The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 23, 1906, Image 4

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I TjyPt6r?;gg COUNCIL 3
Published Weekly at 137 No. 14th
St., Lincoln, Neb. One Dollar a Year.
Entered as second-class matter April
21, 1904, at the postofflce at Lincoln,
Neb., under the Act of Congress of
March 3rd, 1879.
Jl J J J Jt J J Jl Jt
jt "Printers Ink," the recog- J
j nized authority on advertis- Ji
J Ing, after a thorough investi- a
jt gation on this subject, says: Jt
"A labor paper is a far bet- jt
jt ter advertising medium than v.
jt an ordinary newspaper in jt
jt comparison with circulation. jt
jt A labor paper, for example, jt
Jt having 2,000 subscribers is of Jt
, J 1 more value to the business jt
man who advertises in it jt
jt tht an ordinary paper with jt
jt 12,000 subscribers." Jt
Jt Jt
Jt jt Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjijtjtjt
We wi stand by our friends and ad
minister a stinging rebuke to men or
parties who are either indifferent, neg
ligent or hostile, and, whenever oppor
tunity affords, secure the election of
intelligent, honest, earnest trade union
ists, with clear, unblemisr--d, paid-up
union cards in their possession.
To one who has striven hard for
years -to advance the interests of or
Kunized labor It seems strange that
there should be any opposition to the
proposition that organized labor, as
such, should take a hand in the po
litical . game. How workingmen can
expect ever to secure justice without
resort to the ballot-box is a mystery.
Surely experience has been costly
enough to prove to any thinking man
taht every benificent law is the result
of agitation, and' not the result of kind
nes or love on the part of those whose
opportunities or greed have been cir
cumscribed by the adoption of the law.
The workingman who is content to toil
away in the. belief that some day or
other. In some way or either, he will
he given all that he is entitled to by
the man who has been taking the
greater part of it, will simply die with
his expectations unrealized. i
No great reform was ever achieved
in this or 'any other country by just
simply waiting for those' who made
the reform necessary to bring it about.
The reforms have been brought about
by those who suffered under the
(buses until patience ceased to be a
viitue, and who then threw of all res
traint and set about securing the re
form. The men who are robbing the
tollers today are not at all likely to
quit it voluntarily. The men who
l.rofit by unjust laws that lay the
burden upon the shoulders of the
toilers today are not at all likely to
toke the initiative in the repeal of
those laws. The industrial reforms
which are so much needed by those
who perform the work will never be
granted by -those whose interests de
mand the postponement of those re
forms. If ever industrial reform Is
achieved it will be as the result of the
work of those whose interests demand
the reform.
The working people of this country
the real breadwinners suffer from
unjust laws, from unjust competition,
fiom unjunst conditions and from un
just judges. And unjust laws lie at
the bottom of all the rest. Now, why
hi; so foolish as to imagine for a mo
ment that the workers can bring about
the needed change by simply waiting
for the other fellows to dothe right
thing? We must change conditions,
unci In order to change conditions, we
must change laws and to change laws
we must have a change of lawmakers.
Instead of electing men whose inter
ests are not our interests, we must
elect men from our own ranks. And
in order to do this we must lay aside
party prejudices and vote from a coni
nlonsense standpoint. We must sup
port men who believe as we believe
on the fundamental principles of in
dustrial progress.- As union men op
)Ksed to child labor we are very
likely to get anti-child labor legislation
by electing men who are personally
profiting from the employment of chil
dren. Hut a lot of union men or, rather,
members of unions would still prefer
to stick to their party than to further
their Interests as workingmen. From
this class, happily growing smaller,
will come the opposition to the po
litical plan of the American Federa.
tlon of Labor. The majority of men
who have a heart interest in the mat
ter will commend the plan and will
advocate its continuance. The first
trial was a success, even if it did not
defeat some of labor's enemies or elect
some of labor's friends. It did call
attention to the fact that organized
labor is waking up and determining
to make its power felt. With practic
ally no preparation, and without ex
perience as an organization in prac
tical politics, the Federation accomp
lished a great deal in a few weeks.
What it can do with two years' of
experience is a matter that is causing
the political bosses the utmost con
cern. The Wageworker heartily endorses
the political propaganda of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, and hopes
to sc-e it continued.
A great many people are likely to
be deceived by the recent wage ad
vance by the principal railroad sys
tems of the country. There lias been
a uniform advance of 10 per cent in
the Wage scale on a great many of
the big systems, and a lot of hyster
ical people are inclined to herald it
as an act of great generosity on the
part of the railroad managers.
But it is nothing of the kind. The
advance is due to two causes, the least
of the two being the concerted de
mand made for the increase by or
ganized labor. The chief cause for
the increase lies in the recent awak
ening of the American people to the
fact that they have for years been
robbed right and left by the corpor
ations. The people have shown a de
termination to put - a stop to extor
tionate rates that have permitted a
dozen men to pay enormous dividends
on watered stocks. The public out
cry has become so strong that the cor
porations see the necessity of doing
something to make it sub-side. And
with characteristic cunning they have
seized upon the wage increase. T5v
making a substantial increase in
wages they hope to set the people to
talking so loudly about the increase
of wages that they will forget to keep
up the agitation for lower rates. And
if the corporations can continue to
pay dividends of 20 and 30 per cent on
stocks that are three-fourths water
they will cheerfully pay the 10 per
cent increase in wages.
