The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 23, 1906, Image 7

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Men Want Pianos
We sell the only two makes of Pianos
made entirely by Union Labor, sold in
Lincoln Remember the names of these
makes (two):
The U-yazeroDGi usiros.
Tlhe Bush & Geirts
Our terms of payment are so easy and prices so reasonable, none
need be without a Piano in their home We are the oldest music
house in the State and you will be sure to get a square deal if you
buy of us Remember our firm name and location
Gossip of Gotham Town
Interesting Bits of News Gathered by Our Correspondent Kew
Phase of Co-operative Hcasln? to Be Tried Woman Given
High Post Farm Worth Millions in City.
ProSit-Sharing Prices
We're striving every minute to pro
mote the good feeling established, know
ing we must hold your favor after we
have won it.
We have assembled for our customers the biggest,
brightest and cheapest gathering of GOOD CLOTHES
for men and boys ever before shown in our store.
Come in and see for yourself, that you may better
realize the savings to be made by purchasing your
clothing here.
Charters issued 179, surrendered
10G. Gain in membership 5,416. Num
ber of strikes 100; won 90, compro
mised 5, lost 5. Advantages gained
without strike: Increased wages and
shorter hours in 100 localities. No re
dr.ctlon in wages in the past year.
i Wages advanced one-third, and hours
reduced 15 ,per cent are among im
I provements accomplished in the past.
I ten years. Death benefits $54,417.50;
! death benefits, members' wives $11,
Io0i. Donations to other unions $57,000.
Prices for Next Week that Mean a Savir 9
All the daily and labor papers are
full of increases of pay being granted
all kinds of organized workers, the
railway brotherhoods receiving an un
iiual number of increases in all parts
of the country. If you haven't noticed
it, we suggest that you observe that it
is the organized workers who are get
ting the money. Western Laborer.
Men's Beaver O'Coats. worth $7.50 for $5. Young Men's Dbl. Breasted Suits worth $12-50
Hen's Best O'coats, worth $12.50 for $7.50. at $5 and $7.50.
Boys' Odd Coats, worth $2.50 for $1.00; sizes Specials on Men's Suits at $7.50 and $10.00,
MP to 8 years. worth up to $15.
What You .Save . on . One . Purchase Here, Helps You to Buy Another
According to the official report of
! Frank Morrison, electrical workers
J report as follows for the year: Num
i ber of charters issued 50; surrendered
4. Gain in membership 6,000. Num
! ber of strikes 25; won 18, compromised
7. Number of persons involved 10,000;
! benefitted 10,000. Reductions in hours
of labor, from 10 to and 12 to 9-hour
' day, and from 9 to 8-hour day. Gains
in other respects: Conditional agree
ments. No reductions in wages in the
past year. Death benefits $8,100. Cost
o strikes, $120,000.
Outrage Not Regarded a Directed
Against Papacy, But as Chal
lenge to Society and
the Church.
' A Rome, Nov. 18 dispatch says: A
bomb was exploded in St. Peter's to
day. The edifice was crowded, and
.mindertcrtbable scene of confusion fol
lowed. There were no fatalities. A3
soon as ihe echoes of the tremendous
roar had ceased, a canon sought by
reassuring word! to quiet the people,
but in vain. They fled in nil directions
and a number of women fainted. The
church is eo large, however, that there
was n mole room for the crowd to scat
ter and no one was injured. No trace
of the perpetrator of the deed has been
Since Saint Anacletus, who was or
dained by Peter himself, erected an
oratory in 90 A. D. on the sight of the
present basilica to mark the spot
where the remains of Saint Peter were
buried, no such dastardly occurrence is
noted in the annals of the church.
Today was the aui.iversary of the
dedication of the basilica to St. Peter
and it was beautifully decorated for
the occasion. Holy relics were ex
posed and a large number of the faith
ful attended the services. The last
mass had just been concluded when
the explosion occurred, and only om;
canon, who had not quite finished re
mained at the altar of St. Peteromelia.
It was near here where the bomb was
placed. As the canon turned to bless
the communicants there was a tremen
dous roar which echoed through the
lofty arches of the immense dome like
a thunder clap. At the same time a
dense smoke spread throughout this
portion of the basilica and a strong
odor of gunpowder filled the air.
Confusion and panic at once seized
the people. The canon at the altar
tried to stem the tide of fear. He
shouted out: "Do not be afraid; it is
nothing, merely the noon-day gun."
As soon as the smoke cleared away
a hasty examination showed that no
body had been hurt in the crush, and
furthermore thnt no one had been
wounded by the explosion. Calm was
gradually restored, and people re
turned to view the extent of the dam
age. It was discovered that the bomb had
been placed under a scaffolding erected
to facilitate repairs to the roof ex
actly over the celebrated tomb of
Clement XIII, by Canova, which con
sists of a figure of the pope and twe
lions and which is the most remark
able piece of sculpture in the basilica.
