit Carson. He served
during the Mexican war as, well as
the civil war and has lived in Wash
ington a number of years.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach
the seat of the disease. Catarrh la a hlood or consti
tutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take
internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, and aq(B directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is nofc a quack medi
cine. It was prescribed by one 9f liest physicians
In this country for years end Is a regular prescription.
It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the
two Ingredients Is. what produces euch wonderful re
sults In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by DruKKists, price 75o. V
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Picturesque German Custom.
A curious custom procures in the
German navy when the sailors, hav
ing served their time, pass into the
reserve. They don the "reserve flask"
also used on a similar occasion in
the army and parade the streets
wearing caps with ribbons which
reach to the ground, other ribbons be
ing attached to the canes they carry.
The extraordinary popularity of fine
white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all injurious chemicals, is the
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiff
ener makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
8ermon in Lieu of Fine.
Rev. Charles H. Tyndal of Mount
Vernon, N. Y., was caught overspeed
ing and summoned to court, but the
judge got him by telephone and told
him be need not appear, but that he
might square things by preaching a
good sermon next Sunday.
National Pure Food and Drugs Act.
Serial No. 384, assigned by the Governs
ment, and Guaranty that the preparations
comply in every respect with the require-!
ment 8 of the Pure Food and Drugs Acti
appear on every package of the Garfield
Tea Company's preparations.
Ambitious Youthful Violinist.
Miss Selma Gustafson, of Delhi,
Ont, a youthful violinist, has applied
for the leadership of one of the orches
tras the Colorado Midland railroad is
The greatest cause of worry on
ironing day can be removed by using
Defiance Starch, which will not stick
to the iron. Sold everywhere, 16 oz
tor 10c.
When a man is broke his friends
are always ready to give him ad
vice. When a man makes a fool of him
self he uses cheap n.aterial.
Blushes may come and blushes may
go, but freckles hang on forever.
Anyone can dye with PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYES; no experience required;
success guaranteed. t '
Half Pay for British Officers.
All British officers on the effective
list of the army that are elected mem
bers of the House of Commons are
to be placed on half pay from the date
of their election.
A Remarkable Lighthouse.
At the entrance of Odessa harbor
is a sunken rock which has been the
source of danger to navigators for
centuries past. The Russians have
decided to erect on this rock a light
house which will rival in originality
and interest any lighthouse of ancient
or modern times. This is to be a gi
gantic figure of Christ, holding aloft
in his left hand a cross. The light,
one of exceptional brilliancy, is to be
placed in the center of the cross.
What more fitting emblem for a light
house can one conceive than this fig
ure of the light of the world guiding
the mariner on life's sea to the port
of safety!
in the
always the
is the purest
help in the
money to pay
not half, so good
is made and guaranteed by
Jaques Tlfg. Co.,
$1,000.00 REWARD 1
b the GULF CO A8T 'COUNTRY IN SOUTH TEXAS. Our Farmers make sure crops of from
150.00 to $300.00 per acre, and two or three crops a year. SUFFICIENT RAINFALL. PRODUC
ike in the Pan handle. Land sells NOW at $14.00 to $25.00 per acre, on easy terms. WRITE TO.
bAY for FREE LITERATURE and LATEST TEXAS MAP. Advertising Department D
Positively cured Tm
these Idttle Pills..
They also rellere
tress from. Dyspepsia.
digestion and Too I
Bating. A perfect
edy for Dizziness, Na
Drowsiness, Bad,
In the Mouth,
Tongue, Pain In the Side,'
regulate the Bowels.
Purely Vegetable. -
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
R nntl additional miles
U.UbU 0f railway this
year have opened up v
largely increased terri
tory to the progressive
farmers ox Western
Canada and the Gov
ernment of the Domin
ion continues to giej
SIXTY ACRES FREE to every settler.
Coal, wood and water in abundance; churches
and schools convenient; markets easy of access;
taxes low; climate the best in the northern tem
perate zone. Law and order pre vails every where.
For ad-rice and information address the
Ottawa. Canada, or any authorized Canadian, -Government
Agent. ,
W. V. BENNETT, 801 New York Life Buildbj,
Omaha, Nebraska.
RFA1.FR of this paper de
IVLHlvinu siring to ouy any
""""" thing advertised in
its columns should insist upon having
what they ask for, refusing all substi
tutes or imitations.
mdlw.OI UN Washington, IK C
J Successfully Prosecutes ClaimaW
U Iate Principal Examiner U. 8. Pension Bureau
W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 51, 1906.
land is not
most costly.
. 3
25 ounces for 25 cents
and most efficient baking
country. It's a waste of
more for baking powder
! K C Baking Powder
Paid for the proof of any misrepresent.' -tions
in our Literature about
Dainty, Crisp, Drossy
are a delight to the refined -woman every
where. In order to get this result see
that the material is good, that it is cut in
the latest fashion and use .
in the laundry. All three things are im
portant, but the last is absolutely neces
sary. No matter how fine the material
or how daintily made, bad starch and
poor laundry work will spoil the effect
and ruin the clothes. DEFIANCE
STARCH is pure, will not rot the clothes
nor cause them to crack. It sells at 10c
a sixteen ounce package everywhere.
Other starches, much inferior, sell at 10c
for twelve ounce package. Insist on
getting DEFIANCE STARCH and be
sure of results.
Defiance Starch
Omaha, Nebraska.