The fact still remains that a 10 per
cent increase in the wage by no means
evens up the increased cost of living.
And it by no means makes good the
increased service demanded of the
employes. Take the services of the
engineers and firemen, for instance.
The engineer is performing 100 per
cent more service than he did ten
years ago. That is, because of the in
creased size of locomotives he is en
abled to handle 100 per cent more
cars. Of course he is not entitled to
all of the credit, but certainly he is
entitled to more than 10 per cent of
the saving made' by the employers by
reason of the improved machinery.
The fireman on a modern through
freight or passenger train performs
actually twice as much labor as he did
in the days of the small engines and
small trains. And yet he is expected
to rejoice and be glad because hi3
wage is increased 10 per cent while
his work is increased 100 per cent.
The American people are proverb
ially fickle. It is more than probable
that they will pay so much attention
to the paltry increase in wages that
thoy will forget to keep up their agi
tation for decent and equitable freight
rates. The managers of our great rail
road systems are not philanthropists.
Not by a long shot!
The incoming governor, Mr. Sheldon,
will have the appointment of a deputy
labor commissioner. It is taken for
granted that Burrit Bush will toot be
re-appointed, he having served four
years. Governor Sheldon would make
a hit by appointing some union man
after consulting with union men who
have the success of the bureau more
at heart than they have the placing of
a juicy political plum.
exhibited by the makers at the Labor
Fair. But some of the product may
be exhibited alongside of the product
of union made factories, .with compara
tive prices paid to the girls who made
Central Labor Union meets next
Tuesday night. Be there and be ready
to take the .work assigned you for the
success of the Labor Fair.
Mr. Post is going to take the lecture
platform. He can have his spiel taken
ir. shorthand every night, too, without
extra er.pense.
The Cnited States Steel Co. de
mands the "open shop" for itself. That
is why ir pleads for a protective tariff.
The way to "knock" on labor's ene
mies is to buy the goods made by
labor's friends. Look for the label.
The '' Lincoln Distraction Co. has
suddenly discovered that "unfairness"
is a game that two can play at.
The v. oi kingman who does his think
ing with his belly sooner or later re
grets .vith his head.
The Union Labor Fair begins a week
from next Monday. Now, get busy!
One more week and then the Union
Labor Fair. Are you "boosting?"
Union Labor Fair, December 3 to S.
Boost for the Union Labor Fair.
Union Labor Fair.
Labor Fair.
The Wageworker offers the follow
ing as a specimen of "reform journal
ism" as practiced .in-Lincoln: "John
Jimpkins is a lowlived pup. He is a
thief and a robber. ' He ought to be
shot.' Now, John Jimpkins, can get
his side of the case before the same
people who read the above by paying
The Wageworker 'steen cents -tier inch.
Senator Beveridge has an idea aud
It is a good one. He would let the
government handle the child labor
question by enacting a law prohibit
ing the transportation by interstate
railroads of goods made by children
under a certain age. Good idea! Bully
for Beveridge. That is no "dream."
Are you "boosting" for the Labor
Fair, or ai-e you just laying down on it
like you have on about every other
proposition calculated to advance the
cause of unionism?
The gentlemen composing the state
printing board would do well to ap
point a competent union printer to
the position of secretary of the board.
No, the product of the Lincoln Over
all and Shirt Co.'s factory will not be
One of the Old-Time Printers Takes
"30" From the Hook.
Albert O. Wilson, faoailiarly known
a;", "Bert," 'one of the old-time printers
of Nebraska, died Saturday, November
17, at the Union Printers' Home in
Colorado Springs. The remains were
take nto Holdrege, Neb., where fun
eral services were held on Tuesday,
November 20.
And thus closed the life of one of
the best of the "old bunch" of print
ers who have made history in the
west Everybody liked "Bert" because
he was one of those genial, whole
souled, companionable men who jiesi
tated at nothing to help a friend in
need. Always cheerful, always "opti
mistic, always loyal, he left good cheer
behind him as he passed along th
way. He was a union man who stood
four-square. The writer enjoyed an
intimate acquaintance with Bert ex
tending over seventeen years.
Mr. Wilson was born at Littleton,
111., March 17, 1857. He early showed
an inclination for the printing trade,
and before he was sixteen years old
he established '.'Wilson's Weekly" at
Roseville, 111. In 1878 be came to
Nebraska, locating in Phelps county
iind starting the "Phelps County Pio
neer,' the first paper in that county.
