The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 30, 1906, Image 1
ru mm ? TR a TYFC 1515?? I CONN CI I 5) VOL.: lilNCOIiX, NEBRASKA, XOVE.MBEB 30, 1900 x KoT'M - t ERA fn JV JV V km FA The Union Labor Fair, given under the auspices of the Lincoln Central Labor Union and Affiliated T Unions will begin Monday evening, Dec. 3, at the Auditorium, and continue every evening during the week. In addition to the large display of unionmade goods to be made by enterprising merchants, there will be attractions of various kinds for the entertainment of the people. Following is the program for the opening of the Fair, Monday evening, December 3, beginning promptly at 8:00 o'clock : Address of Uelcome, Hon. Uilliam J. Bryan Address by don. Frank U. Broun, Mayor of Lincoln Address by Ellon. John : icliey, Sou. of Nebraska Music by Union Orchestra. Dedication of Union Piano that will be disposed of during the Fair Dr. J. M. Mahew. Kimbro, the Magician. Dancing during the remainder of the evening, to music furnished by the Union Orchestra. During the progress of the Fair a Piano, made by members of the Piano, Organ and Instru ment Workers' Union, and bearing the label of that craft, will be disposed of according to plans that will be explained at the opening of the Fair. A handsome set of Chinaware will be voted to the most popular wife of a Union Man, This set is now on exhibition in the show windows of The A. D. Ben way Co. . A magnificient Gold Watch, standard, will be voted to the most popular railroad man who is a member of the Brotherhood. This watch is now on exhibition in the show window of Fleming Jeweler. A ton of Anthracite Coal will be voted to the homeliest Union Man. The successful competi tor may order it of any dealer he sees fit, provided only, that it shall be delivered by a Union Teamster. Other contests will be inaugerated during the progress of the Fair. The check room will be in charge of the Building Laborers' Union, and articles left will be carefully guarded. The Woman's Union Label League will serve ice cream and cake every evening during the Fair. Capital Auxiliary No. 11 to Typographical Union No. 209, will serve oysters and coffee every evening during the Fair. Something new will be offered on the stage every evening during the Fair. A great feature some time during the week will be the Baby Show, entries confined to babies born of Union parents. A prize for boy babies under two years of age, and a prize for girl babies under two years of age. Full particulars on the first night of the Fair. In the show window of the Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Co. is exhibited a modern, high oven Gas Range. This magnificent range is one of the prizes offered at the Fair. Full particulars on the opening night. This should attract every union man's wife. Remember, the evening's exercises will open promptly at 8 o'clock. Do not miss it. 1