An examination of the remains of
the bomb leads to the supposition that
it was crudely prepared on purpose to
mislead that it was manufactured in
the country. It is believed That the
bomb had a veiy long fuse in order to
enable the criminal to gain tlu piazza
before the explosion. It has been im
possible to trace him, and no one has
any recollection of seeing a man, who
by his movements, might have aroused
When the pope was notified of the
disturbance he was greatly shocked,
and It was some time before he re
gained his composure.
Subpoenas for Oil Men.
Subpoenaes for the defendants in
the federal government's suit against
the Standard Oil .company of New Jer
sey were issued in the United States
circuit court at St. l,ouis. There are
seventy-or.e corporation and partner-
i ship end seven individual defendants.
AH but one or two of the writs will
be sent to United States marshals in
other districts for service. A special
blank was provided for the writs and
the defendants were summoned to en
ter appearance the first Monday in
Automatic telephones are made in
xmion factory. Use the Automatic..
Capital Auxiliary No. 11 to Lincolu
Typographical Union No. 209 will meet
Friday, 2:30 p. m., November 30, at
Mrs. T. W. Dunn's. 2112 South Six
teenth street. All members are urged
to be presents
If you are smoking "Lucky Strike"
tobacco under the impression that it
is union made, quit. The label used
to be there, but it is there no longer.
The Patterson people built up a mag
nificent business because it used the
label on a superior quality of goods.
Now, it is trying to live on its repu
tation and no longer uses the label.
If you "just can't smoke anything
but "Lucky Strike'," for Heaven's sak
quit the vile habit of smoking.
Shot by Girl Employe.
Gustav Simmons, senior partner of
the Queen Waist Co., New York, was
shot and probably mortally wounded
in the offices of the company by Lou
ise de Massy, an employe. Miss de
Massy went to the office to get her sal
ary and was told to return at 5:30 the
usual hour for paying wages. Accord
ding to the police she then drew a re
volver and shot Simmons three times.
The woman was arrested. Miss de
Massy denies she fired the shots.
NEW YORK. Within a short time a unique
example of the cooperative apartment house, o
like any heretofore erected in this-city,, will be
ready for occupancy. This is- .the, luxurious "pri
vate hotel" at 11, IS and 15 East Forty-fifth street,
which has been erected by a corporation known
as the Home Club. Only six families will occupy
the immense structure, those of Wilbur C. Fisk
and Pliny Fisk, the principal stockholders in ihe
club, and four others whose names have not beeo
revealed. "
As the first cooperative apartment house con
taining all the features of a high-class hotel ever
built in this city, the structure has attracted much
attention irom those wealthy New Yorkers who
would eliminate housekeeping care3 but dislike
hotel or the usual apartment life. The
structure is the natural evolution of the numerous
large- studio buildings that have been planned
recently, and embodies all additional improvements that could be devised by
men oF unlimited means. Each of the tenants will have an available floor
space erjual to that in a five-story residence. Their meate will be. served from
a kitchen in the basement, to either a general or private 'dining-room, as they,
prefer, and every convenience of a modern hotel will be at their disposal.
The studio buildings are apartment houses pure and simple, and, although
usually cooperative, each family, to quote the law defining multiple dwellings,
"does it:3 cooking on the premises," or, in other words, in individual kitchens.
Mrs. Mary Grace Quackenbos, one of New
York's best woman lawyers, has been appointed
special assistant United States district attorney
by Henry L. Stimson, United States attorney.
M "5. Quackenbos is the. first woman who has
attain 3d so important 'a position in the legal--pro
fession. Her energy and thoroughness in investi
gating peonage cases in the lumber and turpentine
camps of the south as representative of the "Peo
ple's Law Firm" brought to her the recognition of
the United States district attorney.
The first case which Mrs. Quackenbos will
prosecute will be that of Signmcd S. Schwartz,
proprietor of a New York employment bureau,
charged with having induced men to accept posi
tions in the peonage districts under many glow
ing promises.
Mrs. Quackenbos' rise in the' profession has
been remarkable. Admitted to the bar in July, " '
3 904, she has in two years figured in several celebrated cases.. Perhaps the ocst ,
known of these was the case of Mrs. Antoinette Tolla, murderess, of Kln$-
land, 'A. J., whom she saved from' the gallows. On March 9, three days beforp
?.lrs. Tolla was to hang, Mrs. Quackenbos, after a week's effort, Induced the ,
board, of pardons of New Jersey to commute the death sentence to seven and
one-hslf years' imprisonment.