This paper he printed on a press of
his own manufacture. From Phelps
county he went to Kearney, and for
several years was connected with the
New Era of that city, then published
by the Rhone Brothers. In 1893 he
came to Lincoln and became foreman
of the Western Newspaper Union. This
position he held until failing health
compelled him to resign. He was
sent to Muskogee, I. T., to take charge
of the plant there, it being hoped that
the change would benefit him. But
bis . health continued to fail and he
was soon compelled to quit work en
tirely. Last spring he went to - the
Union Printers' Home, aud his many
friends hoped that the rest and care
to be found there would soon bring
him renewed health. But the hope
was vain. Slowly he succumbed to the
dread disease, tuberculosis. The
friends who saw him last August were
shocked at the great change for the
worse, and 'they realized that the end
could not be far off. But he was the
same cheerful, optimistic "Bert."
Mr. Wilson was not only a first-class
printer. He was an inventor of no
small repute. . He invented a leading
machine for linotype matter that is in
use throughout the country. He also
invented a machine for wrapping wire
around poles which will undoubtedly
be a valuable possession some time.
Mr. Wilson leaves a wife and two
sons and two brothers to mourn hi
death. One brother, H. T. Wilson,
is a , resident of Lincoln. To the de
voted wife and the two stalwart sons
the full measure of sympathy of a host
of friends will be extended. Unionism
has lost a staunch supporter, and a
family a devoted husband and father,
in the death of Bert Wilson.
Peace to, his soul!
The National Brotherhood of Opera
tive Potters, in session at Akron, O.,
recently decided to build a home for
aged and indigent potters.
Union Cleanly Handy
101 South 11th, - Lincoln
Henry Pfeifi
Fresh and Salt Meats
Sausage, Povllry, Etc
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Telephones 888-477. 314 So. Ilth Street
Clioap (Coal
One or more can buy
a car off Coal, direct
from the mine, at
$3.50 PER TON
Correspondence Solicited
!,., ft
ialnm nin. a,
DR. 11. Ii. BENTL.EY,
Specialist Children
Office Hours 1 to 4 p.m. -Office
2116 O st. Both Phones.
Lincoln. Nebraska.
Union Harness & Repair 1
Harness repairing, Harness
washed and oiled. I use the S
Union Stamp and solicit Union g
Trade. All kinds of vork fur- O
nished on call. .14-5 So. 9th. 8
flew Windsor Hotel
Lincoln, Nebraska,
American and Knropeau plan.
American Plan $2 to 93 per day.
European I'lan, Rooms 50c to
9150 per day. 9& rooms all out
side. Popular priced restaurant
luucli counter and Ladles' cafe.
E. M. PEN NELL. Mgr.
New Location, 1127 O
Fine work a Specialty.
Auto 3336
Anything in our Line?
Members of the Union
1309 0 Street . Auto 1591; Bell 915
Bring this ad and save ten per cent on
your bills.
I Columbia National Bank
General Banking Business. Interest on tine deposits
I The Lincoln Wallpaper &!Paint Co. 1
X Strictly Union Shop i
p-SSTSSSS Modern Decorators, Wall J
Paper, Mouldings, Etc. gffigt 1
o Auto Phone 1975 g
e i
Wa tmu IVI
Rubber Heels. 35c
Best Kalf-Soles 60c to 75c
Hand-Sewed $1.00
Repairing neatly done.
I Sell Union-Made Shoes
1529 0 Street
factory No. -
No higher in cost than other shoes, but you may be sure they are
made under the best conditions. More for your money in Union Stamp
Shoes than in those without the stamp. By wearing Union Stamp shoes
yon do much to help wage earning shoemakers. If you cannot get the
Union Stamp shoes in your locality, write
Boot and Shoe Workers' Union
Your Cigars Should Bear This Label..
Issued by Authority 01 the Citar Makers International union of America.
Union-made Cisrars.
Tfut tflc CifV etnttwetf intta box tw Mm mw by flfStQiSS WfffcMRJ
Vmsm Ciuis to ail smokers tNoutNwt Ttw MOrid.
uimgeatnttupM Uiu tM mil be penary Kcoriiig tela.
3 m-
It is insurance against sweat shop and
tenement goods, and against disease. . . .
Three Good Rules
to Follow
First When Traveling between Omaha and Chicago, use The Overland
Limited leaving at 8:35 p. m. from Union Station.
Second. If you cannot use The Overland Limited, use The Eastern Ex
nress leaving at 5:45 d. m. ' - ...
Third. If you cannot use either of .the above, take The Chicago Express'
leaving at 7:Li a. m. r '
In these three trains the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
offers an excellence in service between Omaha and Chicago not obtain
able elsewhere. All trains arrive in Union Station in the heart of Chicago.
Al! trains are protected by block signals and run over a smooth track all
th wav ,.
Low Rates to Many Eastern Points
General Western Agent.
1524 Farnam Street,
The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium
Lincoln, Nebraska
For non-contagious chronic diseases. Largest,
best equipped, most beautifully furnished.
For Quick Deliveries and Good Grades of
' I Z3
Hard Scranton and
Soft Coal
can Schaupp Coal Co.
Phones: Bell 1 8a
Auto 3812
1234 O St.
YARDS, 18th and
R Streets