Between Kinety-fourth and ; Ninety-nTtl
streets, on West End avenue, is one ol the most
valuable farms in the world. To be sure it con-v
tains only one acre, but that acre is worth more-
the carpet manufacturer, who has resisted all:
offers for its purchase. 4
This wee farm is leased for anominal sttm to
Henry West,' a steady, hard-working man, ; who-lives-in
a little rustic cottage perched on the side:
of a miniature hill. Behind it rises atall apart'
ment house, which late in the afternoon throws
its shadow over the farm. Mr. West, who has.
been cultivating this plot of ground for 2& years,
"Although my little place contains only aa
acre, it keeps me busy all summer. I lave n&
one to help me; I do- the work alone, and manage,
to make every inch of the ground productive, i
raise green corn, string beans and potatoes, all of which I -sell to people Br
ing in the vicinity, except that which 1 keep for my own use. Everybody
suems to think that the stuff I raise is 100 per cent, better than, that which
they purchase in the markets. Indeed, is such, a novelty to. see crppr grow-,
ing among the city's tall buildings that people come long distances to Inspect
my little farm. There is one man who comes here every day, when the sweet
corn gets large enough, to obtain his supply.' Ten minutes after the corn s
pickod he has it cooking in a pot on his kitchen stove. Fresh vegetables are.
his hobby. i..i4
Over at 253 Graham avenue, Brooklyn, an
aged father and mother, two sisters and a brother
are bewailing the death of Jakey Kaplan, as he
was familiarly known to pretty nearly all in the
Brownsville section. About five years ago he left
the province of Courland in Russia, taking passage
to America with no other asset than a little red
bundle and an abundance of energy and ambition.
He did not know a word of English when he
landed at Ellis island. The Hebrew Aid society
released him and gave him a small sum of money.
With that he bought a basket and a small stock
of shoestrings, collar buttons and other notions
and thus equipped he started a successful business
career. Within a year he had saved enough to
bring his old father and mother, two sisters and
brother to this country. When they came he
rented a house at 253 Graham avenue, Brooklyn,
and it took every cent he had left to meet the s ', ' ' ';'
first month's rent. After that all the members of the family worked at somev
thing and in a few months the shop into which he had turn' a-part-of-the
house was the storehouse for a considerable stock of dry goods and notions
from which his pushcart and his brother's were supplied.
Business prospered and a friend of the family told a reporter that tlw
family owned $10,000 in real estate and other assets. AH this Jakey liadi,
done by the time he was 21, but the hard work told on his strength, an$(
typhoid pneumonia took a fatal hold on him, ending in his death. The funera
was held from the little dwelling and both before and after the hour there
was a steady stream of friends of acquaintances, young and old, who Went to;
pay their last tribute to his memory. '
The officials of the Children's society breatbevt.
a sigh of relief when they got rid of a. twb-year-oldY-baby
boy who was on their hands for two weelaj
recently. There have been hundreds of two-year-olds
in the society rooins since -the organiaatiaa
was founded, but none ever compared with the;
little unknown who made things so lively that!,
there wasn't an hour's peace while he. stayed far 5
the place.
On the night of October 4 little Samson, aa.
he was quickly called, was found in Corlears Hookt
park, where he had been abandoned. He waav
turned over to a cop, who took him to the Delan
cey street police station. Thence he was shipped
to the Children's society. He was a- pretty little
youngster, with light hair, .big blue eyes aodr Jaf
complexion, and he was fairly well dressed. :
Although unable to talk, he made it known
that he wanted a drink of water and a couple of
cops on reserve made a rush to wait on him. When the tot drank bi fill iie
1st the dipper fly and caught Policeman Sullivan over the eye. He laughed
in glee when he saw the cop rubbing his sore spot and straightway bawled for
all he was worth until the dipper was handed back to him. A second tupe
he let it rip and it crashed through a window of the back room.
Seeing that he had done some destruction, he appeared to be happy tor
awhile, but once his eyes rested upon the checkers and dominoes on the table
he slid off the bench and toddled over. The big cops didn't like the interrap-,
tKm of the game, but there was nothing to do. but quit then and there. San
son gathered all the checkers and dominoes together and then let loose a'
fusillade. Laughing and chuckling, he threw every one at the cops, he
dodged and fled from the room. - - -
Left alone, Samson toddled across the room and kicked over every cus
pidor, overturned benches ..and chairs and with a mighty effort tipped til
heavy table. The sergeant, hearing the racket, rushed in - and just naSeel
Samson in the act of hurling a brush through a pane of glass. The cope wer
accused of cowardice for not standing their ground and the doorman wa
threatened with charges. Two bluecoats were detailed to watch the toxos
ster, while the atkavs were set to work straightening out the disordered nxnrv